3,226 research outputs found

    Response of Circular Foundation Subjected to Dynamic Forces in Sandy Soils

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    In a machine-foundation soil system, the frequency and amplitude have to be controlled by suitable means such as by balancing of dynamic loads or using suitable foundation. The dynamic forces can be transmitted to the soil through the foundation by appropriate selection of foundation mass or by using damping. This paper is the outcome of a research study conducted recently to investigate dynamic response of circular foundation in sandy soils. The paper concentrates on dynamic behavior for circular foundation with cap-anchor made of reinforced cement concrete. The influence of increase of base diameter of cap-anchor foundation on resonant frequency and amplitude for various eccentricities ranging from 0° to 42° were studied. Significant increases in 6equency with different eccentricities were observed with increase in base diameter of the cap-anchor foundation from 0% to 40%. On the other hand, reduction of amplitude at resonance was recorded with the increase of base diameter at various eccentricities. Increase in resonant frequency (η) was observed as 27% whereas percentage increase in amplitude reduction (Ψ) was recorded 64% with embedment ratio of 30% only. It was found that the increase of base diameter of the circular foundation with cap-anchor can control vibration and is capable of withstanding higher dynamic forces when compared to simple foundation or non-circular/vertical foundation with cap-anchor

    Improvement in Organogenesis and the Development of a Transformation Procedure for Cucumber and Muskmelon

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    A comprehensive study was carried out to optimise and improve a direct shoot organogenesis system to facilitate the transfer of reporter genes (GUSINT and nptII into cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) and muskmelon (C. melo L.) plants. The studies carried out were: (i) a comparative study on direct and indirect shoot regeneration (ii) the improvement of a direct shoot regeneration system by using an ethylene action inhibitor, silver nitrate and an ethylene biosynthesis inhibitor, cobalt chloride (iii) identification of suitable strains of Agrobacterium tumefaciens and A. rhizogenes that are able to infect cucumber and muskmelon plants (iv) development of an intron containing gene transformation system for both cucurbit species through A. tumefaciens and (v) analysis of transformants. For the comparative study of direct and indirect shoot regeneration, four different types of explants from five elite commercial cucumber cultivars namely Spring Swallow, Suyo Cross, Suyo Long, Tasty Glory. Tasty Green and one muskmelon cultivar called Birdie were used. Explants from both species were cultured onto Murashige and Skoog medium containing different concentrations of 6-benzylaminopurine alone and in combination with either 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid or naphthalene acetic acid. 6-benzylaminopurine alone at 1.0 or 2.0 mg/L significantly (p<0.05) induced shoot primordia from the largest number of proximal cotyledon and hypocotyl explants of all cucumber cultivars and muskmelon explants tested. However, the addition of either 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid or naphthalene acetic acid to 6-benzylaminopurine, resulted in a reduction of the shoot primordia induction rate. Higher number of shoots induced from ex plants as well as high numbers of morphological normal shoots were obtained when explants were cultured on. medium containing 6-benzylaminopurine alone. Specific concentrations of indole-butyric acid and naphthalene acetic acid significantly (p<0.05) contributed to root initiation from the largest number of cucumber and muskmelon shoots, respectively. Dark treatment was sufficient to significantly induce root formation from the non-rooting cucumber and muskmelon shoots. The addition of either silver nitrate or cobalt chloride to the seed germination medium or shoot primordia induction medium caused a significant (p<0.05) enhancement of shoot regeneration rate from cucumber cv. SS and TG explants compared to the control. The regeneration rate was further enhanced when these two ethylene inhibitors were added to both SGM and SPI media. Furthermore, the number of shoots induced from explants of both Spring Swallow and Tasty Green cultivars was also enhanced upon the same treatment. However, muskmelon shoot induction and regeneration were reduced when the same treatment was employed

    The vulnerability and resiliency of childhood

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    Life is full of stressors, which have to be confronted efficiently to grow up. However, reaction to stressors is personalized, complex and coordinated. Vulnerable persons adjust poorly to stressors and express inappropriate responses, while resilient persons practice adaptive physiological and psychological responses. Promotion of resiliency is an intricated issue, which demands strategies at both macro and micro-level. Microlevel strategies are focused on the community, family and individual level, while macrolevel strategies formulate the principles. Nevertheless, prediction of vulnerability and resiliency is really a challenge, as different persons facing same stressors react differently. Some are growing as resilient and others as vulnerable. We aimed to discuss resiliency, vulnerability, importance in relation to health outcome, promotion of resiliency and controversies of vulnerability and resiliency

