41 research outputs found

    Utformning av ett hÄllbart och kostnadseffektivt energisystem : en genomförbarhets studie vid Rusape General Hospital i Zimbabwe

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    Zimbabwe suffers from power outages due to reduced electricity generation from the two main energy sources coal- and hydropower. Even though the electricity supply to the hospital are highly prioritized during these blackouts, the electricity is not enough to power them all. The country has faced problems with lack of fossil fuel availability and high fuel prices. This report focuses on Rusape General Hospital in the Makoni district which is grid-connected and has diesel generators as a backup system. The aim of this project was to perform a feasibility study and examine how a sustainable energy system at the hospital would look like to reduce the power outages. A system which would be driven by solar power and uses batteries as a backup system was investigated. It was a comparison between the current system and two potential future systems with renewable energy. One of the most critical areas is the maternity ward including an operating room, which is highly prioritized among the departments at the hospital. The project examined how the energy system would look like whether the energy production covered the entire hospital or only the maternity ward. The information needed for the project was collected during a study visit of eight weeks at the hospital through interviews and a questionnaire formula. This was in a collaboration with Family Action for Community Empowerment in Zimbabwe and Engineers Without Borders. To analyse the different systems a software called HOMER Pro was used for the simulations. It gives the most cost-efficient energy production for a given system. Through simulations, the most cost-efficient solution for the entire hospital was a system with photovoltaic (PV) panels, Lithium-Ion batteries and the existing diesel generators, called System 1 in this paper. It resulted in an energy production of 131 112 kWh annually from the PV panels alone and required an installed capacity of 81.1 kW. The suggested system for the maternity ward is called System 2, with PV panels and Lithium-Ion batteries. The energy production from PV panels was in this case 7102 kWh annually and corresponded to an installed capacity of 4.43 kW. The challenges for these two suggested systems would be the lack of installers in the country, how the global warming will affect the temperature sensitive components in the future, the high investment costs and the variations of the electric load at the hospital

    The potential to use rhizobacteria within agricultural innovations instead of chemical inputs : taking quality and quantity of the crop into consideration

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    Plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) are soil bacteria that occur naturally, colonize the roots of plants and can promote plant growth. PGPR isolated and used as inoculum to seed or plants is mostly marketed as a growth stimulant because it facilitates registration and reduces costs, even though PGPR may also serve as biocontrol products. An example of its effect as a growth stimulant is that it can stimulate an increased growth of lateral roots, which in itself leads to e.g. increased water and mineral uptake and thus a stronger plant. Quantity and quality effects of crops harvested on PGPR treated material will be addressed in this work and will be focussed on food crops. Possible conflicts with organic production will also be addressed. Use in climates like Swedish conditions will be the main focus, however comparisons will be made between Sweden and a global scale. It will be discussed when PGPR will be used to a greater extent, what is required to get there and what knowledge gaps there are. This literature study was conducted by collection of data and search of scientific literature in databases. In conclusion, several of the studies have shown that both the quality and quantity are not only maintained with the use of PGPR, but also improved

    Kommunal skolbiblioteksutveckling i professionell samverkan : En praktisk diskursanalys med fallstudie

