112 research outputs found


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    Ayurveda is a science of self understanding. It is understood by its own unique nature or constitution i.e. Prakruti. Ayurveda believes that the individual’s constitution (Prakruti) is framed at the time of conception as a genetic code or predominant Panchamahabhautic dosha. Ayurveda classifies human beings into three distinct types: Vata, Pitta and Kapha with multiple subtypes. Rakta is said to be the 4th Dosha, i.e. it has the importance as that of Tridosha. All Dhatus are dependent for their nourishment on Raktadhatu. Chakrapani explains different shades of Raktadhatu according to different Prakriti. So there is close relation between Raktadhatu and Prakriti. Doshas which are responsible for Prakriti remain constant and they do not change until death. Genetic constitution is identical and unique for every person, the same as Prakriti. Every gene performs a specific function. So Prakriti can be correlated with genetics whether there is any particular genetic pattern for the particular Prakriti with the help of a tool like Single Nucleotide Polymorphism. P2Y12, the receptor present on the platelet surface, initiates platelet aggregation. To analyse polymorphism in the P2Y12 gene, in exhibiting platelet aggregative response, in correlation with Prakriti. &nbsp


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    In our country since last few decades along with scientific and technological revolution a social revolution has also took place which ultimately has drastically changed dietary habits of society at large. This change in dietary habit has ultimately resulted in manifestation of many problems related to gastrointestinal tract. Ayurveda, an ancient system of Indian medicine documented and practiced since 1500 B.C. deals with inter-individual variability for personalized and predictive medicine. In Ayurveda the concept of Agni is very specific one of its kind among other contemporary sciences. Concept of Agni is vividly discussed in Ayurveda as it is the most significant entity for maintaining health of an individual. In Ayurveda, Agnimandya is said to be the root cause of most of the diseases. Hence it is important to understand the basic nature of Agni so as to take care of it. In the present study we have reviewed the basic concept of Agni its types thoroughly and also discussed efficacy of some well-known approaches to treat Agnimandya on the basis of recent clinical studies


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    Now a days hypertension is most prevailing lifestyle disorder. It is also known as silent killer. Hypertension has been globally acknowledged as most prevalent risk factor for life threatening cardiovascular diseases. Ayurveda is a science of life and oldest medical science known to the mankind practised in India. Since ages Indian population have been benefited by the healing touch of this science. Due to life style of hurry, worry and curry, many lifestyle disorders become household diseases in developing countries and hypertension is one among them.Hypertension is one of such disorders which can be caused by many factors, including increase in the volume of body fluid, resistance of the blood vessels, and other factors that elevate blood pressure. Modern treatment modalities although reduce the blood pressure very effectively but their long term efficacy i.e. target organ damage reduction is not enough. Despite various new drugs the overall percentage of population suffering from hypertension is increasing day by day. The use of herbal medicine is finding more relevance with the recognition that we are facing more challenges in the treatment of some medical conditions such as hypertension.This review is regarding current on medicinal approach to deal with hypertension as well as antihypertensive actions of some herbal medicines and formulations, their therapeutic values in clinical situation and recent approaches to validate and document their antihypertensive efficacies. The central idea behind this review is that if we can demonstrate the value of our science and art of healing even in current lifestyle disorders like hypertension with proper evidence based documentation then it will not only increase faith for Ayurveda among young researchers but also enhance global acceptability of our science as a contemporary science of medicine

    Profile of multi drug resistant (MDR) and rifampicin resistant TB patients treated under category IV of RNTCP

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    Background: The emergence of resistance to drugs used to treat tuberculosis (TB) and particularly multidrug resistance TB (MDR-TB) has become a significant health problem and obstacle to effective TB control in India. Present study was conducted to study clinical and sociodemograohic profile of MDR and rifampicin resistant TB patients registered for treatment under RNTCP in Yavatmal district of Maharashtra state.Methods: All drug resistant (MDR and rifampicin resistant) TB patients residents of Yavatmal district, treated at DOTS plus site with Standardized Treatment Regimen (STR) from 1st quarter 2009 to 3rd quarter 2013 were included. Data was obtained from electronic treatment register maintained at DOTS Plus site.Results: There were total 60 confirmed MDR and rifampicin resistant TB patients from Yavatmal district. Male patients (65.00%) were comparatively more than females (35.00%). Almost half (46.67%) of the patients belonged to the productive age group i.e. 30-45 years followed by another one third (35.00%) in the age group of 15-30 years. 93.33% patients were previously treated under RNTCP (under CAT II), out of them 48.51% were failure, 37.50% relapse and 14.29% defaulter.Conclusions: Among MDR and rifampicin resistant TB patients, maximum patients were males, belonged to the social and productive age group, HIV negative and previously treated due to treatment failure

