8 research outputs found

    Karakteristike i obrada otpadne vode koksne industrije

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    Coke is a high-calorie carbon mass obtained by dry distillation of coal, and used in various processes, the most significant of which is production of iron and steel. Coke production is present worldwide, especially in recent years when due to economic growth the global demand for steel is growing, which consequently increases demand for coke. During coke production, enormous amounts of toxic wastewater of extremely complex composition are generated. Priority pollutants that coking wastewater contains are phenols, cyanides, and thiocyanates. For successful treatment of such wastewater and achieving safety discharge standards, the application of a single process is insufficient. Accordingly, a combination of different physicochemical and biological treatment procedures, of which biological treatment is the most important, should be applied. In this article, a literature review of coking wastewater characteristics and treatment technologies is presented. In addition, this review addresses the complexity and limitations associated with coking wastewater treatment, with special emphasis on biological treatment methods. The aim of this review was to summarise the current knowledge on coking wastewater treatment technologies, which could eventually help optimisation of existing solutions.Koks je visoko kalorično umjetno gorivo koje se upotrebljava u proizvodnji željeza i čelika, a dobiva se suhom destilacijom ugljena. Proizvodnja koksa zastupljena je širom svijeta, osobito posljednjih godina, kad zbog ekonomskog rasta raste i svjetska potražnja za čelikom, što kao posljedicu ima i povećanu potrebu za koksom. Tijekom proizvodnje koksa nastaju enormne količine toksične otpadne vode izrazito kompleksnog sastava, a prioritetne onečišćujuće tvari koje sadrži su fenoli, cijanidi i tiocijanati. Za uspješno pročišćavanje te vrste otpadne vode i postizanje izlaznih parametara primjena jednog procesa nije dovoljna. Shodno tome, primjenjuje se kombinacija različitih fizikalno-kemijskih i bioloških postupaka obrade, od kojih je biološka obrada najvažnija. U ovom radu dan je literaturni pregled karakteristika otpadne vode koksne industrije i načini njihova pročišćavanja. Osim toga, ovaj pregled osvrće se na složenost i ograničenja povezana s pročišćavanjem koksne otpadne vode, s posebnim naglaskom na metode biološke obrade. Cilj ovog rada je sažeti dosadašnja znanja o otpadnoj vodi koksne industrije, što bi u konačnici pomoglo u optimizaciji postojećih rješenja

    Stavovi medicinskih tehničara i medicinskih sestara KBC-a Osijek o predrasudama prema medicinskim tehničarima

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    Sestrinstvo je feminizirana profesija. Uloga je muškaraca kao medicinskih tehničara često nepravedno stigmatizirana u društvu. Zbog odabranog zanimanja podcjenjuju ih kolege, prijatelji, obitelj. Hipoteza je našeg istraživanja sljedeća: položaj medicinskih tehničara u sestrinstvu jednak je položaju medicinskih sestara. Cilj: Cilj je našega istraživanja bio ispitati stavove medicinskih tehničara i medicinskih sestara Kliničkog bolničkog centra Osijek o položaju medicinskih tehničara u sestrinstvu. Metode: Ispitanicima su bila 32 medicinska tehničara i 32 medicinske sestre zaposleni u KBC-u Osijek na osam različitih odjela i klinika. U istraživanju smo koristili upitnik sastavljen od 17 pitanja za medicinske tehničare te 20 pitanja za medicinske sestre na Likertovoj skali od 1 do 5. Upitnik za medicinske sestre sadržavao je 3 dodatne tvrdnje koje su se odnosile na njihov doživljaj vlastite profesije. Rezultati: Većina je naših ispitanika s Klinike za unutarnje bolesti 14 (21,9%). Među ispitanicima njih 45 (70,3%) ima završenu srednju stručnu spremu, jednako prema spolu. Srednja dužina radnog staža je 12 godina. Medicinskog tehničara u obitelji ima 25 (39,1%) ispitanika , a 51 (89,1%) ispitanik ima medicinskog tehničara u krugu bliskih prijatelja. Znatno se više medicinskih tehničara u potpunosti ne slaže s tvrdnjom da njihovi prijatelji koji nisu medicinske struke imaju predrasude prema medicinskim tehničarima (p=0,005). Isto tako, većina se medicinskih sestara u potpunosti ne slaže s tvrdnjom da obitelj ima predrasude prema medicinskim tehničarima. Zaključak: Medicinski tehničari KBC-a Osijek nisu stigmatizirani u obitelji, prijatelja, liječnika, medicinskih sestara. Medicinske sestre u KBC-u Osijek nemaju predrasude prema medicinskim tehničarima

    With food to health : proceedings of 11th International symposium

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    Proceedings contains 13 original scientific papers, 10 professional papers and 2 review papers which were presented at "10th International Scientific and Professional Conference WITH FOOD TO HEALTH", organised in following sections: Nutrition, Dietetics and diet therapy, Functional food and food supplemnents, Food safety, Food analysis, Production of safe food and food with added nutritional value