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    Denna uppsats undersöker skolbibliotekens förutsĂ€ttningar pĂ„ kommunal nivĂ„ genom att anvĂ€nda sig av flera teoretiska och metodologiska angreppssĂ€tt. SĂ€rskilt central Ă€r frĂ„gan om varför relativt fĂ„ elever har tillgĂ„ng till skolbibliotek, trots att deras rĂ€tt till detta har varit lagstadgad sedan 2011. Uppsatsen vilar dels pĂ„ en kulturanalys och dels pĂ„ en fallstudie av ett projektarbete i Kiruna kommun dĂ€r mĂ„let var att ta fram en skolbiblioteksmodell för samverkan mellan det kommunala biblioteket och skolan. Kulturanalysens kĂ€rna utgörs av en diskursanalys av skolbibliotekens kontext och villkor utifrĂ„n tre aktörer som Ă€r centrala i arbetet med skolbiblioteksutveckling pĂ„ kommunal nivĂ„: Skolan; Biblioteket; Kommunpolitiken. Fallstudien syftar till att ta vara pĂ„ den kunskapsutveckling och det teoretiska arbetet utfördes i samband med projektarbetet, samt att utgöra en konkret bas för en vidare analys av skolbibliotekens villkor. Uppsatsens grundantagande Ă€r att Ă€ven om diskursiva skillnader och strider kan vara till fördel för en verksamhets utveckling mĂ„ste det finnas tillrĂ€ckliga kontaktytor aktörerna emellan för att en verksamhet alls ska vara möjlig. UtifrĂ„n detta undersöks hinder och möjligheter för att detta ska ske. Sammanfattningsvis visar uppsatsen pĂ„ att skolbibliotekens utveckling Ă€r beroende av en komplicerad dynamik. En skolbiblioteksutveckling av det slag som föresprĂ„kas av bibliotekssfĂ€ren – i enlighet med enligt skolans vĂ€rden ”beprövad erfarenhet och vetenskaplig grund” – innebĂ€r ur skolans perspektiv en omfattande omstĂ€llning i förhĂ„llande till nuvarande förestĂ€llningar om skolbibliotekets verksamhet. Tillsammans med ekonomiska faktorer pĂ„verkar dĂ€rför organisationskulturella faktorer och förkunskaper förutsĂ€ttningarna för skolbibliotekens utveckling. Det finns dĂ€rför behov av breda fortbildningsinsatser gentemot skolan, tvĂ€rvetenskaplig forskning om skolbibliotek samt motsvarande inslag i lĂ€rarutbildningen. Det gĂ„r Ă€ven att se ett behov av att biblioteksfĂ€ltet ytterligare etablerar sig som profession. Slutligen Ă€r det av vikt att förr snarare Ă€n senare upprĂ€tta ramar för evidensbaserad och integrerad skolbiblioteksverksamhet dĂ€r skol- och biblioteksprofessionerna kan mötas i praktiskt samarbete – snarare Ă€n att lĂ„ta skolbiblioteksdiskursen fastna i logistik, isolerade (till skillnad frĂ„n integrerade) biblioteksinsatser eller ett sökande efter konsensus i resonemang om den ideala innebörden i begreppet ”skolbibliotek”

    Optimisering av elanvÀndning vid batteriproduktion

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    Energy storage is an important key for future energy systems. A most common form of energy storage is the battery. However, producing a battery is not very efficient nor sustainable. Therefore, every part and every machine in the manufacturing process must be measured and analysed. The next step is to find solutions of how to make each part more effective. The purpose of the thesis was to analyse the power consumption of a battery cycling machine and log the temperature changes. The quality of a battery cell is tested by charging and discharging the cell to different state of charge in this machine. The results showed a lower efficiency during standby state, which is a state when the machine is not used yet is still running. The efficiency increased during charge and discharge of the cells. Moreover, with enough cells discharging at the same time, the machine could produce electricity. This would also mean that the cells charge at the same time and lead to a volatile load profile. The temperature increased slightly during charge and discharge but not above the upper limit. In summary, by scheming the usage of the machines adapted to the number of cells, some machines can be turned off instead of being in standby state. All the machines should be connected to each other in order to exchange excess electricity between them. These solutions can lower the power consumption and make the process more efficient

    Optimisering av elanvÀndning vid batteriproduktion

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    Energy storage is an important key for future energy systems. A most common form of energy storage is the battery. However, producing a battery is not very efficient nor sustainable. Therefore, every part and every machine in the manufacturing process must be measured and analysed. The next step is to find solutions of how to make each part more effective. The purpose of the thesis was to analyse the power consumption of a battery cycling machine and log the temperature changes. The quality of a battery cell is tested by charging and discharging the cell to different state of charge in this machine. The results showed a lower efficiency during standby state, which is a state when the machine is not used yet is still running. The efficiency increased during charge and discharge of the cells. Moreover, with enough cells discharging at the same time, the machine could produce electricity. This would also mean that the cells charge at the same time and lead to a volatile load profile. The temperature increased slightly during charge and discharge but not above the upper limit. In summary, by scheming the usage of the machines adapted to the number of cells, some machines can be turned off instead of being in standby state. All the machines should be connected to each other in order to exchange excess electricity between them. These solutions can lower the power consumption and make the process more efficient

    Att styra eller styras - en frÄga om makt

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    FortsÀtter dÀr Boye slutade

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    Carbon balance in boreal forests : Forest management for minimising climate impact and school pupils' misconceptions of the carbon cycle.

