807 research outputs found

    Barrage formation is independent from heterokaryon incompatibility in Verticillium dahliae

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    Barrage formation has been traditionally used for the assessment of mycelial compatibility in many fungi and has often been assumed to represent a non-self recognition phenotype that is directly associated with vegetative incompatibility in these organisms. In this work, the optimal growth conditions for large-scale studies of barrage formation in the asexual fungus Verticillium dahliae were determined, and they were used for the analysis of a diverse collection comprising 69 isolates of V. dahliae and related species. Barrage formation was very frequent on a defined complete agar medium within V. dahliae and between species of the genus. However, it was not correlated with the classification of V. dahliae isolates into Vegetative Compatibility Groups (VCGs) (based on the standard method using complementary nit mutants), as it was recorded at high frequencies both within and between V. dahliae VCGs. The high overall frequency of barrage formation demonstrated the presence of a higher level of mycelial incompatibility in V. dahliae than heterokaryon incompatibility assessed by forcing complementary nit mutants to form heterokaryons under selective conditions. The possible association of barrage formation with morphological characteristics of the fungal colonies was investigated, and a negative correlation of frequency and intensity of barrages with the isolates’ capacity for pigment production was detected. Real-time quantitative PCR VCG discriminatio

    High-Throughput Assessment and Genetic Investigation of Vegetative Compatibility in Verticillium dahliae

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    Classification of isolates into vegetative compatibility groups (VCGs) using nitrate-non-utilizing (nit) mutants has been widely used for the characterization of Verticillium dahliae populations. However, certain methodological limitations prevent its application on a large scale. Furthermore, systematic investigations into the genetics underlying complementation tests between nit mutants of fungal isolates (i.e. heterokaryon formation) are lacking for Verticillium species. In this work, a diverse collection of 27 V. dahliae isolates – including representatives of all VCGs, both mating types, and heterokaryon self-incompatible isolates – was employed for the development and optimization of (i) a protocol for the rapid generation of nit mutants of V. dahliae isolates using UV-irradiation and (ii) a reproducible high-throughput procedure for complementation tests between nit mutants in liquid cultures using 96-well microplates. The genetic analysis of selected heterokaryons demonstrated that the frequently encountered ‘weak’ cross-reactions between VCGs and their subgroups can be actually heterokaryotic, implying the absence of strict genetic barriers between VCGs. In conclusion, we provide in this work an optimized method for the high-throughput VCG assignment of V. dahliae populations and a genetic analysis of heterokaryons that may have serious implications for the interpretation of VCG classification data. These advancements in the available methodology and the genetic background of vegetative compatibility grouping may contribute to a better understanding of the population biology of V. dahliae and possibly other mitosporic fun

    ‘‘Cryptic’’ group-I introns in the nuclear SSU-rRNA gene of Verticillium dahliae

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    Group-I introns are widespread—though irregularly distributed—in eukaryotic organisms, and they have been extensively used for discrimination and phylogenetic analyses. Within the Verticillium genus, which comprises important phytopathogenic fungi, a group-I intron was previously identified in the SSU-rRNA (18S) gene of only V. longisporum. In this work, we aimed at elucidating the SSU-located intron distribution in V. dahliae and other Verticillium species, and the assessment of heterogeneity regarding intron content among rDNA repeats of fungal strains. Using conserved PCR primers for the amplification of the SSU gene, a structurally similar novel intron (sub-group IC1) was detected in only a few V. dahliae isolates. However, when intron-specific primers were used for the screening of a diverse collection of Verticillium isolates that originally failed to produce intron-containing SSU amplicons, most were found to contain one or both intron types, at variable rDNA repeat numbers. This marked heterogeneity was confirmed with qRT-PCR by testing rDNA copy numbers (varying from 39 to 70 copies per haploid genome) and intron copy ratios in selected isolates. Our results demonstrate that (a) IC1 group-I introns are not specific to V. longisporum within the Verticillium genus, (b) V. dahliae isolates of vegetative compatibility groups (VCGs) 4A and 6, which bear the novel intron at most of their rDNA repeats, are closely related, and (c) there is considerable intra-genomic heterogeneity for the presence or absence of introns among the ribosomal repeats. These findings underline that distributions of introns in the highly heterogeneous repetitive rDNA complex should always be verified with sensitive methods to avoid misleading conclusions for the phylogeny of fungi and other organisms

    Structural and phylogenetic analysis of the rDNA intergenic spacer region of Verticillium dahliae