    Physilochemical and sensory atributes of green olive pastes

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    Paste od maslina se pripremaju od obrađenih zeleno-zrelih do potpuno crno-zrelih maslina. Paste od maslina su prepoznate ne samo po izvrsnom okusu i kvaliteti, već i po blagotvornim učincima na zdravlje. Glavni sastojci paste od zelenih maslina su zelene stolne masline i maslinovo ulje. Opće je poznat značaj stolnih maslina i maslinovog ulja u prehrani, te njihovo blagotvorno djelovanje na zdravlje ljudi tako da ta svojstva pripadaju i pastama od maslina. Cilj ovog završnog rada je ispitati fizikalno-kemijska i senzorska obilježja pet komercijalnih uzoraka paste od zelenih maslina različitih proizvođača, utvrditi razlike među dobivenim rezultatima te ih usporediti s rezultatima dosad provedenih istraživanja. Od ukupno pet ispitanih uzoraka, uzorak oznake F predstavlja pastu od zelenih maslina s mariniranom ljutikom. Ovaj uzorak se koristio kao svojevrstan test uzorak kako bi se utvrdila između ostalog i prihvatljivost proizvoda u smislu organoleptičkih karakteristika od strane potrošača u odnosu na uzorke koji predstavljaju različite receptualno proizvedene paste od zelenih maslina. U radu su provedena slijedeća ispitivanja: određivanje udjela vode i suhe tvari, aktiviteta vode, klorida, titracijske kiselosti, pH vrijednosti te senzorska analiza. Dobiveni rezultati statistički su obrađeni, a statistička značajnost je utvrđena korištenjem Tukey-ov testa signifikantne razlike. Prema rezultatima provedenih ispitivanja utvrđena je među uzorcima razlika po pojedinim ispitanim svojstvima na razini statističke značajnosti koja ukazuje na razlikovnost u sastavnicama i postupcima proizvodnje ovog proizvoda. Najvišu ocjenu ukupne prihvatljivosti dobio je uzorak paste od zelenih maslina s mariniranom ljutikom, što ukazuje na mogućnost proizvodnje i razvoja široke palete proizvoda od masline

    Artificial neural network models for advanced oxidation of organics in water matrix–Comparison of applied methodologies

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    21-29This study focuses on development, characterization and validation of an artificial neural network (ANN) model for prediction of advanced oxidation of organics in water matrix. The different ANNs, based on multilayer perceptron (MLP) and radial basis function (RBF) methodologies, have been applied for modeling of the behavior of complex system; zero-valent iron activated persulfate oxidation (Fe0/S2O82-) of reactive azo dye C.I. Reactive Red 45 (RR45) in aqueous solution. The input variables for ANN modeling are corresponding to Fe0/S2O82- process parameters such as pH, dosage of zero-valent iron and concentration of persulfate, while the system output is the mineralization extent of aqueous RR45 solution after the treatment by Fe0/S2O82- at set conditions. The performance of developed ANN models has been compared and evaluated with regard the applied methodology, training algorithm, activation function and network topology. The results show that MLP methodology needs sinusoidal activation function to reveal the maximal capability. It is demonstrated that although ANN model based on RBF methodology offers good predictive ability, its capability to extrapolate is limited. The full potential of ANN modeling is reached using MLP methodology and scaled conjugate gradient training algorithm in combination with sinusoidal activation function, 6 hidden layer neurons and 8 experimental data points. Based on external validation set, it is demonstrated that the developed model is accurate with the average of relative error 1.70%, and there is no absolute or proportional systematic error. </span

    Ružička days : International conference 18th Ružička Days “Today Science – Tomorrow Industry” : Proceedings

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    Proceedings contains articles presented at Conference divided into sections: chemical analysis and synthesis, chemical and biochemical engineering, food technology and biotechnology, medical chemistry and pharmacy, environmental protection and meeting of young chemists

    8th international scientific conference on kinesiology: 20th anniversary : proceedings