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    Koldioxidhalterna stiger i vĂ€rlden, vilket bidrar till global uppvĂ€rmning. Skogen har en viktig roll i klimatarbetet dĂ„ stora mĂ€ngder kol finns lagrad i skog och mark. Speciellt mycket kol finns i boreal skog, som bland annat finns i norra Sverige. Idag pĂ„gĂ„r en debatt huruvida det Ă€r mer fördelaktigt att behĂ„lla gammal skog som kolsĂ€nka, eller avverka den för att ge plats Ă„t yngre trĂ€d. Syftet med litteraturstudien var att ge en klargörande bild över hur Ă„ldern pĂ„ boreal skog pĂ„verkar ekosystemets kolbalans, genom att undersöka skogens kolupptagningshastighet samt möjlighet till kollagring. Studien visade att Ă€ldre skog har ett större totalt kollager, att medelĂ„ldrig skog har högst tillvĂ€xthastighet (nettoekosystemproduktion, NEP och nettoprimĂ€rproduktion, NPP) samt att NEP Ă€r negativ de första 10 Ă„ren. Studien visade pĂ„ osĂ€kerhet kring kolupptag i gamla skogar. Flera variabler, sĂ„som substitution, störningar och biologisk mĂ„ngfald Ă€r inte undersökta i studien och behövs tas i beaktning vid beslutsfattande. Trots detta, antyder litteraturstudien att det Ă€r fördelaktigt att lĂ„ta gammal skog stĂ„ kvar som kolsĂ€nka, eftersom koldioxidutslĂ€ppen behöver minska snarast. Ytterligare ett syfte med studien var att kartlĂ€gga de missuppfattningar elever, i senare delen av skolan, har gĂ€llande kolets kretslopp. Studien visade pĂ„ missuppfattningar gĂ€llande fotosyntes och respiration hos vĂ€xter, nedbrytarnas roll samt sammanblandning av begrepp. För att Ă„tgĂ€rda problemet kan uppgifter göras dĂ€r atomer följs över olika nivĂ„er, för att sĂ€tta processerna i sitt sammanhang. Stort fokus gĂ€llande missuppfattningarna ligger pĂ„ fotosyntes och respiration och inga artiklar hittades gĂ€llande exempelvis det snabba, respektive lĂ„ngsamma, kretsloppet. FĂ„ studier Ă€r gjorda pĂ„ svenska elever och dĂ„ svensk kursplan lĂ€gger fokus pĂ„ samband mellan olika nivĂ„er kan missuppfattningarna vara i annorlunda i Sverige. Hur missuppfattningarna ser ut i svensk skola Ă€r föremĂ„l för vidare forskning.The amount of carbon dioxide is rising in the atmosphere, which contributes, to global warming. Since large amounts of carbon are stored in forests, forests play an important part the efforts to improve the environment. Boreal forests, found in e.g. the northern part of Sweden, store especially large amounts of carbon. Today it is being debated whether it is more beneficial for the environment to keep old forests as a carbon sink, or to cut them down in order to make room for younger trees. The purpose of this literature study was to clarify how the age of the forest affects the carbon balance of the ecosystem, by examining the forest’s rate of carbon sequestration and capability of carbon storage. The literature study concluded that older forests, in total, store larger amounts of carbon, while middle-aged forests have he highest growth rate (net ecosystem production, NEP, and gross primary production, GPP) and that NEP is negative in the first ten years. The study showed some uncertainty concerning carbon uptake in old forests. Several variables, such as the effects of substitution, disturbances and biodiversity were not examined in this study and need to be further considered before making decisions. However, the literature study suggests that it is more beneficial to leave old forests as a carbon sink, since emissions of carbon dioxide urgently need to be reduced. Another purpose of the study was to examine the misconceptions that students, in the later school years, have regarding the carbon cycle. This study found misconceptions concerning photosynthesis and respiration in plants, the role of decomposers, as well as getting concepts mixed up with one another. To solve this problem, assignments could be designed where atoms are traced between different levels, in order to put the processes in context. A large part of the focus regarding these misconceptions has been on photosynthesis and respiration and no articles were found regarding e.g. the fast; and the slow; carbon cycle. Few studies of Swedish students have been made and since the Swedish curriculum focuses on the relationship between different levels, the misconceptions might be different in Sweden; what these misconceptions could be in Swedish schools is yet to be investigated