112 research outputs found

    Data mining methods for the prediction of different forms of asthma

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    The article examines the diagnosis of bronchial asthma, cites the classification of the disease, proves the relevance of this research, and represents the result of primary data analysis by using a powerful tool for data analysis - Rapid Miner

    Влияние водных суспензий промышленных наночастиц на биометрические свойства проростков пшеницы

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    В работе показано влияние размера (9, 83 и 143 нм) и концентрации (3…1000 мг/л) наночастиц и ионов никеля на морфометрические (длину 2-суточного корня, энергию прорастания, суммарную длину 9-суточных побегов и корней) и физиологические (содержание в тканях ионов K+ и NO3- и электропроводность) свойства проростков пшеницы сорта "Ирень", выращенных с добавлением наночастиц в среду прорастания (раствор Хьюитта). Установлено, что угнетение корнеобразования развивается при увеличении концентрации наночастиц, при переходе от наноразмерной формы к ионной и с уменьшением размера частиц в суспензиях с концентрацией более 30 мг/л.The paper shows the influence of the size (9, 83 and 143 nm) and concentration (3...1000 mg/L) of nanoparticles and nickel ions on morphometric (length of a 2-day root, germination energy, total length of 9-day-old shoots and roots) and physiological (content of K+ and NO3- ions in tissues and electrical conductivity) properties of wheat seedlings of the "Iren" variety grown with the addition of nanoparticles to the germination medium (Hewitt's solution). It was found that the inhibition of root formation develops with an increase in the concentration of nanoparticles, with the transition from the nanosized form to the ionic form, and with a decrease in the particle size in suspensions with a concentration of more than 30 mg/L

    Ramipril and Risk of Hyperkalemia in Chronic Hemodialysis Patients

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    Angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors provide well known cardiorenal-protective benefits added to antihypertensive effects in chronic renal disease. These agents are underused in management of patients receiving hemodialysis (HD) because of common concern of hyperkalemia. However, few studies have investigated effect of renin angiotensin aldosterone system (RAAS) blockade on serum potassium in hemodialysis patients. We assessed the safety of ramipril in patients on maintenance HD. We enrolled 28 adult end stage renal disease (ESRD) patients treated by maintenance HD and prescribed them ramipril in doses of 1.25 to 5 mg per day. They underwent serum potassium concentration measurements before ramipril introduction and in 1 to 3 months afterwards. No significant increase in kalemia was found. Results of our study encourage the use of ACE inhibitors in chronically hemodialyzed patients, but close potassium monitoring is mandatory

    Thermomechanical deformations in photovoltaic laminates

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    Recent experimental results based on the digital image correlation technique (U. Eitner, M. Köntges, R. Brendel, Solar Energy Mater. Solar Cells, 2010, 94, 1346–1351) show that the gap between solar cells embedded into a standard photovoltaic laminate varies with temperature. The variation of this gap is an important quantity to assess the integrity of the electric connection between solar cells when exposed to service conditions. In this paper, the thermo-elastic deformations in photovoltaic laminates are analytically investigated by developing different approximate models based on the multilayered beam theory. It is found that the temperature-dependent thermo-elastic properties of the encapsulating polymer layer are responsible for the deviation from linearity experimentally observed in the diagram relating the gap variation to the temperature. The contribution of the different material constituents to the homogenized elastic modulus and thermal expansion coefficient of the composite system is also properly quantified through the definition of weight factors of practical engineering use

    Painlevé equations in differential geometry of surfaces

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    This book brings together two different branches of mathematics: the theory of Painlevé and the theory of surfaces. Self-contained introductions to both these fields are presented. It is shown how some classical problems in surface theory can be solved using the modern theory of Painlevé equations. In particular, an essential part of the book is devoted to Bonnet surfaces, i.e. to surfaces possessing families of isometries preserving the mean curvature function. A global classification of Bonnet surfaces is given using both ingredients of the theory of Painlevé equations: the theory of isomonodromic deformation and the Painlevé property. The book is illustrated by plots of surfaces. It is intended to be used by mathematicians and graduate students interested in differential geometry and Painlevé equations. Researchers working in one of these areas can become familiar with another relevant branch of mathematics