31 research outputs found

    Scheduling optimum planting window for gladiola based on El Niño Southern Oscillation

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    Gladiola is an important cut flower worldwide and scheduling field gladiola production is largely dependent on planting at the correct time since its development is controlled by the air temperature. The aim of this study was to configure a planting window of gladiola in order to harvest spikes to be sold on All Souls’ Day and Mother’s Day holidays in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, taking into account the El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) phases. The PhenoGlad model, a dynamic process-based simulation model that simulates gladiola phenology on a daily time step was used in this study. Daily minimum and maximum temperatures over 55 years (1961-2015) from 18 weather stations across Rio Grande do Sul state, Brazil, were used as input data in the PhenoGlad model. The optimum planting window was simulated for each maturity group, location and ENSO phase. For harvesting on All Souls’ Day, the optimum planting window had greater variation among the different ENSO phases. For Mother’s Day, only Very Strong El Niño events affected the development of gladiola, indicating the weak signal of the phenomenon at this time of the year. A case study in a commercial farm demonstrated the importance of these results for farmers. The planting window for production on Mother’s Day in a Neutral year was successfully configured. Determining the optimum planting window by considering the ENSO effect led to a more precise scheduling of gladiola production in southern Brazil

    Long‑term changes in rice development in Southern Brazil, during the last ten decades

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi verificar a tendência de longo prazo na duração de fases do desenvolvimento do arroz em Santa Maria, RS. A duração da emergência ao V3 (EM‑V3), da emergência à diferenciação da panícula (EM‑R1), da emergência à antese (EM‑R4) e da emergência a todos os grãos com casca marrom (EM‑R9) foi calculada com os modelos de aparecimento de folhas e de desenvolvimento, para quatro cultivares de arroz (IRGA 421, IRGA 417, EPAGRI 109 e EEA 406), no período de 1912 a 2011, com três datas de emergência (cedo, intermediária e tardia). A tendência da série temporal foi testada com o teste não paramétrico de Mann‑Kendall, e a magnitude da tendência foi estimada com regressão linear simples. O desenvolvimento do arroz modificou-se ao longo das últimas dez décadas neste local, o que levou à antecipação de 17 a 31 dias na época de colheita, dependendo do grupo de maturação da cultivar e da data de emergência, o que foi relacionado a tendências de aumento na temperatura durante a estação de crescimento. O aumento da temperatura no período avaliado é responsável por modificar a fenologia do arroz neste local, uma vez que as temperaturas mínima e máxima guiam os modelos de desenvolvimento de arroz utilizados.The objective of this work was to test long‑term trends in the duration of rice development phases in Santa Maria, RS, Brazil. The duration from emergence to V3 (EM‑V3), emergence to panicle differentiation (EM‑R1), emergence to anthesis (EM‑R4), and emergence to all grains with brown hull (EM‑R9) was calculated using a leaf appearance and a developmental model for four rice cultivars (IRGA 421, IRGA 417, EPAGRI 109, and EEA 406), for the period from 1912 to 2011, considering three emergence dates (early, mid, and late). The trend of the time series was tested with the non‑parametric Mann‑Kendall test, and the magnitude of the trend was estimated with simple linear regression. Rice development has changed over the last ten decades in this location, leading to an anticipation of harvest time of 17 to 31 days, depending on the cultivar maturity group and emergence date, which is related to trends of temperature increase during the growing season. Warmer temperatures over the evaluated time period are responsible for changing rice phenology in since this location minimum and maximum daily temperature drive the rice developmental models used

    Seletividade de herbicidas e controle de plantas daninhas no cultivo de gladíolo

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    The objective of this work was to evaluate the selectivity of pre- and post-emergent herbicides and their efficiency in weed control, as well as the growth and quality of floral stems, in a gladiolus (Gladiolus x grandiflorus) crop in two growing seasons. The experiments were carried out in the field, where the planted gladiolus received the application of pre- and post-emergent herbicides, with and without mechanical weed control. At 7, 14, 21, and 28 days after emergence (DAE), monocotyledon and eudicotyledon control and phytotoxicity to gladiolus plants were evaluated. At 28 DAE, the shoot dry matter of weeds and gladiolus plants was also evaluated. The s-metolachlor and diuron pre-emergent herbicides and the haloxyfop-p-methyl post-emergent herbicide are selective to gladiolus plants in both seasons, which allows of the production of floral stems with commercial quality. The s-metolachlor and haloxyfop-p-methyl herbicides also promote an efficient control of monocotyledons regardless of the growing season. Although, when applied, saflufenacil and 2,4-D cause phytotoxicity in the vegetative phase of gladiolus, they do not affect the production of floral stems and control satisfactorily eudicotyledons in the second season.O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a seletividade de herbicidas pré e pós-emergentes e a sua eficiência no controle de plantas daninhas, bem como o crescimento e a qualidade de hastes florais, na cultura do gladíolo (Gladiolus x grandiflorus), em duas épocas de cultivo. Os experimentos foram conduzidos a campo, onde os gladíolos plantados receberam a aplicação de herbicidas pré e pós-emergentes, com e sem controle mecânico das plantas daninhas. Aos 7, 14, 21 e 28 dias após a emergência (DAE), avaliaram-se o controle de monocotiledôneas e eudicotiledôneas, além da fitotoxicidade no gladíolo. Aos 28 DAE, também foi avaliada a massa seca da parte aérea das plantas daninhas e dos gladíolos. Os herbicidas pré-emergentes s-metolacloro e diuron e o pós-emergente haloxifope-p-metílico são seletivos ao gladíolo, em ambas as épocas de cultivo, o que possibilita a produção de hastes florais com qualidade comercial. Os herbicidas s-metolacloro e haloxifope-p-metílico também promovem controle eficiente de monocotiledôneas independentemente da época de cultivo. Embora, quando aplicados, saflufenacil e 2,4-D causem fitotoxicidade na fase vegetativa do gladíolo, não afetam a produção de hastes florais e controlam satisfatoriamente as eudicotiledôneas no segundo cultivo

