699 research outputs found

    Orientations of hamiltonian cycles in large digraphs

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    We prove that, with some exceptions, every digraph with n ≥ 9 vertices and at least (n - 1) (n - 2) + 2 arcs contains all orientations of a Hamiltonian cycle

    Characteristics of German child-directed speech during book sharing and play activities in a standardized naturalistic setting

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    Children learn language in interactions embedded in the social environment. Previous research shows that activity contexts shape speech directed to children in complex ways. The ways in which the immediate situational environment influences communicative interaction with children is therefore of interest in research on child-directed speech. In this thesis, I present results from a study based on data from three target children (all girls, sampled at ages 2;1 and 2;5, selected from the Szagun corpus in the CHILDES database). The research questions addressed are: (1) Do characteristics of speech addressed to German-learning two-year old children vary as a function of activity in unstructured designs? (2) What is the extent and nature of within-activity variation, both inter- and intra-individually? Data was tagged semi-automatically for morphosyntactic categories. Activity contexts (book sharing, social play, solitary play) were annotated manually, using gem headers (an annotation format in the CHILDES infrastructure). Characteristics of German child-directed speech (including quantity in terms of number of utterances, lexical diversity in terms of VOCD, mean length of utterance in words, noun-to-verb ratio as well as the proportion of wh-questions) were analyzed by activity context using CLAN tools and the R software environment. Qualitative analyses of extracts from transcripts are presented as an attempt to shed light on the inter- and intraindividual variation observed and how different organization of activities relate to quantitative measures. Results indicate, descriptively, that differences in characteristics of German child-directed speech arise when comparing book sharing, social play and solitary play activities. However, variability is high within and across participants. The study illustrates how activity contexts may be considered in future work investigating child-directed speech based on existing data using the CHILDES infrastructure

    Origin of charge density at LaAlO3-on-SrTiO3 hetero-interfaces; possibility of intrinsic doping

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    As discovered by Ohtomo et al., a large sheet charge density with high mobility exists at the interface between SrTiO3 and LaAlO3. Based on transport, spectroscopic and oxygen-annealing experiments, we conclude that extrinsic defects in the form of oxygen vacancies introduced by the pulsed laser deposition process used by all researchers to date to make these samples is the source of the large carrier densities. Annealing experiments show a limiting carrier density. We also present a model that explains the high mobility based on carrier redistribution due to an increased dielectric constant.Comment: 14 pages, 3 figures, 1 table; accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. Lett

    Daily torpor: When heart and brain go cold - Nonlinear cardiac dynamics in the seasonal heterothermic Djungarian hamster

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    Djungarian hamsters (Phodopus sungorus) acclimated to short photoperiod display episodes of spontaneous daily torpor with metabolic rate depressed by ∼70%, body temperature (

    Protokoll: Systematisches Review zur Wirkung von didaktisch-methodischen Ansätzen des sprachsensiblen Unterrichts

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    Die internationalen Vergleichsstudien der 2000er-Jahre haben offengelegt, dass sprachliche Bildung und schulischer Erfolg in Deutschland in einem direkten Verhältnis stehen. Seither wird zunehmend das Ziel verfolgt, mittels sprachsensibler Ansätze Schülerinnen und Schüler im Fachunterricht dabei zu unterstützen, die dort vermittelten Inhalte sprachlich zu durchdringen und somit, neben bildungssprachlichen Kompetenzen, fachliches Lernen zu fördern. Inzwischen sind sprachsensible Maßnahmen bereits in Lehrplänen, Curricula sowie in der Aus- und Weiterbildung von Lehrkräften verankert. Aus Forschungsperspektive lässt sich jedoch „ein Missverhältnis zwischen der wachsenden Anzahl dieser Maßnahmen und gesicherten Erkenntnissen bezüglich ihrer Wirksamkeit feststellen” (Busse 2019:14). Daher bedarf es im Sinne einer evidenzinformierten Bildungspolitik und -praxis der forschungsbasierten Klärung dieses Sachverhalts. Mittels eines systematischen Reviews wird am Mercator-Institut für Sprachförderung und Deutsch als Zweitsprache untersucht, ob und unter welchen Bedingungen sprachsensible Unterrichtsansätze nachweislich Wirkung zeigen. Entsprechend des standardisierten Vorgehens und zur Sicherung der Qualität von systematischen Reviews wird in diesem a priori Protokoll, das ein peer review Verfahren durchlaufen hat, der konzeptuelle Hintergrund, das systematische Vorgehen zur Suche und Identifizierung relevanter Dokumente sowie die Kriterien der Beurteilung interner und externer Validität, vorab veröffentlicht

