124 research outputs found

    Stationary State Solutions of a Bond Diluted Kinetic Ising Model: An Effective-Field Theory Analysis

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    We have examined the stationary state solutions of a bond diluted kinetic Ising model under a time dependent oscillating magnetic field within the effective-field theory (EFT) for a honeycomb lattice (q=3)(q=3). Time evolution of the system has been modeled with a formalism of master equation. The effects of the bond dilution, as well as the frequency (ω)(\omega) and amplitude (h/J)(h/J) of the external field on the dynamic phase diagrams have been discussed in detail. We have found that the system exhibits the first order phase transition with a dynamic tricritical point (DTCP) at low temperature and high amplitude regions, in contrast to the previously published results for the pure case \cite{Ling}. Bond dilution process on the kinetic Ising model gives rise to a number of interesting and unusual phenomena such as reentrant phenomena and has a tendency to destruct the first-order transitions and the DTCP. Moreover, we have investigated the variation of the bond percolation threshold as functions of the amplitude and frequency of the oscillating field.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figure

    An interaction network of mental disorder proteins in neural stem cells

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    Mental disorders (MDs) such as intellectual disability (ID), autism spectrum disorders (ASD) and schizophrenia have a strong genetic component. Recently, many gene mutations associated with ID, ASD or schizophrenia have been identified by high-throughput sequencing. A substantial fraction of these mutations are in genes encoding transcriptional regulators. Transcriptional regulators associated with different MDs but acting in the same gene regulatory network provide information on the molecular relation between MDs. Physical interaction between transcriptional regulators is a strong predictor for their cooperation in gene regulation. Here, we biochemically purified transcriptional regulators from neural stem cells, identified their interaction partners by mass spectrometry and assembled a protein interaction network containing 206 proteins, including 68 proteins mutated in MD patients and 52 proteins significantly lacking coding variation in humans. Our network shows molecular connections between established MD proteins and provides a discovery tool for novel MD genes. Network proteins preferentially co-localize on the genome and cooperate in disease-relevant gene regulation. Our results suggest that the observed transcriptional regulators associated with ID, ASD or schizophrenia are part of a transcriptional network in neural stem cells. We find that more severe mutations in network proteins are associated with MDs that include lower intelligence quotient (IQ), suggesting that the level of disruption of a shared transcriptional network correlates with cognitive dysfunction

    Earthquake rupture forecasts for the mps19 seismic hazard model of Italy

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    In recent years, new approaches for developing earthquake rupture forecasts (ERFs) have been proposed to be used as an input for probabilistic seismic hazard assessment (PSHA). Zone-based approaches with seismicity rates derived from earthquake catalogs are commonly used in many countries as the standard for national seismic hazard models. In Italy, a single zone-based ERF is currently the basis for the official seismic hazard model. In this contribution, we present eleven new ERFs, including five zone-based, two smoothed seismicity-based, two fault-based, and two geodetic-based, used for a new PSH model in Italy. The ERFs were tested against observed seismicity and were subject to an elicitation procedure by a panel of PSHA experts to verify the scientific robustness and consistency of the forecasts with respect to the observations. Tests and elicitation were finalized to weight the ERFs. The results show a good response to the new inputs to observed seismicity in the last few centuries. The entire approach was a first attempt to build a community-based set of ERFs for an Italian PSHA model. The project involved a large number of seismic hazard practitioners, with their knowledge and experience, and the development of different models to capture and explore a large range of epistemic uncertainties in building ERFs, and represents an important step forward for the new national seismic hazard model

    Critical aspects of the random-field Ising model

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    We investigate the critical behavior of the three-dimensional random-field Ising model (RFIM) with a Gaussian field distribution at zero temperature. By implementing a computational approach that maps the ground-state of the RFIM to the maximum-flow optimization problem of a network, we simulate large ensembles of disorder realizations of the model for a broad range of values of the disorder strength h and system sizes  = L3, with L ≤ 156. Our averaging procedure outcomes previous studies of the model, increasing the sampling of ground states by a factor of 103. Using well-established finite-size scaling schemes, the fourth-order’s Binder cumulant, and the sample-to-sample fluctuations of various thermodynamic quantities, we provide high-accuracy estimates for the critical field hc, as well as the critical exponents ν, β/ν, and γ̅/ν of the correlation length, order parameter, and disconnected susceptibility, respectively. Moreover, using properly defined noise to signal ratios, we depict the variation of the self-averaging property of the model, by crossing the phase boundary into the ordered phase. Finally, we discuss the controversial issue of the specific heat based on a scaling analysis of the bond energy, providing evidence that its critical exponent α ≈ 0−

    Assessment of endogenous fibrinolysis in clinical using novel tests - Ready for clinical roll-out?

