4 research outputs found

    Aplicabilidad de la política nacional de competitividad para el departamento del Vaupés

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    Se presenta cómo a partir de 1990 y desde los Planes Nacionales de Desarrollo se ha abordado la competitividad en Colombia, la cual ha sido considerada por los diferentes gobiernos como pilar fundamental para el crecimiento económico y a su vez como medio para alcanzar el mejoramiento de las condiciones de vida de los colombianos. Para ello, se hace un acercamiento a las estrategias contenidas en la Política Nacional de Competitividad y que se han implementado desde la apertura económica, poniendo en evidencia los resultados dispares que dichas estrategias han tenido en los territorios, en especial en departamentos como el Vaupés. Posteriormente, se establecen las causas por las cuales la Política Nacional de Competitividad no ha tenido en el departamento del Vaupés los resultados esperados, partiendo del análisis de los Planes Departamentales de Desarrollo y de los Planes Integrales de Vida indígena, para lo cual se profundiza en las condiciones demográficas, geográficas, políticas y culturales que caracterizan a dicho territorio y que generan tensiones entre las dinámicas y cosmovisión local con la planeación que desde el gobierno central se ha planteado frente a la competitividad. Finalmente se brinda una solución al problema identificado, acudiendo a la antropología económica como disciplina en la que se encuentran herramientas para armonizar las categorías: mercado, comercio, desarrollo y competitividad, con conceptos como el respeto a la autonomía de los territorios indígenas y la preservación de la diversidad étnica y cultural de la nación.It is presented how the competitiveness in Colombia has been addressed since 1990 by the National Development Plans. It has been considered by different governments as a fundamental pillar for economic growth and in turn as a means to achieve the improvement of Colombians life conditions. For this, an approach to the strategies contained in the National Competitiveness Policy is made and those that have been implemented since the economic opening, showing the disparate results that these strategies have had in the territories, especially in departments such as Vaupés. Subsequently, the causes why the National Competitiveness Policy has not had the expected results in the department of Vaupés are established, based on the analysis of the Departmental Plans of Development and the Integral Plans for Indigenous Life. The analysis deepened in the demographic, geographic, political and cultural conditions that characterize this territory and that generate tensions between the dynamics and local worldview with the planning that the central government has set for competitiveness. Finally, a solution for the identified problem is provided, using the economic anthropology as a discipline in which tools are found to harmonize the categories: market, trade, development and competitiveness, with concepts such as respect for the autonomy of indigenous territories and preservation of the ethnic and cultural diversity of the nation.Magíster en Derecho EconómicoMaestrí

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    O trabalho relata o estudo sobre conhecimentos, crenças e práticas das mães em relação à alimentação de crianças menores de um ano. Foram entrevistadas 60 mães pertencentes a duas classes sócio-econômicas diferentes, que tinham crianças entre 6 a 15 meses de idade e que frequentavam o serviço de saúde da criança do Centro de Saúde Experimental da Barra Funda, na cidade de São Paulo. O estudo abrange aspectos sobre a atitude das mães com relação ao aleitamento materno, idade e causas do desmame, alimentação suplementar e restrição de alimentos em algumas manifestações patológicas da infância.The paper portrays a study of the thoughts, beliefs and practices of mothers in relation to the feeding of children less than one year of age. Sixty mothers of children between the ages of six and fifteen months, were interviewd, from two different social economic classes, and who attended the health services of the Experimental Centre of \"Barra Funda\" in the city of São Paulo. The study intails some aspects of the mothers atitudes regarding breast feeding, age of wearing, suplementary foods and restriction of foods in illnesses comun in infancy

    Situación ocupacional del nutricionista-dietista: egresados de la Universidad Nacional, periodo 1973-1980

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    This study allowed to identify the occupational adjustment necessary for the replanning of the Nutrition and Dietetics Curriculum at the National University. The results reflect the general situation of the graduate's professional  performance and the main and secondary activities developed according to the established functions in the academic program. However, it was detected that the Nutritionist does not perform all expected activities owing to possible influencing factors related to curricuculum, environment or individual  characteristics of the professional. Although, the University offered a good preparation to the Nutritionist in the management of dietetic patients, in the assessment of nutritional status of the individual, in food service management, the professionals show interest in continuing education to reinforce their fundamental knowledge in: nutrition, physiology and biochemistry; physiopathology and diet therapy; microbiology and food handling; general administration and research methodology

    Condições socioeconômicas, programas de complementação alimentar e mortalidade infantil no Estado de São Paulo (1950 a 2000)

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    O artigo discute a diminuição do déficit nutricional em crianças, no período de 1950 a 2000, no Estado de São Paulo e a transição nutricional ocorrida no período, com modificação do padrão alimentar. Analisa programas de suplementação alimentar, instituídos a partir de 1945, para crianças, gestantes e nutrizes e as taxas anuais de mortalidade infantil por deficiência nutricional no Estado, de 1950 a 2000. Finalmente, é feita análise comparativa entre tendências das taxas de valor do salário mínimo real, número de horas trabalhadas para aquisição da Ração Essencial Mínima (REM) e mortalidade infantil por deficiências nutricionais. Houve queda acentuada da taxa de mortalidade infantil por deficiência nutricional, chegando a zero, ou próxima de zero, na década de 1990. O decréscimo da TMI def. nutr. não é explicado por condições econômicas e períodos recessivos não contribuíram para aumentar a taxa de mortalidade por doenças nutricionais infantis. Outras variáveis, como programas de suplementação alimentar acima descritos, cobertura de serviços de saneamento básico e atenção médica, tiveram papel preponderante.This article discusses nutritional deficits in children in the State of Sao Paulo and nutritional transition with changes in the dietary pattern. Analyses programs of Food Supplement for Children, Pregnant women, and nursing mothers put in action in the State, since 1945. Analyses and compares infant mortality by nutritional deficits, real minimum income wages, and REM (working time necessary for acquisition of the minimum essential food for 4 people) taxes, for the period 1950-2000. Decrease in the value of the minimum wage, in the first decades of the period, had as consequence increase of REM and of infant mortality by nutritional deficits. Contrary to what was expected, in the second part of the period (1969-2000), in spite of continuous drop of the real minimum wage values and increase of REM, there was a tendency to decrease taxes of infant mortality by nutritional deficits. Other variables, as programs of food supplement described, improvement of sanitary conditions and medical care played important role