42 research outputs found

    Anaerobic Treatment for Palm Oil Mill Effluent Using Covered In-the Ground Anaerobic Reactor (CIGAR)

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    Wastewater from crude palm oil mills contains high organic matter, which potentially produces biogas through anaerobic digestion processes. The design and operation of an anaerobic bioreactor require a good understanding of the reaction kinetic in the bioreactor. This study aimed to evaluate the biogas production from POME and to determine the kinetic parameters of microbial growth and the substrate utilization rates in a CIGAR. An experiment was conducted using a 5-m3 bioreactor with a working volume of 4.4 m3. Wastewater from the Bekri palm oil mill was stored in a 5-m3 tank. After stabilization, the wastewater was loaded into the reactor at a rate of 100 to 250 L/d, corresponding to a COD loading rate of 1.373-3.097 kg·m-3.d-1, and an HRT of 18-44 days. Monod, Contois, Moser, and Shuler kinetic models were evaluated. The results showed that the Shuler model performed best for microbial activities, while the first order reaction model performed best for the substrate utilization kinetic. The maximum specific growth rate (μmax) for the Shuler model was 0.052 d-1 and the saturation constant (Kso) was 0.119. The maximum substrate utilization rate constant (ks) was 2.183 d-1 and biomass yield (Yx/s) 0.024 kg/kg. The maximum average efficiency of anaerobic degradation (34.4%) occurred at a feeding rate of 100 L/d with methane yield of 0.120 Nm3/kg of removed COD. This value is relatively low compared to the maximum potential of 0.350 Nm3/kg CODr

    Comparison of Biogas Production from Oil Palm Empty Fruit Bunches of Post-Mushroom Cultivation Media (EFBMM) from Semi Wet and Dry Fermentation

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    The high content of organic substances (25.56%) in solid waste post-mushroom cultivation (EFBMM) has the potential to be processed into biogas. Comparative research of biogas production from EFBMM with semi wet and dry fermentation aims to know the potential of biogas using 20% ​​cow dung solution (inoculum) which is mixed by way of circulation. Semi-wet anaerobic digestion is performed on WC/TS ratio (4.0 - 5.7) and dry digestion is performed on the WC/TS ratio (1.5 - 3.5). Anaerobic fermentation method was developed using a circulation system by observing the physical-chemical characteristics of raw materials and products produced. The results showed that the fermentation of dry and semi-wet fermentation for 65 days decreased the C/N ratio by 5.27% and 19.31%, respectively. Biogas production in semi-wet fermentation produces 18.60 L/kg of EFBMM biogas with CH4 131.85 L/kgVSr gas productivity with biogas composition 40.69% CH4, 49.96% CO2 and 7.58% nitrogen. In dry fermentation, biogas produced 5.98 L/kg EFBMM with CH4 38.71 L/kgVSr gas productivity and biogas composition 35.58% CH4, 46.12% CO2 and 17.31% nitrogen. Semi-wet and dry fermentation process produces carbon (released as biogas) respectively 3.90 kgC (26.88%) and 3.40 kgC (23.44%). The result of lignocellulose analysis showed that dry fermentation of EFB using fungus media was able to degrade 6.00% hemicellulose, 10.60% cellulose and 6.74% lignin. Where as semi-wet fermentation was able to degrade 9.26% hemicellulose, 13.02% cellulose and 9.28% lignin. Imaging results with SEM show the fermentation process alters the EFBMM lignocellulosic morphology structure into more open, hollow and fragile textures. Keywords: biogas, EFBMM, WC/TS rati


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    Most of cassava grown in Palas, South Lampung District is sweet type cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) utilized as raw materials for cassava-based snack production. However, their characteristic had never been reported. The aims of the research were to determine the effect of varieties, harvesting age, and interaction between varieties and the harvesting age on morphology and chemical characteristics of sweet type cassava planted in Palas District, South Lampung. The experiment was factorial and arranged in a Complete Randomized Block Design (CRBD) with two factors and four replications. The first factor was cassava variety, i.e., manalagi (V1), mentega (V2), and krembi (V3). The second factor was the harvest age (U) i.e., 7-8 months (U1) and 8-9 months (U2). Morphology data were reported descriptively, while data for other characteristics were tested for homogeneity and additivity using Barlett and Tuckey test, then subjected to ANOVA, and further tested using Duncan test at the level of 5%. The results showed that the variety and harvest age significantly affected of water content, starch yield, starch content, amylose, and amylopectin. There was a significant interaction between varieties and age of harvest on moisture content, starch yield, and starch content, but there was no significant interaction effect on amylose and amylopectin. The highest value of moisture content was found in manalagi aged at 7-8 months (67.28% wb), the highest value of starch yield was found in manalagi age at 8-9 months of (16.34%), the highest value of starch content was found in mentega aged at 8-9 of months (17.52 % wb), the highest value of amylose was found in mentega aged at 8-9 of month (10.35% db), the highest value of amylopectin was found in krembi aged at 7-8 of month (92.78% db). Overall, krembi, manalagi, and mentega can be categorized as low-amylose cassava which has potential to be developed as raw material for crispy cassava-based snack. Keywords: harvesting age, krembi, low-amylose cassava, manalagi, menteg