    Torpor, arousal and activity of hibernating greater horseshoe bats (Rhinolophus ferrumequinum)

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    1. Patterns of torpor, arousal, and activity in free-living greater horseshoe bats, Rhinolophus ferrumequinum, were investigated during the hibernation period by using temperature-sensitive radio-transmitters. 2. Torpor bouts varied between 0.1 - 11.8 days, with individual means ranging from 1.3 - 7.4 days. Torpor bout duration decreased with increasing ambient temperature. 3. Activity duration varied from 37 minutes – 54 hours 24 minutes, with individual means ranging from 2:29 to 8:58 hours. Activity duration increased with ambient temperatures above approximately 10oC. 4. Ten of 11 bats synchronised their arousals with dusk. The circadian rhythm of one bat showed a free-running pattern over a period of about five weeks. Arousals were more highly synchronised, and closer to dusk, in individuals with lower body condition. 5. That bats forage in mild weather is supported by the strong synchronisation of arousals with dusk, especially in bats with low body condition. 6. Patterns of torpor and subsequent activity are consistent with predictions that torpor lasts until a critical metabolic or water imbalance is achieved. Because metabolism and water loss are temperature-dependent, torpor bout duration decreases with increasing temperature. The imbalance is corrected during subsequent activity, which is relatively constant in duration until a temperature threshold of 10oC, above which increasing levels of foraging lead to longer activity bouts

    Carbohydrate and torpor duration in hibernating golden-mantled ground squirrels ( Citellus lateralis )

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    Plasma glucose concentrations were increased in torpid Citellus lateralis to test the hypothesis that plasma glucose depletion stimulates periodic arousals from torpor during hibernation.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/47127/1/360_2004_Article_BF00689301.pd


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    Abstrak : Pengembangan sistem informasi (SI) harus dilakukan dengan strategi dan model yang sesuai dengan karakteristik persoalan organisasi emergent. Penelitian yang dilaksanakan mengusulkan konsep SI-Tumbuh dalam mendukung pengembangan SI dengan memanfaatkan konsep konstruktor organik terdiri dari Peran (Role) dan Satuan-kerja (Task). Eksplorasi konstruktor organik dalam kasus pengembangan SI berhasil membuktikan bahwa konstruktor organik dapat digunakan untuk mendefinisikan dan merepresentasikan model SI-Tumbuh dan dapat membawa pada sebuah konsep integrasi berkelanjutan antara SI dan lingkungan kerjanya. Kata Kunci : Emergent, konstruktor organik, Peran, Satuan-kerja, SI-Tumbu

    Winter activity of a population of greater horseshoe bats (Rhinolophus ferrumequinum)

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    Activity patterns of a greater horseshoe bats Rhinolophus ferrumequinum were investigated at caves in Cheddar (south-west England) during the hibernation season. An ultrasound detector and datalogger were used to monitor and record the number of echolocation calls in a single cave. Activity of R. ferrumequinum remained largely nocturnal throughout winter, and the mean time of activity over 24 hours was 88 to 369 minutes (1.47 to 6.15 hours) after sunset. There was an increase in diurnal activity from late May to early June, probably because bats remained active after foraging at dawn towards the end of the hibernation season. Visits to the cave did not increase bat activity. Cave air temperature reflected external climatic temperature, although there was variation in cave temperature and its range within and across caves. Individual R. ferrumequinum are usually dispersed in caves in regions where temperature fluctuations correlate with climatic variations in temperature. There was a positive correlation between the number of daily bat passes monitored by the bat detector and datalogger (= daily activity) and cave temperature. Nocturnal activity may sometimes be associated with winter feeding. Neither date nor barometric pressure had a significant effect on daily activity. Activity patterns largely reflected the findings from individual R. ferrumequinum studied by telemetry (Park, 1998), in that bat activity increased with cave and climatic temperatures, and the temporal pattern of activity remained consistently nocturnal throughout winter, starting at dusk

