424 research outputs found

    Performance of Bajra Napier Hybrid Varieties in North Konkan Zone of Maharashtra

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    Napier grass (Pennisetum purpureum) commonly referred to as elephant grass, is popular fodder crop for small scale dairy farmers in the high and medium potential dairy production areas of north konkan zone of Maharashtra under the cut & carry system of production. It is a fast growing, deeply rooted, perennial grass growing up to 4 m tall that can spread by underground stems to form thick ground cover. Napier is easy to establish and persistent, drought tolerant, suitable for cutting and very good for silage making. It is also used as a soil stabilizer in soil conservation methods and can be intercropped with various forage legumes. It is vulnerable to disease and pest attacks. It can be grown at an altitude of 2000 m above mean sea level. When grown at altitudes above 2000 m, growth and regeneration after cutting is slow and it may die due to frost. It does best in high rainfall areas, over 1500 mm per year. Napier grass can grow in almost any soils; but does best in deep, fertile, well drained soils. Keeping the above things in view, the present investigation was carried out to find out the suitable Bajra Napier Hybrid varieties for north konkan zone of Maharashtra

    Performance of Guinea Grass Varieties in North Konkan Zone of Maharashtra

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    Guinea grass (Panicum maximum) is native to Africa but this grass was introduced to almost all tropical countries as a source of animal forage. It grows well on a wide variety of well drained soils of good fertility and it is suitable to stop soil erosion. It can survive quick moving fires which does not harm the underground roots and drought because of the deep, dense and fibrous root system. Guinea grass is a colonizer of disturbed sites, including roadsides, and particularly untended areas. This robust grass forms clumps and may foster soil erosion in invaded areas. Guinea grass is a perennial crop and may form quite large clumps. Commonly found at around 1.5 m tall, some individuals have recorded at 3 m tall. The leaf blades are long, narrow and finely tipped. They have a prominent mid-rib and are approximately 1 cm wide. Seed heads are large (up to 40 cm long) and are well-spread, with a large number of fine branches. Seeds are oblong in shape and are often purple in colour. Keeping the above context in view, the present investigation was carried out for studying the performance of Guinea grass varieties in north konkan zone of Maharashtra

    Characterization and its implication on beneficiation of low grade iron ore by gravity separation

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    Studies were undertaken on low grade iron ore sample from Noamundi iron ore mines. The objective of this study was to examine the possibility of the physical beneficiation of low grade iron ore sample by physical methods for the blast furnace route of iron production. The present investigation relies on petrography and ore mineralogical characterization, ore textures (primary, secondary, metamorphic), liberation characters and its impact on the mineral beneficiation methods to produce quality concentrate. The geological characters, alteration mineralogy, morphometric variation, ore microscopy (using model microscope with transmitted and reflected light) and thereby understanding the genesis has given proper insight into the occurrence of various minerals. In addition to this, representative samples were employed for detailed investigation by using XRD, SEM-EDS and cathodoluminescence (CL) studies for confirmation of major as well as minor ore minerals and associated gangue minerals. Investigations suggest that lateritic iron ore samples obtained from the study area are composed of hematite (two generations), goethite (two generations) and limonitic material (younger generation) in association with major gangue minerals such as clay minerals (kaolinite, illite), bauxitic minerals(gibbsite, boehmite and diaspore), cryptocrystalline silica(japer, chert) and crystalline quartz as well as apatite and collophane. Fair liberation obtained below 74 micron size. It was interesting to find that inspite of the complex mineralogy of iron ore, beneficiation results using gravity separation like multi gravity separator (MGS), particularly in finer size ranges was encouraging. The result of ore-gangue mineralogical studies were found quite useful in evaluating the separation efficacy of gravity separation process. The process mineralogical data corroborated well with beneficiation results

    Characterization and System Identification of XY Flexural Mechanism Using Double Parallelogram Manipulator for High Precision Scanning

