792 research outputs found


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    Bali is known as a very popular tourist destination area, not only in Indonesia but also overseas. The tourism is supported by the cultural identity of Balinese ethnic, its customs and culture which are based on the values of Hinduism and Tri Hita Karana philosophy. The sociocultural change which is an impact of modernization, globalization, tourism growth and the inflow of other ethnics threatens the identity of Balinese ethnic. It has developed a politics of identity known as Ajeg Bali.Desa Pakraman is a traditional institution that becomes the basis of implementation and the agent of socialization of Ajeg Bali movement. It has many social and religious institutions that are considered as a cultural twist of Balinese culture. Desa Pakraman Ubud is well known as ā€˜kampung globalā€™ (global village). In relation to the cultural and tourism identity preserve, Desa Pakraman Ubud applies the politics of identity of Ajeg Bali movement. Related to these reasons, this research focuses on some problems: (1) Why does the community of Desa Pakraman Ubud carry out the retention of ethnic identity through the politics of identity of Ajeg Bali movement?; (2) What is the pattern of the retention of ethnic identity through Ajeg Bali in Desa Pakraman Ubud?; (3) What is the implication of the retention of ethnic identity through Ajeg Bali toward inter-ethnic relations in Desa Pakraman Ubud?This study employs qualitative research with an ethnography approach. The site of this research is Desa Pakraman Ubud, Gianyar, Bali. The data were collected from interview, direct observation to the site, and document analysis. The data were analyzed by considering emic and etic perspektives. The results of the study demonstrates that the practice of the politics of identity of Ajeg Bali movement in Desa Pakraman Ubud emerges as a retention of cultural identity of Balinese ethnic towards the politics of culture from Orde Baru, modernization, globalization, and a retention toward the non-Balinese ethnic. The politics of identity of Ajeg Bali movement takes place in kuren and dadia, desa pakraman, desa dinas, subak, sekaa, puri and geriya for informal education. On the contrary, it takes place in schools for formal education. For non formal education, it occurs in mass media. The application of this movement has an implication to an affirmation of desa pakramanā€™s position and the inter-ethnic relations which bring an ethnocentrism concept, stereotype and ethnic prejudice. It also causes an implication on associative, dissociative and adaptive social process.Key words: Ajeg Bali, politics of identity, retention of ethnic identity, agents of socializatio


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    TutyAlawiyah: ā€œThe Effectiveness of Dictogloss Method on Listening Skill of Narrative Text at Tenth Grade Students of Ma Al Iman Adiwerna Tegalā€ In this era many students who have difficulty in listening English especially about learning listening. Many problems based on condition of learning listening at tenth grade students of Ma AdiwernaTegal, students difficult to understand the topic or, content of spoken because, students feel the speaker speak quickly and confuse when they listen from a tape or recorder by native speaker. But in fact, most of the Senior High School students are still low in listening skill especially listening text (narrative text). Therefore, the main objective of this study was to see whether the use of Dictogloss method was effective in increasing the studentsā€™ listening skill. This research based onVasiljevic theory. The aims of the research in writing thesis are:to know the studentsachievement listening skill of narrative text at tenth grade students of Ma AdiwernaTegal that using dictogloss method at experiment class, to know the studentsachievement listening skill of narrative text at tenth grade students of Ma AdiwernaTegal without using dictogloss method at control class, and to know if there any positive and significant the effectiveness of dictogloss method on listening skill of narrative text at tenth grade students of Ma Al ImanAdiwernaTegal. This research method is quantitative, that used quasi experiment design. The population of this research is the researcher used. The population was at the tenth grade students of MA Al-ImanAdiwernaTegal with a total number of 90 students and 61 students were taken as sample. The data were collected by using multiple choice listening test (pre and post-test). Futhermore, the data obtained were analyzed by using t-test formula through SPSS program version The result findings shows the average score that the achievement of studentsā€™ listening skill before used Dictogloss method at experiment classis 68.45 and the achievement of studentsā€™ listening skill after used Dictogloss method is 79.03, it means that the achievement after the method higher than before it is 79.03 > 74.86.While the studentsā€™s ability after using Dictogloss method was increased with the average 79.03 for experimen class and 74.86 for control class. Here the independent sample t-test is used, because the data is comes from the different group. The finding show the t-test result it can be seen that tcount is 2.289 and ttable = 1.671. So, the researcher made the conclusions of the hypothesis that tcount is higher than ttable namely 2.571>1.684 an from formula of t-test shown thatto > tt namely 0,026 < 0,05, In other word, the Alternative Hypothesis (Ha) is accepted and the Null Hypothesis (Ho) is rejected. It means that there is positive and significant effect of using dictogloss method on listening skill of narrative text at Tenth Grade Stdents of Ma Al Iman Adiwerna Tegal. Keyword: Dictogloss method, Listening Skill.Narrative Text

