610 research outputs found

    Association between consumption of black tea and iron status in adult Africans in the North West Province: The THUSA study

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    The association between black tea consumption and iron status was investigated in a sample of African adults participating in the cross-sectional THUSA (Transition and Health during Urbanization of South Africans) study in the North West Province, South Africa. Data were analysed from 1605 apparently healthy adults aged 15-65 years by demographic and FFQ, anthropometric measurements and biochemical analyses. The main outcome measures were Hb and serum ferritin concentrations. No associations were seen between black tea consumption and concentrations of serum ferritin (men P=0.059; women P=0.49) or Hb (men P=0.33; women P=0.49). Logistic regression showed that tea consumption did not significantly increase risk for iron deficiency (men: OR 1.36; 95 % CI 0.99, 1.87; women: OR 0.98; 95 % CI 0.84, 1.13) nor for iron deficiency anaemia (men: OR 1.28: 95 % Cl 0.84, 1.96; women: OR 0.93; 95 % Cl 0.78, 1.11). Prevalence of iron deficiency and iron deficiency anaemia was especially high in women: 21.6 and 14.6 %, respectively. However, the likelihood of iron deficiency and iron deficiency anaemia was not significantly explained by tea consumption in sub-populations which were assumed to be at risk for iron deficiency. Regression of serum ferritin levels on tea consumption in women : 40 years, adults with a daily iron intak

    Rhotrix normal subgroups and quotient groups

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    This paper uncovers the normal subgroups of the noncommutative general rhotrix group and establishes their corresponding quotient groups. The ideas are presented to serve as an extension to the recent work by Mohammed and Okon on subgroups of the non-commutative general rhotrix group. In the process, a number of theorems are developed and concrete example shown.Keywords: Rhotrix, Group, Subgroup, Normal subgroup, Quotient grou

    Effect of tillage on the growth and yield of cowpea varieties in Sudan savanna agroecology of Northern Nigeria

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    Field study was conducted during the rainy seasons (July-November) of 2007, 2008, 2009 and 2010 at the Research Farm of the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA) Minjibir, Kano State, Nigeria; to compare responses of six cowpea varieties to tillage. The treatments consisted of tillage systems (zero tillage, flat tillage and ridge tillage) as the main plot and cowpea varieties (IT89KD-391, IT90K-277-2, IT97K-461-4, IT97K-499-35, IT98K-131-2, and IT98K-506-1) as the sub-plot. The treatments were arranged as split plot laid out in a randomized complete block design with four replications. Zero tillage was significantly superior in influencing days to maturity, canopy height, intercepted photosynthetic active radiation (IPAR) and leaf area index but not total dry matter and grain yield of cowpea. A positive and significant association was recorded for days to physiological maturity and canopy height across the tillage systems with a correlation coefficient of ≤ 40% for days to maturity and ≥50% for canopy height. Though flat tillage showed a positive correlation with intercepted photosynthetic active radiation (IPAR) and leaf area (LAI), but this association was not significant. However, ridge tillage showed a positive and significant correlation with IPAR and LAI (r =0.378*** and 0.384***). All the tillage systems showed a high and significant positive correlation with cowpea dry matter and fodder yield (r= 0.54*** to 0.77***). Across varieties, grain yield was better with flat tillage than zero and ridge tillage systems, with 10% yield advantage over the two. Zero and ridge tillage were similar in their effects on grain yield. Except for IPAR, LAI and total dry matter (TDM), the interaction effect of cowpea varieties and tillage systems was significant. Our result point to the fact that extensive soil tillage (especially, conventional tillage) may not be necessary for cowpea production in this agro-ecology with a high percentage of sand and a sandy loam as soil textural class. Following our result, we may recommended varieties for the different tillage systems as follows: IT98K-131-2, IT97K-461-4, IT90K-277-2, IT98K-506-1 (grain) and IT89KD-391/IT97K-461-4 (best for fodder) for zero tillage system; IT90K-277-2, IT97K-499-35, IT98K-131-2 and IT98K-506-1(grain) and IT89KD-391/IT97K-499-35 (best for fodder) for flat-tillage; IT98K-131-2, IT90K-277-2, IT98K-506-1 and IT97K-464-4(grain) and IT90K-277-2/ IT89KD-391 (best for fodder) for ridge tillage

    Angiogenesis in lymph nodes is a critical regulator of immune response and lymphoma growth

