8 research outputs found

    Bodenhydrologisches Mikrosystem (BODMI). Teilprojekt: Bodenhydrologisches Steuerungssystem Abschlussbericht

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    Available from TIB Hannover: DtF QN1(71,19) / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekSIGLEBundesministerium fuer Bildung, Wissenschaft, Forschung und Technologie, Bonn (Germany)DEGerman

    Syn‐ and post‐eruptive gully formation near the Laacher See volcano

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    The Laacher See volcano (LSV) is located at the western margin of the Neuwied Basin, the central part of the Middle Rhine Basin of Germany. Its paroxysmal Plinian eruption c. 13 ka ago (Laacher See event; LSE) deposited a complex tephra sequence in the Neuwied Basin, whilst the distal ashes became one of the most important chronostratigraphic markers in Central Europe. However, some other impacts on landscape formation have thus far been largely neglected, such as buried gully structures in the proximity of the LSV. In this contribution, we map and discuss the spatial extent of these landforms at the site Lungenkarchen c. 4 km south of the LSV based on geophysical prospection as well as contrasting pedo-sedimentary characteristics of the gully infill (particle-size distribution, bulk-sediment density, thin-section analysis, saturated hydraulic conductivity) and the surrounding soils and tephra layers. These data are combined with a luminescence- and carbon-14 (C-14)-based age model that relates them to the LSE. It is demonstrated how these gullies seem to have been formed and rapidly infilled by rainfall and surface discharge both during and subsequent to the eruptive phase, with modern analog processes documented for the 1980 Mount St Helens eruption (Washington State, USA). Given the density of the gullies at the site and their deviating pedo-sedimentary properties compared to the surrounding soils, we propose a significant influence on agricultural production in the proximity of the LSV, which remains to be tested in future studies. Finally, in contrast, gullies of similar lateral and vertical dimensions identified in post-LSE reworked loess and tephra deposits of the Wingertsbergwand (close to the main study site and proximal to the LSV) have shown to be unrelated to the LSE and can either be attributed to periglacial processes at the Younger Dryas-Preboreal transition or to linear incision during the early Holocene

    A comprehensive analysis of the variably saturated hydraulic behavior of a green roof in a mediterranean climate

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    Low-impact developments (LIDs), such as green roofs, have proven to be valuable alternatives for stormwater management and hydrological restoration. Mechanistic models are reliable and accurate tools for analysis of the hydrologic behavior of LIDs, yet only a few studies provide a comprehensive numerical analysis of the hydrological processes involved and test their model predictions against field-scale data. Moreover, more research is needed to determine the unsaturated hydraulic properties of the substrates used in LIDs. For these reasons, the aim of this study was to provide a comprehensive description of the hydrological behavior of an extensive green roof installed at the University of Calabria. The soil hydraulic properties were determined by using the simplified evaporation method. Both unimodal and bimodal soil hydraulic functions were used in the analysis. The estimated parameters were then used in the HYDRUS-3D model to simulate a 2-molong period. Precipitation, irrigation, evaporation, and root water uptake processes were included in the numerical analysis. The values of 0.74 and 0.8 of the Nash–Sutcliffe efficiency index for the model predictions using unimodal and bimodal functions, respectively, confirmed the good agreement between the modeled and measured outflows. The bimodal model was able to both accurately reproduce the hydrographs in both dry and wet periods and account for daily fluctuations of soil moisture. Finally, the validated model was used to carry out a hydrological analysis of the green roof and its hydrological performance during the entire simulated period as well as during single precipitation events