82 research outputs found

    Commissive Utterances in the Translation of Holy Quran Chapter Joseph (A Pragmatics Perspective)

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    This research is aiming at 1) to finding the types of commissive utterances in the translation of Holy Quran chapter Joseph 2) to describing the politeness strategies of commissive utterances in the translation of Holy Quran chapter Joseph. In this research, the writer uses a descriptive qualitative as the type of the research. The data source of this study are verses of chapter Joseph containing commissive utterances in English translation of holy Quran. Concerning the techniques of collecting the data, the writer uses documentation by reading about the content of English translation chapter Joseph. The writer found six types of commissive utterances in the translation of Holy quran chapter Joseph Based on Searle classification. There are Promising, warning, Refusing, threatening, Volunteering and Offering the writer found 6 verses of promising(24%), 6 verses of warning (24%), 4 verses of refusing (16%), 4 verses of threatening (16%), 1 verses of volunteering (4%) and 4 verses of offering( 16%). The majority of the types of commissive utterances that the writer found are promising and warning (24%). Then, writer found four kinds of politeness strategies based on theory Brown and Levinson. There are, bald on record, positive politeness, negative politeness and bald off record. The writer found 16 verses using Bald on Record strategy (64%), 5 verses using positive politeness ( 20%), 3 verses using negative politeness(12%) and 1 verse using bald off Record ( 4%). The majority of politeness strategy that the writer found is bald on record (64%)

    Evaluasi Pelaksanaan Program Pembinaan Kewirausahaan Community Development And Outreaching Untan pada Program Bidik Misi

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    This research aims to determine the Implementation and evaluation of the entrepreneurial coaching program implementation by the Community Development and Outreaching Untan in Students' Programs ā€œBidik Misiā€ in 2010. The method that is used in this research was qualitative research. The sample of this research was 82 students. The results of the analysis of the data showed that the implementation of entrepreneurial coaching program by Community Development that consists of three sub focus, these are the implementation of entrepreneurship training, the presentation of entrepreneurship proposal, and the funding of proposal. The funding of enterpreneurship proposal consists of 3 sub focus that average of 72 from 82 respondents. The result showed that 82 respondents expressed a positive response and that need to be evaluation is on schedule of the implementation of training, the availability of funds provided, and the suitability of the funds contained in the proposal with funds obtained an average 31 from 82 respondents expressed a negative response so that this program need to be revised, and evaluations that have been conducted by the Community Development used qualitative data that could not be said that was good

    Gambaran Rezim Nazi dalam Peradaban Jerman dalam Beberapa Pilihan Puisi Sylvia Plath

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    Rezim Nazi adalah tragedi besar dari peradaban Jerman pada abad 20. Nazi merupakan sebuah partai yang sarat dengan pemerintahan diktator yang dipimpin oleh Adolf Hitler. Partai Nazi mencapai masa keemasannya pada tahun 1933-1945 (periode Perang dunia II). Kemudian pada tahun 1962, Sylvia Plath membuat sebuah potret keNazian dalam karya-karyanya di Daddy, Lady Lazarus, dan Mary\u27s Song. Pikiran imajinatif Plath sebagai anak perempuan Jerman mengungkapkan representasi yang berdasar sejarah kedalam puisi. Untuk itu, new historicism bagi Stephen Greenblatt merupakan sebuah perangkat dalam menguraikan wacana yang ada dalam teks puisi. Kemudian, hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan potret Nazi sebagai produk laki-laki dalam sudut pandang perempuan. Atribut-atribut Nazi yang digunakan dalam teks puisi itu merupakan sebuah estetika dalam mengekplorasi kebrutalan Nazi yang dibayangkan sejajar dengan kebrutalan laki-laki dalam sistem patriarki. Kemudian, ekplorasi atribut-atribut itu menunjukkan kekuatan Nazi dalam menghegemoni orang-orang Jerman untuk menganggap program-program Nazi sebagai kehendak Tuhan. Akibatnya menunjukkan bahwa ada penyalahgunaan ajaran agama untuk kepentingan-kepentingan tertentu. Jadi, melalui teks puisi itu, Plath membawa bagian-bagian dari sejarah Jerman melalui emosinya terhadap rezim Nazi

