364 research outputs found

    Mapping of quantitative trait loci for immune response traits and expression patterns of Toll-like receptors in lymphoid tissues in pigs

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    The aim of this research was to identify the quantitative trait loci (QTL) affecting antibody and innate immune response traits. For this purpose, Duroc-Pietrain (DUPI) pigs (n = 319) were genotyped with 122 genetic markers and phenotypes of serum antibodies for Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae (Mh) and tetanus toxoid (TT), and interferon-gamma (IFNg) levels were measured following vaccinations (Mh, TT, Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome Virus [PRRSV]). Line-cross and imprinting QTL analysis were performed using QTL Express. A total of 30 QTL (12, 6, and 12 QTL for Mh, TT antibody, and IFNg, respectively) were identified, of which 28 QTL were detected by line-cross and 2 QTL by imprinting model. The serum concentration of interleukin 2 (IL2), IL10, IFNg, Toll-like receptor (TLR2) and TLR9 were measured in another group of DUPI population (n = 334) following vaccinations that were genotyped with 82 genetic markers. A total of 33 single QTL were detected, of which eight, twelve and thirteen QTL were identified for immune traits in response to Mh, TT and PRRSV vaccine, respectively. All immune traits are influenced by multiple chromosomal regions implying multiple gene action. Furthermore, expression stability of nine commonly used housekeeping genes (HKG) was studied using qRT-PCR in most lymphoid tissues at different ages (newborn, young and adult) of pigs. This study found that HKG becomes heterogeneous with age and the geometric mean of the RPL4, PPIA and YWHAZ seem to be the most appropriate combination of HKG for accurate normalization of gene expression data in pigs. Moreover, the expression patterns of ten TLRs (1-10) were studied in the same tissues used for HKG study. This study revealed that TLRs mRNA expressions were affected by age and organs. Most of the TLRs expression was higher at young pigs compared to adult and newborn pigs. TLR3 gene was the highest abundant among all TLRs in most tissues. The western blot results of TLR2, 3 and 9 in selected tissues appeared to be consistent with the mRNA expression. The protein localization showed that TLRs expressing cells were abundant in lamina propria, Peyer’s patches in intestine, around and within the lymphoid follicles in the mesenteric and cervical lymph node, within the white pulp in spleen and on the lining cells in bronchioles in lungs. This expressions study first shed light on the expression patterns of all TLR genes in important lymphoid tissues including gut-associated lymphoid tissues in different ages of pigs.QTL-Kartierung von Immunreaktionsmerkmalen und Expressionsmuster des Toll-like Rezeptors in lymphatischen Gewebe beim Schwein Das Ziel dieser Studie war Quantitative Trait Loci (QTL), die Einfluss auf Antikörper und Merkmale der angeborenen Immunreaktion haben, zu identifizieren. Zu diesem Zweck wurden Duroc×Pietrain Schweine (DUPI) (n = 319) mittels 122 genetischen Markern genotypisiert. Die Phänotypen der Antikörperspiegel von Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae (Mh), Tetanus Toxoid (TT) sowie von Interferon-gamma (IFNg) wurden nach der Impfung (Mh, TT, Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome Virus [PRRSV]) im Serum gemessen. Die QTL-Analysen wurden mit Hilfe der Software QTL-Express ausgeführt. Insgesamt wurden 30 QTL (jeweils 12, 6 und 12 QTL für Mh, TT-Antikörper und IFNg) identifiziert, wobei bei 2 QTL der Einfluss von Imprintingeffekten nachgewiesen wurde. In einer weiteren Gruppe der DUPI-Population (n = 334), welche mittels 82 Markern genetisch erfasst wurden, wurden die Serumkonzentrationen des Interleukins 2 (IL2), IL10, IFNg, Toll-like Rezeptor 2 (TLR2) und TLR9 nach der Impfung gemessen. Dabei wurden insgesamt 33 QTL detektiert, von denen jeweils 8, 12 und 13 QTL mit der Immunreaktion auf Mh, TT und PRRSV Impfungen assoziierten. Alle Immunmerkmale wurden durch mehrere chromosomale Regionen beeinflusst, was multiple Genaktionen impliziert. Darüber hinaus wurde die Expressionsstabilität von 9 häufig verwendeten ‚house keeping’ Genes (HKG) mit Hilfe der qRT-PCR inngerhalb von lymphatischen Geweben von Tieren unterschiedlichen Alters (Neugeborene, Jungtiere, Adulte) untersucht. Die Ergebnisse dieser Studie zeigten, dass die Expression der HKG mit dem Alter heterogen werden. Somit scheint das geometrische Mittel von RPL4, PPIA und YWHAZ am geeignetsten für die Normalisierung von Genexpressionsdaten beim Schwein zu sein. Dasselbe Gewebe der Referenzgenanalyse wurde für die Expressionsanalyse von zehn TLRs (1-10) verwendet. Diese Analyse zeigte, dass die TLRs mRNA-Expression vom Alter und Organen abhängig war. Dabei konnte eine höhere TLRs Expression bei Jungtieren und eine geringere bei Adulten und Neugeborenen detektiert werden. Das Gen TLR3 hatte das höchste Expressionsniveau in der Mehrzahl an Geweben von allen TRL Genen. Die Ergebnisse des Western Blot von TLR2, 3 und 9 in ausgewählten Geweben stimmten mit den Genexpressions-Analysen überein. Die Protein-Lokalisierung zeigte, dass TLRs in Zellen von lamina propria, Peyer’s Drüsen im Darm, in und um die lymphoiden Folikel des mesenterial und zervikalen Lymphknotens, im weißen Zellengwebe der Milz und in den Bronchialepithelien der Lunge exprimiert werden. Diese Expressionsstudie lieferte die ersten Erkenntnisse über die Expressionsmuster aller TLR in Lymphgeweben einschließlich der Lymphgewebe des Darms bei verschiedenen Alterstufen beim Schwein