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    The nuclear ribosomal intergenic spacer (IGS) region was structurally analyzed and exploited for molecular discrimination and phylogenetic analysis of vegetative compatibility groups (VCGs) of Verticillium dahliae. A structural study of 201 available IGS sequences of the fungus was performed, and four classes of ubiquitous repetitive elements, organized in higher-order repetitive structures or composite blocks, were detected in a variable IGS subregion. This subregion was amplified from an international collection of 59 V. dahliae isolates covering all VCGs, together with nine representative V. albo-atrum and V. longisporum isolates, and sequenced. Structural and phylogenetic analyses of the sequences of this polymorphic IGS subregion were consistently informative and allowed the identification of two main lineages in V. dahliae, that is, clade I including VCGs 1A, 1B, 2A, 4B, and 3 and clade II containing VCGs 2B, 4A, and 6. Analysis of IGS sequences proved a highly suitable molecular tool for (a) rapid interspecific differentiation, (b) intraspecific discrimination among VCGs of V. dahliae, facilitating high-throughput VCG confirmation and prediction/profiling, and (c) phylogenetic analysis within and among V. dahliae VCGs

    DNA damage-induced ubiquitylation:emerging regulators enforce protective mechanisms

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    Our genome contains, in the form of DNA building blocks, the necessary information for orchestrating all cellular functions and ensuring species continuity. However, though being chemically stable, our DNA is under constant assault by various endogenous or exogenous sources. To counteract the perils arising due to DNA damage and to ensure genome integrity, life has evolutionarily acquired an arsenal of protective mechanisms, amongst which prominent is DNA repair. Depending on the nature of the inflicted DNA damage, specialised DNA repair pathways are activated in order to restore the original genetic information. During this work I focused on the elucidation of DNA repair- or other cytoprotective-mechanisms ensuing upon the induction of primarily DNA Double Strand Breaks (DSBs) or secondarily helix-distorting lesions. DSBs are mainly repaired by two pathways: error-prone Non-Homologous End-Joining (NHEJ) and error-free Homologous Recombination (HR). On the other hand, helix-distorting lesions, such as those arising due to UV-irradiation or cisplatin-induced mono-adducts, are rectified by Nucleotide Excision Repair (NER). More specifically, I put emphasis on the role of protein-ubiquitylation, a widespread protein Post-Translational Modification (PTM), in the spatiotemporal regulation of an efficient DSB response.UBL - phd migration 201

    Bacterial mechanosensitive channels : progress towards an understanding of their roles in cell physiology

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    Open Access funded by Wellcome Trust Under a Creative Commons license Thanks to all members of the Aberdeen group, collaborators and friends whose discussions have spurred the development of the MS channel field. Special thanks to Doug Rees, Diane Newman and Rob Phillips for their support and hospitality at Caltech. Unique insights have been provided by members of the Newman and Phillips research groups, particularly, Caj Neubauer, Gargi Kulkarni and Megan Bergkessel, Heun Jin Lee and Maja Bialecka-Fornal. The author's research on MS channels is supported by a grant from The Wellcome Trust (WT092552MA) and the BBSRC (BB/H017917/1). The author is a Leverhulme Emeritus Fellow and this work was supported in part by a CEMI Visiting Faculty Fellowship from Caltech.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Towards a mechanistic understanding of reciprocal drug-microbiome interactions.

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    Broad-spectrum antibiotics target multiple gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria, and can collaterally damage the gut microbiota. Yet, our knowledge of the extent of damage, the antibiotic activity spectra, and the resistance mechanisms of gut microbes is sparse. This limits our ability to mitigate microbiome-facilitated spread of antibiotic resistance. In addition to antibiotics, non-antibiotic drugs affect the human microbiome, as shown by metagenomics as well as in vitro studies. Microbiome-drug interactions are bidirectional, as microbes can also modulate drugs. Chemical modifications of antibiotics mostly function as antimicrobial resistance mechanisms, while metabolism of non-antibiotics can also change the drugs' pharmacodynamic, pharmacokinetic, and toxic properties. Recent studies have started to unravel the extensive capacity of gut microbes to metabolize drugs, the mechanisms, and the relevance of such events for drug treatment. These findings raise the question whether and to which degree these reciprocal drug-microbiome interactions will differ across individuals, and how to take them into account in drug discovery and precision medicine. This review describes recent developments in the field and discusses future study areas that will benefit from systems biology approaches to better understand the mechanistic role of the human gut microbiota in drug actions

    Effect of rocket (Eruca sativa) extract on MRSA growth and proteome: Metabolic adjustments in plant-based media

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    The emergence of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) in food has provoked a great concern about the presence of MRSA in associated foodstuff. Although MRSA is often detected in various retailed meat products, it seems that food handlers are more strongly associated with this type of food contamination. Thus, it can be easily postulated that any food could be contaminated with this pathogen in an industrial environment or in household and cause food poisoning. To this direction, the effect of rocket (Eruca sativa) extract on MRSA growth and proteome was examined in the present study. This goal was achieved with the comparative study of the MRSA strain COL proteome, cultivated in rocket extract versus the standard Luria-Bertani growth medium. The obtained results showed that MRSA was able to grow in rocket extract. In addition, proteome analysis using 2-DE method showed that MRSA strain COL is taking advantage of the sugar-, lipid-, and vitamin-rich substrate in the liquid rocket extract, although its growth was delayed in rocket extract compared to Luria-Bertani medium. This work could initiate further research about bacterial metabolism in plant-based media and defense mechanisms against plant-derived antibacterials