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    We are exceptionally happy that we can greet you once more on this occasion. The Faculty of Kinesiology, as a proud member of the University of Zagreb and a higher education institution that is 57 years old, is organizing The International Scientific Conference on Kinesiology for the 8th time. Identically as three years ago, this is a good opportunity to remember some important anniversaries. First of all, this year we celebrate 160 years since Nicolas Dally published his work in 1857 under the title “Kinesiology – Science of Movement in Relation to Education, Hygiene and Therapy”. This was the first book that introduced Kinesiology as a science of movement. The second important anniversary is 20 years since the establishment of our Conference. In 1997 the first International Scientific Conference on Kinesiology was held in Dubrovnik. Until today a great number of leading experts in the field of contemporary kinesiology were keynote lectures and presenters of the most important scientific breakthroughs in the field. Once again, the Conference will be a great opportunity for broadening of scientific insights into this miraculous, beautiful phenomenon of physical activity and its effects – its perfection when performed by sport artists, as seen at the XXXI Olympic Games, its joyfulness when happy children enjoy being competent to be in motion, or when we see eager people who enjoy life and nature because they have enough energy and they are healthy thanks to an active lifestyle. We are especially proud of the 17th place on the medal list thanks to the ten Olympic medals won by Croatian athletes. All fundamental and applied fields of our science will be discussed within 10 tentative sessions and 3 Satellite symposiums. The ultimate purpose of papers or abstracts published in this Proceedings book is to know and understand human beings and to apply the findings in everyday practice of education, sports, health promotion, recreation, sports management and kinesitherapy. The Proceedings Book contains 249 contributions, which were submitted by the submission deadline, written by 557 authors from 30 countries from all over the world. We expect a number of graduate, doctoral and postdoctoral students from Croatia and abroad for whom the Conference School of Kinesiology for Postgraduate and Doctoral Students will be organised during the Conference. From the very beginning the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts has given its highly respected patronage to the Conference, thus underpinning the recognition of kinesiology in the structure of sciences. Special thanks go to our partner institutions: Beijing Sports University, China and the Faculty of Sports Studies, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic, to our collaboration institutions: the Lithuanian University of Educational Sciences, Lithuania, the Otto-von-Guericke University, Magdeburg, Germany and the Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, University of Novi Sad, Serbia. We wish to express much gratitude to all the authors, reviewers, participants, members of the Organisation and Program Committee, Section Editors, technical support staff, and sponsors for their contributions, time and effort inbuilt in the quality of the 8th International Conference on Kinesiology and its Proceedings. We wish success in the conference work to all the participants and a pleasant time in Opatija. Convinced that the Conference will give the expected impetus to further cooperation between scholars and institutions, we are looking forward in advance to meeting you again at the 9th International Conference on Kinesiology in 2020. Organising Committe

    8th international scientific conference on kinesiology: 20th anniversary : proceedings

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    We are exceptionally happy that we can greet you once more on this occasion. The Faculty of Kinesiology, as a proud member of the University of Zagreb and a higher education institution that is 57 years old, is organizing The International Scientific Conference on Kinesiology for the 8th time. Identically as three years ago, this is a good opportunity to remember some important anniversaries. First of all, this year we celebrate 160 years since Nicolas Dally published his work in 1857 under the title “Kinesiology – Science of Movement in Relation to Education, Hygiene and Therapy”. This was the first book that introduced Kinesiology as a science of movement. The second important anniversary is 20 years since the establishment of our Conference. In 1997 the first International Scientific Conference on Kinesiology was held in Dubrovnik. Until today a great number of leading experts in the field of contemporary kinesiology were keynote lectures and presenters of the most important scientific breakthroughs in the field. Once again, the Conference will be a great opportunity for broadening of scientific insights into this miraculous, beautiful phenomenon of physical activity and its effects – its perfection when performed by sport artists, as seen at the XXXI Olympic Games, its joyfulness when happy children enjoy being competent to be in motion, or when we see eager people who enjoy life and nature because they have enough energy and they are healthy thanks to an active lifestyle. We are especially proud of the 17th place on the medal list thanks to the ten Olympic medals won by Croatian athletes. All fundamental and applied fields of our science will be discussed within 10 tentative sessions and 3 Satellite symposiums. The ultimate purpose of papers or abstracts published in this Proceedings book is to know and understand human beings and to apply the findings in everyday practice of education, sports, health promotion, recreation, sports management and kinesitherapy. The Proceedings Book contains 249 contributions, which were submitted by the submission deadline, written by 557 authors from 30 countries from all over the world. We expect a number of graduate, doctoral and postdoctoral students from Croatia and abroad for whom the Conference School of Kinesiology for Postgraduate and Doctoral Students will be organised during the Conference. From the very beginning the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts has given its highly respected patronage to the Conference, thus underpinning the recognition of kinesiology in the structure of sciences. Special thanks go to our partner institutions: Beijing Sports University, China and the Faculty of Sports Studies, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic, to our collaboration institutions: the Lithuanian University of Educational Sciences, Lithuania, the Otto-von-Guericke University, Magdeburg, Germany and the Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, University of Novi Sad, Serbia. We wish to express much gratitude to all the authors, reviewers, participants, members of the Organisation and Program Committee, Section Editors, technical support staff, and sponsors for their contributions, time and effort inbuilt in the quality of the 8th International Conference on Kinesiology and its Proceedings. We wish success in the conference work to all the participants and a pleasant time in Opatija. Convinced that the Conference will give the expected impetus to further cooperation between scholars and institutions, we are looking forward in advance to meeting you again at the 9th International Conference on Kinesiology in 2020. Organising Committe