20 research outputs found

    Inferencia del origen del bovino Criollo Cubano a través del análisis de patri- y matrilinajes

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    Antes de descubrimiento, no existían bovinos en América. Los primeros, fueron introducidos en la Antillas Mayores (La Española, Puerto Rico, Jamaica y Cuba), y desde allí trasladados al resto de Latinoamérica. Actualmente, existen en Cuba alrededor de 1300 bovinos Criollos, concentrados principalmente en la región oriental. Con el objetivo de analizar el origen materno de esta raza y detectar eventos contemporáneos de flujo génico por vía paterna, se analizó un fragmento de 240 pb del D-loop mitocondrial (mtADN) y 5 microsatélites del cromosoma Y (BTY), en 36 hembras y 21 machos respectivamente. La diversidad genética se estimó mediante el número de haplotipos, el número de sitios polimórficos, el número de diferencias nucleotídicas entre pares de secuencias y el índice de diversidad nucleotídica, mientras que el análisis filogenético se realizó utilizando el método de median joining network. Dicho análisis permitió detectar 15 haplotipos mitocondriales (10 del haplogrupo europeo T3, 3 del africano T1, 1 del cercano oriente T2 y 1 ambiguo T1-T3) y 3 haplotipos en el BTY, ambos del haplogrupo cebuíno Y3. En el mtADN se detectaron 23 sitios polimórficos con una diversidad nucleotídica de 0,014 y 3,36 diferencias medias entre pares de secuencias. En conclusión, la población de bovinos Criollos Cubanos presentó una composición haplotípica mitocondrial comparable a la de otras razas criollas y mediterráneas, hecho que concuerda con su origen histórico. El BTY evidenció altos niveles de introgresion paterna de genes del zebú.Cattle was absent from America before the discovery. Initially, bovine were brought to Greater Antilles (La Española, Puerto Rico, Jamaica and Cuba islands), and in the course of a few years, they were taken from Caribbean islands to the rest of Latin America. Nowadays, Cuban Creole cattle population is about 1300 heads, mainly located in the eastern region of the island. With the aim of analyzing the maternal origin of Cuban Creole cattle and detect possible contemporaneous, male mediated, gene flow, a 240 pb fragment of mitochondrial D-loop (mtDNA) and five microsatellites of Y chromosome (BTY) were studied in 36 dams and 21 sires, respectively. Genetic diversity was evaluated through number of haplotypes, mean number of pairwise differences and nucleotide diversity. The phylogenetic analysis was performed using a median joining. A total of 15 mtDNA haplotypes were detected in the studied population (10 from the European haplogroup T3, 3 from the African T1, 1 from the Nearern East T2, and 1 ambiguous T1-T3). The number of polymorphic sites, the mean nucleotide diversity, and the mean number of pairwise differences were 23, 0.014 and 3.36, respectively. Two patrilinages were detected, both belonging to the Y3 Zebu haplogroup. In conclusion, Cuban Creole cattle population had a mtDNA haplotypic composition similar to the observed in Creole and Mediterranean breeds, what is in concordance with its historical origin. Y chromosome analysis evidenced a male mediated process of zebu introgression.Fil: Liron, Juan Pedro. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico CONICET- La Plata. Instituto de Genética Veterinaria "Ing. Fernando Noel Dulout". Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias. Instituto de Genética Veterinaria; ArgentinaFil: Acosta, A.. Centro Nacional de Sanidad Agropecuaria. Laboratorio de Genética Molecular; CubaFil: Rogberg Muñoz, Andres. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico CONICET- La Plata. Instituto de Genética Veterinaria "Ing. Fernando Noel Dulout". Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias. Instituto de Genética Veterinaria; ArgentinaFil: Uffo, O.. Centro Nacional de Sanidad Agropecuaria. Laboratorio de Genética Molecular; CubaFil: Posik, Diego Manuel. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico CONICET- La Plata. Instituto de Genética Veterinaria "Ing. Fernando Noel Dulout". Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias. Instituto de Genética Veterinaria; ArgentinaFil: Garcia, J.. Ministerio de la Agricultura. Dirección Nacional de Genética; CubaFil: Peral Garcia, Pilar. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico CONICET- La Plata. Instituto de Genética Veterinaria "Ing. Fernando Noel Dulout". Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias. Instituto de Genética Veterinaria; ArgentinaFil: Giovambattista, Guillermo. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico CONICET- La Plata. Instituto de Genética Veterinaria "Ing. Fernando Noel Dulout". Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias. Instituto de Genética Veterinaria; Argentin

