242 research outputs found

    Design efective power speed controller for 3-phase motor

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    Tato práce se zabývá regulací otáček 3-fázového asynchronního motoru pomocí frekvenčního měniče. Nejprve jsou rozebrány jednotlivé typy motorů, způsoby regulace motorů, měření aktuálního napětí a proudu na motoru až po programování mikroprocesoru ATMEGA64. Řízení je provedeno signálem PWM, který zajišťuje nízkou spotřebu obvodu. Výkonová část je tvořena tranzistory MOSFET. Práce se také věnuje komunikaci procesoru po USB portu. Převodový poměr i měření napětí a proudu se zobrazuje na LCD displeji. Výsledkem této práce je efektivní regulace 3-fázového asynchronního motoru s možností sledovat výše zmíněné parametry zobrazené na displeji.This paper deals with the regulation of revolution of the asynchronous three phase engine with the frequency transformer. Firstly we will look into individual types of engines, the ways of regulation of the engines, the measuring of contemporary voltage and current at the engine and programming the ATMEGA64 microprocessor. The supervision is beeing handled by the PWM signal, which ensures low consumption of our circuit. The outputting part is comprised by the MOSFET transistors. The thesis devotes to communication of the ATMEGA64 processor via the USB port. The transmission ratio, voltage and even the contemporary current is displayed on the LCD monitor. The outcome of this thesis is the effective regulation of the asynchronous three phase engine, with the possibility of tracking all of the parameters mentioned above which are shown on the LCD display.

    Ten Determinants of Neven Šegvić’s Architecture

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    Opus profesora Nevena Šegvića stoji kao otvorena knjiga u kojoj, ovisno o vlastitim rezonancama ili afinitetima danog trenutka, arhitekt može uvijek aktualizirati kreativni dijalog o arhitekturi. Analizom njegova cjelokupnog djela ukazala se teza o postojanju Šegvićeva metodološki profiliranog stvaralačkog pristupa matičnoj disciplini. Deset ključnih odrednica konstituiraju ishodišta njegova stručnog, teorijskog i pedagoškog opusa. U ovom tekstu predočeni su kao konstitutivni elementi jednog modernistički otvorenog metodološkog ciklusa. Šegvićev cjelokupni opus ukazuje se kao postojana kontinuirana misao o arhitekturi. Ovaj je tekst stoga doprinos analizi njegova djela kao procesa kojim je gradio pristup arhitekturi.The oeuvre of Professor Neven Šegvić lives on like an open book in which architects, depending on their tendencies and current interests can always establish a creative dialogue about architecture. An analysis of Šegvić’s oeuvre has led to the hypothesis of the existence of his methodologically defined creative approach to the discipline of architecture. Ten key determinants constitute the sources of his professional, theoretical and educational body of work which are presented in this paper as elements of a modern, open methodological cycle. Šegvić’s entire work is tenable continuous consideration on architecture. This paper is therefore a contribution to the analysis of his work as a process of shaping a personal approach to architecture

    Low-cost Accomodation for Young

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    Diplomová práce se zabývá návrhem projektu nízkorozpočtového bydlení pro mladé. Jedná se o bytový dům o 5-ti nadzemních podlaží, určený převážně jako startovací bydlení pro mladé lidi. První podlaží je řešeno jako bezbariérové a nachází se zde 3 byty pro vozíčkáře (2x1+KK, 1x2+KK). V druhém a třetím podlaží se nachází celkem 20 běžných bytů 1+KK. Čtvrté a páté podlaží tvoří 5 mezonetových bytů 2+KK s přístupem na terasu. Dům je založen na základových pasech a patkách. Konstrukční systém se skládá z nosných stěn POROTHERM a vnitřních železobetonových sloupů a průvlaků. Stropní konstrukci tvoří panely SPIROLL a železobetonové desky. Dům má 2 střešní konstrukce, plochou jednoplášťovou střechu (terasa) a šikmou sedlovou střechu tvořenou dřevěným krovem. Dům se nachází na rozlehlém zatravněném pozemku, který tvoří park pro odpočinek a relaxaci. Na pozemku je vybudováno parkoviště podél přístupové komunikace s celkem s 32 parkovacími místy.This thesis describes the design of a low-cost Accommodation for Young people. It is an apartment building on 5 floors above ground, designed primarily as a starter housing for young people. The first floor is completely wheelchair friendly and there are 3 apartments for for wheelchair users (1x2+KK, 2x1+ KK) . In the second and third floors is a total of 20 flats (1 bedroom apartment). The fourth and fifth floor consists of 5 maisonette flats (2+KK) with access to the terrace. The house is based on the foundation walls and footings. The structural system consists of load-bearing walls POROTHERM and internal reinforced concrete columns and beams. Ceiling construction consists of of panels SPIROLL and a reinforced concrete slab. The house has two roof construction, flat monotube roof (terrace) and a sloped gable roof formed by wooden rafters. The house is situated on a large grassy area, which forms the park for rest and relaxation. On the property is a parking lot along access roads with a total of 32 parking spaces.