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    Sugarcane industries produce wastewater with high levels of pollution load. Wastewater pollutant load can be lowered by treating wastewater in the WWTP. Wastewater treatment process using Biological conventional system still has the disadvantage of increasing the pH of the waste water at a given time. It causes algae blooming. Algae population levels increases due to nutrients in wastewater. To prevent algae  from blooming, nutrient concentration in the waste water should be reduced. This study was aimed to measure the effectiveness of Waterhyacinth in lowering pollutant load of sugar cane industrial wastewater. The method used was to plant Waterhyacinth in aeration pond number 2 of WWTP and then taking samples at four locations and consists of point I (inlet pond aeration 2), point A (before the water hyacinth plant), point B (after the water hyacinth plant), the point C (waste pond outlet monitor). Parameters measured included pH, TSS, COD, NH4, and NO3. The result showed the wastewater treatment system using water hyacinth plant reduced the pollutant load sugar cane industrial wastewater at the rate of  0,000858%/m2 day, 0,010997%/m2 day, 0,008691%/m2 day, 0,005936%/m2 day, and 0,015016%/m2 day, respectively. These conditions indicate planting hyacinth was effective in lowering the level of industrial wastewater pollutant load of sugar cane. Keywords: algae bloom, sugarcane industry wastewater, waterhyacint


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    This study aimed to determine the potential of bio-methane produced by Gracilaria sp. in a batch system. The experiment was conducted in batch system and it was initiated by acclimatization process (12 days) and ended methane production process (30 days). The results showed that biochemical properties of Gracilaria sp.  are carbohydrate 65.46 ± 0.58%, lignin 13.20 ± 2.23%, TOC (Total Organic Carbon) 33.39 ± 0.23%, Nitrogen 1.12 ± 0.01%, and C/N ratio 29.82. Acclimatization proceeded successfully and it was indicated by 62.7 L biogas of 4.025 L of substrate Gracilaria sp. produced within a pH range of 6.2 - 7.1. The batch method of anaerobic biodegradation showed that 4 kg of Gracilaria sp. can produced 131.1 L of biogas containing methane and 46.7 L or 11.6 L CH4 /kg

    Anaerobic Digestion of Macroalga Gracilaria SP. in Batch System to Produce Bio-methane

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    This study aimed to determine the potential of bio-methane produced by Gracilaria sp. in a batch system. The experiment was conducted in batch system and it was initiated by acclimatization process (12 days) and ended methane production process (30 days). The results showed that biochemical properties of Gracilaria sp. are carbohydrate 65.46 ± 0.58%, lignin 13.20 ± 2.23%, TOC (Total Organic Carbon) 33.39 ± 0.23%, Nitrogen 1.12 ± 0.01%, and C/N ratio 29.82. Acclimatization proceeded successfully and it was indicated by 62.7 L biogas of 4.025 L of substrate Gracilaria sp. produced within a pH range of 6.2 - 7.1. The batch method of anaerobic biodegradation showed that 4 kg of Gracilaria sp. can produced 131.1 L of biogas containing methane and 46.7 L or 11.6 L CH4 /kg

    The Performance of Biogas Production from Pome at Different Temperatures

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    Indonesia, as the largest palm oil producer in the world, also produces palm oil mill effluent (POME). While the latter is a liquid waste that is hazardous for the environment, with proper processing, it can be a potential energy source. The objective of this study was to study the performance of biogas production from POME at various temperatures. The POME and sludge mixture was fermented, according to the treatment, at 27-28oC, 45oC, and 55oC, with the results showing that methane could thereby be produced by as much as 0,19 m3, 0,25 m3, and 0,28 m3 respectively. For each kilogram of chemical oxygen demand (COD) removal, with POME fermentation at room temperature, 45oC, and 55oC, biogas could be produced with methane content of 65.44%, 62.57%, and 59.15%, respectively

    Proses Sterilisasi Sari Buah Terong Ungu (Solanum Melongena) Dengan Sistem Ozonisasi

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    One effort in the preservation of food is processed through a sterilization process using ozonization system with ozone molecule (0). The purpose of this study is to review the process of sterilization of juice eggplant (Solanum melongena) using ozonation systems with a concentration of 0.6 ppm ozone. In this study, eggplant juice made in 6 ratio of water: sugar(1:10%, 1:15%, 1:20%, 2:10%, 2:15%, 2:20%) and sterilize with 0.6 ppm ozone The ozonation time studiedfor (0. 6ppm) 0 min, 2 min, 4 minutes, 6 minutes, 8 min and long storage 0 days, 2 days, 4 days, 6 day. Test parameters obtained included the juice organoleptic test (preference level) and test of vitamin C. The results showed that ozonation can be used as a process of sterilization of juice eggplant, ozonation time with optimal and durable power offruit quality is 4minutes with long storage for 2 days. Response panelists on organoleptic test as a whole eggplant juice between 2.8 (preferred), and 3.13 (preferred). Levels of vitam in C, protein, carbohydrate and total microbial best eggplant juice are 1.35 mg1100mL, 1.1%, 3.43 mg1100mL, 8.36x1 rI cfulmL, respectively