558 research outputs found

    Investigating the Effects of Aromatase Inhibitors on the Musculoskeletal System

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    Physico-Chemical and Microbial Analysis of Drinking Water of Four Springs of Danyore Gilgit Baltistan Pakistan

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    Drinking water of good quality is essential for human physiology whose continual existence depends on the availability of water and any sort of contamination in water which is above the standard limits set by International water regulating agencies can lead to water related diseases. So, the present investigation was conducted to determine the physico-chemical and bacteriological contents of four springs i.e.Heshi spring 1, Heshi spring 2, Kitaab Roong, and Kooti spring and its distribution system such as water reservoir inlet, outlet, mid and end point of distribution systems, junction where it merge with glacier water. The temperature was in a range of 13oC - 22oC. The turbidity of water samples fluctuate from 0.02NTU-1.99NTU. The pH value was in a range of 6.2-7.1. Electrical conductivity range of minimum 122µS/cm to a maximum of 600µS/cm. The TDS of all water samples ranging from minimum of 164-513mg/l. The amount of reactive ortho phosphate was in a range of 26mg/l to 59mg/L. The amount of total phosphorous was in a range of minimum 23m/L to maximum of 120mg/L. The total bacterial count was in a range of 11CFU/100ml to 83 CFU/100ml.The findings showed there should be comprehensive standardization of drinking water of Danyore village according to guidelines of WHO water quality standards and make it safe for human consumption

    Defining pharmacy and its practice: a conceptual model for an international audience

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    Background: There is much fragmentation and little consensus in the use of descriptors for the different disciplines that make up the pharmacy sector. Globalization, reprofessionalization and the influx of other disciplines means there is a requirement for a greater degree of standardization. This has not been well addressed in the pharmacy practice research and education literature. Objectives: To identify and define the various subdisciplines of the pharmacy sector and integrate them into an internationally relevant conceptual model based on narrative synthesis of the literature. Methods: A literature review was undertaken to understand the fragmentation in dialogue surrounding definitions relating to concepts and practices in the context of the pharmacy sector. From a synthesis of this literature, the need for this model was justified. Key assumptions of the model were identified, and an organic process of development took place with the three authors engaging in a process of sense-making to theorize the model. Results: The model is “fit for purpose” across multiple countries and includes two components making up the umbrella term “pharmaceutical practice”. The first component is the four conceptual dimensions, which outline the disciplines including social and administrative sciences, community pharmacy, clinical pharmacy and pharmaceutical sciences. The second component of the model describes the “acts of practice”: teaching, research and professional advocacy; service and academic enterprise. Conclusions: This model aims to expose issues relating to defining pharmacy and its practice and to create dialogue. No model is perfect, but there are implications for what is posited in the areas of policy, education and practice and future research. The main point is the need for increased clarity, or at least beginning the discussion to increase the clarity of definition and consistency of meaning in-and-across the pharmacy sector locally, nationally and internationall

    Hydraulic simulations to evaluate and predict design and operation of the Chashma Right Bank Canal

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    Irrigation systems / Irrigation canals / Flow control / Velocity / Canal regulation techniques / Hydraulics / Simulation models / Design / Operations / Crop-based irrigation / Distributary canals / Water delivery / Policy / Protective irrigation / Water allocation / Water requirements / Sedimentation / Water distribution / Equity / Water conveyance / Pakistan / Chashma Right Bank Canal

    Uvođenje novog katetera u cistostomiji kliničkih slučajeva opstruktivne urolitijaze u goveda.

