21 research outputs found

    Distributed Generation: Opportunities for Distribution Network Operators, Wider Society and Generators

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    This study explores and quantifies the benefits of connecting more distributed generation (with and without the use of smart connections) across different parties (Distribution Network Operators, wider society and generators). Different connection scenarios are proposed (with partial and full interruptible capacity quota, a mix of generation and different technology-specific curtailment levels) for integrating DG units in the constrained area of the March grid (East of England). This constitutes the trial area of the Flexible Plug and Play project, which is being implemented by UK Power Networks. The smart connection option is by far the preferred option across all the scenarios (higher NPV/MW). However, for some generators the results are very sensitive to the discount rate used (i.e. solar PV). The analysis of the distribution of benefits suggests that generators capture most of the benefits while DNOs and wider society capture much less benefit. A smart connection incentive, which recreates the benefits to DNOs from an earlier losses incentive, is proposed. In contrast with other societally desirable metrics which are usually incentivised or penalised, there is currently no direct connection between more DG MWs connected and DNO incentive payments. Our proposed smart connection incentive, by charging DG for smarter connection may help to distribute more efficiently the benefits for connecting more DG

    A Spatially Explicit Decision Support System for Assessment of Tree Stump Harvest Using Biodiversity and Economic Criteria

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    Stump harvesting is predicted to increase with future increasing demands for renewable energy. This may affect deadwood affiliate biodiversity negatively, given that stumps constitute a large proportion of the coarse deadwood in young managed forests. Spatial decision support for evaluating the integrated effects on biodiversity and production of stump harvesting is needed. We developed a spatially explicit decision support system (called MapStump-DSS), for assessment of tree stump harvesting using biodiversity and economic criteria together with different scenarios for biodiversity conservation and bioenergy market prices. Two novel key aspects of the MAPStump-DSS is that it (1) merges and utilizes georeferenced stump-level data (e.g., tree species and diameter) directly from the harvester with stand data that are increasingly available to forest managers and (2) is flexible toward incorporating both quantitative and qualitative criteria based on emerging knowledge (here biodiversity criteria) or underlying societal drivers and end-user preferences. We tested the MAPStump-DSS on a 45 ha study forest, utilizing harvester data on characteristics and geographical positions for >26,000 stumps. The MAPStump-DSS produced relevant spatially explicit information on the biodiversity and economic values of individual stumps, where amounts of "conflict stumps" (with both high biodiversity and economical value) increased with bioenergy price levels and strengthened biodiversity conservation measures. The MAPStump-DSS can be applied in practice for any forest site, allowing the user to examine the spatial distribution of stumps and to obtain summaries for whole forest stands. Information depicted by the MAPStump-DSS includes amounts, characteristics, biodiversity values and costs of stumps in relation to different scenarios, which also allow the user to explore and optimize biodiversity and economy trade-offs prior to stump harvest

    Implementation of landscape ecological knowledge – achievements and challenges

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    This paper gives a synthetic presentation of problems related to the practical application of results in landscape ecological studies. The diagnoses presented are based on the findings of ILECO2010 symposium, which was devoted to this. The assessment considered several aspects, which determine the possibility to apply the landscape ecological knowledge. These include spatial planning, spatial management, issues related to the efficiency assessment of actions taken and collection of data essential for the decision-making process. Individual problems were complemented with conclusions of a general nature

    Landskapsekologisk analys av Nationalstadsparken : Underlag till Länsstyrelsens program för Nationalstadsparken

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    I denna rapport redovisas en landskapsekologisk analys av Nationalstadsparken. Analysens fokus har varit de ädla lövträdens landskap och den fauna av evertebrater som är beroende av dessa. I Stockholms län har få landskapsekologiska analyser genomförts och de som utförts har huvudsakligen tillkommit i samband med olika forskningsprojekt. Analysmetoderna är under utveckling men har redan visat sig kunna fungera som redskap i arbetet med att långsiktigt bevara den biologiska mångfalden.Nationalstadsparken har en unikt rik biologisk mångfald med ett stort antal rödlistade växt- och djurarter. Många av dessa arter riskerar att försvinna på sikt på grund av att deras spridningsvägar blockeras eller på annat sätt görsoanvändbara samtidigt som deras livsmiljöer minskar i areal.Genom de landskapsekologiska analysredskap som utvecklats under senare år finns det idag möjlighet att beräkna var de vikigaste spridningsvägarna och livsmiljöerna finns för många växt- och djurarter. Det finns följaktligen goda möjligheter att med hjälp av landskapsekologiska analyser försöka identifiera de viktigaste spridningsvägarna och livsmiljöerna för att bevara Nationalstadsparkens rika växt-och djurliv. Av de analyser som gjorts, och vilka redovisas i rapporten, framgår att följande områden är av särskild betydelse som spridningszoner för delar av Nationalstadsparkens fauna:• Området mellan Överjärva och Ulriksdal.• Södra Djurgårdens östra del med angränsande områden söder om Saltsjön i Nacka.• Området mellan Norra och Södra Djurgården – bland annat Gärdet och Storängsbotten.Rapporten är framtagen på uppdrag av Länsstyrelsen och är en del i arbetet med att utveckla Nationalstadsparken. Rapporten har även utgjort ett av underlagen för programmet för parkens utveckling och vård som Länsstyrelsen tagit fram på uppdrag av regeringen. Ulla Mörtberg ochMargareta Ihse har gjort analyserna i rapporten och även sammanställt den. Författarna ansvarar själva för innehållet i rapporten.Regionala inventeringsrapporter import från MDP 2015-05</p

