52 research outputs found

    Nolanville Comprehensive Plan 2015-2030

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    Comprehensive plans are “the central organizing umbrella under which other plans, regulations, and initiatives exist.” They typically have long-range planning horizons between 20 and 30 years. These public documents, along with relevant zoning maps, can be used to guide, support, and justify city land use and decision-making in the future. A comprehensive plan should include the overall vision for the community, as well as a plan for the physical growth, development, and preservation of the land. Furthermore, an inclusive comprehensive plan should envision future growth in the various fields of transportation, community facilities and infrastructure, economy, parks and open spaces, natural and cultural resources, and housing.In the fall 2014, the City of Nolanville and Texas Target Communities partnered to create a planning task force to represent the community. The task force was integral to the planning process, contributing the thoughts, desires, and opinions of community members—as well as their enthusiasm about Nolanville’s future. This fourteen-month planning process ended in September 2015. All the material included in the plan is the result of work accomplished in four different graduate level classes spanning two semesters at Texas A&M University as part of the Master of Urban Planning program.The result of this collaboration is the City of Nolanville Comprehensive Plan 2015 - 2030, which is the official policy guide for the community’s growth over the next twenty years.Texas Target Communitie

    Root and shoot hydraulic conductance of seven Quercus species

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    The root (KR) and shoot (KS) hydraulic conductances of seven different Quercus species, as well as the leaf blade hydraulic resistance (RLL), were measured in potted plants with the aim of understanding whether a relationship exists between the hydraulic architecture and the general ecological behaviour of different species of this genus. The KR values were scaled by dividing by root surface area (KRR) and by leaf surface area (KRL) and the KS values were scaled by dividing by leaf surface area (KSL). The likely drought-adapted species (Quercus suber, Q. pubescens, Q. petraea) showed lower KRL and KRR, lower KSL and higher RLL with respect to the known water-demanding species (Q. alba, Q. cerris, Q. robur, Q. rubra). The possible physiological and ecological significance of such differences are discussed. (© Inra/Elsevier, Paris.)Les conductivités hydrauliques de la racine et de la tige de sept espèces de Quercus. Les conductivités hydrauliques de la racine (KR) et de la tige (KS) et la résistance hydraulique des feuilles (RLL) des sept espèces de Quercus ont été mesurées avec pour objectif la compréhension de la relation qui existe entre l'écologie de l'espèce et son architecture hydraulique. Les valeurs des KR ont été divisées par les surfaces des feuilles (KRL) et des racines (KRR), celles des K S par les surfaces des feuilles (KSL). Les KRR, KRL et KSL des espèces adaptées aux environnements arides (Q. suber, Q. pubescens, Q. petraea) sont inférieures et leurs RLL supérieures par rapport aux valeurs de celles adaptées aux environnements humides (Q. alba, Q. cerris, Q. robur, Q. rubra). Cet article se propose d'illustere ces différentces au plan physiologique et écologique

    Influence of the ectomycorrhizas formed by Tuber melanosporum Vitt. on hydraulic conductance and water relations of Quercus ilex L. seedlings

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    The physiological impact of ectomycorrhizal infection was investigated in the association between Tuber melanosporum Vitt. and Quercus ilex L. A number of physiological parameters were investigated on 2-year-old seedlings inoculated for 22 months (I-seedlings) compared to non-inoculated plants (NI-seedlings). I-seedlings had a 100% infection rate in root tips compared to a 25% infection rate in root tips of NI-seedlings. I-seedlings had higher values of net assimilation and stomatal conductance than NI-seedlings. Root hydraulic conductance per unit root surface area of I-seedlings was much reduced to 0.44×\times that of NI-seedlings but had 2.5×\times more fine root surface area than NI-seedlings. When root conductance was scaled by leaf area, the I-seedlings had 1.27×\times the root conductance per unit leaf area compared to NI-seedlings. I-seedlings also had significantly higher hydraulic conductances of shoots with leaves, of shoots without leaves and lower leaf blade hydraulic resistances.Influence sur la conductance hydraulique et les relations hydriques des semis de Quercus ilex L. des ectomycorrhizes formées par Tuber melanosporum Vitt. L'impact physiologique dû à l'infection d'ectomycorrhizes a été étudié dans l'association Tuber melanosporum Vitt. et Quercus ilex L. Un certain nombre de paramètres physiologiques ont été mesurés sur des semis de 2 ans inoculés pendant 22 mois (semis-i) en comparaison avec des cultures saines (semis-i). Les semis-i présentent 100% de taux d'infection des racines, tandis que les semis-i atteignent un taux de 25% . Les semis-i ont des niveaux d'assimilation nette plus élevés par rapport aux semis-i. La conductance hydraulique des racines par unité de surface des racines pour les semis-i est réduite de plus de 0,44 fois par rapport aux semis-i, mais comporte une surface de racines 2,5 fois inférieure à celle des semis-i. En rapportant la conductance des racines à la surface des feuilles, la conductance des racines par unité de surface des feuilles des semis-i est 1,27 fois plus élevée que celle des semis-i. Les semis-i présentent également une conductance hydraulique des rameaux avec feuilles et sans feuilles bien plus élevée, ainsi qu'une moindre résistance hydraulique des feuilles

    The dependence of leaf hydraulic conductance on irradiance during HPFM measurements: any role for stomatal response?

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    This paper examines the dependence of whole leaf hydraulic conductance to liquid water (KL) on irradiance when measured with a high pressure flowmeter (HPFM). During HPFM measurements, water is perfused into leaves faster than it evaporates hence water infiltrates leaf air spaces and must pass through stomates in the liquid state. Since stomates open and close under high versus low irradiance, respectively, the possibility exists that KL might change with irradiance if stomates close tightly enough to restrict water movement. However, the dependence of KL on irradiance could be due to a direct effect of irradiance on the hydraulic properties of other tissues in the leaf. In the present study, KL increased with irradiance for 6 of the 11 species tested. Whole leaf conductance to water vapour, gL, was used as a proxy for stomatal aperture and the time-course of changes in KL and gL was studied during the transition from low to high irradiance and from high to low irradiance

    PIP1 plasma membrane aquaporins in tobacco: from cellular effects to function in plants.

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    The molecular functions of several aquaporins are well characterized (e.g., by analysis of aquaporin-expressing Xenopus oocytes). However, their significance in the physiology of water transport in multicellular organisms remains uncertain. The tobacco plasma membrane aquaporin NtAQP1 was used to elucidate this issue. By comparing antisense plants that were inhibited in NtAQP1 expression with control plants, we found evidence for NtAQP1 function in cellular and whole-plant water relations. The consequences of a decrease in cellular water permeability were determined by measurement of transpiration rate and stem and leaf water potential as well as growth experiments under extreme soil water depletion. Plants impaired in NtAQP1 expression showed reduced root hydraulic conductivity and lower water stress resistance. In conclusion, our results emphasize the importance of symplastic aquaporin-mediated water transport in whole-plant water relations
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