8 research outputs found

    Liderin karanlık kişilik özellikleri ile çalışanın tükenmişliği arasındaki ilişkide çalışanın karanlık liderlik algısının aracı rolü: Çok düzeyli bir araştırma

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    Bu araştırmanın amacı iş yerlerinde liderin karanlık kişilik özellikleri ile çalışanın tükenmişliği arasında bir ilişki olup olmadığını ve bu ilişkiye çalışanın karanlık liderlik algısının aracılık edip etmediğini ortaya çıkarmaktadır. Bu amaçla, öncelikle özgün bir “iş yerinde karanlık liderlik algısı ölçeği” geliştirilmiştir. Ölçek geliştirme sürecinde üç ayrı uygulama yapılmıştır. İlk uygulamaya 310, ikinci uygulamaya 342 ve üçüncü uygulamaya 355 katılımcı iştirak etmiştir. Her üç uygulamanın katılımcıları Türkiye’de özel güvenlik sektöründe faaliyet gösteren işletmelerde çalışmaktadırlar. Geliştirilen karanlık liderlik algısı ölçeği; bezdiren davranışlar, samimiyetsiz davranışlar ve zorbaca davranışlar boyutlarından oluşmaktadır. Ölçek geliştirme işlemlerinin ardından araştırmanın hipotezlerini test etmeye yönelik çalışmalar yapılmıştır. Araştırmanın örneklemi, ölçek geliştirme sürecinde olduğu gibi özel güvenlik sektöründe faaliyet gösteren işletmelere mensup 494 çalışandan ve bu çalışanların bağlı olduğu 116 birincil yöneticiden oluşmaktadır. Araştırmanın örneklemi iki düzeyli (birinci düzey: birey, ikinci düzey: grup) olduğundan veri analiz sürecinde hiyerarşik doğrusal modelleme tekniği kullanılmıştır. Elde edilen bulgulara göre; liderin bezdiren davranışları ve zorbaca davranışları ile çalışanın duygusal tükenmesi, kinizmi ve mesleki yararlılığı arasında, liderin samimiyetsiz davranışları ile çalışanın duygusal tükenmesi ve mesleki yararlılığı arasında, liderin makyavelist kişilik özelliği ile samimiyetsiz davranışları arasında, liderin narsistik kişilik özelliği ile bezdiren davranışları arasında, liderin psikopatik kişilik özelliği ile bezdiren ve zorbaca davranışları arasında, liderin makyavelist kişilik özelliği ile çalışanın mesleki yararlılığı arasında, liderin narsistik kişilik özelliği ile çalışanın duygusal tükenmesi, kinizmi ve mesleki yararlılığı arasında, liderin psikopatik kişilik özelliği ile çalışanın duygusal tükenmesi arasında anlamlı ilişkiler vardır. Ayrıca, liderin bezdiren davranışları, liderin narsistik kişilik özelliği ile çalışanın duygusal tükenmesi, kinizmi ve mesleki yararlılığı arasındaki ilişkilere tam aracılık ederken, liderin psikopatik kişilik özelliği ile çalışanın duygusal tükenmesi arasındaki ilişkiye kısmen aracılık etmektedir. Diğer çalışmalardan farklı olarak bu araştırmada liderliğin karanlık yüzüne ilişkin ölçüm yapmak amacıyla özgün bir karanlık liderlik algısı ölçeği geliştirilmiştir. Ayrıca, liderin karanlık kişilik özellikleri ile çalışanın tükenmişliği arasındaki ilişkiler, liderin karanlık kişilik özellikleri ile çalışanın karanlık liderlik algısı arasındaki ilişkiler ve çalışanın karanlık liderlik algısının liderin karanlık kişilik özellikleri ile çalışanın tükenmişliği arasındaki ilişkilerdeki aracı rolü bilindiği kadarıyla ilk kez bu çalışma ile görgül olarak çok düzeyli bir model üzerinden açıklanmıştır. Bu nedenlerden ötürü elde edilen bulguların yönetim araştırmaları alanında önemli bir kuramsal boşluğu doldurduğuna ve gerek araştırmacılara, gerekse uygulamacılara faydalı olacağına inanılmaktadır. The aim of this research was to find out whether there were associations between leader’s dark triad and employee’s burnout and whether employee’s perceived dark leadership mediated these associations. To this purpose, first, a genuine “workplace perceived dark leadership scale” was developed. Throughout the scale development process, three separate studies were conducted. A total of 310, 342, and 355 participants, who work at private security companies, took part in study one, two, and three respectively. The perceived dark leadership scale consisted of three factors: wearisome behaviors, insincere behaviors, and tyrannous behaviors. Following scale development, hypotheses were tested. The sample consisted of 116 leaders and 494 employees who report those leaders. Both leaders and employees work at private security companies. Because the sample comprised two levels (i.e. the individual and group levels), the data were analyzed through hierarchical linear modeling technique. Findings indicated that there were significant associations between leader’s wearisome behaviors and employee’s exhaustion, cynicism, and professional efficacy, between leader’s tyrannous behaviors and employee’s exhaustion, cynicism, and professional efficacy, between leader’s insincere behaviors and employee’s exhaustion and professional efficacy, between leader’s machiavellianism and insincere behaviors, between leader’s narcissism and wearisome behaviors, between leader’s psychopathy and wearisome and tyrannous behaviors, between leader’s machiavellianism and employee’s professional efficacy, between leader’s narcissism and employee’s exhaustion, cynicism, and professional efficacy, and between leader’s psychopathy and employee’s exhaustion. Besides that, leader’s wearisome behaviors fully mediated the associations between leader’s narcissism and employee’s exhaustion, cynicism, and professional efficacy. Moreover, leader’s wearisome behaviors partially mediated the association between leader’s psychopathy and employee’s exhaustion. As distinct from previous studies, in this study, to measure the dark side of leadership a genuine perceived dark leadership scale was developed. In addition to that, as far as is known, in this research, the associations between leader’s dark triad and employee’s burnout, between leader’s dark triad and employee’s perceived dark leadership and the mediating role of employee’s perceived dark leadership in the associations between leader’s dark triad and employee’s burnout were explained empirically over a multi level model for the first time. Therefore, it is believed that findings of this research filled an important theoretical gap in the field of management and will be helpful for both researchers and practitioners


