6 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Variasi Bahan Pengendap pada Proses Purifikasi Enzim Bromelin dari Bonggol Nanas (Ananas Comosus L.)

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    Waste from processed pineapples (pineapple core) is currently underutilized, despite the high content of the bromelain enzyme found in the fruit. This research aims to determine the effect of precipitating agents on the purification process of bromelain enzyme production using a phosphate buffer on the resulting enzyme yield and to analyze the effect of the precipitating agents on the purification process of bromelain enzyme production using a phosphate buffer on the bromelain enzyme activity. The variables used in this study were a 0.1 M phosphate buffer, 55%; 60%; 65%; 70%; 75% aseton concentration, 5%; 10%; 15%; 20%; 25% NaCl concentration, and 60%; 65%; 70%; 75%; 80% ethanol concentration. This study will be conducted in three stages, namely Extraction, Purification, and Drying. The highest yield was obtained with 60% aseton concentration (1.44%), 65% ethanol concentration (1.42%), and 15% NaCl concentration (2.2%). The optimal enzyme activity was obtained with 60% aseton concentration (20225.616 U/gr), 65% ethanol concentration (6266.765 U/gr), and 15% NaCl concentration (2281.357 U/gr). In conclusion, the best result for producing bromelain enzyme powder from pineapple cores is by using a 60% aseton concentration solvent

    Effect of Steam Delignification and Bleaching Process on Pineapple Leaf Fiber as Textile Raw Material

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    Pineapple is a local commodity in Indonesia that is widely cultivated. The part of the pineapple plant that is mostly used is only the fruit part, while the other plant parts are discarded and become waste. Pineapple leaves contain high fiber content of cellulose, lignin, and hemicellulose, so it is very potential if used as an alternative textile raw material. The quality of pineapple leaf fiber can be improved by going through a delignification process using an alkaline solvent with the appropriate concentration and time. This research  determine the effect of delignification of pineapple leaf fiber with a solution of Sodium Hydroxide (NaOH), Hydrogen Peroxide (H2O2) and water (H2O) on tensile strength, lignin content and Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM). This research consist of six stages including delignification using 3% NaOH and 3% H2O2, washing, neutralization, preservation, and analysis of pineapple leaf fiber products. The results obtained are pineapple leaf fiber lignin test after delignification and bleaching, the best lignin results are steam delignification at 80°C with 3% NaOH solution and bleaching solution using NaOCl solution obtained 21% lignin content with a tensile strength test of  0.263 kgf/mm2. SEM analysis also showed that there was a loss of material from the fiber surface which indicated that there was degradation due to the addition of bleaching solution. This proves that alkaline treatment can also cause discoloration of natural fibers due to the removal of natural dyes in natural fibers

    Penentuan Kadar Sulfat pada Air Sumur di Wilayah Surabaya Menggunakan Spektrofotometer

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    The quality of drinking water can be assessed based on three aspects: physical, chemical, and microbiological aspects. One of the chemical aspects in determining water quality is the sulfate content. UV-Vis spectrophotometry method has been widely used to analyze sulfate content. UV-Vis spectrophotometry is a spectroscopic analysis technique that uses an electromagnetic wave source with ultraviolet (UV) for wavelength (190-380 nm) and visible light with wavelength (380-780 nm). The purpose of this study is to determine the absorbance and concentration of samples using spectrophotometric analysis, calculate the sulfate content in the samples, and compare it with the Indonesian Ministry of Health Regulation Permenkes RI No. 32//2017. The research stages include calibration, calibration curve creation, making standard H2SO4 solutions, measuring the absorbance of the standard solutions, and analyzing the sulfate content in water samples. The research results showed that the sulfate concentration in the Bangkalan, Nginden, Sidoarjo, Keputih, and Kapas Madya well water samples were 14.0817, 27.551, 29.1837, 49.0817, 54.6939 ppm, respectively. Based on the Indonesian Ministry of Health Regulation Permenkes RI No. 32//2017, the maximum sulfate content in water is 400 mg/L, thus it can be concluded that the water samples in those areas have met the clean water standards

    Efisiensi Proses Produksi Garam Rekristalisasi Unit Pengeringan Pabrik Garam Rakyat

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    Industri garam perlu dikembangkan sehingga Indonesia tidak perlu bergantung pada industri di negara lain. Produk garam telah dikonsumsi oleh manusia sebagai bahan tambahan makanan yang penting dan sebagai bahan baku untuk aplikasi industri. Maka dari itu, perlunya melakukan efisiensi pada pabrik-pabrik garam di Indonesia agar menghasilkan garam yang bermutu dan melimpah. Garam rekristal sendiri adalah salah satu garam yang berguna untuk meningkatkan kadar NaCl di dalamnya. ProsesPembuatan Garam rekristal ini dimulai dengan pencampuran, perebusan, penirisan, pengeringan, dan penambahan KIO3. Metode pengeringan merupakan proses dimana memisahkan garam rekristal dari air dengan cara menguapkan kandungan air yang ada di dalamnya. Metode pengeringan dapat dilakukan menggunakan berbagai macam cara, salah satunya menggunakan bantuan alat Fluidized Bed Dryer. Didapatkan efisiensi menggunakan fluidized bed dryer dapat meningkatkan jumlah produksi garam rekristal serta mengurangi penggunaan energi hingga selisih sebesar 7131,3 kkal/hari, jumlah produksi garam juga meningkat mencapai 22,071 ton/tahun dengan pendapatan yang didapatkan mencapai Rp 143.461.738 /tahun. ====================================================================================================================================== The salt industry needs to be developed so that Indonesia does not need to rely on industries in other countries. Salt products have been consumed by humans as important food additives and as raw materials for industrial applications. Therefore, it is necessary to make efficiency in salt factories in Indonesia in order to produce quality and abundant salt. Recrystallized salt itself is one of the salts that is useful for increasing the NaCl content in it. The process of making recrystallized salt starts with mixing, boiling, draining, drying, and adding KIO3. The drying method is a process where separating recrystallized salt from water by evaporating the water content in it. The drying method can be done using a variety of ways, one of which uses the help of a Fluidized Bed Dryer tool. It was found that the efficiency of using a fluidized bed dryer can increase the amount of recrystallized salt production and reduce energy use to a difference of 7131.3 kcal / day, the amount of salt production also increased to 22,071 tons / year with the income obtained reaching Rp 143,461,738 / year