    Analysis of microsatellite markers in a Cuban water buffalo breed

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    The aim of this Regional Research Communication was to validate a panel of 30 microsatellite markers recommended by FAO/ISAG for studies of biodiversity in cattle to improve the characterisation of Cuban buffalo populations. The water buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) is an economically important livestock species. Therefore, research focused on the study of the genetic relationships among water buffalo populations is useful to support conservation decisions and to design breeding schemes. Twenty-eight of the 30 tested regions were amplified, one of which (ETH10) turned out to be monomorphic. A total of 143 alleles were observed in the Cuban water buffalo population. The average number of alleles per locus was 5·04. The number of alleles per polymorphic locus ranged from two (INRA 63 and MM12) to nine (ETH185). The observed and expected heterozygosity ranged from 0·108 (HAUT24) to 0·851 (CSSM66) and 0·104 (MM12) to 0·829(INRA32), respectively. The polymorphic information content (PIC) ranged from 0·097 (MM12) to 0·806 (INRA32), and the overall value for these markers was 0·482. Within the population, inbreeding estimates (F IS) was positive in 14 of the 30 loci analysed. This study thus highlights the usefulness of heterologous bovine microsatellite markers to assess the genetic variability in Cuban water buffalo breeds. Furthermore, the results can be utilised for future breeding strategies and conservation

    Inferencia del origen del bovino criollo cubano a través del análisis de patri- y matrilinajes

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    Cattle was absent from America before the discovery. Initially, bovine were brought to Greater Antilles (La Española, Puerto Rico, Jamaica and Cuba islands), and in the course of a few years, they were taken from Caribbean islands to the rest of Latin America. Nowadays, Cuban Creole cattle population is about 1300 heads, mainly located in the eastern region of the island. With the aim of analyzing the maternal origin of Cuban Creole cattle and detect possible contemporaneous, male mediated, gene flow, a 240 pb fragment of mitochondrial D-loop (mtDNA) and five microsatellites of Y chromosome (BTY) were studied in 36 dams and 21 sires, respectively. Genetic diversity was evaluated through number of haplotypes, mean number of pairwise differences and nucleotide diversity. The phylogenetic analysis was performed using a median joining. A total of 15 mtDNA haplotypes were detected in the studied population (10 from the European haplogroup T3, 3 from the African T1, 1 from the Nearern East T2, and 1 ambiguous T1-T3). The number of polymorphic sites, the mean nucleotide diversity, and the mean number of pairwise differences were 23, 0.014 and 3.36, respectively. Two patrilinages were detected, both belonging to the Y3 Zebu haplogroup. In conclusion, Cuban Creole cattle population had a mtDNA haplotypic composition similar to the observed in Creole and Mediterranean breeds, what is in concordance with its historical origin. Y chromosome analysis evidenced a male mediated process of zebu introgression.Antes de descubrimiento, no existían bovinos en América. Los primeros, fueron introducidos en la Antillas Mayores (La Española, Puerto Rico, Jamaica y Cuba), y desde allí trasladados al resto de Latinoamérica. Actualmente, existen en Cuba alrededor de 1300 bovinos Criollos, concentrados principalmente en la región oriental. Con el objetivo de analizar el origen materno de esta raza y detectar eventos contemporáneos de flujo gènico por vía paterna, se analizó un fragmento de 240 pb del D-loop mitocondrial (mtADN) y 5 microsatélites del cromosoma Y (BTY), en 36 hembras y 21 machos respectivamente. La diversidad genética se estimó mediante el número de haplotipos, el número de sitios polimórficos, el número de diferencias nucleotídicas entre pares de secuencias y el índice de diversidad nucleotídica, mientras que el análisis filogenètico se realizó utilizando el método de median joining network. Dicho análisis permitió detectar 15 haplotipos mitocondriales (10 del haplogrupo europeo T3,3 del africano T1,1 del cercano oriente T2y 1 ambiguo T1-T3) y 3 haplotipos en el BTY, ambos del haplogrupo cebuíno Y3. En el mtADN se detectaron 23 sitios polimórficos con una diversidad nucleotídica de 0,014 y 3,36 diferencias medias entre pares de secuencias. En conclusión, la población de bovinos Criollos Cubanos presentó una composición haplotípica mitocondrial comparable a la de otras razas criollasy mediterráneas, hecho que concuerda con su origen histórico. El BTY evidenció altos niveles de introgresion paterna de genes del zebú.Instituto de Genética Veterinari