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    © The Author(s) 2021. This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. To view a copy of this licence, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/.The occurrence of thrombotic complications, which can result in excess mortality and morbidity, represent an imbalance between the pro-thrombotic and fibrinolytic equilibrium.The mainstay treatment of these complications involves the use of antithrombotic agents but despite advances in pharmacotherapy, there remains a significant proportion of patients who continue to remain at risk.Endogenous fibrinolysis is a physiological counter-measure against lasting thrombosis and may be measured using several techniques to identify higher risk patients who may benefit from more aggressive pharmacotherapy. However, the assessment of the fibrinolytic systemis not yet accepted into routine clinical practice.In this review, we will revisit the different methods of assessing endogenous fibrinolysis (factorial assays, turbidimetric lysis assays, viscoelastic and the global thrombosis tests), including the strengths, limitations, correlation to clinical outcomes of each method and howwe might integrate the assessment of endogenous fibrinolysis into clinical practice in the future.Peer reviewedFinal Published versio

    METhodological RadiomICs Score (METRICS): a quality scoring tool for radiomics research endorsed by EuSoMII

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    Purpose: To propose a new quality scoring tool, METhodological RadiomICs Score (METRICS), to assess and improve research quality of radiomics studies. Methods: We conducted an online modified Delphi study with a group of international experts. It was performed in three consecutive stages: Stage#1, item preparation; Stage#2, panel discussion among EuSoMII Auditing Group members to identify the items to be voted; and Stage#3, four rounds of the modified Delphi exercise by panelists to determine the items eligible for the METRICS and their weights. The consensus threshold was 75%. Based on the median ranks derived from expert panel opinion and their rank-sum based conversion to importance scores, the category and item weights were calculated. Result: In total, 59 panelists from 19 countries participated in selection and ranking of the items and categories. Final METRICS tool included 30 items within 9 categories. According to their weights, the categories were in descending order of importance: study design, imaging data, image processing and feature extraction, metrics and comparison, testing, feature processing, preparation for modeling, segmentation, and open science. A web application and a repository were developed to streamline the calculation of the METRICS score and to collect feedback from the radiomics community. Conclusion: In this work, we developed a scoring tool for assessing the methodological quality of the radiomics research, with a large international panel and a modified Delphi protocol. With its conditional format to cover methodological variations, it provides a well-constructed framework for the key methodological concepts to assess the quality of radiomic research papers. Critical relevance statement: A quality assessment tool, METhodological RadiomICs Score (METRICS), is made available by a large group of international domain experts, with transparent methodology, aiming at evaluating and improving research quality in radiomics and machine learning. Key points: • A methodological scoring tool, METRICS, was developed for assessing the quality of radiomics research, with a large international expert panel and a modified Delphi protocol. • The proposed scoring tool presents expert opinion-based importance weights of categories and items with a transparent methodology for the first time. • METRICS accounts for varying use cases, from handcrafted radiomics to entirely deep learning-based pipelines. • A web application has been developed to help with the calculation of the METRICS score (https://metricsscore.github.io/metrics/METRICS.html) and a repository created to collect feedback from the radiomics community (https://github.com/metricsscore/metrics). Graphical Abstract: [Figure not available: see fulltext.

    Overview of diagnosis and management of paediatric headache. Part I: diagnosis

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    Headache is the most common somatic complaint in children and adolescents. The evaluation should include detailed history of children and adolescents completed by detailed general and neurological examinations. Moreover, the possible role of psychological factors, life events and excessively stressful lifestyle in influencing recurrent headache need to be checked. The choice of laboratory tests rests on the differential diagnosis suggested by the history, the character and temporal pattern of the headache, and the physical and neurological examinations. Subjects who have any signs or symptoms of focal/progressive neurological disturbances should be investigated by neuroimaging techniques. The electroencephalogram and other neurophysiological examinations are of limited value in the routine evaluation of headaches. In a primary headache disorder, headache itself is the illness and headache is not attributed to any other disorder (e.g. migraine, tension-type headache, cluster headache and other trigeminal autonomic cephalgias). In secondary headache disorders, headache is the symptom of identifiable structural, metabolic or other abnormality. Red flags include the first or worst headache ever in the life, recent headache onset, increasing severity or frequency, occipital location, awakening from sleep because of headache, headache occurring exclusively in the morning associated with severe vomiting and headache associated with straining. Thus, the differential diagnosis between primary and secondary headaches rests mainly on clinical criteria. A thorough evaluation of headache in children and adolescents is necessary to make the correct diagnosis and initiate treatment, bearing in mind that children with headache are more likely to experience psychosocial adversity and to grow up with an excess of both headache and other physical and psychiatric symptoms and this creates an important healthcare problem for their future life