25 research outputs found

    Sprachkorpora im Phonetikunterricht

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    A Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial in Healthy Older Adults to Determine Efficacy of Glycine and N-Acetylcysteine Supplementation on Glutathione Redox Status and Oxidative Damage.

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    Glycine and cysteine are non-essential amino acids that are required to generate glutathione, an intracellular tripeptide that neutralizes reactive oxygen species and prevents tissue damage. During aging glutathione demand is thought to increase, but whether additional dietary intake of glycine and cysteine contributes towards the generation of glutathione in healthy older adults is not well understood. We investigated supplementation with glycine and n-acetylcysteine (GlyNAC) at three different daily doses for 2 weeks (low dose: 2.4 g, medium dose: 4.8 g, or high dose: 7.2 g/day, 1:1 ratio) in a randomized, controlled clinical trial in 114 healthy volunteers. Despite representing a cohort of healthy older adults (age mean = 65 years), we found significantly higher baseline levels of markers of oxidative stress, including that of malondialdehyde (MDA, 0.158 vs. 0.136 µmol/L, p < 0.0001), total cysteine (Cysteine-T, 314.8 vs. 276 µM, p < 0.0001), oxidized glutathione (GSSG, 174.5 vs. 132.3 µmol/L, p < 0.0001), and a lower ratio of reduced to oxidized glutathione (GSH-F:GSSG) (11.78 vs. 15.26, p = 0.0018) compared to a young reference group (age mean = 31.7 years, n = 20). GlyNAC supplementation was safe and well tolerated by the subjects, but did not increase levels of GSH-F:GSSG (end of study, placebo = 12.49 vs. 7.2 g = 12.65, p-value = 0.739) or that of total glutathione (GSH-T) (end of study, placebo = 903.5 vs. 7.2 g = 959.6 mg/L, p-value = 0.278), the primary endpoint of the study. Post-hoc analyses revealed that a subset of subjects characterized by high oxidative stress (above the median for MDA) and low baseline GSH-T status (below the median), who received the medium and high doses of GlyNAC, presented increased glutathione generation (end of study, placebo = 819.7 vs. 4.8g/7.2 g = 905.4 mg/L, p-value = 0.016). In summary GlyNAC supplementation is safe, well tolerated, and may increase glutathione levels in older adults with high glutathione demand. Clinical Trial Registration: https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT05041179, NCT05041179

    The relationship between prosodic and syntactic organization in early multiword speech

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    Several descriptions of the transition from single to multiword utterances use prosody as an important diagnostic criterion. For example, in contrast to successive single-word utterances, 'real' two-word utterances are supposed to be characterized by a unifying, intonation contour and a lack of an intervening pause. Research on the acquisition of prosody, however, revealed that control of the phonetic parameters pitch, loudness, and duration is far from complete at such an early stage. In this study, we examine the interaction between the development of different types of syntactic structures and their prosodic organization. Data from a detailed production record of a monolingual German-learning boy is analysed both auditorily and. acoustically with a focus on four different types of two-word utterances produced between 2;0 and 2;3. Two major findings are reported here. First, the different types of two-word utterances undergo individual trajectories of prosodic (re-)organization, in part depending on the time course in which they become productive. This suggests that different types of multiword utterances become prosodically fluent at different points in time.. Second, the variability of prosodic features such as pauses and stress pattern is very high at the onset of combinatorial speech. Consequently, fluency or disfluency of individual examples should not be used as a reliable criterion for their syntactic status and we recommend caution when taking prosody as a cue for syntactic development

    Sprachkorpora im Phonetikunterricht

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    Sprachkorpora, repräsentative Sammlungen authentischer Sprache angereichert mit zusätzlichen linguistischen Informationen, erfreuen sich einer zunehmenden Beliebtheit im Fremdsprachenunterricht. Während im fremdsprachlichen Wortschatz- und Grammatikunterricht Korpora bereits vermehrt als eine Möglichkeit des induktiven Lernens genutzt sowie als Werkzeuge zur Unterrichtsvorbereitung eingesetzt werden, ist diese Methode im Phonetikunterricht bisher noch weitgehend ungenutzt. Dieser Artikel beschreibt die Möglichkeiten des Einsatzes verschiedener Arten von Sprachkorpora im fremdsprachlichen Phonetikunterricht. Dabei werden sowohl die Vorteile der korpusbasierten Lehre für Lernende als auch der Einsatz von phonetisch annotierten Korpora für Lehrende zur Unterrichtsvorbereitung und der Entwicklung korpus-basierter Materialien vorgestellt

    Review of Jowitt (2019): Nigerian English

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    Nigerian English prosody

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    Introduction: Mapping unity and diversity in New Englishes

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