    Inferencia del origen del bovino criollo cubano a través del análisis de patri- y matrilinajes

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    Cattle was absent from America before the discovery. Initially, bovine were brought to Greater Antilles (La Española, Puerto Rico, Jamaica and Cuba islands), and in the course of a few years, they were taken from Caribbean islands to the rest of Latin America. Nowadays, Cuban Creole cattle population is about 1300 heads, mainly located in the eastern region of the island. With the aim of analyzing the maternal origin of Cuban Creole cattle and detect possible contemporaneous, male mediated, gene flow, a 240 pb fragment of mitochondrial D-loop (mtDNA) and five microsatellites of Y chromosome (BTY) were studied in 36 dams and 21 sires, respectively. Genetic diversity was evaluated through number of haplotypes, mean number of pairwise differences and nucleotide diversity. The phylogenetic analysis was performed using a median joining. A total of 15 mtDNA haplotypes were detected in the studied population (10 from the European haplogroup T3, 3 from the African T1, 1 from the Nearern East T2, and 1 ambiguous T1-T3). The number of polymorphic sites, the mean nucleotide diversity, and the mean number of pairwise differences were 23, 0.014 and 3.36, respectively. Two patrilinages were detected, both belonging to the Y3 Zebu haplogroup. In conclusion, Cuban Creole cattle population had a mtDNA haplotypic composition similar to the observed in Creole and Mediterranean breeds, what is in concordance with its historical origin. Y chromosome analysis evidenced a male mediated process of zebu introgression.Antes de descubrimiento, no existían bovinos en América. Los primeros, fueron introducidos en la Antillas Mayores (La Española, Puerto Rico, Jamaica y Cuba), y desde allí trasladados al resto de Latinoamérica. Actualmente, existen en Cuba alrededor de 1300 bovinos Criollos, concentrados principalmente en la región oriental. Con el objetivo de analizar el origen materno de esta raza y detectar eventos contemporáneos de flujo gènico por vía paterna, se analizó un fragmento de 240 pb del D-loop mitocondrial (mtADN) y 5 microsatélites del cromosoma Y (BTY), en 36 hembras y 21 machos respectivamente. La diversidad genética se estimó mediante el número de haplotipos, el número de sitios polimórficos, el número de diferencias nucleotídicas entre pares de secuencias y el índice de diversidad nucleotídica, mientras que el análisis filogenètico se realizó utilizando el método de median joining network. Dicho análisis permitió detectar 15 haplotipos mitocondriales (10 del haplogrupo europeo T3,3 del africano T1,1 del cercano oriente T2y 1 ambiguo T1-T3) y 3 haplotipos en el BTY, ambos del haplogrupo cebuíno Y3. En el mtADN se detectaron 23 sitios polimórficos con una diversidad nucleotídica de 0,014 y 3,36 diferencias medias entre pares de secuencias. En conclusión, la población de bovinos Criollos Cubanos presentó una composición haplotípica mitocondrial comparable a la de otras razas criollasy mediterráneas, hecho que concuerda con su origen histórico. El BTY evidenció altos niveles de introgresion paterna de genes del zebú.Instituto de Genética Veterinari

    Genetic footprints of iberian cattle in America 500 years after the arrival of Columbus.