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    This article represents modeling of double parallelogram flexural manipulator derived from basic classical mechanics theory. Fourth order vibration wave equation is used for mathematical modeling and its performance is determined for step input and sinusoidal forced input. Static characterization of DFM is carried out to determine stiffness and force deflection characteristics over the entire motion range and dynamic characteristics is carried out using Transient response and Frequency response. Transient response is determined using step input to DFM which gives system properties such as damping, rise time and settling time. These parameters are then compared with theoretical model presented previously. Frequency response of DFM system gives characteristics of system with different frequency inputs which is used for experimental modeling of DFM device. Here, Voice Coil Motor is used as Actuator and optical encoder is used for positioning sensing of motion stage. It is noted that theoretical model is having 5% accuracy with experimental results. To achieve better position and accuracy, PID and LQR (Linear Quadratic Regulator) implementation was carried out on experimental model. PID gains are optimally tuned by using Ziegler Nichols approach. PID control is implemented experimentally using dSPACE DS1104 microcontroller and Control Desk software. Experimentally, it is observed that positioning accuracy is less than 5 μm. Further multiple DFM blocks are arranged for developing XY flexural mechanism and static characterization was carried out on it. The comparison of experimental and FEA results for X-direction and Y-direction is presented at end of paper

    Mathematical Properties of a New Levin-Type Sequence Transformation Introduced by \v{C}\'{\i}\v{z}ek, Zamastil, and Sk\'{a}la. I. Algebraic Theory

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    \v{C}\'{\i}\v{z}ek, Zamastil, and Sk\'{a}la [J. Math. Phys. \textbf{44}, 962 - 968 (2003)] introduced in connection with the summation of the divergent perturbation expansion of the hydrogen atom in an external magnetic field a new sequence transformation which uses as input data not only the elements of a sequence {sn}n=0\{s_n \}_{n=0}^{\infty} of partial sums, but also explicit estimates {ωn}n=0\{\omega_n \}_{n=0}^{\infty} for the truncation errors. The explicit incorporation of the information contained in the truncation error estimates makes this and related transformations potentially much more powerful than for instance Pad\'{e} approximants. Special cases of the new transformation are sequence transformations introduced by Levin [Int. J. Comput. Math. B \textbf{3}, 371 - 388 (1973)] and Weniger [Comput. Phys. Rep. \textbf{10}, 189 - 371 (1989), Sections 7 -9; Numer. Algor. \textbf{3}, 477 - 486 (1992)] and also a variant of Richardson extrapolation [Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. London A \textbf{226}, 299 - 349 (1927)]. The algebraic theory of these transformations - explicit expressions, recurrence formulas, explicit expressions in the case of special remainder estimates, and asymptotic order estimates satisfied by rational approximants to power series - is formulated in terms of hitherto unknown mathematical properties of the new transformation introduced by \v{C}\'{\i}\v{z}ek, Zamastil, and Sk\'{a}la. This leads to a considerable formal simplification and unification.Comment: 41 + ii pages, LaTeX2e, 0 figures. Submitted to Journal of Mathematical Physic

    Retaining women in a prenatal care randomized controlled trial in Canada: implications for program planning

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background:</p> <p>Challenges to retention in prenatal care seem to exist under both universal systems of care, as in Canada, and non-universal systems of care, as in the United States. However, among populations being served by a system of publicly funded health care, the barriers are less well understood and universal uptake of prenatal services has not been realized. Determining the characteristics of women who dropped out of a prenatal care randomized controlled trial can help identify those who may need alternate retention and service approaches.</p> <p>Methods:</p> <p>In this study, pregnant women were randomized to: a) current standard of care; b) 'a' plus nursing support; or c) 'b' plus a paraprofessional home visitor. 16% of 2,015 women did not complete all three telephone interviews (197 dropped out and 124 became unreachable). Responders were compared to non-responders on demographics, lifestyle, psychosocial factors, and life events using chi-squared tests. Logistic regression models were constructed using stepwise logistic regression to determine the probability of not completing the prenatal program.</p> <p>Results:</p> <p>Completion rates did not differ by intervention. In comparison to responders, non-responders were more likely to be younger, less educated, have lower incomes, smoke, have low social support, have a history of depression, and have separated or divorced parents (all p < 0.05). Unreachable women were more likely to be single, use drugs, report distress and adverse life events (all p < 0.05). Non-Caucasian women were more likely to drop out (p = 0.002). Logistic regression modeling indicated that independent key risk factors for dropping out were: less than high school education, separated or divorced parents, lower social support, and being non-Caucasian. Pregnant women who were single/separated/divorced, less than 25 years old, had less than high school education, earned less than $40,000 in annual household income, and/or smoked had greater odds of becoming unreachable at some point during pregnancy and not completing the study.</p> <p>Conclusion:</p> <p>Women at risk due to lifestyle and challenging circumstances were difficult to retain in a prenatal care study, regardless of the intervention. For women with complex health, lifestyle and social issues, lack of retention may reflect incongruence between their needs and the program.</p> <p>Trial registration:</p> <p>Current Controlled Trials ISRCTN64070727</p