    Assessing climate change effects on gladiola in Southern Brazil

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    Gladiola (Gladiolus × grandiflorus Hort.) is an important cut flower for small farmers in Brazil. While the El Niño Southern Oscillation, which causes interannual variability to air temperature in Southern Brazil, can shift the optimum planting window of gladiola, an increase in temperature due to climate change can accelerate gladiola flowering and cause injuries by heat. The objective of this study was to assess the potential climate change effects on gladiola optimum planting date for specific market dates and investigate injuries occurrence on spikes in the Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil. Field experiments were conducted from 2016 to 2018 at four different locations across the Rio Grande do Sul State to evaluate the performance of the PhenoGlad model in simulating the developmental stages of gladiola. The PhenoGlad model was run on climate scenarios of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 5 (CMIP5) named RCP2.6, RCP4.5 and RCP8.5 scenarios. The climate change scenarios caused a delay in the optimum planting date to harvest gladiola for All Souls’ Day across the Rio Grande do Sul State. For harvesting spikes for Mother’s Day, negative anomalies (earliest planting date) occurred in the warmest regions, because the very high temperature extended the crop development. Injuries by heat on spikes reached positive anomalies in 70 % of the years in the warmest regions for scenario RCP8.5. To harvest spikes for Mother’s Day, heat injury did not exceed 20 % of the years. Mitigation strategies for farmers to deal with climate change and keep their gladiola production include adjusting the optimum planting date

    Transforming a home refrigerator into a BOD prototype for statice vernalization

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    Vernalization, natural or artificial, is a physiological requirement of some plants to meet the need for low temperatures for its complete development to occur. The objective of this article is to describe a protocol of transforming a domestic refrigerator into a BOD (Biochemical Oxygen Demand) prototype aimed at vernalizing propagating materials statice crop. The first step is to install a temperature controller to maintain a constant temperature inside the refrigerator (10 °C). Thinking of seedling vernalization, it is still necessary to install a system of lights inside the refrigerator. The control of the time that the lights remain on inside the prototype is carried out by installing a Timer adjusted so that the lights remained on, uninterruptedly, for 10 hours. To test the effective ness of the prototype, an on-farm experiment was carried out with the statice (Limonium sinuatum L.) crop at 5 locations in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. The seedlings were vernalized at an internal temperature of 10 °C and photoperiod of 10 hours for 3 weeks. The duration of this experiment was 8 months and at the end of this observed that statice plants were correctly vernalized because the plants emitted flower stems and showed satisfactory development throughout the growing cycle. Therefore, that the adaptation of a domestic refrigerator as a BOD economically viable and easy mounting prototype is possible. Being an excellent alternative to small producers

    Aplicabilidade do termo antocrono para representar a velocidade de abertura de flores em inflorescência

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    The objective of this work was to propose a term for representing the time interval between the opening of successive flowers on inflorescences and to verify the applicability of this term to gladiola. The term was built by joining the Greek combining forms antho‑ (anthos = flower) and chron‑ (chronos = time), to correspond to the time needed for successive flowers to open on floral stems (inflorescences), having time per flower as unit. In order to test the concept and applicability of the term, data on the accumulated number of opened florets on gladiola spikes were collected from two field experiments, in Santa Maria, in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, from August 2011 to November 2013. For each plot with six plants, a simple linear regression was performed between the accumulated number of opened florets on the stem and the days after plant emergence. The term was called “anthochron”, and in gladiola, it was estimated as the inverse of slope of the linear regression, with the unit days per floret. Anthochron in gladiola depends on the cultivar and decreases with the increase of air temperature during the spike flowering period.O objetivo deste trabalho foi propor um termo para representar o intervalo de tempo de abertura entre flores sucessivas em inflorescências, e verificar a aplicabilidade deste termo a gladíolo de corte. O termo foi construído pela junção dos radicais gregos anto‑ (antos = flor) e crono‑ (cronos = tempo), para corresponder ao tempo necessário para a abertura de flores sucessivas em ramos florais (inflorescências), tendo-se como unidade o tempo por flor. Para testar o conceito e a aplicabilidade do termo, dados do número acumulado de floretes abertos em espigas de gladíolo foram coletados em dois experimentos de campo, em Santa Maria, RS, de agosto de 2011 a novembro de 2013. Para cada parcela de seis plantas, realizou-se uma regressão linear simples entre o número acumulado de floretes abertos na haste floral e os dias após a emergência das plantas. O termo foi denominado “antocrono” e, em gladíolo, foi estimado como sendo o inverso do coeficiente angular da regressão linear, com a unidade dias por florete. O antocrono em gladíolo depende da cultivar e decresce com o aumento da temperatura do ar, durante o período de florescimento da espiga

