1,063 research outputs found
Outcomes of Vietnamas Agrarian Policies after aoDoi Moia: A Case Study of Attempted Agricultural Intensification and Diversification In a Village in Vietnamas Mekong Delta
This study reviews Vietnam s agrarian policy since Doi Moi and examines the impacts of these policy shifts in one village of the Mekong Delta In Vietnam agrarian policy changes since Doi Moi in 1988 have gradually led to the intensification of rice production and high-value food production including prawns and fish for export and the domestic market in the Mekong Delta But the benefits have been unevenly distributed among farmers In particular farmers with small land holdings have faced many difficulties This study reveals that in the study village prawn and fish farming has in general failed due to the high risks that can occur in raising them either in the field or in a fish pond under the intensification of rice land utilizatio
The Factors Affecting the Net Income of the Households for Mono Rice Production, Rice-Upland Crop and Rice-Aquaculture in the Mekong Delta of Vietnam
The study on the factors affecting the net income of the households for mono rice production rice-upland crop and rice-aquaculture in the Mekong Delta was conducted in July 2013 which aimed to 1 Assess the main resources of the households 2 Analyze factors impacting the net income and 3 Propose solutions for improving the net income for rice production rice-upland crop and rice-aquaculture of households in the Mekong Delta The analysis method was based on the descriptive statistics and the multiple linear regressions The study results showed that 1 The educational levels of the household heads were low 2 The farmland was large with 1 95 hectare per household 3 There are three groups of household having the main net income from agricultural production and the second net income from the non-agricultural activity 4 The net income of the mono rice production households was affected by the participation association of the household heads and the farmland area 5 the net income of the rice-upland crop households was impacted by the family man-days and the production investment in materials and 6 the net income of the riceaquacultural households was effected by the educationallevels the family man-days and the farmland area Based onthe study results some solutions for improvement of the household net income were propose
Stereometric ultrasonic distance sensor
Bakalářská práce se zabývá návrhem a realizací senzorické soustavy pro detekci a lokalizaci překážky. Poloha překážky je dána dvěma parametry: vzdáleností a úhlem od středu. Navržená soustava se skládá ze dvou ultrazvukových senzorů SRF02 a je řízena mikrokontrolérem Atmega128 přes sběrnici I2C. Rozmístění těchto senzorů bylo optimalizováno pomocí matematického modelu tak, aby navržená soustava pracovala s optimální přesností a byla schopna sledovat největší možný prostor. Soustavou naměřené výsledky jsou poté zobrazeny na modulu LCD displeje nebo mohou být uloženy v mikrokontroléru jako parametry pro jiné úlohy.This bachelor thesis deals with designing and realizing a sensory system for detecting the presence of targets and its location. Target is located by two parameters: the distance and the view angle from sensory system. This system is set up by two ultrasonic distance sensors SRF02, driven by microcontroller Atmega128, using I2C communication protocol. The placement of the two ultrasonic distance sensors is optimized by using mathematical model, it enables the system to perform optimum accuracy and be able to observe the largest area possible. The measurement results then will be shown on LCD display module or they can be saved and used as input parameters for other tasks.
Vietnamese Women and Domestic Violence: A Qualitative Examination
This grounded theory qualitative study investigated the major influencing factors in the United States that empowered six Vietnamese women who had been in abusive relationships to take actions, to make changes in their intimate relationships, unlike many of their abused counterparts in their homeland. Interviews of two focus group sessions, field-notes, and documentary evidence were used to obtain the results for this research study. Five major dominant influencing factors in the U.S. have helped these women to stand up to their abusers: 1) financial condition, 2) dominant U.S. cultures intolerance of domestic violence, 3) education, 4) support from other individuals, both genders, and 5) women role models in the community and from the media. These major determinant conditions of the theoretical model were identified and are illustrated by narrative data in this study
Laborer Status and the Effect of Vocational Training on Employment and Income of Rural Laborers in Kien Giang Province, Vietnam
The results of this study show that Kien Giang has an abundant youth laborer force 43 of laborers are between the ages 15 to 29 most of whom are involved in the handicraft sector and non-agriculture wage employment while most laborers aging between 45 and 60 are involved in agricultural work However laborers had a difficult time finding jobs after participating in career training because the quality of training was not high and because the duration of training was short Of those being trained 51 received training in industrial and construction profession
Livelihood Diversification Strategies of Khmer and Kinh Farmers in the Mekong Delta since the 1993 Land Law
With the introduction of the 1993 Land Law and other economic reforms in Vietnam land has effectively become a commodity the distribution of which is controlled by market mechanisms As a result both ethnic Khmer and Kinh ethnic Vietnamese farmers in the Mekong Delta have responded by diversifying their livelihood strategies This study finds that 1 The better-off Kinh households had more capital to expand their land for their farming and business Therefore more the Kinh households bought land than Khmer households did Vice versa more Khmer households sold their land than Kinh households did In both Khmer and Kinh households the better-off households bought land and the poor households sold land Nowadays the land sizes per household have shrunk and are not large enough for farming 2 Intensification and diversification were implemented within various groups Those who own land try to intensify rice farming and to combine farm activities with off-farm and non-farm activities but those who are landless have to rely on hiring out their labor in both the farm and non-farm activities and 3 Externally driven forces have shifted the sources of local labor and hired labor for agricultural production in the local area Thus hired laborers required from outside the local areas are acquired through labor market networking between farmers and the poor hired laborers in the region The poor landless Khmers in Soc Trang province have found alternative ways to cope with the risks they face in terms of survival Consequently the hired labor from the poor Khmers in Soc Trang contributed effectively to the rice harvest seasons in Thoi Lai Can Tho comprising 20 percent of the laborers for the rice production and contributing 70 percent of the total hired laborers for harvesting rice in the hamlet in 200
Synthesis and reactivity of 4-(trifluoromethyl)azetidin-2-ones
Because of the beneficial effect of a trifluoromethyl group on the biological properties of bioactive compounds on the one hand and the versatile synthetic potential of beta-lactams on the other hand, 4-CF3-beta-lactams comprises interesting entities for the preparation of a large variety of CF3-substituted nitrogen-containing target structures with promising biological characteristics. In this review, we present an overview of different building block approach-based routes toward the synthesis of 4-(trifluoromethyl)azetidin-2-ones and the application of the "beta-lactam synthon method" for the synthesis of a diverse set of (a)cyclic CF3-substituted molecules by means of ring-opening and ring-transformation reactions
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