    Computational toxicology using the OpenTox application programming interface and Bioclipse

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    BACKGROUND: Toxicity is a complex phenomenon involving the potential adverse effect on a range of biological functions. Predicting toxicity involves using a combination of experimental data (endpoints) and computational methods to generate a set of predictive models. Such models rely strongly on being able to integrate information from many sources. The required integration of biological and chemical information sources requires, however, a common language to express our knowledge ontologically, and interoperating services to build reliable predictive toxicology applications. FINDINGS: This article describes progress in extending the integrative bio- and cheminformatics platform Bioclipse to interoperate with OpenTox, a semantic web framework which supports open data exchange and toxicology model building. The Bioclipse workbench environment enables functionality from OpenTox web services and easy access to OpenTox resources for evaluating toxicity properties of query molecules. Relevant cases and interfaces based on ten neurotoxins are described to demonstrate the capabilities provided to the user. The integration takes advantage of semantic web technologies, thereby providing an open and simplifying communication standard. Additionally, the use of ontologies ensures proper interoperation and reliable integration of toxicity information from both experimental and computational sources. CONCLUSIONS: A novel computational toxicity assessment platform was generated from integration of two open science platforms related to toxicology: Bioclipse, that combines a rich scriptable and graphical workbench environment for integration of diverse sets of information sources, and OpenTox, a platform for interoperable toxicology data and computational services. The combination provides improved reliability and operability for handling large data sets by the use of the Open Standards from the OpenTox Application Programming Interface. This enables simultaneous access to a variety of distributed predictive toxicology databases, and algorithm and model resources, taking advantage of the Bioclipse workbench handling the technical layers

    Automated analysis of small intestinal lamina propria to distinguish normal, Celiac Disease, and Non-Celiac Duodenitis biopsy images

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    Background and objective Celiac Disease (CD) is characterized by gluten intolerance in genetically predisposed individuals. High disease prevalence, absence of a cure, and low diagnosis rates make this disease a public health problem. The diagnosis of CD predominantly relies on recognizing characteristic mucosal alterations of the small intestine, such as villous atrophy, crypt hyperplasia, and intraepithelial lymphocytosis. However, these changes are not entirely specific to CD and overlap with Non-Celiac Duodenitis (NCD) due to various etiologies. We investigated whether Artificial Intelligence (AI) models could assist in distinguishing normal, CD, and NCD (and unaffected individuals) based on the characteristics of small intestinal lamina propria (LP). Methods Our method was developed using a dataset comprising high magnification biopsy images of the duodenal LP compartment of CD patients with different clinical stages of CD, those with NCD, and individuals lacking an intestinal inflammatory disorder (controls). A pre-processing step was used to standardize and enhance the acquired images. Results For the normal controls versus CD use case, a Support Vector Machine (SVM) achieved an Accuracy (ACC) of 98.53%. For a second use case, we investigated the ability of the classification algorithm to differentiate between normal controls and NCD. In this use case, the SVM algorithm with linear kernel outperformed all the tested classifiers by achieving 98.55% ACC. Conclusions To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study that documents automated differentiation between normal, NCD, and CD biopsy images. These findings are a stepping stone toward automated biopsy image analysis that can significantly benefit patients and healthcare providers

    Stock Market Returns, Corporate Governance and Capital Market Equilibrium

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    This paper analyzes why corporate governance matters for stock returns if the stock market prices the underlying managerial agency problem correctly. Our theory assumes that strict corporate governance prevents managers from diverting cash flows, but reduces incentives for managerial effort. In capital market equilibrium, this trade-off has implications for the firm's earnings, stock returns, and managerial ownership, because governance impacts the firm's risk-return structure. In particular, the strictness of corporate governance is negatively related to earnings and positively to β. Various empirical tests with U.S. data using the governance index of Gompers, Ishii, and Metrick (2003) yield results consistent with these predictions

    Politics of nanotechnologies in food and agriculture

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    The chapter discusses the reasons for the delay in the regulatory intervention concerning nanotechnologies used in the agriculture and food sectors. The main finding is that unregulated introduction of nanoinnovation into the food system is due to the current neoliberal food policy and to the power struggles that characterize the economic, social and political dynamics within the global supply chain. Therefore, it is necessary to put the ‘question concerning technology’ at the center of the regulatory debate in order to implement a regulatory system able to face nanorisks. Which means looking at the way in which technology controls power relationships within society. Attention should be shifted from efficiency to power issues, and new technologies should be assessed from a political rather than an economic or ethical perspective