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    Tumor-induced remodeling of the microenvironment in lymph nodes (LNs) includes the formation of blood vessels, which goes beyond the regulation of metabolism, and shaping a survival niche for tumor cells. In contrast to solid tumors, which primarily rely on neo-angiogenesis, hematopoietic malignancies usually grow within pre-vascularized autochthonous niches in secondary lymphatic organs or the bone marrow. The mechanisms of vascular remodeling in expanding LNs during infection-induced responses have been studied in more detail; in contrast, insights into the conditions of lymphoma growth and lodging remain enigmatic. Based on previous murine studies and clinical trials in human, we conclude that there is not a universal LN-specific angiogenic program applicable. Instead, signaling pathways that are tightly connected to autochthonous and infiltrating cell types contribute variably to LN vascular expansion. Inflammation related angiogenesis within LNs relies on dendritic cell derived pro-inflammatory cytokines stimulating vascular endothelial growth factor-A (VEGF-A) expression in fibroblastic reticular cells, which in turn triggers vessel growth. In high-grade B cell lymphoma, angiogenesis correlates with poor prognosis. Lymphoma cells immigrate and grow in LNs and provide pro-angiogenic growth factors themselves. In contrast to infectious stimuli that impact on LN vasculature, they do not trigger the typical inflammatory and hypoxia-related stroma-remodeling cascade. Blood vessels in LNs are unique in selective recruitment of lymphocytes via high endothelial venules (HEVs). The dissemination routes of neoplastic lymphocytes are usually disease stage dependent. Early seeding via the blood stream requires the expression of the homeostatic chemokine receptor CCR7 and of L-selectin, both cooperate to facilitate transmigration of tumor and also of protective tumor-reactive lymphocytes via HEV structures. In this view, the HEV route is not only relevant for lymphoma cell homing, but also for a continuous immunosurveillance. We envision that HEV functional and structural alterations during lymphomagenesis are not only key to vascular remodeling, but also impact on tumor cell accessibility when targeted by T cell-mediated immunotherapies

    Harm elimination project for unsafe abortion in Nigeria: An operations research

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    Context: The harm elimination model is designed to improve access to pre‑ and postabortion care including free contraception and address the challenges posed by unsafe abortion to the sexual and reproductive health of the women recruited for the study. Aims: To determine the impact of the “Harm Elimination Project For Unsafe Abortion in Nigeria” (HELPUSAN) model on the rate of decision to keep the pregnancy by women seeking termination of pregnancy and the determinants of this decision. Subjects and Methods: Over the 6‑month period of this pilot survey, all women presenting for abortion were offered preabortion and postabortion counseling and services according to the study protocol. The study did not offer abortion services based on the abortion law in Nigeria. The clients were followed up for 6 weeks and assessed on decision to continue the pregnancy or not. Results: Of 105 attendees, 12.4% declined enrolment, 59.8%had induced abortion, and 45.8% had spontaneous abortion. Among those who presented for postabortion care following induced abortion, the main method used for inducing the abortion process was drugs (80.5%). A total of 90 (97.8%) of the participants were confirmed to be pregnant of which 52 (57.8%) were viable. Also, of the 52 participants with viable pregnancies, 19 (36.5%) decided to retain their pregnancies, while 33 (63.5%) decided not to retain their pregnancies.Conclusion: Almost 40% of clients presenting as pre abortion clients decided to retain the pregnancy. This work also once again highlights the high unmet need for contraception in Nigeria.Key words: HELPUSAN; pre‑ and postabortion counseling; preventing unsafe abortion in Nigeria; unsafe abortion

    Impurity Effects on the A_1-A_2 Splitting of Superfluid 3He in Aerogel

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    When liquid 3He is impregnated into silica aerogel a solid-like layer of 3He atoms coats the silica structure. The surface 3He is in fast exchange with the liquid on NMR timescales. The exchange coupling of liquid 3He quasiparticles with the localized 3He spins modifies the scattering of 3He quasiparticles by the aerogel structure. In a magnetic field the polarization of the solid spins gives rise to a splitting of the scattering cross-section of for `up' vs. `down' spin quasiparticles, relative to the polarization of the solid 3He. We discuss this effect, as well as the effects of non-magnetic scattering, in the context of a possible splitting of the superfluid transition for ↑↑\uparrow\uparrow vs. ↓↓\downarrow\downarrow Cooper pairs for superfluid 3He in aerogel, analogous to the A_1-A_2 splitting in bulk 3He. Comparison with the existing measurements of T_c for B< 5 kG, which show no evidence of an A_1-A_2 splitting, suggests a liquid-solid exchange coupling of order J = 0.1 mK. Measurements at higher fields, B > 20 kG, should saturate the polarization of the solid 3He and reveal the A_1-A_2 splitting.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figure

    EBAG9 controls CD8(+) T cell memory formation responding to tumor challenge in mice

