116 research outputs found

    The Outdoor Spaces of the Arts-and-crafts movement : gardens in England at the turn of the last century

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    MÄlet med denna studie Àr att utforska arts-and-craftstrÀdgÄrdens karaktÀr genom att studera dess designelement och hur dessa Àr beskaffade. Arts-and-craftsrörelsen var en av de mest inflytelserika strömningarna inom design i modern tid. Dess ideal har ÄteranvÀnts och tolkats av mÄnga formgivare pÄ 1900- och 2000-talet. Rörelsen föddes ur invÀndningar mot industrialismens verkningar under andra hÀlften av 1800-talet i England. Förgrundsgestalterna inom rörelsen var John Ruskin (1819-1900) och William Morris (1834-1896). Man föresprÄkade vikten av hantverk, Àven skapandet av trÀdgÄrdar betraktades som ett hantverk. Inspiration till arts-andcraftstrÀdgÄrdarna hÀmtades frÄn Tudortidens och medeltidens trÀdgÄrdar. William Robinson som rekommenderade anvÀndning av hÀrdiga vÀxter som planterades i naturalistiska kompositioner var en revolutionerande inspirationskÀlla. För att analysera arts-and-craftstrÀdgÄrdens egenskaper har jag gjort en litteraturstudie; böcker, tidningsartiklar och internetkÀllor har anvÀnts. Jag besökte flera arts-and-craftstrÀdgÄrdar i England vÄren 2017. Dessutom har det gjorts en jÀmförande studie av tvÄ trÀdgÄrdar: Snowshill Manor och Great Dixter för att ytterligare klargöra vari arts-and-craftstrÀdgÄrdens karaktÀr bestÄr. Arts-and-craftstrÀdgÄrden formades av ett antal trÀdgÄrdsrum som kopplades samman av axlar och vyer. Man steg in i en annan vÀrld som var spÀnnande och lite mystisk, de olika rummen hade för det mesta olika teman. TrÀdgÄrden betraktades som en förlÀngning av huset. Planteringarna var naturalistiska inom en formell struktur vanligen bestÄende av hÀckar. HÀrdiga traditionella vÀxter och lokala material anvÀndes vid trÀdgÄrdsskapandet. Det framgick av den jÀmförande studien att arts-and-craftstrÀdgÄrdar kan vara mycket olika varandra. Det fanns en stor mÄngfald ibland trÀdgÄrdarna och vi kan lÀra oss mycket av dem Ànnu idag. Det fanns bland annat en vilja att ta tillvara naturresurserna som Àr minst sagt lika aktuellt idag och det finns mÄnga spÀnnande designlösningar som kan vidareutvecklas av oss i nutiden

    Förekomst av Interleukin-1ÎČ i synovia hos halta hĂ€star

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    Ledinflammation som orsak till hÀlta Àr vanligt hos hÀstar inom alla discipliner. Om inflammationen inte upptÀcks i tid eller behandlas felaktigt resulterar den ofta i osteoartros och kronisk hÀlta. Patogenesen frÄn en reversibel synovit till osteoartros Àr inte helt klarlagd. En rubbad homeostas i leden med olika endogent producerade mediatorer tros starta en ond cirkel som sedan Àr sjÀlvunderhÄllande. Att finna en markör för att upptÀcka tidiga förÀndringar Àr högintressant. Den proinflammatoriska cytokinen Interleukin-1 har föreslagits vara den molekyl som initierar en kaskadreaktion av för leden skadliga processer. Denna pilotstudie syftar till att i synovia hos halta hÀstar mÀta koncentrationen Il-1! med hjÀlp av en kommersiell Equine Il-1! ELISA. HÀlta har verifierats med Lameness Locator som Àr ett objektivt datorbaserat system för att utvÀrdera rörelseavvikelser hos hÀst. Endast i 4 av 33 provtagna leder (normala och konstaterat hÀltorsakande) sÄgs mÀtbar Il-1! koncentration i denna studie. NÄgra slutsatser rörande förekomst vid olika patologiska tillstÄnd i leder eller tidpunkt i förhÄllande till skadetillfÀlle kan dÀrför inte dras. Ytterligare studier av hur Interlekin-1 pÄverkar patogenesen vid osteoartros och nÀr dess effekt Àr som störst bör utföras i en större skala och pÄ ett större och mer varierat hÀstmaterial.Joint inflammation as a cause of lameness is common in horses in all disciplines. If the inflammation is not observed in time or not treated appropriately, it often results in osteoarthrosis and a chronic lameness. The pathogenesis from reversible synovitis to osteoarthrosis is not completely established. A disrupted homeostasis in the joint with different endogenously produced mediators is assumed to start a vicious circle, which becomes self-perpetuating. To find a marker to detect early changes is of utmost interest. The proinflammatory cytokine interleukin-1 has been proposed to be the molecule initiating a cascade of harmful processes in the joint. This pilot study aims at measuring the concentration of Il-1! in synovia from lame horses with the aid of a commercial Equine Il-1! ELISA. Lameness has been verified with the computer-based system Lameness Locator, which objectively evaluates asymmetrical movement in the horse. Only in 4 of 33 synovial samples (from both normal and lame joints), detectable concentrations of Il-1! were found. Therefore no conclusions regarding prevalence in different pathological conditions or point in time in relation to the injury can be drawn. Further investigations are required to better understand how Interleukin-1 affects the pathogenesis to osteoarthrosis and when itŽs effect is at largest. This should be done in a larger scale and on a larger and more diverse population of horses

