19 research outputs found

    Characteristics and applications of small, portable gaseous air pollution monitors

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    BackgroundTraditional approaches for measuring air quality based on fixed measurements are inadequate for personal exposure monitoring. To combat this issue, the use of small, portable gas-sensing air pollution monitoring technologies is increasing, with researchers and individuals employing portable and mobile methods to obtain more spatially and temporally representative air pollution data. However, many commercially available options are built for various applications and based on different technologies, assumptions, and limitations. A review of the monitor characteristics of small, gaseous monitors is missing from current scientific literature.PurposeA state-of-the-art review of small, portable monitors that measure ambient gaseous outdoor pollutants was developed to address broad trends during the last 5-10 years, and to help future experimenters interested in studying gaseous air pollutants choose monitors appropriate for their application and sampling needs.MethodsTrends in small, portable gaseous air pollution monitor uses and technologies were first identified and discussed in a review of literature. Next, searches of online databases were performed for articles containing specific information related to performance, characteristics, and use of such monitors that measure one or more of three criteria gaseous air pollutants: ozone, nitrogen dioxide, and carbon monoxide. All data were summarized into reference tables for comparison between applications, physical features, sensing capabilities, and costs of the devices.ResultsRecent portable monitoring trends are strongly related to associated applications and audiences. Fundamental research requires monitors with the best individual performance, and thus the highest cost technology. Monitor networking favors real-time capabilities and moderate cost for greater reproduction. Citizen science and crowdsourcing applications allow for lower-cost components; however important strengths and limitations for each application must be addressed or acknowledged for the given use

    Two-dimensional Four Color Cellular Automaton: Surface Explorations

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    An implementation of a two bit Gray-coded temporal logic based cellular automaton created several emergent properties. A program implementing the two-dimensional four color cellular automaton using Ant Farm is demonstrated. New and previously described emergent integer sequences are also identified. Possible applications in spatial modeling, knowledge domain modeling, and mobile robot movement are suggested. 1

    Suburban interventions : understanding the values of place and belonging through collaboration

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    How can a socially defined project facilitate meaningful knowledge transfer between community, corporate and institution? In order to address this question, this paper focuses on an ongoing live project in suburban Auckland New Zealand begun in 2010, undertaken by a post-graduate student and researcher collective. The collective currently creates subtle interventions sited within local cyberspace, and through this current project will employ impermanent and small-scale design to advocate for a series of neglected and disputed sites. It explores the impact and value the presence of artists and designers working within local communities can have, and “champions the role of the artist in the development of the public realm, and their intuitive response to spaces, places, people and wildlife” (Wood 2009, p.26). The significance of this project is that it promotes a collaborative and multidisciplinary methodology that works with community groups to advocate to corporate entities for a wider social and environmental awareness of specific sites. This paper aims to explain the processes and findings of the project to date through both its successes and failures. It also proposes the possibility of the methodology being transferred to undergraduate and post-graduate study as a tool to promote multi-disciplined collaborate project briefs that focus on community well being ... One of the most important findings from the first project in Memorial Avenue was the fact that the local residents had a complete aversion to what they perceived as a “design” proposition. The notion of a designer coming into their neighbourhood with a plan to place a design into or onto the landscape without their request was unacceptable to them. So the document prepared for the heritage walkway proposal contained nothing that could be called landscape design for construction, and it was vital that no sense of urgency or externally driven timetables were introduced to the process, and that the document was seen as a gift and a celebration of their landscape, culture and heritage instead of a plan and an agenda for development

    Head, Heart and Gut in Decision Making

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    Results of a study developing an instrument to measure head, heart and gut preference in decision-makin

    Los padres y los profesores ante la integración escolar del deficiente

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    Verificar si los colectivos sociales más afectados muestran una predisposición favorable a la normalización educativa de los niños deficientes. Padres: muestreo aleatorio estratificado con afijación proporcional y cuotas n= 1600 padres de alumnos de EGB y Educación Especial dividida en 4 submuestras en función de los criterios tener o no un hijo deficiente y tipo de colegio. Profesores: muestreo aleatorio estratificado con afijación proporcional. N= 1200 profesores de EGB y Educación Especial. Los estratos se formaron mediante el cruce de la variable región y tipo de centro (Educación Especial, de integración y ordinarios), cuotas según tipo de deficiencia. Estudio descriptivo. Padres, variables independientes: sexo, nivel de estudios, código muestral y trato con niños deficientes; variable dependiente: opinión respecto a la integración. Profesores, variables independientes: sexo, tipo de centro en que se enseña, titulación y presencia del niño deficiente en el aula. Cuestionario para padres y para profesores, estadísticas de educación del MEC curso 1983-84. Porcentajes. Tablas cruzadas de frecuencias. Padres: su relación con niños deficientes, experiencia de integración educativa y nivel de estudios, son factores que discriminan en uno u otro sentido sus actitudes y opiniones ante la integración escolar de los niños deficientes. Consideran que el colegio más adecuado para un deficiente es de Educación Especial, que predomina sobre la integración relativa y sobre la integración total. Tienen mayor posibilidad de integración escolar los hipoacúsicos, ambliopes y motóricos y los que menos los psíquicos (profundos y severos) y paralíticos cerebrales con retraso mental. Profesores: el colegio ordinario con aulas especiales es el más adecuado, seguido de la integración total y de los centros especiales. La integración total es más respaldada por profesores de centros de integración y la integración en aulas especiales por profesores de centros ordinarios. Los centros de Educación Especial son preferentemente asignados a los deficientes mentales profundos y severos, paralíticos cerebrales con retraso mental, autistas, mongólicos y deficientes sensoriales totales. Existe una mayor predisposición hacia la integración por parte de profesores que poseen una titulación específica como psicólogos, maestros con pedagogía terapeútica y, en algunos casos, logopedas.Ministerio Educación CIDEBiblioteca de Educación del Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte; Calle San Agustín, 5 - 3 Planta; 28014 Madrid; Tel. +34917748000; Fax +34917748026; [email protected]

    In-situ Monitorierung und Regelung mittels Analyse der optischen Emission des Plasmas beim reaktiven Magnetron Sputtern Abschlussbericht

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    SIGLEAvailable from TIB Hannover: F97B2349 / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekBundesministerium fuer Bildung, Wissenschaft, Forschung und Technologie, Bonn (Germany)DEGerman