651 research outputs found

    Simmering in the Soviet pot: language heterogeneity in early Soviet socio-linguistics

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    At the beginning of the '30s—the period of lively debates on the relation between language and society—one of the main issues in linguistics was language heterogeneity. On the example of the texts by Boris Larin, Georgij Danilov and Lev Jakubinskij we shall compare two attitudes about unity and division of a language. If the studies by Larin and Danilov in various ways establish divisions in society and language at the end of the '20s, in the '30s there is a marked tendency to recognize language unity and the cohesiveness of the proletarian society, as seen in socio-linguistic analyses by Jakubinskij. The conclusion, suggested at the end of this exposition, claims that the idea of one national language grows in importance in the discourse of the Soviet linguistics at the beginning of 1930s. Disappearance of the contemporary language heterogeneity in the discourse of Soviet linguists of the period corroborates how linguistics adapts to the political conceptions of societ

    Association Between Impulsivity and Positive Expectations of Marijuana

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    There has been extensive research into cannabis use and misuse. With legalization and popularity continuing to increase for both medicinal and recreational use, a concern about substance abuse is far from over. The current study examines whether positive expectations (opinions, assumptions, and attitudes) toward marijuana use are associated with the personality trait of impulsivity. An online survey using the SONA research system consists of the Marijuana Effect Expectancies Questionnaire- Brief, the I7 Impulsivity Questionnaire, and demographic questions. The study is currently in progress, but preliminary data indicates that impulsivity significantly predicts marijuana effect expectancies. Knowing that a particular personality trait predicts attitudes towards marijuana can be used for marketing purposes, possibly help identify a predisposition towards marijuana use, and help mental healthcare providers in their treatment of people with the disorder. Future studies can examine whether this relationship is related to substance use disorder, potentially alleviating the drug abuse crisis

    Fosforov pentasulfid

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    Promise and Practice: The Dichotomous Nature of Partnership Between Parks and Recreation and Higher Education in Northeastern Ohio

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    Author Institution: School of Exercise, Leisure, and Sport, Kent State UniversityA survey of 73 northeastern Ohio parks and recreation department directors confirmed what parks and recreation leaders have recognized as a national dilemma; despite strong support for the concept of partnership, 93% of local parks and recreation directors did not have current links with colleges and universities. Although respondents' positive reactions toward partnership were significantly related to the perceived likelihood of partnership creation (r = .5282,/? = .01), only slightly more than half believed that partnership formation was likely to very likely. Funding availability, while a concern of many directors, did not positively or significantly correlate with either reaction (r = -.0156, p = .01) or likelihood (r = -.0860,/? = .01). Further, given the low rate (7%) of extant partnerships, the proximity of parks and recreation departments to postsecondary institutions (mean = 4 institutions per department) did not promote partnership creation. The apparent disparity between partnership's perceived promise and actual practice suggests the influence of mediating factors inhibiting the potential collaborators' initiative to act. Systemic forces (such as institutional inertia), the lack of partnershipbuilding information and models, and insufficient or unclear motivational factors may play pivotal roles

    Multicentre Bond Indices from the Generalized Population Analysis of Higher Order Densities

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    Based on the generalized population analysis of appropriate functionals derived from higher order densities, the multicentre bond indices were introduced at both SCF and post-SCF levels. The corresponding indices were applied to the visualization of bonding in several simple molecules both without and with three-centre bonds. The ability of the se indices to detect and to localize the presence of three-centre bonds was tested on the analysis of bonding in several simple boranes B2H6, B4HlO, B5H9\u27 The three centre bonds were always detected in complete agreement with expectations. The approach is quite general and can be applied to the visulization of bonding in other cases of molecules with complex bonding patterns

    Could There Have Been Human Families Where Parents Came from Different Populations: Denisovans, Neanderthals or Sapiens?

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    No later than ~500kya the population of Homo sapiens split into three lin-eages of independently evolving human populations: Sapiens, Neanderthals and Den-isovans. After several hundred thousands years, they met several times and interbred with low frequency. Evidence of coupling between them is found in fossil records of Neanderthal – Sapiens offspring (Oase 1) and Neanderthal – Denisovans (Denisova 11)offspring. Moreover, the analysis of ancient and present-day population DNA shows that there were several significant gene flows between populations. Many introgressed sequences from Denisovans and Neanderthals were identified in genomes of currently living populations. All these data, according to biological species definition, may in-dicate that populations of H. sapiens sapiens and two extinct populations H. sapiens neanderthalensis and H. sapiens denisovensis are one species. Ontological transitions from pre-human beings to humans might have happened before the initial splitting of the Homo sapiens population or after the splitting during evolution of H. sapiens sapiens lineage in Africa. If the ensoulment of the first homo occurred in the evolving populations of H. sapiens sapiens, then occasionally mixed couples (Neanderthals – Sa-piens or Denisovans – Sapiens) created relations that functioned as a family, in which children could have matured

    Субъектно-имперсональные рефлексивные конструкции в словенском языке

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    The article presents formal, semantic, and pragmatic features of Slovenian subject impersonal reflexive constructions, e. g. Nekoč se je veliko delalo ‘Back in the day, one used to work a lot’. Constructions with unexpressed arbitrary agents should be distinguished from sentences in which the nominative agent has been omitted, but can be determined from the context. Subject impersonal reflexive constructions use the reflexive forms of non-reflexive verbs. In such constructions, the morpheme se is a grammaticalized element that does not express a reflexive action. The constructions under discussion can express habitual or iterative actions performed by a non-expressed human agent and can also have a deontic meaning. Reflexive constructions with arbitrary agents mainly involve verbs denoting conscious human actions and activities, which sets them apart from weather impersonals or subjectless constructions describing physiological states. Subject impersonals, characteristic of South Slavic and West Slavic languages, are parallel to those in which the arbitrary agent is expressed lexically (Nekoč so ljudje veliko delali ‘Back in the day, people used to work a lot’). We compare subject impersonals with other impersonal and passive constructions in Slovenian and, at the same time, contrast their features with similar constructions in other South Slavic languages and Russian.В статье рассматриваются формальные, смысловые и коммуникативно-прагматические особенности субъектно-имперсональных рефлексивных конструкций в словенском языке. Предметом исследования являются конструкции с возвратными формами невозвратных глаголов (Nekoč se je veliko delalo ‘В прошлом много работали’), связанные с невыраженным произвольным агенсом-человеком и передающие хабитуальные или итеративные действия, а также способные вырaжать деонтическую модальность. Подобные конструкции, характерные для южно- и западнославянского ареалов, могут трансформироваться в активные личные конструкции (Nekoč so ljudje veliko delali ‘В прошлом люди много работали’). Субъектный имперсонал мы сравниваем с другими безличными и пассивными конструкциями в словенском языке, контрастивно рассматривая их особенности на фоне подобных конструкций других южнославянских языков, а также русского языка. Subjektinės impersonalinės refleksyvinės konstrukcijos slovėnų kalbojeStraipsnyje nagrinėjamos slovėnų kalbos subjektinių impersonalinių refleksyvinių konstrukcijų formalinės, semantinės ir komunikatyvinės bei pragmatinės savybės. Tyrinėjimų objektas — beasmenės konstrukcijos su nesangrąžinių veiksmažodžių sangrąžinėmis formomis (Nekoč se je veliko delalo ‘Kadaise (žmonių) daug darbuotasi’), kuriose morfema se yra gramatizuotas elementas, neišreiškiantis refleksinio veiksmo. Jos yra susietos su nenurodytu agentu (veiksniu) – žmogumi ir perteikia habitualius arba iteratyvius veiksmus, taip pat gali reikšti deontinį modalumą. Panašios konstrukcijos būdingos pietų ir vakarų slavų arealo kalboms ir gali transformuotis į aktyvines asmenines konstrukcijas (Nekoč so ljudje veliko delali ‘Kadaise žmonės daug darbavosi’). Slovėnų kalbos subjektinės impersonalinės konstrukcijos lyginamos su kitomis šios kalbos beasmenėmis ir pasyvinėmis konstrukcijomis, kartu jos savybės kontrastyviai gretinamos su kitų pietų slavų bei rusų kalbos atitinkamomis konstrukcijomis.Reikšminiai žodžiai: subjektyvus impersonalas, refleksyvinės konstrukcijos, beasmenės konstrukcijos, arbitralus agentas, slovėnų kalba, pietų slavų kalbos

    Population Analysis of Pair Densities - A Study of Bassis Set Dependence

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    Based on work reported by several authors, one of us (RP) has introduced a Mulliken-like population analysis of pair densities. This scheme, introduced first at the semi-empirical level, was subsequently generalised both for SCF and for post-SCF ab initio methods. A potential problem is the basis set dependence that can be expected for all kinds of Mulliken-like approaches. The main purpose of the present study is to quantify this basis set dependence for a range of simple molecules, using basis sets ranging from STO-3Gto TZVP quality. It is shown, except for lowquality basis sets, that the »effective«pair populations derived from ab initio SCF calculations are relatively insensitive to the choice of basis set