803 research outputs found

    Transverse jet-cavity interactions with the influence of an impinging shock

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    For high-speed air breathing engines, fuel injection and subsequent mixing with air is paramount for combustion. The high freestream velocity poses a great challenge to efficient mixing both in macroscale and microscale. Utilising cavities downstream of fuel injection locations, as a means to hold the flow and stabilise the combustion, is one mechanism which has attracted much attention, requiring further research to study the unsteady flow features and interactions occurring within the cavity. In this study we combine the transverse jet injection upstream of a cavity with an impinging shock to see how this interaction influences the cavity flow, since impinging shocks have been shown to enhance mixing of transverse jets. Utilising qualitative and quantitative methods: schlieren, oilflow, PIV, and PSP the induced flowfield is analysed. The impinging shock lifts the shear layer over the cavity and combined with the instabilities generated by the transverse jet creates a highly complicated flowfield with numerous vertical structures. The interaction between the oblique shock and the jet leads to a relatively uniform velocity distribution within the cavity

    Songs of a hidden orchid: Yuefu and Gexing by Li He (791-817)

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    LEI Universiteit LeidenAsian Studie

    High-dimensional unitary transformations and boson sampling on temporal modes using dispersive optics

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    A major challenge for postclassical boson sampling experiments is the need for a large number of coupled optical modes, detectors, and single-photon sources. Here we show that these requirements can be greatly eased by time-bin encoding and dispersive optics-based unitary transformations. Detecting consecutively heralded photons after time-independent dispersion performs boson sampling from unitaries for which an efficient classical algorithm is lacking. We also show that time-dependent dispersion can implement general single-particle unitary operations. More generally, this scheme promises an efficient architecture for a range of other linear optics experiments.United States. Air Force Office of Scientific Research. Multidisciplinary University Research Initiative (Grant FA9550-14-1-0052

    Suspended liquid particle disturbance on laser-induced blast wave and low density distribution

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    The impurity effect of suspended liquid particles on the laser-induced gas breakdown was experimentally investigated in quiescent gas. The focus of this study is the investigation of the influence of the impurities on the shock wave structure as well as the low density distribution. A 532 nm Nd:YAG laser beam with an 188 mJ/pulse was focused on the chamber filled with suspended liquid particles 0.9 ± 0.63 μm in diameter. Several shock waves are generated by multiple gas breakdowns along the beam path in the breakdown with particles. Four types of shock wave structures can be observed: (1) the dual blast waves with a similar shock radius, (2) the dual blast waves with a large shock radius at the lower breakdown, (3) the dual blast waves with a large shock radius at the upper breakdown, and (4) the triple blast waves. The independent blast waves interact with each other and enhance the shock strength behind the shock front in the lateral direction. The triple blast waves lead to the strongest shock wave in all cases. The shock wave front that propagates toward the opposite laser focal spot impinges on one another, and thereafter a transmitted shock wave (TSW) appears. The TSW interacts with the low density core called a kernel; the kernel then longitudinally expands quickly due to a Richtmyer-Meshkov-like instability. The laser-particle interaction causes an increase in the kernel volume which is approximately five times as large as that in the gas breakdown without particles. In addition, the laser-particle interaction can improve the laser energy efficiency

    Anti-deuteron beam study at J-PARC HEF K1.8 beam line

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    We performed a d‾\overline{d} beam study at the K1.8 beam line of J-PARC Hadron Experimental Facility. 1.8 GeV/cc d‾\overline{d} beam yield was measured to be 0.30 ±\pm 0.04 counts/spill for 30 GeV 70 ×1012\times 10^{12} protons/spill irradiated on a 66 mm thick of gold target with the vertical slit opening widths of 2.2 mm, 5 mm and 5 mm for intermediate focus (IFV), mass slit 1 (MS1) and 2 (MS2), respectively. Corresponding p‾\overline{p} beam yield is roughly estimated to be ∼\sim 0.3 Mcounts/spill for the same slit condition. Then, the d‾/p‾\overline{d}/\overline{p} production ratio at extraction angle of 6 degrees is estimated to be ∼10−6\sim 10^{-6}. This is the first time measurement of the d‾\overline{d} beam yield and d‾/p‾\overline{d}/\overline{p} production ratio at J-PARC. Further beam line tuning may increase the d‾\overline{d} beam yield.Comment: 13 pages, 9 figures, J-PARC HEF K1.8 beam line group technical repor

    Identification of distinct loci for de novo DNA methylation by DNMT3A and DNMT3B during mammalian development

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    De novo establishment of DNA methylation is accomplished by DNMT3A and DNMT3B. Here, we analyze de novo DNA methylation in mouse embryonic fibroblasts (2i-MEFs) derived from DNA-hypomethylated 2i/L ES cells with genetic ablation of Dnmt3a or Dnmt3b. We identify 355 and 333 uniquely unmethylated genes in Dnmt3a and Dnmt3b knockout (KO) 2i-MEFs, respectively. We find that Dnmt3a is exclusively required for de novo methylation at both TSS regions and gene bodies of Polycomb group (PcG) target developmental genes, while Dnmt3b has a dominant role on the X chromosome. Consistent with this, tissue-specific DNA methylation at PcG target genes is substantially reduced in Dnmt3a KO embryos. Finally, we find that human patients with DNMT3 mutations exhibit reduced DNA methylation at regions that are hypomethylated in Dnmt3 KO 2i-MEFs. In conclusion, here we report a set of unique de novo DNA methylation target sites for both DNMT3 enzymes during mammalian development that overlap with hypomethylated sites in human patients

    Distributional and classical solutions to the Cauchy Boltzmann problem for soft potentials with integrable angular cross section

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    This paper focuses on the study of existence and uniqueness of distributional and classical solutions to the Cauchy Boltzmann problem for the soft potential case assuming Sn−1S^{n-1} integrability of the angular part of the collision kernel (Grad cut-off assumption). For this purpose we revisit the Kaniel--Shinbrot iteration technique to present an elementary proof of existence and uniqueness results that includes large data near a local Maxwellian regime with possibly infinite initial mass. We study the propagation of regularity using a recent estimate for the positive collision operator given in [3], by E. Carneiro and the authors, that permits to study such propagation without additional conditions on the collision kernel. Finally, an LpL^{p}-stability result (with 1≤p≤∞1\leq p\leq\infty) is presented assuming the aforementioned condition.Comment: 19 page

    Photo-production of neutral kaons on 12C in the threshold region

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    Kaon photo-production process on 12^{12}C has been studied by measuring neutral kaons in a photon energy range of 0.8−-1.1 GeV. Neutral kaons were identified by the invariant mass constructed from two charged pions emitted in the KS0→π+π−K^{0}_{S}\to\pi^{+}\pi^{-} decay channel. The differential cross sections as well as the integrated ones in the threshold photon energy region were obtained. The obtained momentum spectra were compared with a Spectator model calculation using elementary amplitudes of kaon photo-production given by recent isobar models. Present result provides, for the first time, the information on n(γ,K0)Λn(\gamma,K^{0})\Lambda reaction which is expected to play an important role to construct models for strangeness production by the electromagnetic interaction. Experimental results show that cross section of 12C(γ,K0)^{12}{\rm C}(\gamma,K^0) is of the same order to that of 12C(γ,K+)^{12}{\rm C}(\gamma,K^+) and suggest that slightly backward K0K^0 angular distribution is favored in the γn→K0Λ\gamma n\to K^0\Lambda process.Comment: 6 pages, 8 figure
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