    Studi Pengaruh Waktu Reaksi terhadap Sintesis Senyawa Organonitrogen Berbasis Ī±-Pinena melalui Reaksi Ritter

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    The aim of this research is to synthesize organonitrogen compound using Ī±-pinene as starting material which reacted with acetonitrile and acid catalysts through Ritter reaction. The reactions were optimized by modifying a reaction time varied from 6, 10, and 15 hours. Ī±-Pinene used in this reaction was isolated from turpentin oil by fractional distillation in 88.46%. There were three major products obtained from reaction of Ī±-pinene, acetonitrile and H2SO4 97%, that is, N-(2,6,6-trimethylbicyclo[3.1.1]heptan-2-yl)acetamide as product 1, N-(2-(4-methylcyclohex-3-enyl)propan-2-yl) acetamide as product 2, and N-(1,7,7-trimethylbicyclo[2.2.1] heptan-2-yl)acetamide as product 3. The percentage of product 2 and product 3 were increased by the increasing of reaction time, while product 1 was decreased. This result is considered by different stability of product structure. Product 2 and 3 should be the most stable structure than product 2. The other acetamide derivatives were also produced but in low percentage

    Pengaruh Inokulasi Fungi Mikoriza Arbuskula Glomus Clorum, Glomus Etunicatum dan Gigaspora SP. terhadap Pertumbuhan Semai Mahoni dan Seru

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    Penelitian pengaruh inokulasi Fungi Mikoriza Arbuskula (FMA) Glomus clorum, Glomus etunicatum dan Gigaspora sp. terhadap pertumbuhan semai mahoni dan seru telah dilakukan selama 4 bulan di persemaian PT Bukit Asam, Tanjung Enim, Sumatera Selatan. Penelitian menggunakan 4 perlakuan, yaitu inokulasi FMA G. clorum, G. etunicatum, Gigaspora sp. dan kontrol, menggunakan Rancangan Acak Blok dengan tiga ulangan. Parameter pertumbuhan yang diukur adalah tinggi, diameter dan berat kering total. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Inokulasi G. clorum, G. etunicatum dan Gigaspora sp. mampu meningkatkan tinggi dan diameter seru di persemaian. Sedangkan mahoni tidak menunjukkan respon pertumbuhan yang baik akibat inokulasi G. clorum, G. etunicatum dan Gigaspora sp

    Pengembangan Buku Ajar Mikrobiologi Tentang Bioreduksi Merkuri Bagi Mahasiswa Pendidikan Biologi

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    Educational biology bachelor students in State Institute for Islamic Studies of Mataram dont provided with Indonesian microbiology textbooks containing the local potention as the learning source. Developing the microbiology textbook concerning mercury bioreduction of waste disposal from gold mining in West Sekotong can be a sollution. The aim of this study is to develop microbiology textbook concerning mercury bioreduction. This study belong to research and development study. The result of this study is microbiology textbook with the tittle ā€œBioreduksi Merkuri menggunakan Bakteri Indigen dari Limbah Penambangan Emasā€ that has been done and valid.Mahasiswa S1 jurusan pendidikan Biologi di Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Mataram belum memiliki bahan ajar berbahasa Indonesia yang mengangkat potensi lokal sebagai sumber belajar mereka. Salah satu upaya untuk mengatasi keterbatasan bahan ajar tersebut adalah melalui pengembangan buku ajar mikrobiologi terkait dengan bioreduksi merkuri dari limbah penambangan emas di Sekotong Barat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan buku ajar mikrobiologi mengenai bioreduksi merkuri. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian pengembangan. Hasil penelitian ini adalah buku ajar mikrobiologi dengan judul ā€œBioreduksi Merkuri menggunakan Bakteri Indigen dari Limbah Penambangan Emasā€ yang telah tersusun dan valid

    Persepsi Siswa SMA Negeri 1 Pontianak Terhadap Lembaga Bimbingan Belajar

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    The purpose of this research is to determine the perception of students who join the learning course. The research applies qualitative approach with descriptive methods which include interviews and documentation guidelines as the collection tool. The results of this study include: (1) students\u27 perception of the learning course in terms of expectation overall has been reached. The students have the perception that the role of the learning course can support their learning achievement in school, (2) students\u27 perception of the learning course in terms of requirements also have been achieved. In terms of needs, students have the perception that their learning difficulties at school can be solved by the learning course
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