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    American Creole cattle presumably descend from animals imported from the Iberian Peninsula during the period of colonization and settlement, through different migration routes, andmay have also suffered the influence of cattle directly imported from Africa. The introduction of European cattle, which began in the 18th century, and later of Zebu from India, has threatened the survival of Creole populations, some of which have nearly disappeared or were admixed with exotic breeds. Assessment of the genetic status of Creole cattle is essential for the establishment of conservation programs of these historical resources. Methodology/Principal Findings: We sampled 27 Creole populations, 39 Iberian, 9 European and 6 Zebu breeds. We used microsatellite markers to assess the origins of Creole cattle, and to investigate the influence of different breeds on their genetic make-up. The major ancestral contributions are from breeds of southern Spain and Portugal, in agreement with the historical ports of departure of ships sailing towards the Western Hemisphere. This Iberian contribution to Creoles may also include some African influence, given the influential role that African cattle have had in the development of Iberian breeds, but the possibility of a direct influence on Creoles of African cattle imported to America can not be discarded. In addition to the Iberian influence, the admixture with other European breeds was minor. The Creoles from tropical areas, especially those from the Caribbean, show clear signs of admixture with Zebu. Conclusions/Significance: Nearly five centuries since cattle were first brought to the Americas, Creoles still show a strong and predominant signature of their Iberian ancestors. Creole breeds differ widely from each other, both in genetic structure and influences from other breeds. Efforts are needed to avoid their extinction or further genetic erosion, which would compromise centuries of selective adaptation to a wide range of environmental conditions

    The genetic ancestry of American Creole cattle inferred from uniparental and autosomal genetic markers

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    Cattle imported from the Iberian Peninsula spread throughout America in the early years of discovery and colonization to originate Creole breeds, which adapted to a wide diversity of environments and later received influences from other origins, including zebu cattle in more recent years. We analyzed uniparental genetic markers and autosomal microsatellites in DNA samples from 114 cattle breeds distributed worldwide, including 40 Creole breeds representing the whole American continent, and samples from the Iberian Peninsula, British islands, Continental Europe, Africa and American zebu. We show that Creole breeds differ considerably from each other, and most have their own identity or group with others from neighboring regions. Results with mtDNA indicate that T1c-lineages are rare in Iberia but common in Africa and are well represented in Creoles from Brazil and Colombia, lending support to a direct African influence on Creoles. This is reinforced by the sharing of a unique Y-haplotype between cattle from Mozambique and Creoles from Argentina. Autosomal microsatellites indicate that Creoles occupy an intermediate position between African and European breeds, and some Creoles show a clear Iberian signature. Our results confirm the mixed ancestry of American Creole cattle and the role that African cattle have played in their development

    Short communication. PCR detection of DNA of bovine, ovine-caprine and porcine origin in feed as part of a bovine spongiform encephalopathy control program

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    The rapid identification of residues of mammalian materials in animal feedstuffs is important for the effective control of feed as a potential source of transmission of bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE). It is included in the monitoring program developed to avoid the appearance of this disease. In the present work a PCR analysis was tested for the detection of mammalian residues (bovine, caprine, ovine and porcine). The DNA extraction method utilised guanidium thiocianate, and primers flanking a conserved region of mitochondrial DNA were synthesized for each species. PCR tests were specific for each species and allowed detection in feedstuffs of levels as low as 1% of bovine DNA and 1.5% of ovine, caprine and porcine DNA. These PCR tests may allow the rapid detection of residues of these species constituting a powerful tool against BS