    Qualitätssicherung interdisziplinärer Polytraumaversorgung: Möglichkeiten und Grenzen retrospektiver Standarderfassung

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    Zusammenfassung: Hintergrund: Inwieweit kann die Auswertung standardmäßig erhobener Patienten- und Krankenhausdaten einen Behandlungsvergleich mit anderen Erhebungen gestatten? Material und Methoden: Es wurde eine retrospektive Analyse epidemiologischer und klinisch-technischer Parameter aller Mehrfachverletzten [Injury Severity Score (ISS)>15] einer Zentrumsklinik (n=172; Zeitraum: 01.01.1997-31.12.1999) bezüglich der Ablauforganisation und des Outcome (p74Jahre, Hypotension, initial verminderte Hämoglobin- und Quick-Werte, verminderte Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) sowie Anzahl erhaltener Blutkonzentrate. Eine Gegenüberstellung der erhobenen Daten mit der zeitgleichen prospektiven Multizenterstudie der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Unfallchirurgie (DGU) bestätigte die Ergebnisse bezüglich des Ablaufs und des Outcome. Schlussfolgerung: Die interdisziplinäre retrospektive Datenauswertung ist unter Fokussierung auf prognoserelevante und routinemäßig erhobene Parameter eine praktikable sowie aussagefähige Alternative zu prospektiven Erfassungen und ermöglicht eine erste qualitative Standortbestimmun

    Haematological abnormalities and pharmacotherapy in severe acute respiratory syndrome corona virus 2

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    The first case of SARS-CoV-2 (severe acute respiratory syndrome corona virus 2) was reported in Wuhan, China at the end of year 2019. It shows flu-like symptoms, but anosmia, fatigue, persistent cough and loss of appetite, that collectively might spot individuals with COVID-19. The aim of writing this review was to gather the information about blood abnormalities and pharmacotherapy for COVID-19 as a resource for healthcare professionals. A blood workup as well as continuous tracking hematological changes could divulge the risks of disease progression. The indirect indicators such as C-reactive protein (CRP), D-dimer, albumin, ferritin and LDH levels which are used as markers to estimate the severity of COVID-19 infection and prognosis. The most common hematological findings include lymphocytopenia, neutrophilia, eosinopenia, mild thrombocytopenia and less frequently, thrombocytosis. Clinical management includes prophylactic and therapeutic measures. Supportive care including supplemental oxygen and mechanical ventilatory support as and when indicated. Several class of drugs like anti-malarial, anti-viral, anti-inflammatory drugs are being used for the treatment and prevention of COVID-19. The target for development of most of the vaccine for COVID-19 is S protein of the corona virus. Various vaccines available for use across the globe are COVAX, Covishield, Moderna, Johnson and Johnson, Sputnik V, Novavax, Sinopharm, SinoVac. Serial monitoring of hematological manifestations is recommended and the treating doctor should stay vigilant and consider proper screening. The therapeutic intention is to decrease viral load and pharmacological thrombo-prophylaxis in high risk patients

    Evaluation of effect of Calotropis gigantea root bark in some animal models of Wister albino rats

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    Background: Calotropis gigantea is a well-documented traditional medicinal plant useful for many disease conditions. The present study deals with the effect of alcoholic extract of roots bark of Calotropis gigantean in some animal models.Methods: Acute anti-inflammatory activity of root extract was assessed on carrageenin induced paw edema and chronic antiinflammatory activity on cotton pellet granuloma formation in rats and compared with standard diclofenac sodium. Antiasthmatic activity was assessed in histamine and actylcholine induced bronchoconstriction in guinea pigs.Results: 100 and 200 mg/kg p.o. root extract of CG showed significant anti-inflammatory and bronchodilator activity. Antiinflammatory activity was higher than Diclofenac Sodium 50mg/kg. The combination of low dose diclofenac sodium 25mg/kg potentiated the effect. Inhibitory effect on synthesis and release of various inflammatory mediators might contribute to both of these actions. Steroid like phytoconstituents might be responsible for these effects. Further research is needed to understand the exact mechanism behind these effects.Conclusions: In the present study Calotropis gigantea root bark exhibited anti-inflammatory activity in animal models.
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