    Mechanisms of Corrosion-Induced Cracks in Concrete

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    Corrosion-induced cracks was simulated in expansion tests.   Kinematical mechanisms of micro-cracks were identified by theSiGMA analysis of acoustic emission (AE).   By applying the boundary element method (BEM), extension of the corrosion-induced crack in an arbitrary direction was analyzed.   It is demonstrated that extension of the corrosion-induced crack is governed by the mode-I failure, although all kinds of micro-cracks are observed  in results of AE analysis

    Comparative Study of ICX Business with Prosperity and Significance in Bangladesh

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    The objective of this paper is to focus on the comparative discussion of ICX (Interconnection Exchange) business in with prosperity and significance in Bangladesh. ICX is a step towards creation of a modern and efficient telecommunications infrastructure. With the introduction of ICX, operators can combine their services in the most flexible way. Telecommunication sector is one of the most growing fields of business in Bangladesh. Government is earning a lot from this sector. Before introducing ICX government could not able to trace the exact number of calls and generated minutes, as well as they were in lack of exact revenue from those operators. After that, when Government introduced license to ICX operators, the scenario has been changed and single point of connectivity was established. As a result, interconnection capacity and the quality of voice call both have been developed. Government became capable of having accurate amount interconnections calls and minutes.Now days ICX operators are capable to handle voice calls using 2G and 3G technology. ICX operators are also connected to all the IGW (International gateway) operators to connect international calls with nationwide telecommunication operators. ICX operators share their revenue with Government according to rules and regulations imposed by the Government. As a result, Government is earning a significant amount of money from ICX operators. The KPI of Seven different ICX operators are also discussed in the study and all the values of those indicators were found in satisfactory level which means ICX operators can fulfill the required performance needed to cope up with the ANS and IGW operators. So, ICX business is proving as a very prospectus business in Bangladesh for the operators as well as for the Government as ICX operators are going to implement SMS interconnectivity throughout the nation. Keywords: ICX business, telecommunication, revenue, prosperity, connectivity

    Disclosing bad news of cancer diagnosis: Patients\u27 preference for communication

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    The majority of relatives of cancer patients in Pakistan request their clinicians to adopt a do not tell approach while counselling the patients regarding their disease. The current study aimed to assess patients\u27 understanding of their disease and how they would prefer the physicians to deliver news about cancer diagnosis and its management plan. This was a cross-sectional study in which both patients and their immediate relatives were interviewed. The study enrolled 55 patients with six different types of cancers. The study showed that 35 (65.5%) patients did not know the stage of their illness at the time of diagnosis, while 40 (72.7%) patients did not know the current stage of their disease. In 22 (40%) cases, the patient\u27s family knew the diagnosis ahead of the patient, and 19 (86.3%) families asked the clinicians to hide the diagnosis from the patient. This study, which used a scoring questionnaire, demonstrates that specialist oncologists for breaking the bad news, family counselling, helping patients to figure out how to inform others, giving the news directly to the patient and the effects of cancer on daily life are preferred areas to communicate with cancer patients

    Impacts of Salinity on Soil Properties of Coastal Areas in Bangladesh

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    Sea level rise is a growing threat for the coastal regions of Bangladesh. It is one of the most densely populated countries of the world where 28% of the population are living in the coastal area. Bangladesh has already been affected by sea level rise through land erosion, salinity intrusion and loss in biodiversity. Saline soil has a detrimental effect upon soil physical and chemical properties. The dominant soil textural classes that occur in the saline areas of these regions are silty clay. In both of the soils pH value of the surface horizon is slightly lower than those of the subsoil and sub stratums. Cation Exchange Capacity (CEC) of all these soils varies from 12.0 to 27.6 meq/100 g soil expressing medium to high status. The organic matter content is medium to high at Asasuni and pretty low at Kalapara. In both areas, nutrient deficiencies of total nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium were quite dominant but sulphur was high. Exchangeable sodium, potassium, calcium and magnesium were in high level. The dominant water soluble cations were Na+, Ca2+, Mg2+ and K+ and anions Cl- and SO4 2-.The amount of accumulated salt was found higher at the surface and decreases with depth