    Short communication. PCR detection of DNA of bovine, ovine-caprine and porcine origin in feed as part of a bovine spongiform encephalopathy control program

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    The rapid identification of residues of mammalian materials in animal feedstuffs is important for the effective control of feed as a potential source of transmission of bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE). It is included in the monitoring program developed to avoid the appearance of this disease. In the present work a PCR analysis was tested for the detection of mammalian residues (bovine, caprine, ovine and porcine). The DNA extraction method utilised guanidium thiocianate, and primers flanking a conserved region of mitochondrial DNA were synthesized for each species. PCR tests were specific for each species and allowed detection in feedstuffs of levels as low as 1% of bovine DNA and 1.5% of ovine, caprine and porcine DNA. These PCR tests may allow the rapid detection of residues of these species constituting a powerful tool against BSE.La rápida identificación de restos de mamíferos en concentrados y harinas destinados a la alimentación animal es esencial para el control efectivo de esta fuente potencial de transmisión de la encefalopatía espongiforme bovina (EEB), como parte del programa de vigilancia que se desarrolla para evitar la aparición de esta enfermedad. En el presente trabajo se pusieron a punto ensayos de PCR para la detección de restos de mamíferos (bovino, caprino, ovino y porcino). El ADN se purificó utilizando tiocianato de guanidinio en el método de extracción y se sintetizaron cebadores específicos para cada especie, que amplifican una región altamente conservada del ADN mitocondrial (ADNm). Se determinó la sensibilidad y especificidad analítica en cada caso, resultando unos ensayos de PCR específicos para cada especie en particular, que permiten la detección en estos concentrados de hasta un 1% de material derivado de restos de bovino y un 1,5% de restos de ovino, caprino y porcino. Estos ensayos de PCR, que permiten la detección rápida de restos de estas especies de mamíferos, constituyen una poderosa herramienta en la lucha contra esta enfermedad

    Short communication. PCR detection of DNA of bovine, ovine-caprine and porcine origin in feed as part of a bovine spongiform encephalopathy control program

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    The rapid identification of residues of mammalian materials in animal feedstuffs is important for the effective control of feed as a potential source of transmission of bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE). It is included in the monitoring program developed to avoid the appearance of this disease. In the present work a PCR analysis was tested for the detection of mammalian residues (bovine, caprine, ovine and porcine). The DNA extraction method utilised guanidium thiocianate, and primers flanking a conserved region of mitochondrial DNA were synthesized for each species. PCR tests were specific for each species and allowed detection in feedstuffs of levels as low as 1% of bovine DNA and 1.5% of ovine, caprine and porcine DNA. These PCR tests may allow the rapid detection of residues of these species constituting a powerful tool against BSE.La rápida identificación de restos de mamíferos en concentrados y harinas destinados a la alimentación animal es esencial para el control efectivo de esta fuente potencial de transmisión de la encefalopatía espongiforme bovina (EEB), como parte del programa de vigilancia que se desarrolla para evitar la aparición de esta enfermedad. En el presente trabajo se pusieron a punto ensayos de PCR para la detección de restos de mamíferos (bovino, caprino, ovino y porcino). El ADN se purificó utilizando tiocianato de guanidinio en el método de extracción y se sintetizaron cebadores específicos para cada especie, que amplifican una región altamente conservada del ADN mitocondrial (ADNm). Se determinó la sensibilidad y especificidad analítica en cada caso, resultando unos ensayos de PCR específicos para cada especie en particular, que permiten la detección en estos concentrados de hasta un 1% de material derivado de restos de bovino y un 1,5% de restos de ovino, caprino y porcino. Estos ensayos de PCR, que permiten la detección rápida de restos de estas especies de mamíferos, constituyen una poderosa herramienta en la lucha contra esta enfermedad