    Here, there, but not everywhere: Adoption and diffusion of IoT in Swedish municipalities

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    The Internet of Things (IoT) brings with it promises of smart cities with improved efficiency, increased transparency, and enhanced public services. However, few studies have empirically and systematically investigated the reasoning behind the decision to adopt IoT within municipal organizations. In this paper we study the adoption and diffusion of IoT in Swedish municipalities. We outline areas of application and perceived value creation and conclude that the main reasons for adoption and diffusion can be traced back to 1) the simplicity of the IoT solution, and 2) clear incentives. Among the municipalities that have not embraced IoT, commonly cited barriers are economic factors and that other, more politically charged, issues take priority. This paper extends our understanding of public sector perception of IoT, as well as provides a comprehensive outlook on drivers for IoT-adoption

    Impact of a Parent’s Neurodegenerative Disease and Care on the Daily Life of Children

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    The purpose of the study described in this chapter was to explore children’s and parents’ views of how a neurodegenerative disease in a parent influences the daily life of the child. Focus groups were carried out with nine families of children, adolescents and parents with and without Parkinson’s disease, Multiple Sclerosis (MS) and Huntington’s disease. Each group met twice over a period of 4 weeks. Data were transcribed and analysed using qualitative content analysis. The results explored the meaning of the two categories: consequences in daily life and influence of disease on children. These categories emerged out of the following subcategories: economy, responsibility, living with personal assistants, being and feeling, being different, activities and the symptoms of the disease. A parent’s disease has an impact on the individual child who is affected emotionally and psychologically, and with regard to practical issues and basic needs. The parent’s and the family’s needs for support create a conflict between the child’s rights for health, well‐being and privacy and the needs and rights of the parent with the disease for high quality care. The negative impacts also relate to lack of information and knowledge about the disease and the family’s need for economic support

    Importance of plasticity and local adaptation for coping with changing salinity in coastal areas: a test case with barnacles in the Baltic Sea

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    Background:Salinity plays an important role in shaping coastal marine communities. Near-future climate predictions indicate that salinity will decrease in many shallow coastal areas due to increased precipitation; however, few studies have addressed this issue. The ability of ecosystems to cope with future changes will depend on species’ capacities to acclimatise or adapt to new environmental conditions. Here, we investigated the effects of a strong salinity gradient (the Baltic Sea system – Baltic, Kattegat, Skagerrak) on plasticity and adaptations in the euryhaline barnacle Balanus improvisus. We used a common-garden approach, where multiple batches of newly settled barnacles from each of three different geographical areas along the Skagerrak-Baltic salinity gradient were exposed to corresponding native salinities (6, 15 and 30 PSU), and phenotypic traits including mortality, growth, shell strength, condition index and reproductive maturity were recorded.ResultsWe found that B. improvisus was highly euryhaline, but had highest growth and reproductive maturity at intermediate salinities. We also found that low salinity had negative effects on other fitness-related traits including initial growth and shell strength, although mortality was also lowest in low salinity. Overall, differences between populations in most measured traits were weak, indicating little local adaptation to salinity. Nonetheless, we observed some population-specific responses – notably that populations from high salinity grew stronger shells in their native salinity compared to the other populations, possibly indicating adaptation to differences in local predation pressure.ConclusionsOur study shows that B. improvisus is an example of a true brackish-water species, and that plastic responses are more likely than evolutionary tracking in coping with future changes in coastal salinity

    Phytophthora species and oak decline - can a weak competitor cause significant root damage in a nonsterilized acidic forest soil?