    Architect Boris Krstulović’s Design Method as Applied on his Residential Building on Petretić Square in Zagreb

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    Članak prikazuje stvaralačku metodu arhitekta Borisa Krstulovića, koja se, premda karakteristična za cjelokupan njegov opus, analizira u radu na primjeru stambene zgrade na Petretićevu trgu u Zagrebu iz 1960. godine. Zgrada se situira unutar hrvatskih i svjetskih arhitektonskih tokova, pri čemu se uočava linija zagrebačke škole arhitekture, kao i kritička asimilacija svjetskih gibanja, a to rezultira otklonom od tadašnje produkcije i nastankom antologijskog djela.Although characteristic for his entire oeuvre, Boris Krstulović’s design method is analyzed in this paper in relation to the 1960 residential building on Petretić Square in Zagreb. Placed within Croatian and international architectural trends the building reveals features of the Zagreb school of architecture. It shows the architect’s critical assimilation of world trends, distance from the current production and the creation of an anthological work

    Architect Alfred Albini - Early Works

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    Ovim člankom, kao prvim u nizu, započinje sustavna prezentacija opusa arhitekta Alfreda Albinija. Gledajući kvantitativno, Albinijev opus nije velik, broji pedesetak verificiranih radova, od čega je petnaest realizirano. U kvalitativnom smislu, međutim, njegovih devet realizacija danas su opća mjesta povijesti hrvatske moderne arhitekture, od kojih većina predstavlja i njezina antologijska dostignuća. Kronološkim principom i morfološkom analizom ta se djela mogu okvirno grupirati u dva glavna poglavlja: „Rani radovi” (1927.-1935.) i „Zreli radovi” (1935.-1964.). Ovaj tekst obrađuje rane radove arhitekta Alfreda Albinija.This article is the first in a series of papers envisaged to systematically present the oeuvre of architect Alfred Albini, which is not quantitatively significant since it includes about fifty works, fifteen of which have been realized. However, with their quality, nine of his buildings stand out in the history of Croatian modern architecture, most of them counting as architectural classics. Chronologically approached and morphologically analyzed these works can loosely be grouped into two main sections: early works (1927-35) and mature works (1935-64). This paper deals with Albini’s early architectural accomplishments

    Recognition of Audio Events Using Deep Neural Networks

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    Zvuk je nositelem velkého množství informací. S rostoucí technickou úrovní společnosti se zvyšuje množství zvukových dat. Čím více dat máme, tím hůře se člověku zpracovávají. Tato práce se zabývá problematikou rozpoznávání zvukových událostí pomocí neuronových sítí. Konkrétně klasifikaci fonémů a jejich kategorií. Jako klasifikátor se používá model vícevrstevného perceptronu. Práce zkoumá závislost přesnosti tohoto klasifikačního modelu na nastavených vlastnostech a hledá optimální nastavení pro maximální přesnost. Přesnost je ovlivněna také vstupními daty. Práce zkoumá vztah mezi typem vstupních dat a úspěšností klasifikačního programu, a porovnává vlastnosti vybraných typů vstupních dat. Použití kontextu u vstupních dat redukuje rozdíly námi vybranými typy vstupních prvků. Čím větší kontext použijeme, tím větší přesnosti docílíme. Problém nastává v situaci, kdy začne kontext zasahovat do jiných tříd. Pro naše experimenty jsme používali neuronovou síť se třemi skrytými vrstvami.A lot of information is carried in sound. The amount of audio data is increasing with a growing technical level of the society. With more data, the task of processing it gets harder for human beings. This thesis is about recognition of audio events using neural networks. We focused on classification of phonemes and their categories. We used the Multilayer perceptron model as a classifier. We examined the relation between the accuracy of the model and its properties. Our goal was to estimate the network setup to obtain the best results. The accuracy is influenced by input features. We examine the relation between a type of the features and the success rate. The differences between input feature types are reduced by using the context. The bigger context we use the better results we get. Problem is, when contexts overlap, overlapping leads to a higher error rate. We have used a neural network with three hidden layers.

