Error Analysis of Written English Compositions: The Case of Learners of Prime University in Bangladesh


This study aims at finding out that the error analyses and correction came be the best starting to develop the learners   writing skill. The researcher under takes to investigate the errors in a collection of 50 essays written by 50 students if 1st semester of B.A (Hon’s) in English in the department of English at Prime University. The researcher attempts to balance between male and female students. Errors were found and categories according to various grammatical classifications. The scrolls in this study show that the students committed 15 errors: i) Capitalization ii) Article iii)Subject Verb agreement iv)Discontinuous constituentsv)Nounvi) Pronounvii) Word of orderviii) Modalsix) Degree or Adjectivex) Verbxi) Tag question xii) Conditional xiii) Nouns in Apposition xiv) Prepositionxv) Punctuation Keywords: error analysis, essay, writing, grammatica

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