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    Insight into processes that determine CD8(+) T cell memory formation has been obtained from infection models. These models are biased toward an inflammatory milieu and often employ high avidity CD8(+) T cells in adoptive transfer procedures. It is unclear whether these conditions mimic the differentiation processes of an endogenous repertoire that proceed upon non-inflammatory conditions prevailing in premalignant tumor lesions. We examined the role of cytolytic capacity on CD8(+) T cell fate decisions when primed by tumor cells or by minor histocompatibility antigen-mismatched leukocytes. CD8(+) memory commitment was analyzed in Ebag9-deficient mice that exhibit an enhanced tumor cell lysis. This property endowed Ebag9(-/-) mice with extended control of Tcl-1 oncogene-induced chronic lymphocytic leukemia progression. In Ebag9(-/-) mice, an expanded memory population was obtained for anti-HY and anti-SV40 T antigen-specific T cells, despite unchanged effector frequencies in the primary response. By comparing the single-cell transcriptomes of CD8(+) T cells responding to tumor cell vaccination, we found differential distribution of subpopulations between Ebag9(+/+) and Ebag9(-/-) T cells. In Ebag9(-/-) cells, these larger clusters contained genes encoding transcription factors regulating memory cell differentiation, along with anti-apoptotic gene functions. Our findings link EBAG9-controlled cytolytic activity and the commitment to the CD8(+) memory lineage

    Calcifying fibrous tumor and inflammatory myofibroblastic tumor are epigenetically related: A comparative genome-wide methylation study

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    Item does not contain fulltextBased on histological findings, calcifying fibrous tumor (CFT) may be a late (burned out) stage of inflammatory myofibroblastic tumor (IMT). This concept, however, has not been proven by molecular means. Five CFTs were analyzed for IMT-related rearrangements in ALK, ROS1 and RET using fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH). Additionally, genome-wide methylation patterns were investigated and compared with IMT (n=7), leiomyoma (n=7), angioleiomyoma (n=9), myopericytoma (n=7) and reactive soft tissue lesions (n=10) using unsupervised hierarchical cluster analysis and t distributed stochastic neighbor embedding. CFT patients, 4 females and 1 male, had a median age of 20years ranging from 7 to 43years. Two patients were younger than 18years old. The tumors originated in the abdomen (n=4) and axilla (n=1). Histologically, all lesions were (multi) nodular and hypocellular consisting of bland looking (myo)fibroblasts embedded in a collagenous matrix with calcifications. FISH analysis brought up negative results for ALK, RET and ROS1 rearrangements. However, genome-wide methylation analysis revealed overlapping methylation patterns of CFT and IMT forming a distinct homogeneous methylation cluster with exception of one case clustering with myopericytoma/angioleiomyoma. In conclusion, DNA methylation profiling supports the concept that CFT and IMT represent both ends of a spectrum of one entity with CFT being the burn out stage of IMT

    Selective targeting of human and animal pathogens of the helicobacter genus by flavodoxin inhibitors: Efficacy, synergy, resistance and mechanistic studies

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    Antimicrobial resistant (AMR) bacteria constitute a global health concern. Helicobacter py-lori is a Gram-negative bacterium that infects about half of the human population and is a major cause of peptic ulcer disease and gastric cancer. Increasing resistance to triple and quadruple H. pylori eradication therapies poses great challenges and urges the development of novel, ideally narrow spectrum, antimicrobials targeting H. pylori. Here, we describe the antimicrobial spectrum of a family of nitrobenzoxadiazol-based antimicrobials initially discovered as inhibitors of flavodoxin: an essential H. pylori protein. Two groups of inhibitors are described. One group is formed by nar-row-spectrum compounds, highly specific for H. pylori, but ineffective against enterohepatic Helico-bacter species and other Gram-negative or Gram-positive bacteria. The second group includes ex-tended-spectrum antimicrobials additionally targeting Gram-positive bacteria, the Gram-negative Campylobacter jejuni, and most Helicobacter species, but not affecting other Gram-negative pathogens. To identify the binding site of the inhibitors in the flavodoxin structure, several H. pylori-flavodoxin variants have been engineered and tested using isothermal titration calorimetry. An initial study of the inhibitors capacity to generate resistances and of their synergism with antimicrobials commonly used in H. pylori eradication therapies is described. The narrow-spectrum inhibitors, which are ex-pected to affect the microbiota less dramatically than current antimicrobial drugs, offer an oppor-tunity to develop new and specific H. pylori eradication combinations to deal with AMR in H. pylori. On the other hand, the extended-spectrum inhibitors constitute a new family of promising antimi-crobials, with a potential use against AMR Gram-positive bacterial pathogens. © 2021 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland
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