4 research outputs found

    QRS Complex Detection in ECG Signal

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    ECG is utilized for clinical conclusion. The underlying assignment for examination is the evacuation of commotion. The ECG sign is extremely delicate in nature, and regardless of the fact that little commotion is blended with unique flag, the different qualities of the sign changes. To the extent the commotion is concerned the muscle developments, fundamental present and encompassing electromagnetic impedance produce it. Thus separating is an imperative issue. The parts of the ECG signal P, Q, R, S and T decide the clinical status of the action of the heart. This paper talks about and QRS complex identification in ECG signal preparing

    Advances in non-destructive early assessment of fruit ripeness towards defining optimal time of harvest and yield prediction—a review

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    © 2018 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. Global food security for the increasing world population not only requires increased sustainable production of food but a significant reduction in pre-and post-harvest waste. The timing of when a fruit is harvested is critical for reducing waste along the supply chain and increasing fruit quality for consumers. The early in-field assessment of fruit ripeness and prediction of the harvest date and yield by non-destructive technologies have the potential to revolutionize farming practices and enable the consumer to eat the tastiest and freshest fruit possible. A variety of non-destructive techniques have been applied to estimate the ripeness or maturity but not all of them are applicable for in situ (field or glasshousassessment. This review focuses on the non-destructive methods which are promising for, or have already been applied to, the pre-harvest in-field measurements including colorimetry, visible imaging, spectroscopy and spectroscopic imaging. Machine learning and regression models used in assessing ripeness are also discussed

    Recent progress in electrochemical detection of gluthathoine: A review

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    Glutathione is a naturally occurring tripeptide that is involved in bio-reductive processes, enzyme activity, amino acid transport, DNA synthesis, detoxification metabolism, oxidative stress protection, and cell defense. However due to low GSH levels less than 0.5 ​μM, various major human disorders occurred such as asthma, cancer, hepatitis, liver disease, HIV, and chlamydia etc. GSH levels can be detected using a variety of analytical techniques. However, these techniques are costly, time consuming and complex. Hence, to overcome these issues, designing and manufacturing of inexpensive, sensitive, and fast response sensors is needed for GSH detection. Using various methodologies, different mechanisms for determining glutathione have been proposed for GSH sensors. Amongst all electrochemical GSH sensors have shown a key role in obtaining reliable and sensitive detection. Electrochemical detection of glutathione (GSH) has gained significant attention in recent years due to its potential in various fields such as biomedical research, clinical diagnostics, environmental monitoring, and food safety. The electrochemical sensing of GSH has several technological advantages, including high sensitivity, selectivity, miniaturization, and point-of-care (POC) detection capabilities. The applicability of current GSH sensors is increased by the vast range of electrode approaches, performance characteristics and electrochemical techniques described in this review. This review focuses on the electrochemical detection of GSH using various electrodes such as carbon-based electrodes and ITO based electrodes

    Comparison and Design of Water Tank Rest on Ground by Lsm and Wsm – a Review

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    In the new version of the IS 3370-2009 Code of Practice for concrete structures for the storage of liquids that has adopted the widely used limit state method. According to the provisions of the previous version of the Code (IS 3370-1965), design of water tanks is only allowed by the work effort method. The study was conducted to compare the design provisions of IS 3370 (1965) and IS 3370 (2009). In this study, a comparison of water design reservoirs using Stress Limiting Worker methods is performed. In order to carry out the comparative design of the study, the three types of water tanks set up a circular reservoir with a capacity of 500 kl, an elevated square reservoir of the tank with a capacity of 250 kl and a rectangle of groundwater 250 kl of its capacity. The quantities of materials were calculated for each problem. The results are presented as graphs and tables and noted that the state water tank design method is more economical since the amount of material required is less compared to the work effort method