1,363 research outputs found

    Some problems of spectral theory of fourth-order differential operators with regular boundary conditions

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    In this paper, we consider the problem yıv + q (x) y = λy, 0 < x < 1, y (1) − (−1) σ y (0) + αy (0) + γ y (0) = 0, y (1) − (−1) σ y (0) + βy (0) = 0, y (1) − (−1) σ y (0) = 0, y (1) − (−1) σ y (0) = 0 where λ is a spectral parameter; q (x) ∈ L1 (0, 1) is a complex-valued function; α, β, γ are arbitrary complex constants and σ = 0, 1. The boundary conditions of this problem are regular, but not strongly regular. Asymptotic formulae for eigenvalues and eigenfunctions of the considered boundary value problem are established and it is proved that all the eigenvalues, except for a finite number, are simple in the case αβ = 0. It is shown that the system of root functions of this spectral problem forms a basis in the space L p (0, 1), 1 < p < ∞, when αβ = 0; moreover, this basis is unconditional for p = 2

    Spectral properties of some regular boundary value problems for fourth order differential operators

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    In this paper we consider the problem y ıv + p2(x)y 00 + p1(x)y 0 + p0(x)y = λy, 0 < x < 1, y (s) (1) − (−1)σy (s) (0) +Xs−1 l=0 αs,ly (l) (0) = 0, s = 1, 2, 3, y(1) − (−1)σy(0) = 0, where λ is a spectral parameter; pj(x) ∈ L1(0, 1), j = 0, 1, 2, are complex-valued functions; αs,l, s = 1, 2, 3, l = 0, s − 1, are arbitrary complex constants; and σ = 0, 1. The boundary conditions of this problem are regular, but not strongly regular. Asymptotic formulae for eigenvalues and eigenfunctions of the considered boundary value problem are established in the case α3,2 + α1,0 =6 α2,1. It is proved that the system of root functions of this spectral problem forms a basis in the space Lp(0, 1), 1 < p < ∞, when α3,2 +α1,0 6= α2,1, pj(x) ∈ W j 1 (0, 1), j = 1, 2, and p0(x) ∈ L1(0, 1); moreover, this basis is unconditional for p = 2

    Spectral Properties of Fourth Order Differential Operators with Periodic and Antiperiodic Boundary Conditions

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    In this paper, we consider the following periodic and antiperiodic problem yiv + p2 (x) y + p1 (x) y + p0 (x) y = λy, 0 <x< 1, y(s) (1) − (−1)σ y(s) (0) = 0, s = 0, 3, where λ is a spectral parameter; pj (x) ∈ L1(0, 1), j = 0, 1, p2(x) ∈ W1 1 (0, 1) with 1 0 p2(ξ)dξ = 0 are complex-valued functions and σ = 0, 1. The boundary conditions of this problem are periodic-antiperiodic boundary conditions and it is well known that they are regular but not strongly regular. Asymptotic formulae for eigenvalues and eigenfunctions of the considered boundary value problem are established. Under the condition (p2 (1) − p2 (0) − 2c1) (p2 (1) − p2 (0) + 2c1) = 0, it is proved that all the eigenvalues (except for finite number) are simple, where c1 = 1 0 p1(ξ)dξ. Furthermore, we prove that the system of root functions of this spectral problem forms a basis in the space Lp(0, 1), 1 <p< ∞, when p1(1) = p1(0); p(s) 2 (1) = p(s) 2 (0), s = 0, 1; pj (x) ∈ Wj 1 (0, 1), j = 0, 1, 2; c1 = 0. Also, it is shown that this basis is unconditional for p = 2

    Effects of different equilibration conditions on cryopreserved bovine sperm quality