    Dance movement patterns recognition

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    Nota: Aquest document conté originàriament altre material i/o programari només consultable a la Biblioteca de Ciència i Tecnologia."Es tracta d'un projecte dividit en dues parts independents però complementàries, realitzades per autors diferents. Aquest document conté originàriament altre material i/o programari només consultable a la Biblioteca de Ciència i Tecnologia"Part 1: The proposal of this project arises as a result of the necessity to obtain a greater interaction between people and machines. In our case, between the user and the application that reproduces a dancer. In order to perform this project we work with the application "The Virtual Dancer", of which main goal is to dance with a human. The application picks the movements of the user up (by computer vision, implemented with C++), it processes them and it acts according to them (implemented with Java). For a greater interaction the application not only catches the movements. Now the application knows what movements it is receiving. In this way the interaction is "richer". Once the movements made by the user are known, the following step is to recognize groups of movements (choreographies), in other words, patterns of dance movements. While recognizing movement patterns, the application analyses the next chorus, introducing a new step to the user, changing the choreography, encouraging the user, and so on. It does it in an interactive way; a way that makes the user feels more comfortable, without cuts and abrupt movements of the virtual dancer. Part 2: During this project has been tried to detect user movements using the received data of a webcam. This function has been implemented inside the virtual dancer application. In this part of the project we receive treated data by the visual part of this application which gives us only some important data about the user like could be his centre of mass position or the radius round him. With this data has been searched a way to translate this data to a recognized movement (left step, right step, jump …). The method used has been the Markov Hidden Model, with this method we have created some graphs with the features of each movement to recognize, and analyzing an input data sequence over this graph, using the Viterbi's Algorithm, we can recognize movements done by the user with quite good results. After this, we have tried to improve the method to also detect complex patterns (left step+twister+jump…). To do this new function, we have adapted the simple movement recognition function, to receive the already recognized steps and detect some kind of patterns in these recognized movements. Finally we have done a function to generate the HMM graphs used to recognize complex patterns.Part 1: La proposta d'aquest projecte sorgeix per la necessitat d'obtenir una major interacció entre persones i màquines. En el nostre cas, entre un usuari i una aplicació que reprodueix una ballarina. Per realitzar el següent projecte s'ha utilitzat l'aplicació "The Virtual Dancer", que té com a objectiu principal ballar amb l'usuari. L'aplicació capta els moviments de l'usuari (mitjançant visió per computador, implementada amb C++), els processa i actua segons ells (implementat amb Java). Per obtenir una major interacció, s'ha optat per fer que l'aplicació, no només capti els moviments, sinó que sàpiga què moviments està captant per a què, d'aquesta manera, la interacció sigui mes "rica". Una vegada es sap quins moviments fa l'usuari, el següent pas es reconèixer conjunts de moviments (coreografies), és a dir, patrons de moviments de ball. Reconeguem-te patrons de moviment, l'aplicació pot avançar-se a l'usuari en la següent tornada, introduïnt nous passos, variant la coreografia, animant l'usuari, etc. Però d'una manera interactiva, d'una manera que fa que l'usuari no percebi talls, ni moviments bruscos i es senti còmode. Part 2: Durant aquest projecte s'han intentat detectar moviments de l'usuari utilitzant la informació rebuda d'una càmera web. Aquesta funció ha estat implementada dins l'aplicació de la ballarina virtual. En aquesta part del projecte rebem informació ja tractada per la part visual de l'aplicació, la qual només ens dóna la informació més important de l'usuari, com podria ser la posició del seu centre de massa o el radi al voltant d'ell. Amb aquesta informació s'ha buscat una manera de traduir-la a un moviment reconegut (pas a la dreta, pas a la esquerra, salt,...). El mètode utilitzat ha estat el Model Ocult de Markov. Amb aquest mètode hem creat alguns grafs amb les característiques de cadascun dels moviments a reconèixer, i analitzant una seqüència d'entrada sobre aquest graf, utilitzant l'algorisme de Viterbi, podem reconèixer els moviments realitzats per l'usuari amb uns resultats força bons. Després d'això, hem intentat millorar el mètode per també detectar patrons de moviment complexes (pas dret + twister + salt + ...). Per fer aquesta nova funcionalitat hem adaptat la funció de reconeixement de moviments simples per rebre els pasos simples ja reconeguts i detectar algun tipus de patró en aquests moviments. Finalment hem realitzat una funció per generar el grafs HMM utilitzats per reconèixer els patrons complexes de moviments