195 research outputs found

    A systematic study of spin-dependent recombination in GaAs1x_{1-x}Nx_x as a function of nitrogen content

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    A systematic study of spin-dependent recombination (SDR) under steady-state optical pumping conditions in dilute nitride semiconductors as a function of nitrogen content is reported. The alloy content is determined by a fit of the photoluminescence (PL) intensity using a Roosbroeck-Shockley relation and verified by a study of the GaN-like LO2_2 phonon peak in a Raman spectroscopy map. PL spectra taken from alloys of the form GaAs1x_{1-x}Nx_x where 0.022<x<0.0360.022 < x < 0.036 exhibit PL intensity increases when switching from a linearly- to a circularly-polarized pump up to a factor of 5 for x=0.022x = 0.022. This work used a 1.39 eV laser with a radius of 0.6 μ\mum. The observed SDR ratio monotonically decreases with increasing xx, reaching 1.5 for x=0.036x = 0.036. Moreover, the excitation power required to obtain maximum SDR systematically increases with increasing xx, varying from 0.6 mW for x=0.022x = 0.022 to 15 mW for x=0.036x = 0.036. These observations are consistent with an increase in the density of electronically active defects with increasing nitrogen content, both those responsible for the SDR as well as other, standard Shockley-Read-Hall (SRH) centers.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figures; work presented at the International Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors, Sydney, 202

    Laser writable high-K dielectric for van der Waals nano-electronics

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from American Association for the Advancement of Science via the DOI in this record.Like silicon-based semiconductor devices, van der Waals heterostructures will require integration with high-K oxides. This is needed to achieve suitable voltage scaling, improved performance as well as allowing for added functionalities. Unfortunately, commonly used high-k oxide deposition methods are not directly compatible with 2D materials. Here we demonstrate a method to embed a multi-functional few nm thick high-k oxide within van der Waals devices without degrading the properties of the neighbouring 2D materials. This is achieved by in-situ laser oxidation of embedded few layer HfS2 crystals. The resultant oxide is found to be in the amorphous phase with a dielectric constant of k~15 and break-down electric fields in the range of 0.5-0.6 V/nm. This transformation allows for the creation of a variety of fundamental nano-electronic and opto-electronic devices including, flexible Schottky barrier field effect transistors, dual gated graphene transistors as well as vertical light emitting and detecting tunnelling transistors. Furthermore, upon dielectric break-down, electrically conductive filaments are formed. This filamentation process can be used to electrically contact encapsulated conductive materials. Careful control of the filamentation process also allows for reversible switching between two resistance states. This allows for the creation of resistive switching random access memories (ReRAMs). We believe that this method of embedding a high-k oxide within complex van der Waals heterostructures could play an important role in future flexible multi-functional van der Waals devices.F.W acknowledges support from the Royal Academy of Engineering. J.D.M. acknowledges financial support from the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) of the United Kingdom, via the EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Metamaterials (Grant No. EP/L015331/1). S.R. and M.F.C. acknowledge financial support from EPSRC (Grant no. EP/K010050/1, EP/M001024/1, EP/M002438/1), from Royal Society international Exchanges Scheme 2016/R1, from The Leverhulme trust (grant title “Quantum Revolution” and "Quantum Drums"). A.P Rooney and S.J Haigh acknowledge support from the EPSRC postdoctoral fellowship and from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement ERC-2016-STG-EvoluTEM-715502) and the Defence Threat Reduction Agency (HDTRA1-12-1-0013). I.A. acknowledges financial support from The European Commission Marie Curie Individual Fellowships (Grant number 701704)

    Lysophosphatidic acid acyltransferase 3 regulates Golgi complex structure and function

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    Recent studies have suggested that the functional organization of the Golgi complex is dependent on phospholipid remodeling enzymes. Here, we report the identification of an integral membrane lysophosphatidic acid–specific acyltransferase, LPAAT3, which regulates Golgi membrane tubule formation, trafficking, and structure by altering phospholipids and lysophospholipids. Overexpression of LPAAT3 significantly inhibited the formation of Golgi membrane tubules in vivo and in vitro. Anterograde and retrograde protein trafficking was slower in cells overexpressing LPAAT3 and accelerated in cells with reduced expression (by siRNA). Golgi morphology was also dependent on LPAAT3 because its knockdown caused the Golgi to become fragmented. These data are the first to show a direct role for a specific phospholipid acyltransferase in regulating membrane trafficking and organelle structure

    Injection Drug Use as a Mediator Between Client-perpetrated Abuse and HIV Status Among Female Sex Workers in Two Mexico-US Border Cities

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    We examined relationships between client-perpetrated emotional, physical, and sexual abuse, injection drug use, and HIV-serostatus among 924 female sex workers (FSWs) in Tijuana and Ciudad Juarez, two large Mexico-US border cities. We hypothesized that FSWs’ injection drug use would mediate the relationship between client-perpetrated abuse and HIV-seropositivity. The prevalence of client-perpetrated emotional, physical, and sexual abuse in the past 6 months was 26, 18, and 10% respectively; prevalence of current injection drug use and HIV was 12 and 6%, respectively. Logistic regression analyses revealed that client-perpetrated sexual abuse was significantly associated with HIV-seropositivity and injection drug use, and that injection drug use was positively associated with HIV-seropositivity. Injection drug use partially mediated the relationship between client-perpetrated sexual abuse and HIV-seropositivity. Results suggest the need to address client-perpetrated violence and injection drug use when assessing HIV risk among FSWs

    Sex Differences in the Brain: A Whole Body Perspective

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    Most writing on sexual differentiation of the mammalian brain (including our own) considers just two organs: the gonads and the brain. This perspective, which leaves out all other body parts, misleads us in several ways. First, there is accumulating evidence that all organs are sexually differentiated, and that sex differences in peripheral organs affect the brain. We demonstrate this by reviewing examples involving sex differences in muscles, adipose tissue, the liver, immune system, gut, kidneys, bladder, and placenta that affect the nervous system and behavior. The second consequence of ignoring other organs when considering neural sex differences is that we are likely to miss the fact that some brain sex differences develop to compensate for differences in the internal environment (i.e., because male and female brains operate in different bodies, sex differences are required to make output/function more similar in the two sexes). We also consider evidence that sex differences in sensory systems cause male and female brains to perceive different information about the world; the two sexes are also perceived by the world differently and therefore exposed to differences in experience via treatment by others. Although the topic of sex differences in the brain is often seen as much more emotionally charged than studies of sex differences in other organs, the dichotomy is largely false. By putting the brain firmly back in the body, sex differences in the brain are predictable and can be more completely understood

    Violence against women in sex work and HIV risk implications differ qualitatively by perpetrator.

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    PMC3852292BACKGROUND: Physical and sexual violence heighten STI/HIV risk for women in sex work. Against this backdrop, we describe the nature of abuse against women in sex work, and its STI/HIV implications, across perpetrators. METHODS: Adult women involved in sex work (n = 35) in Baltimore, MD participated in an in-depth interview and brief survey. RESULTS: Physical and sexual violence were prevalent, with 43% reporting past-month abuse. Clients were the primary perpetrators; their violence was severe, compromised women's condom and sexual negotiation, and included forced and coerced anal intercourse. Sex work was a factor in intimate partner violence. Police abuse was largely an exploitation of power imbalances for coerced sex. CONCLUSIONS: Findings affirm the need to address physical and sexual violence, particularly that perpetrated by clients, as a social determinant of health for women in sex work, as well as a threat to safety and wellbeing, and a contextual barrier to HIV risk reduction.JH Libraries Open Access Fun