    Green qualities in transport efficient cities

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    A main stream postulation in urban planning is that denser cities enhance energy efficiency and city attractiveness by offering shorter travel distances and a variety of functions that reduce car traffic and facilitate walking, biking and public transit. However, the complex links that exist between city density and its implications for energy efficiency and city attractiveness call for a better understanding of the factors that influence an integrated planning of regional cities. In this context, one factor that could be of interest to study is that of green urban open spaces such as green wedges, parks, wetland areas, shore lines, gardens, cemeteries, golf courses and treed boulevards that provide protection for biodiversity as well as many other valuable ecosystem services. However, discussions on developing compact, energy efficient and attractive regional cities are raising conflicts with policies that aim at conserving green urban open spaces. The aim of this paper is to increase knowledge on and contribute to the development of strategies and measures to best manage the conflicts that are emerging between developing dense, low traffic cities and planning for good quality, valuable and accessible green urban open spaces. To achieve this aim, a conflict mapping exercise is being carried out by identifying, reviewing and assessing literature on the subject. In parallel, relevant examples are being analyzed and seminars, workshops and interviews are taking place with actors of the Stockholm city region. Obtained results are conflicting perceptions on the role that green urban open spaces should play in city development, conflicts of governance and collaboration, conflicts between different objectives at varying decision making scales, and significant limitations to integrated and systemic socio-ecological understandings of the city region and its changing values. The conflict mapping exercise is a valuable starting point to identify the proposal of alternative land use practices, discuss how these can be assessed, and define measures that can enhance compactness, energy efficiency and green qualities in city region planning and development.QC 20131010</p

    The impact of Gestalt grouping on eye movements in visual search task

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    Bakalaura darbs ir uzrakstīts latviešu valodā uz 36 lapām. Tas satur 21 attēlu, 3 tabulas un 28 atsauces uz literatūras avotiem. Darba mērķis: novērtēt, kā grupēšanas uztveres principi un nogurums ietekmē raksturīgās meklēšanas acu kustības secīgas meklēšanas uzdevumos. Eksperimenta dalībnieki: 15 dalībnieki vecumā no 20 – 26 gadiem. Metode: Dalībnieku uzdevums bija atrast horizontāli vienā rindā 2 vai 3 blakus esošus simbolus, kuriem bija vienādos virzienos vērsts atvērums. Acu kustības tika pierakstītas ar I ViewXTM acu kustību pierakstu iekārtu. Rezultāti: Tika novērots, ka stimula krāsas izmaiņa ietekmē meklējamā uzdevuma precizitāti. Nogurums un stimula veids būtiski neietekmē meklēšanas uzdevuma ātrumu un vidējo fiksācijas ilgumu. Atslēgvārdi: Geštalta grupēšana, acu kustības, meklēšanas uzdevums, nogurums, uzmanība.Bachelor thesis are written in Latvian. The work contains 36 pages, 21 figures, 3 tables and 28 references. The aim of the study was analyse how grouping principles and fatigue affect eye movements in visual search task. Participants: 15 participants aged 20 – 26. Methods. The participants were instructed to find all groups of 2-3 contiguously located symbols that were on the same horizontal row and had equal directions. Videooculograph IViewXTM was used to analyze eye movements. Results: The color of the stimuli color changes the accuracy of visual search. Average fixation duration and performance speed was not significantly influenced by the level of fatigue and type of the task. Keywords: Gestalt grouping, eye movements, visual search, fatigue, visual attention

    Procuring green energy in the construction sector

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    This paper intends to explore the opportunities for procuring renewable energy in the construction sector through impact assessment (IA). The paper draws attention towards a significant instrument called green procurement (GP). GP involves buying of services, products and also energy that meet environmental requirements. The paper is based on a study, which was carried out in order to envisage the link between IA and GP. The purpose of the study was, therefore, to gain an understanding on the potentiality of this link. The paper indicates that the link between IA and GP could facilitate the discussion on renewable energy procurement at the IA phase. The study also investigated various innovative partnership systems and made an attempt to understand how such partnerships could strengthen the link. The paper highlights that new partnering arrangements between the government, market and the public, which could ensure the delivery of commitments made during the IA stage, need to be adopted during such a linkage. Further, the construction sector, as a significant consumer of energy, could play the potential role of prime movers. Prime movers are actors who facilitate the diffusion and development of a new technology. Such a capacity could be tapped through linking IA and GP. The prime movers need not be restricted to one player; it could also be a constellation of partners. This network needs to be investigated in the future. Future research is imperative also in terms of the strategic mechanisms required to develop the connection between IA and GP.QC 20111201</p