    Parâmetros quantitativos de hastes florais de gladíolo conforme a data de plantio em ambiente subtropical

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    The objective of this work was to determine the growing seasons, in a subtropical environment, when it is possible to produce gladiolus (Gladiolus x grandiflorus) stems that meet commercial, quantitative standards for cut flowers of the national market. Two field experiments were carried out – one from August 2011 to July 2012, and the other from August 2012 to July 2013 – with three gladiolus cultivars and 12 planting dates for each experiment. Stem total length, rachis length, and stem diameter were evaluated at the harvesting point, when the petal color appears in the first three florets at the stem base. The best months for production of gladiolus stems are July, August, September, February, March, and April, although in the other planting dates the stem quality was never below the minimum standard (except for the periods of frost during heading).O objetivo deste trabalho foi determinar as épocas de cultivo, em ambiente subtropical, em que é possível produzir hastes de gladíolo (Gladiolus x grandiflorus) que atendam aos padrões comerciais quantitativos do mercado nacional de flores de corte. Dois experimentos de campo foram realizados, um de agosto de 2011 a julho de 2012 e outro de agosto de 2012 a julho de 2013, com três cultivares do gladíolo e 12 datas de plantio para cada experimento. O comprimento total da haste, o comprimento do pendão e o diâmetro da haste foram avaliados quando as hastes estavam em ponto de colheita, ou seja, quando a cor das pétalas apareceu nos três primeiros floretes na base da haste. Os melhores meses para a produção de hastes de gladíolo são julho, agosto, setembro, fevereiro, março e abril, embora em nenhuma das datas de plantio tenham sido produzidas hastes com parâmetros quantitativos abaixo do padrão mínimo (exceto em períodos com geada, durante o espigamento)

    Cycle duration and quality of gladiolus floral stems in three locations of Southern Brazil

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    The objective of this study was to determine the cycle duration in days and the quantitative parameters, i.e. stem length, spike length and stem diameter of gladiolus floral stems as a function of the planting date and locations in the Rio Grande do Sul/Brazil. Field experiments were established between 2014-2015 in three locations (Frederico Westphalen, Itaqui and Santa Maria). The experimental design was a complete randomized block, with six gladiolus cultivars in three distinct planting dates at each location as treatments. The shift from vegetative to reproductive stage, the stem length, spike length and stem diameter were evaluated. Data was statistically analyzed by ANOVA and Tukey test. When planted during late July and early August, cultivars of early cycle (‘Purple Flora’, ‘Rose Friendship’ and ‘White Friendship’) and intermediate cycle (‘Green Star’ and ‘Jester’), produced floral stems of gladiolus in the desired patterns besides as well as having a shorter growth cycle than late cultivars (‘Gold Field’), being recommended for commercial cultivation in Southern Brazil

    Agricultura 4.0 aplicada à floricultura - PhenoGlad Mobile SC

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    Production planning is essential to guarantee the quality of flowers required by the consumer market. The work aims to describe the PhenoGlad Mobile SC App, a digital tool for planning the cultivation of gladiolus. PhenoGlad Mobile SC proposes accessibility to farmers, as it presents a friendly interface and offline operation after downloading. With this App, simulations can be obtained from the date of planting or from the date of harvest of flowers, enabling the production planning of gladiolus for all municipalities in SC.O planejamento da produção é essencial para garantir a qualidade de flores exigida pelo mercado consumidor. O trabalho tem como objetivo descrever o funcionamento do aplicativo PhenoGlad Mobile SC, uma ferramenta digital para o planejamento do cultivo de gladíolo ou palma-de-santa-rita. O PhenoGlad Mobile SC propõe acessibilidade ao produtor rural, por apresentar interface amigável e funcionamento offline depois de realizado o download do aplicativo. Com o aplicativo, podem ser obtidas simulações a partir da data de plantio ou de colheita das flores, possibilitando o planejamento de produção de gladíolo para todos os municípios de SC.