    Error Analysis of Written English Compositions: The Case of Learners of Prime University in Bangladesh

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    This study aims at finding out that the error analyses and correction came be the best starting to develop the learners   writing skill. The researcher under takes to investigate the errors in a collection of 50 essays written by 50 students if 1st semester of B.A (Hon’s) in English in the department of English at Prime University. The researcher attempts to balance between male and female students. Errors were found and categories according to various grammatical classifications. The scrolls in this study show that the students committed 15 errors: i) Capitalization ii) Article iii)Subject Verb agreement iv)Discontinuous constituentsv)Nounvi) Pronounvii) Word of orderviii) Modalsix) Degree or Adjectivex) Verbxi) Tag question xii) Conditional xiii) Nouns in Apposition xiv) Prepositionxv) Punctuation Keywords: error analysis, essay, writing, grammatica

    Droplet evaporation losses during sprinkler irrigation: an overview

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    A detailed understanding regarding the evaporation losses in sprinkler irrigation is important for developing as well as adopting appropriate water conservation strategies. To explain this phenomenon many theoretical and experimental studies have been conducted since the 1950‟s. Notwithstanding all these efforts, the contribution of droplet evaporation to the total evaporation losses during sprinkler irrigation is still a controversial issue in the irrigation community. There is a substantial difference among researchers regarding the magnitudes of the different components of the total evaporation in sprinkler irrigation especially droplet evaporation losses. Field studies reported that the droplet evaporation losses ranged from 2 – 45%, whereas theoretical studies indicated that it is less than 1%. This is due largely to the limitations of the traditional measurement methods. However, it is likely that these limitations can be overcome and accurate measurements obtained using the eddy covariance (ECV) technique

    High performance automated furrow irrigation

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    Furrow irrigation is the most popular irrigation method in cotton. However, two issues: low efficiency and huge labour involvement concern irrigators due to scarcity in recent years. To address these issues, NCEA and Rubicon Water, Australia are developing a commercial prototype smart furrow irrigation system. The system has shown that both issues disappear with adoption of real-time optimisation and automated furrow irrigation

    Controlling surface irrigation using digital devices

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    Furrow irrigation is widely used and is the most popular irrigation method for row crops. In Australia this method is widely used (about 95%) for the irrigation of cotton, although it is labour intensive and traditionally has had low water use efficiency due to the significant amount of water losses through deep drainage and runoff. However, it is reported that a well-designed and managed furrow irrigation system may have application efficiencies up to 90% to 95% that would be similar to other more energy intensive efficient irrigation systems. Towards this, the National Centre for Engineering in Agriculture (NCEA) has been playing the leading role in the world since a long period of time and made a significant improvement in efficient furrow irrigation. Recent research at NCEA has established the foundation for the real-time control of furrow irrigation. It has developed the concept and tested the software required for the real-time optimisation and has shown its capability of sensing the inflow and advance, simulating the irrigation, and predicting the optimum time to cut-off without any user intervention. In partnership with technology company Rubicon Water, the NCEA has developed a smart automation system for controlling furrow irrigation using internet connected latest digital devices like smart phones, iPad, laptop or desktop from anywhere in the world. It involves flow control infrastructure, advance sensors, control software and wireless communications. Currently the NCEA is demonstrating this system in various locations in cotton growing region across Australia through a project funded by the Cotton Research and Development Corporation. The preliminary results show the potential of the system to save significant labour and water although there remain some limitations in water delivery system