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    The present study was carried out to evaluate a simple innovative tube cystostomy technique for the management of bovine clinical cases of obstructive urolithiais. The materials of this study formed 20 clinical cases of obstructive urolithiasis, equally and randomly distributed in two groups. Diagnosis of the disease was made on the basis of a history of anuria, clinical signs, radiographic and ultrasonographic examinations. The confirmed cases of obstructive urolithiasis were managed by two surgical techniques, i.e., tube cystostomy with Foley’s catheter (group A) and tube cystostomy with simple polyvinyl chloride catheter tubing (group B). In all the animals litholytic agents, anti-infl ammatory drugs and antibiotics, along with urine acidifiers, were given. The surgical techniques were evaluated on the basis of clinical, haematobiochemical parameters, and postoperative surgical complications. Duration of surgery and overall success rate were also recorded in each group. Haematobiochemical alterations returned to normalcy more quickly in the animals of group A as compared to those of group B. The survival rate was similar in the animals of both the groups; however complications like catheter blockade were found more often in group A animals. Tube cystostomy with polyvinyl chloride tubing may be a feasible method for the management of obstructive urolithiasis in field conditions. It needs more refinement and further evaluation before its recommendation for in field use.Ovo istraživanje bilo je provedeno radi prosudbe vrijednosti novoga jednostavnoga postupka cistostomije pri obradi kliničkih slučajeva opstruktivne urolitijaze u goveda. Dvadeset goveda s klinički dokazanom opstruktivnom urolitijazom bilo je nasumce podijeljeno u dvije skupine po deset goveda. Dijagnoza je bila postavljena na osnovi podataka o anuriji, prisutnim kliničkim znakovima te na osnovi radiografske i ultrazvučne pretrage. Potvrđeni slučajevi opstruktivne urolitijaze bili su obrađeni dvama kirurškim postupcima: cistostomijom kod koje je bio rabljen Foleyev kateter (skupina A) i uporabom jednostavnoga polivinil-kloridnoga katetera (skupina B). Svima životinjama bile su primijenjene litolitičke tvari, protuupalni lijekovi, antibiotici i sredstva za zakiseljavanje mokraće. Kirurške tehnike bile su vrednovane na osnovi kliničkih, hematoloških i biokemijskih pokazatelja i postoperativnih kirurških komplikacija. Za svaku skupinu uzeto je u obzir trajanje operacije i njezina uspješnost. Promjene u hematološkim i biokemijskim pokazateljima brže su se vratile na normalne vrijednosti u životinja skupine A u odnosu na skupinu B. Stopa preživljavanja bila je slična u životinja obiju skupina. Međutim, komplikacije poput začepljenja katetera bile su češće u životinja skupine A. Cistostomija pri kojoj je rabljen polivinil-kloridni kateter lako je izvediva metoda za obradu opstruktivne urolitijaze u terenskim uvjetima. Ipak, prije preporuke za terensku uporabu nužno je njezino daljnje usavršavanje


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    This study aims to provide information about the drinking water quality of two streams in Chakarkote Sai and Demote Sai and two rivers in Gilgit and Hunza. Parameters were tested including physical, and chemical. The physical parameters were temperature, pH, electric conductivity (EC), total dissolved solids (TDS), turbidity, dissolved oxygen (DO), ammonia (NH4),total nitrogen (TN), total phosphorus (TP) and reactive orthophosphate (PO4). The ranges of these parameters set by WHO and NEQs, as most of the Asian countries also follow the WHO standards. All the samples were tested in the EPA certified laboratory of biological sciences department Karakorum international university Gilgit Baltistan. The minimum and maximum values of temperature 15.2-18.4, PH 6.78-6.09, EC 109.3-297 µS, TDS 53.8-149 ppm, Turbidity 0.29-88.4 NTU, DO 7.1-8.9 mg/l, TN 5.63-7.13 mg/l, NH4 0.0106-0.0151 mg/l, TP 0.042-0.143mg/l, and PO4 0.0059-0.016 mg/l. Independent T test was applied separately for both streams and rivers to determine significant difference of water properties with respect to location wise. Water parameters like DO and TP were significantly, while temperature, PH, EC, TDS, turbidity, TN, NH4, PO4 were non-significant in streams and TDS, turbidity, DO and TN were significant, while temperature, PH, EC, NH4, TP, PO4 were non-significant in rivers according to area wise