    Pavilion Complex of the Children’s Tuberculosis Sanatorium Strmac-Šumetlica in Slavonia

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    Na južnim obroncima Psunja, sjeverno od Nove Gradiške, izgrađen je 1928.-1956. godine paviljonski sklop dječjeg lječilišta za tuberkulozu Strmac-Šumetlica. Tijekom dugogodišnje etapne izvedbe sklopa vještinu autorskih rukopisa demonstrirali su njegovi autori Zoja Dumengjić, Selimir Dumengjić i Ivo Geršić, stvarajući funkcionalno promišljenu i arhitektonski prepoznatljivu cjelinu. Članak podrobno predstavlja ovaj dosad stručnoj javnosti nepoznat sklop, sagledavajući ga u kontekstu medicinsko-kurativnih gledišta, suvremenih arhitektonskih događanja, širega društvenog značenja, kao i projektantskih doprinosa njegovih autora, te preispituje potencijale za njegovu recentnu rekonstrukciju i prenamjenu.The Strmac-Šumetlica Children’s Tuberculosis Sanatorium was built in 1928-56 on the south slopes of Psunj Mountain, north of Nova Gradiška. During longstanding construction stages of the complex, Zoja Dumengjić, Selimir Dumengjić and Ivo Geršić showed their respective architectural signatures in creating a functionally conceived and architecturally recognizable structure. The paper presents in detail the complex which has so far remained unknown to professionals and analyzes it in relation to its medicinal and curative aspects, contemporary architectural events, wider social importance and formal contribution of its architects. It also examines its reconstruction and conversion potentials

    Balansiranje identiteta; Radovi arhitekta Branka Petrovića u Addis Abebi (1962.-1969.)

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    The paper deals with the facets of work by the Croatian architect and urban planner Branko Petrović in Addis Ababa, where he served as the chief architect in the Ethiopian Ministry of Public Works and Communications from 1962 to 1969. Translation of the expertise stemming from the domicile practice and adaptation to a specific construction momentum in the city are thereby being considered. The modalities of technical cooperation are simultaneously examined as a form of international knowledge exchange in the field of architecture.Rad se bavi facetama djelovanja hrvatskog arhitekta i urbanista Branka Petrovića u Addis Abebi, gdje je od 1962. do 1969. godine bio glavni arhitekt Ministarstva javnih radova i komunikacija Etiopije. Pritom se razmatraju aspekti prijenosa znanja proizlazećeg iz iskustva domicilnih praksi i prilagodbe situaciji građevinskog zamaha bez presedana u razvoju grada. Istovremeno se ispituju modaliteti tehničke suradnje kao forme međunarodne razmjene u domeni arhitektonske profesije


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    The aim of this study was to investigate the changes in kinematics and kinetics variables during walking barefoot and minimalist footwear between two different group of experience and nonexperience with minimalist footwear. Participants performed randomly 8 trials in barefoot and minimalist footwear. Statistics analyses were used to determine differences between ankle joint kinematics and kinetics variables defined as

    JIEDDO Test Board operational interactions and enduser analysis of the information flow process

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    Improvised Explosive Devices continue to harass, maim, and kill innocent men, women, and children, as well as numerous coalition and U.S. forces. To combat this terror, the U.S. government has employed significant resources across a diverse range of dedicated researchers and testers. The urgency of their task cannot be overemphasized. However, in working so diligently to test the separate components of a defeat system, it is hypothesized that opportunities are being missed which could effectively utilize all of the information available across the test enterprise. The purpose of this thesis is to identify the organizations and activities involved, the information shared, and the processes employed by organizations within the JIEDDO Test Board (JTB). The objective is to provide an accurate representation of the process, and where the main decision points and bottlenecks occur. The conclusions achieved by this research are provided to enhance the JIEDDO test process system. The goal of this study of the JIEDDO process is to contribute to improving information sharing and knowledge management among stakeholders involved in the JIEDDO Test Board Enterprise.http://archive.org/details/jieddotestboardo109455694Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited