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    This article investigates the implementation of multicultural Islamic education that exists amongst Tengger tribe kwown as indigenous community living in Sapikerep Village, Sukapura, Probolinggo Regency, East-Java. The purposes of this article are; first, describe, analyze and interpret the values of multicultural Islamic education contained in the local culture, second, describe, analyze and interpret the application of multicultural Islamic educational values in the local culture of the Tengger people in Sapikerep Village, Sukapura, Probolinggo Regency. This research is a type of qualitative research with Cresswell's realist ethnographic approach. Data collection techniques use participant observation techniques, in-depth interviews, and documentation. While informant determination use purposive and snowball sampling techniques. As for analyzing data use spreadly analysis techniques, which perform analysis with four steps, namely domain analysis, taxonomic analysis, component analysis, and cultural theme analysis. The continuation of data validity test techniques using source trianggulation techniques, methods, and theories. The results of this study show there are values of Multicultural Islamic education tengger culture in Sapikerep in the form of respect, mutual advice, help each other and  conserve nature/environment. These values are implemented in tengger ceremonies, such as Kasada ceremonies, Karo ceremonies, Unan-Unan and others. By the end, formed the implementation of multicultural Islamic educational values to the local culture of the Tengger tribe in the form of AGIL -based assimilation models (adaptation, goal attainment, integrating, and latency).Keywords:  Values of Multicultural Islamic Education, Tengger local cultur

    Lagu ABC (Ada Banyak Cara) Karya Trio Bimbo Dalam Analisis Wacana Michel Foucault

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    This paper examines a song criticizing the phenomenon that occurs in the body of the government of Indonesia nowadays. Lyric of a song ABC (Ada Banyak Cara) by Trio Bimbo that becomes the focus of study in this paper is interesting to be studied, considering the Trio Bimbo is famous musicians who focused on religious themes, voicing out his heart in criticizing the government.The discourse theory of Michel Foucault,in which his discourse of language is closely related to who is in power in the region, is used to analyze this song.The result founds that the discourse of language in the ABC song is representation the mercy of the people, in this case represented by Trio Bimbo sound, such as naikkan gaji sendiri, duduk sidang terus mimpi, jaksa hakim wiraswasta, and other discordant expressions that criticize the government. Trio Bimbo does not hesitate to cast his criticism of the government by voicing the discourse of language which is considered as a direct criticism, without the subtle innuendo. If this happens in the Orde Baru era, the discourse of language must be prohibited by the government, because they were in power at that time. However, after the fall of Orde Baru, resime people have the power to create their own linguistic discourse


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    Al-Qur'an merupakan mukjizat dalam setiap kata dan gaya bahasa yang terdapat didalamnya. Salah satu mukjizat yang terkandung didalam Al-Qur’an adalah dari segi kebahasaan, yaitu bahasa Arab yang kaya akan kosa kata serta terdapat banyak kalimat-kalimat yang memiliki banyak makna atau biasa dikenal dengan musytarak. Dalam Al-Qur’an sendiri terdapat banyak lafadz musytarak diantaranya adalah lafadz Al-Ummah. Hasil penelitian tentang lafadz Al-Ummah didalam Al-Qur’an menunjukan beberapa hal, diantaranya : 1) Makna leksikal dari lafadz Al-Ummah adalah contoh dan panutan serta secara umum lafadz Al-Ummah bermakna kelompok  orang. 2) Makna kontekstual dari kata Al-Ummah adalah waktu, imam, ajaran dan pedoman hidup, makhluk secara umum, umat Islam, orang-orang kafir, dan sekelompok orang. 3) lafadz Al-Ummah memiliki nilai-nilai pendidikan di antaranya : Nilai-nilai keyakinan yang termanifestasikan dengan meyakini akan keesaan Allah SWT serta bertawakal kepada-Nya. Nilai-nilai moral yang termanifestasikan dengan pentingnya memanfaatkan dan menggunakan waktu serta adanya ketulusan hati. Nilai-nilai praktis seperti toleransi, keadilan, kejujuran, keberanian, kerja sama, altruisme, dan kekuasaan

    Taisīr Ta‘līm Mahārat al-Kalām

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    Speech is the most important means of social communication in humans, and therefore is the most important part in the practice and use of language and the most dangerous skill of the four skills, which makes the teaching of speech, conversation, and oral communication is essential should be paid attention within the curriculum of language teaching, in order to enable learners to acquire the skills of speech and speech Constructive discussion and the ability to express and display information and the possibility of introducing himself and his intellectual activity to colleagues, family and teachers and express himself when he communicates with others and others. Given the importance of this skill and the seriousness of its place in the framework of language teaching on the one hand, and poor care in the reality of teaching Arabic language, especially Indonesia, on the other hand, this little research seeks to introduce the idea in facilitating the teaching of speech skill and its introductory attempts, which include theoretical and practical aspects to achieve this goal, By evaluating the reality of speech skill in the methods of language teaching and the attention it receives from all these methods and bring the steps of teaching this skill in an appropriate manner taking into account the communicative applications in its education and address the weakness of learners

    Interrelation of Religion and Culture in Gunungan Tradition Cosmology: Islamic and Javanese Perspectives

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    Philosophically, the science of The Qur’an about mountains is interpreted as a system of local awareness in the form of spiritual communication in the gunungan tradition of Javanese society. The concept of mountains in the Qur’an is scientific proof (kauniyah) of the Oneness of God as the Javanese interpret it as the concept of Gusti Manunggal. This dialectical relationship can be traced through the meaning of mountain cosmology in the Qur’an and Javanese philosophy in the perspective of interrelation between religion and culture. This study aims to explain mountains in the scientific perspective of the Qur’an with various functions which philosophically have a strong relationship in the gunungan tradition of the Garabek, Tumpeng, Slametan, and Sekaten rituals as the embodiment of tauhid in Central Java or Panjang-jimat in West Java. The method used is a thematic interpretation study with a descriptive narrative approach. Research on mountain cosmology or gunungan in the perspective of Islam and Javanese culture finds that (1) Gunungan is a form of symbolic communication that functions as an adhesive for the ordinary people on the one hand and at the same time spiritual. (2) The mountain is a universal system that affects the life of the Javanese people in fulfilling their life needs in an ecosystem function. (3) The gunungan tradition is a medium for praying, gratitude as a form of application, safety, and peace, as well as a medium for the spread of Islam. It can be concluded that the relationship between Islam and Javanese culture is a unified and unique Islamic characteristic in expressing theological and ecological awareness


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    Land conflict in Urutsewu cannot be separated from the role of Kyai who tried to cultivate a political power struggle among citizens. Kyai who settled in the village and interact with citizens occupies a high social position. The religious dimension in the Kyai’s resistance in the conflictarea in Urutsewu, Kebumen is seen in some aspects of social movements. The first aspect is framing, the second is peasant mobilization through social spaces and traditional symbols and the third aspect is the network of resistance. Each of these aspects relates with one another. These three aspects will certainly be strong when the resistance networks synergize consists of different layers that both layers of the santri, farmer associations between villages in Urutsewu, student activists, civil society organizations and institutions of legal assistance and women

    Aplikasi Sistem Informasi Pengajuan Cuti Karyawan Berbasis Web Pada PT. Gomeds Network

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    PT. Gomeds Network is an Internet Service Provider (ISP) company based in the city of Gorontalo. This company has problems or obstacles in the process of applying for leave for its employees where leave applications are still handled manually, even though personal computers are available as a support facility for work activities. All of this allows errors or inaccuracies in employee leave data at PT. Gomeds Network. The purpose of this research is to build a web-based employee leave application information system which makes it easier for employees to apply for leave and get complete and detailed information related to leave, also this leave application can be done online anywhere that can be done. connected to the internet so there is no need to meet with the staffing department. The research method used is the waterfall system development model or systems development life system (SDLC) with unified modeling language (UML) where the tools used to describe the system model are in the form of activity diagrams, use case diagrams, component diagrams and deployment diagrams and in making bases. data using entity relationship diagrams (ERD). With this employee leave application information system application can help employees in filing leave and make it easier for companies to process and manage employee leave data and incoming data can be stored safely in the database and can improve the performance and time efficiency in activities in the staffing department.


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    Backgraund : Islamic Boarding Schools are Boarding Islamic schools where students usually stay with freinds in one room. Living with a group of people such as in a boarding schools is at risk of easily contracting various diseases including scabies. Scabies is less noticed in islamic boarding school so that it can cause health problem that result from unhealthy behaviour in maintaining personal hygiene.Objective : to determine the factors correlation with the incidence of scabies in islamic boarding schools Binaul Ummah Village Bawuran, Pleret, Bantul.Method : The design of this study is an analytical survey with a case control design. The sampel of the study was 100 in the islamic boarding schools Binaul Ummah by using Purposive Sampling. Data collection using a knowledge, personal hgyiene,  density of residential questionnaires. Data analysis using Chi-Square.Result : the results of data analysis showed that knowledge is not correlation to the incidence of scabies P = 0,391, OR = 0,691. Clothes hygiene is correlation with the incidence of scabies P = 0,043. Hand an nail hygiene is correlation with the incidence of scabies P = 0,010. The cleanliness of  the bed is correlation  to the incidence of scabies P = 0,097. Occupancy density has correlation to the incidence of scabies P = 0,019.Conclusion : There is no correlation of knowledge with the incidence of scabies, there is a correlation between the cleanliness of clothes, hand and nail hygiene, cleanliness of the bed with the incidence of scabies and there is correlation residential density and incidience of scabies.Keyword : Scabies, Kwoledge, personal Hygiene,occupancy densit