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    The aim of this paper is to uncover emerging challenges of peacekeeping operations, determine the changes in command actions and its effects on the professional preparation of commanders by analyzing experiences of military officers. To that end the research data were collected by means of structured face-to- face interviews with voluntary participation of fourteen officers, who took charge in various peacekeeping operations. The collected data were analyzed based on the content analysis method. Findings indicate that peacekeeping operations pose specific challenges for peacekeepers, necessitate changes in command action in terms of flexibility and new precautions in terms of preparation of commanders

    Örgütsel Politika Algısının İhmalkârlık Üzerindeki Etkisinde İşten Ayrılma Niyetinin Aracı Rolü(Intention to Quit as A Mediator of The Relationship between Perceptions of Organizational Politics and Neglect of Work)

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    The aim of this research was to uncover whether employees’ perceptions of organizational politics have positive effect on both intention to quit and neglect of work as well as intention to quit has a mediating role in this process. Research data were collected from a total of 314 employees who work at central managerial department of a public organization, in Ankara, in October 2015 by means of questionnaire. Data were analyzed through regression analyses over structural equation models. Findings supported the approach that evaluates organizational politics as a threat to employees’ well being. According to the findings participants’ perceptions of organizational politics resulted in both intention to quit and neglect of work. Besides that, participants’ intention to quit mediated the effect of perceptions of organizational politics on neglect of work


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    This study aims to determine the role of the soft skills of adaptation, relations with locals, relations with other peacekeepers, stress management and cultural awareness, in accomplishing peacekeeping operations. In accordance with the research method of this study, a survey was conducted in the context of EUFOR Operation Althea, in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The data were collected by means of structured face to- face interviews, with voluntary participation of thirty-two peacekeepers. The collected data were analyzed according to content analysis method and interpreted. Findings indicate significant roles of each of the above-mentioned soft skills

    Power Distance as a Moderator of the Relationship between Organizational Citizenship Behavior and Impression Management

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    This research discovers predictive effect of employees’ organizational citizenship behaviors on impression management strategies as well as moderation effect of power distance on this interaction. To that end data was collected from 178 schoolteachers, who work at three different public elementary schools in Turkey, through questionnaire and analyzed with multifarious statistical methods. The results from hierarchical multiple regression analysis indicated that individuals engaged in organizational citizenship behaviors in order to form expected impressions of themselves in others’ minds and perception of power distance has moderating effect on this process

    Türkiye'de Çocuk Yoğun Bakımda COVİD-19 ile İlişkili Multisistemik İnflamatuar Sendrom Tanısı Alan Hastaların Sonuçları: Çok Merkezli Çalışma

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    Mortality risk factors among critically ill children with MIS-C in PICUs: a multicenter study

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    Background: This study evaluated of clinical characteristics, outcomes, and mortality risk factors of a severe multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children admitted to a the pediatric intensive care unit. Methods: A retrospective multicenter cohort study was conducted between March 2020 and April 2021 at 41 PICUs in Turkey. The study population comprised 322 children diagnosed with multisystem inflammatory syndrome. Results: The organ systems most commonly involved were the cardiovascular and hematological systems. Intravenous immunoglobulin was used in 294 (91.3%) patients and corticosteroids in 266 (82.6%). Seventy-five (23.3%) children received therapeutic plasma exchange treatment. Patients with a longer duration of the PICU stay had more frequent respiratory, hematological, or renal involvement, and also had higher D-dimer, CK-MB, and procalcitonin levels. A total of 16 patients died, with mortality higher in patients with renal, respiratory, or neurological involvement, with severe cardiac impairment or shock. The non-surviving group also had higher leukocyte counts, lactate and ferritin levels, and a need for mechanical ventilation. Conclusions: In cases of MIS-C, high levels of D-dimer and CK-MB are associated with a longer duration of PICU stay. Non-survival correlates with elevated leukocyte counts and lactate and ferritin levels. We were unable to show any positive effect of therapeutic plasma exchange therapy on mortality. Impact: MIS-C is a life-threatening condition.Patients need to be followed up in the intensive care unit.Early detection of factors associated with mortality can improve outcomes.Determining the factors associated with mortality and length of stay will help clinicians in patient management.High D-dimer and CK-MB levels were associated with longer PICU stay, and higher leukocyte counts, ferritin and lactate levels, and mechanical ventilation were associated with mortality in MIS-C patients.We were unable to show any positive effect of therapeutic plasma exchange therapy on mortality