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    Phytophthora species in general, and P. quercina in particular, have been suggested in several studies to be a contributing factor to the problem of oak decline in Europe. Although Phytophthora species are generally regarded as weak competitors, few studies of the pathogenicity of species causing root rot on oaks have hitherto been performed in natural, nonsterilized forest soils. This study describes the effects of seven southern Swedish isolates of P. quercina and one isolate of P. cactorum on root vitality of Quercus robur seedlings grown in a natural, nonsterilized, acidic forest soil. The pathogenicity of P. quercina and P. cactorum were tested using a soil infestation test. The climatic conditions applied were an attempt to simulate summer conditions in southern Sweden. Both species of Phytophthora caused a significant dieback of fine roots, and necrotic lesions on coarser roots, of Q. robur seedlings. Total and live root lengths were significantly lower in infected seedlings than in controls. No significant effects of Phytophthora on above-ground growth or leaf nutrient concentration were found. The results demonstrate that P. quercina and P. cactorum can cause substantial root dieback of seedlings of Q. robur in natural, acidic forest soils in competition with the inhabiting soil microflora under a mesic water regime

    The hip fracture incidence curve is shifting to the right: A forecast of the age-quake

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    Background The number of hip fractures has doubled in the last 30–40 years in many countries. Age-adjusted incidence has been reported to be decreasing in Europe and North America, but is there a decreasing trend in all age groups

    Asparaginase-Associated Pancreatitis in Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia : Results From the NOPHO ALL2008 Treatment of Patients 1-45 Years of Age

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    PURPOSE Asparaginase-associated pancreatitis (AAP) is common in patients with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL), but risk differences across age groups both in relation to first-time AAP and after asparaginase re-exposure have not been explored. PATIENTS AND METHODS We prospectively registered AAP (n = 168) during treatment of 2,448 consecutive ALL patients aged 1.0-45.9 years diagnosed from July 2008 to October 2018 and treated according to the Nordic Society of Pediatric Hematology and Oncology (NOPHO) ALL2008 protocol. RESULTS Compared with patients aged 1.0-9.9 years, adjusted AAP hazard ratios (HRa) were associated with higher age with almost identical HRa (1.6; 95% CI, 1.1 to 2.3; P = .02) for adolescents (10.0-17.9 years) and adults (18.0-45.9 years). The day 280 cumulative incidences of AAP were 7.0% for children (1.0-9.9 years: 95% CI, 5.4 to 8.6), 10.1% for adolescents (10.0 to 17.9 years: 95% CI, 7.0 to 13.3), and 11.0% for adults (18.0-45.9 years: 95% CI, 7.1 to 14.9; P = .03). Adolescents had increased odds of both acute (odds ratio [OR], 5.2; 95% CI, 2.1 to 13.2; P = .0005) and persisting complications (OR, 6.7; 95% CI, 2.4 to 18.4; P = .0002) compared with children (1.0-9.9 years), whereas adults had increased odds of only persisting complications (OR, 4.1; 95% CI, 1.4 to 11.8; P = .01). Fifteen of 34 asparaginase-rechallenged patients developed a second AAP. Asparaginase was truncated in 17/21 patients with AAP who subsequently developed leukemic relapse, but neither AAP nor the asparaginase truncation was associated with increased risk of relapse. CONCLUSION Older children and adults had similar AAP risk, whereas morbidity was most pronounced among adolescents. Asparaginase re-exposure should be considered only for patients with an anticipated high risk of leukemic relapse, because multiple studies strongly indicate that reduction of asparaginase treatment intensity increases the risk of relapse. (C) 2019 by American Society of Clinical OncologyPeer reviewe