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    Ekilibrasyon, spermanın sıcaklığının düşürüldüğü ve faz değişimlerinin meydana geldiği aşama olarak, sperma dondurulmasında en önemli basamaklardan biridir. Ekilibrasyonun gerçekleştirildiği ortam çoğu zaman göz ardı edilmekte, ekilibrasyon koşullarının başarısı ampirik tecrübelere dayanmaktadır. Bu çalışmanın amacı farklı ekilibrasyon ortamlarının toplam motilite (TMOT), progresif motilite (PMOT), spermatozoa hareket parametleri (VCL, VSL, VAP, LIN, STR, WOB, ALH, BCF), plazma membran ve akrozom bütünlüğü (PMAI) ve DNA fragmentasyon indeksi (DFI) üzerine etkisinin araştırılmasıdır. Çalışmada 4 baş boğadan iki kez sperma alınarak üç eşit hacme bölündü. Andromed® ile sulandırılan spermalar 24 saat 4°C’de payet içinde (Deneme 1), kapta (Deneme 2) ve çalkalayıcıda (Deneme 3) ekilibrasyona bırakıldı. Çözüm sonu sperma kalitesi TMOT, PMOT, VCL, VSL, VAP, LIN, STR, WOB, ALH, BCF, PMAI ve DFI parametreleri değerlendirilerek belirlendi. Farklı ekilibrasyon koşulları arasında, hareket özellikleri olan TMOT, PMOT, VSL, VAP, BCF ve morfolojik özellikler olan PMAI ve DFI açısından istatistiki bir farklılık bulunamadı (p>0,05). En yüksek VCL değeri Deneme 3’te, en yüksek LIN, STR, WOB ve ALH değerleri Deneme 2’de gözlendi (p0.05) depending on equilibration conditions for TMOT, PMOT, VSL, VAP, BCF as kinetic parameters and for PMAI and DFI as morphological parameters. The highest VCL value was observed in experiment 3, when the highest LIN, STR, WOB and ALH values were observed in experiment 2 (p<0.05). The results show that changes in equilibrating condition have no detrimental effect on post-thaw bull semen quality. In addition, it can be said that equilibrating bull semen in a shaker presents some kinetic benefits in contrast with cup or straw equilibration methods

    Meanings of Dances from Prehistoric times till Modernism: An Iconographical Analysis over Descriptions

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    Dans olarak adlandırdığımız belirli bir düzende gerçekleştirilen ritmik hareketler bütünü,insanlık tarihinde, tarihöncesi çağlardan günümüze değin farklı anlamlar yüklenerek biçimsel vekavramsal bağlamda türemiş, değişmiş ve gelişmiştir. Genel bir ifadeyle dans; doğrudan ya dadolaylı olarak dini birtakım yerel-geleneksel inanışlar, ritüeller, kültler, mitoloji, efsanevi hikayelerve seremonilere dayalı olarak şekillenmiştir. Tarihöncesi dönemlerdeki topluluklarda dansınritüellerle ilişkili olduğu bilinmektedir. Antik kültürlerde dans, mitoloji ve kültlerle bağlantılıritüellerin, av ve savaş öncesi alıştırma egzersizlerinin, geleneksel-seküler seremonilerin bir parçasıolmuştur. Temeli Antik dönem halk eğlencelerine dayanan bazı dans türleri Ortaçağda neredeyse tümAvrupa'ya yayılmış; kısmi biçimsel değişikliklere uğrayan bu geleneksel dansların bazı varyasyonlarıOrtaçağdan günümüze değin varlığını sürdürmüştür. XIV. Louis döneminde Batı Avrupa'nın ilk dansakademisi Académie Royale de Danse'ın kurulması dansın akademik bir sanat olarak gelişimiaçısından en önemli adım olmuştur. 19. yüzyılda -özellikle Avrupa'da- dans eğlence kültüründe,tiyatro ve kabarelerde sıradan bir eylem olarak gösterilere, saray ve aristokratların balo veşölenlerine, akademilerin eğitim programına dahil olmuştur.Bu makalede, tarihöncesi dönemden 19. yüzyılın sonuna uzanan kronolojik çizgide, dansın tarihiyleörüntülü olarak bazı dans tasvirlerinin kavramsal ve ikonografik çözümlemesi yapılmaktadır.Çalışmanın amacı dansın tarihsel gelişimini, farklı dönemlere ve kültürlere ait sanat eserleriyle veedebi metinlerle örneklendirerek aktarmaktır. Bu bağlamda çeşitli edebi eserlerin, dans sahneleriiçeren minyatürlü kopyaları da incelenerek çalışmaya dahil edilmiştir.All the rhythmic and certain order movements, as we called dance, were reproduced, changed and developed into a stylistic and conceptual context with various meanings from prehistoric times till present at the history of human. Generally speaking, dance is composed of direct or indirect religious, certain local-traditional beliefs, rituals, cults, mythology, legendary stories and rituals. It is known that dancing is affiliated with rituals in communities throughout prehistoric times. During ancient cultures, dance was a section of customs akin to mythology, cults, hunting and pre-war exercises, in addition to, traditional-secular ceremonies. Some dance styles based on ancient folk entertainment spread in nearly whole Europe in the Middle Age; some variations of these traditional folk dances became partial formal changes continued to exist from Middle Ages up to now. When Louis XIV on power, establishing of the Académie Royale de Danse was the most significant step for the development of dance as an academic art. In the 19th century, especially in Europe, dance contained in the entertainment culture, as an ordinary act at the theaters and cabarets, the balls, festivals of palaces and aristocrats, in the education programmes of academies as well. This article examines some dance images being analyzed in terms of conceptual and iconographical on the chronological lines surviving from prehistoric dates until the end of the 19th century. Moreover, the purpose of this work is to convey historical development of the dance exemplifying some of the art works and literary texts belong to different periods and unlike cultures. In this context, miniature copies of various literary works, including dance scenes, were also examined and included in the study

    An experiment on the factors affecting simple reaction timeBasit reaksiyon zamanını etkileyen faktörler üzerine bir deney

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    Reaction time is considered as an important measure that affects performance of an individual both in business and private life. Especially, reaction time, which can be defined as a period of time being required for giving appropriate responses to the perceived stimuli, is an important factor in terms of efficiency of organization and also health and safety at work. Moreover, reaction time is regarded as an important factor in product design. In this study, an experiment is designed to reveal the factors that affect simple reaction time and the effects of (discrete / continuous) variables such as age, height, weight, gender, sight defects, smoking and alcohol use, regular habits of sports and academic achievement on reaction time of individuals are investigated, and the findings are interpreted. Özet İnsanlarda reaksiyon zamanı hem özel yaşamda hem de iş yaşamında performansı etkileyen önemli bir faktör olarak kabul edilmektedir. Özellikle çalışanların algıladıkları etkilere uygun tepkiler verebilmeleri için ihtiyaç duydukları zaman olarak tanımlanan reaksiyon zamanı, örgütün verimliliği açısından olduğu kadar işçi sağlığı ve iş güvenliği açısından da önemli bir özelliktir. Ayrıca, reaksiyon zamanının ürün tasarımı için de önemli bir faktör olduğu bilinmektedir. Bu çalışmada; insanların basit reaksiyon zamanlarını etkileyen faktörleri ortaya koymak için bir deney tasarlanmış ve yaş, boy, kilo, cinsiyet, görme kusurları, sigara ve alkol kullanma, düzenli spor yapma ve akademik başarı gibi (kesikli/sürekli) değişkenlerin bireylerin reaksiyon zamanı üzerindeki etkileri araştırılmış, bulgular yorumlanmıştır

    Multidrug resistance mediated by MRP1 gene overexpression in breast cancer patients

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    Multidrug resistance (MDR) is a serious handicap towards the effective treatment of breast cancer patients. One of the most prevalent MDR mechanisms is through the overexpression of genes coding the proteins called Multidrug Resistance-associated Proteins (MRPs). The aim of this study was to investigate the expression of MRP1 in tumor tissues from breast cancer patients. In this study, a semi-quantitative RT-PCR approach was utilized. Our results suggest that MRP1 overexpression can mediate MDR in patients. Pre-evaluation of the level of such MDR mediators before chemotherapy can increase the efficacy of the treatment

    Factors that affect increases and decreases of offences in forestry in directorate of Amasya forest district

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    Amasya Orman Bölge Müdürlüğü görev itibariyle kısmen Karadeniz bandı ve kısmen Karadeniz bandı arkası bölgede bulunan bir alanı kapsamaktadır. Bu alan içerisindeki iĢlenmiĢ bulunun orman suçlarındaki artıĢlara ve azalıĢlara etki eden faktörler ele alınmıĢtır. Bu amaçla; Bölge Müdürlüğümüz faaliyet sınırları içerisinde yer alan Amasya, Çorum, Samsun ve Tokat illerinde adli yargılamaya konu olan orman suçları incelenmiĢtir. Bu incelemeler sonucunda suça konu fiillerin artıĢ veya azalıĢlarında rol oynayan faktörler ortaya konulmaya çalıĢılmıĢtırDirectorate of Amasya Forest District comprises an area which stretches on partly Black Sea coast and partly the back of Black Sea coast. In this study, the factors that affect increases and decreases in offences in forestry were taken into consideration. For this purpose; the judicial decreed crimes in forestry in some of the towns like Amasya, Çorum, Samsun and Tokat, which are situated in our activity area, were examined. As a result, the factors that affect increases and decreases in forest offences were tried to be revealed

    Remifentanil-based total intravenous anesthesia for pediatric rigid bronchoscopy: comparison of adjuvant propofol and ketamine

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    OBJECTIVE: Laryngoscopy and stimuli inside the trachea cause an intense sympatho-adrenal response. Remifentanil seems to be the optimal opioid for rigid bronchoscopy due to its potent and short-acting properties. The purpose of this study was to compare bolus propofol and ketamine as an adjuvant to remifentanil-based total intravenous anesthesia for pediatric rigid bronchoscopy. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Forty children under 12 years of age who had been scheduled for a rigid bronchoscopy were included in this study. After midazolam premedication, a 1 µg/kg/min remifentanil infusion was started, and patients were randomly allocated to receive either propofol (Group P) or ketamine (Group K) as well as mivacurium for muscle relaxation. Anesthesia was maintained with a 1 µg/kg/min remifentanil infusion and bolus doses of propofol or ketamine. After the rigid bronchoscopy, 0.05 µg/kg/min of remifentanil was maintained until extubation. Hemodynamic parameters, emergence characteristics, and adverse events were evaluated. RESULTS: The demographic variables were comparable between the two groups. The decrease in mean arterial pressure from baseline values to the lowest values during rigid bronchoscopy was greater in Group P (p = 0.049), while the reduction in the other parameters and the incidence of adverse events were comparable between the two groups. The need for assisted or controlled mask ventilation after extubation was higher in Group K. CONCLUSION: Remifentanil-based total intravenous anesthesia with propofol or ketamine as an adjuvant drug along with controlled ventilation is a viable technique for pediatric rigid bronchoscopy. Ketamine does not provide a definite advantage over propofol with respect to hemodynamic stability during rigid bronchoscopy, while propofol seems more suitable during the recovery period

    Effect of Low-Level Laser Therapy on Peri-Miniscrew Fluid Prostaglandin E2 and Substance P Levels: A Controlled Clinical Trial

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    Objective: This study aims to evaluate the effect of low-level laser therapy on peri-miniscrew fluid prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) and substance P (SP) levels during orthodontic treatment.Methods: A total of 15 individuals were included in this study. Miniscrews were inserted to the inter-radicular region of the maxillary right and left second premolar and the first molar teeth, and diode lasers were randomly applied to the right or left side. Irradiation was performed at 940 nm wavelength using a gallium-aluminum-arsenide diode laser with 100 mW power output, 0.125 cm2 spectral area, 8 J/cm2 energy density, and 10 seconds of exposure time. Peri-miniscrew fluid samples were collected on the 1st, 3rd, and 7th days, and PGE2 and SP levels were assessed. For statistical comparison, two-way (factors) analysis of variance with repeated measurements on one-factor levels was used at statistical significance (p) of <0.05.Results:PGE2 levels on the 1st, 3rd, and 7th days were 160.64±10.05, 135.17±37.18, and 98.57±22.94, respectively, in the control group and 150.75±9.08, 87.17±40.67, and 78.10±16.50, respectively, in the laser group. SP levels on the 1st, 3rd, and 7th days were 79.90±12.05, 64.61±10.05, and 70.05±9.10, respectively, in the control group and 76.32±11.39, 60.25±9.08, and 65.71±5.59, respectively, in the laser group. The differences in PGE2 and SP levels between the laser and control groups were not statistically significant at all time intervals.Conclusion: Low-level laser therapy cannot be recommended as a clinical adjunct therapy to reduce inflammation and pain around the miniscrews