597 research outputs found

    Surfaces with triple points

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    In this paper we compute upper bounds for the number of ordinary triple points on a hypersurface in P3P^3 and give a complete classification for degree six (degree four or less is trivial, and five is elementary). But the real purpose is to point out the intricate geometry of examples with many triple points, and how it fits with the general classification of surfaces

    E-government challenges – exploring inter-organisational aspects of e-service development

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    In this paper we are applying inter-organizational concepts from the industrial/business network approach on empirical findings from an e-government case, in order to describe and better understand challenges in one-stop government e-service development. We analyze our case by using concepts that characterize an inter-organizational relationship in terms of its level of continuity, complexity, symmetry, informality, and its dimensions (links, bonds, and ties). The purpose of the paper is to explore how these theoretical concepts can help us focus on certain aspects of e-service development challenges. The empirical findings are collected within an on-going action research project for e-service development in the public sector in Sweden. The aim of the project is to develop one-stop government e-services for driver’s license matters as well as a web-based portal where these e-services and information about the driver’s license process will be easily accessible. Our conclusions are that the theoretical concepts helped us reach further understanding of the empirical case. In the spirit of the network approach, we focused on the present situation and been able to give a rather detailed and fine-grained picture of the problems and challenges in this context

    Klimatetik och Utilitarism Individuellt klimatansvar utifrån ett utilitaristiskt perspektiv med beaktande av dygder

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    Test of an empirical method for ozone detection in the stratosphere using two filtered broadband UV-meters

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    We describe a simple method to detect significant changes of the total ozone column from global (diffuse and direct) zenith sky measurements taken at the Earth’s surface. The calculation of the total ozone column relies on measured irradiance at two wavelengths in the ultra violet part of the solar spectrum. One of these (i.e. 306 nm) are appreciable absorbed by ozone whereas the other (i.e. 360 nm) is not. The method provides measurements for clear as well as for cloudy sky conditions. The natural logarithm of the irradiance ratio at the two wavelengths, corrected for solar elevation dependence, is assumed to be proportional to the amount of ozone in the atmospheric column. It is assumed that the two wavelengths have same properties in the atmosphere excluding the impact of ozone. Therefore variations in atmospheric conditions should cancel out in the ratio. We found a strong correlation between our calculated quantity and ozone measurements at The Danish Meteorological Institute, DMI, Copenhagen, Denmark, which is approximately 30 km away from the measuring site. The correlation coefficient, R, from linear regression had the value 0.90, and the standard deviation, Sres, for the residuals were 10.6 DU (Dobson Units), and the mean value was 322 DU, obtained from every day point measurements during the Swedish summer, total 67 days

    The Cost-effectiveness of Treating Diabetic Lower Extremity Ulcers with Becaplermin (Regranex): A Core Model with an Application Using Swedish Cost Data

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    AbstractObjectivesThe objective of this study was to develop a model capable of assessing the cost-effectiveness in Sweden of treating diabetic neuropathic lower extremity ulcers with becaplermin gel (Regranex) plus good wound care (GWC) relative to treating them with GWC alone.MethodsA Markov simulation model was developed that includes six health states: Uninfected Ulcer, Infected Ulcer, Gangrene, Healed Ulcer, Healed Ulcer-History of Amputation, and Deceased. To predict clinical outcomes, information was taken from a specially designed prospective 9-month follow-up study of 183 neuropathic patients in the US treated with GWC. Cost of treatment data were taken primarily from a study of a cohort of 314 patients in Sweden. The efficacy of becaplermin was assumed equal to that achieved in a pooled analysis of four randomized clinical trials. A model application provides expected clinical outcomes for a cohort of patients. Annual treatment costs per patient were estimated using treatment practice and unit prices from Sweden.ResultsDue to a higher rate of healing and a shorter average healing time, treatment with becaplermin gel was predicted to increase the average number of months spent in the healed state over the first year following development of an ulcer by 24% relative to GWC alone. In addition, the corresponding number of amputations was 9% lower for the becaplermin-treated cohort. The average expected cost of 12,078USforanindividualtreatedwithGWCalonedeclinesto12,078 US for an individual treated with GWC alone declines to 11,708 US for one treated with becaplermin, in spite of $1262 becaplermin costs. Expenses related to topical treatment and inpatient care account for 83% of the resources conserved.ConclusionOur results suggest that in Sweden treatment with becaplermin in conjunction with GWC consumes fewer resources and generates better outcomes than treatment with GWC alone for diabetic neuropathic ulcers. In light of the high and increasing incidence of such ulcers, the potential savings in costs and suffering may be important. Results are difficult to extrapolate internationally because they are strongly related to country-specific treatment practices and price levels

    Chilean configuration of conics, lines and points

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    Using the theory of rational elliptic fibrations, we construct and discuss a one parameter family of configurations of 1212 conics and 99 points in the projective plane that realizes an abstract configuration (126,98)(12_6,9_8). This is analogous to the famous Hesse configuration of 1212 lines and 99 points forming an abstract configuration (123,94)(12_3,9_4). We also show that any Halphen elliptic fibration of index 22 with four triangular singular fibers arises from such configuration of conics.Comment: 36 pages, 2 figure

    Health economic evaluation of the Lund Integrated Medicines Management Model (LIMM) in elderly patients admitted to hospital.

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    To evaluate the cost effectiveness of a multidisciplinary team including a pharmacist for systematic medication review and reconciliation from admission to discharge at hospital among elderly patients (the Lund Integrated Medicines Management (LIMM)) in order to reduce drug-related readmissions and outpatient visits


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    This paper deals with cracking in industrial concrete floars. We have restricted us to study two special cases, that is, eraeks developed by the load itself and eraeks due to shrinkage. We have of course also studied the deformation effects of the load. The effect of the load has here been studied thoroughly by two separate methods, Winklerfoundation and the more exact Elastic halfspace theory. We have also studied effects eaused by two separate loads at a distance. The shrinkage is dealt with in accordonance with a paper from Buö (11) who has studied this problem extensivly. Our purpose has been to establish designing aids for this type of pavements. These are quite extensive and are based on the regulations for concrete structures BBK 79

    SLFs vårexkursion till södra Småland – en rapport.

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    I april 2016 gick föreningens vårexkursion till trakterna runt Växjö, med några helt skilda miljöer som mål. Här redogör Emil Persson och Ulf Arup för exkursionen som innebar deltagarrekord med god marginal. Första dagen deltog hela 56 personer
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