    A simple strategy to manage furrow irrigation efficiently

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    Cut-off time is vital in furrow irrigation as it significantly affects the efficiency of irrigation. Traditionally, irrigators continue the irrigation until the water reaches the end of the field. Simulation software can also be used to optimise cut-off time. However, first method is proven inappropriate and the latter method is complex. Hence, a simple method to determine cut-off time for farmers to manage furrow irrigation efficiently was evaluated and found to give cut-off times similar to the optimum time

    Selection of irrigation duration for high performance furrow irrigation on cracking clay soils

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    The maximum efficiency attainable by furrow irrigation in any particular situation is determined largely by the soil infiltration characteristic and the flow rate onto the field. However the correct selection of irrigation duration (or time to cut-off) is necessary to realise optimum performance. As a result of previous work the cotton industry in Australia has increased furrow flow rates and reduced irrigation durations with the effect of raising average application efficiencies from a low 48% to now above 70%. This is the maximum that can be achieved under current management practices. Raising efficiency further can only come about by managing each irrigation (by varying flow rate and Tco) to give optimum performance for the prevailing conditions. The previous work has shown that applications in excess of 85% are possible by this means. A consequence is that greater accuracy and precision is required in the selection and management of irrigation durations. In this paper, various methods for estimating the optimal or preferred time to cut-off in real-time (while the irrigation is underway) are compared, namely, cut-off when the advance reaches a set distance, guidelines based on the advance rate, and real-time optimisation using hydrodynamic simulation. Simulations using historic data from two cotton fields show that there is little difference in the efficiencies achieved by the three methods. However, there is substantial difference in the data required by the different methods and in their robustness to inaccuracies in the data. These latter points will dominate selection of the most appropriate method for any particular situation

    Multifunctional Nanomaterials for Energy Applications

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    In the last few decades, global energy requirements have grown exponentially, and increased demand is expected in the upcoming decades [...

    A 3D printed microneedle system for transdermal drug delivery of anticancer drugs

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    Background: Transdermal delivery of drugs is an attractive alternative to the conventional route of administration as oral delivery. The hypodermic injections are painful and less patient compliance. Microneedles (MNs) are micron-sized, minimally invasive needles to deliver a wide range of molecules (e.g., small, DNA, vaccines etc.) to the upper portion of the dermis in a sustained and controlled manner, without causing any pain. The introduction of 3D printing technologies in the fabrication of MN will promote one-step manufacturing tools and scale-up for the delivery devices of anticancer drugs. Methods: The 3D printed MN (3DMN) arrays were fabricated using Stereolithography (SLA), a photopolymerization-based technology, using a biocompatible Class I resin. The printed MN arrays were characterized using Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and the coating was evaluated through Fluorescence Microscopy (FM). The penetration efficiency of 3DMN was investigated through the Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) into the skin in vitro. The delivery efficiencies of MN arrays to release anticancer drugs in vitro were investigated using Franz diffusion cells and vivo animal studies were carried out to determine the delivery of anticancer drugs and tumour regression effect in mice. Results: 3DMN arrays were successfully fabricated using SLA technology and the dimensions were reproducible. OCT studies have shown more than 80% penetration capability. In vitro and in vivo studies demonstrated the rapid transdermal delivery of anticancer drugs and regression of tumours in mice. Conclusions: These 3DMNs may prove to be of great assistance for the delivery of anticancer drugs in near future in a painless, precise and accurate manner

    Evaluation of sap flow sensors to measure the transpiration rate of plants during canopy wetting and drying

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    Accurate measurement of transpiration is required to estimate the various components of evaporation losses during sprinkler irrigation. Among the methods, sap flow measurements have widely used for direct measurements of transpiration rate in plant. To evaluate the applicability of this method to field experiments involving canopy wetting (by sprinkler irrigation), stem flow measurements were compared with transpiration values estimated from successive mass measurements of small potted plants using pre-calibrated mini-lysimeters in a glasshouse at the University of Southern Queensland, during the period August–October 2010. From this study it was found that when the canopy was dry, the sap flow measurements mirrored the transpiration rate of plants with reasonable accuracy, overestimating the transpiration rate by about 11%. The measurements showed no evidence of time lag between sap flow and transpiration. Following wetting of the plant canopy the sap flow declined rapidly reflecting a decline in the transpiration rate transpiration and sap flow. Location of the sap flow gage on the stem was seen to be a factor with gages at different heights giving different sap flow rates again due to the buffering capacity of the stem
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