    The Effect of Tuberculosis on the Growth and Development of Children in Indonesia

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    A case study conducted at the Jatibening Community Health Center found 50 cases where tuberculosis affected the growth and development of toddlers in 2016, 62 in 2017 and 75 in 2018. This research aimed to examine the effect of tuberculosis on the growth and development of infants in UPTD Puskesmas Jatibening in 2019. Primary and secondary data were collected, and the Chi-square test was used for analysis. The results showed that tuberculosis had a significant effect on the growth and development of infants (p = 0.01). It is recommended that health workers provide education to families to pay attention about nutrition for the growth of infants. Keywords: toddlers, growth &amp; tuberculosis (TB


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan&nbsp; untuk mencari suatu strategi pembelajaran daring yang efektif dimasa pademi covid-19 dalam mengajarkan materi matematika kelas X MIPA SMA NEGERI 1 Lubuklinggau. Strategi dalam penelitian tindakan kelas ini dilakukan melalui 2 siklus dan pada setiap siklus meliputi kegiatan perencanaan , pelaksanaan , observasi dan refleksi. Sedang untuk&nbsp; mengetahui keadaan awal siswa peneliti menyebarkan angket secara online. Yang menjadi objek pada penelitian tindakan kelas ini adalah kelas X MIPA SMA NEGERI 1Lubuklinggau. Hasil penelitian tindakan kelas dengan 2 siklus terlihat adanya peningkatan hasil yang dicapai sesuai dengan indikator keberhasilan. Pada siklus I siswa yang mengikuti pembelajaran sebanyak 79%&nbsp; mengalami peningkatan sebanyak 6% pada siklus II sebesar 85% siswa yang mengikuti pembelajaran. Dalam hal ketepatan waktu siswa dalam mengumpulkan tugas juga mengalami peningkatan sebesar 5% dari siklus I sebesar 72% menjadi 77%.&nbsp; Ini membuktikan bahwa lebih dari 75% siswa yang mengikuti pembelajaran secara daring dan mengumpulakan tugas tepat pada waktunya

    A Preliminary Study Of Genetic Variation Of Galaxias Olidus (S Almoniformes : Galaxiidae) In Western Victoria, Australia

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    ABSTRACT Arisuryanti, T. 2000. A preliminary study of genetic variation of Galaxias olidus (Salmoniformes : Galaxiidae) in western Victoria, Australia. Biologi2 (9): 487-498. Four populations (two western populations : Fitzroy River and Scrubby Creek, and two eastern populations : Matthews Creek and Barwon River) of the mountain galaxias, Galaxias olidus, were investigated for genetic variation at 38 loci encoding electrophoretically detectable proteins recorded from 23 system enzymes and general proteins using allozyme electrophoresis methods. Genetic variation was concentrated at only three loci : Malate dehydrogenase (Mdh), Glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase-1 and 2 (Gpdh-1 and Gpdh-2). Fixed allozyme differences were found between the eastern populations and the western populations at Mdh and Gpdh-2 loci while within the western populations were observed at one locus (Gpdh-1). On the basis of genetic similarity values, these four populations are still considered to be conspecific (1=0.95) nonetheless leading to incipient speciation. Key words: genetic variation Ć¢ Galaxias allozyme electrophoresi

    Hukum Menggugurkan Kandungan (Aborsi) Dalam Perspektif Fikih Islam

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    Pergaulan bebas antara laki-laki dan perempuan di luar pernikahaan, terutama para pelajar dan mahasiswa hari ini sudah sampai batas yang sangat mengkawatirkan. Ini akibat hilangnya nilai-nilai agama dalam kehidupan masyarakat, ditambah dengan gencarnya mass media yang menawarkan kehidupan glamor, bebas dan serba hedonis yang menyebabkan generasi muda terseret dalam jurang kehancuran. Pacaran sudah menjadi aktivitas yang lumrah, bahkan sebagian orang tua mlinder dan merasa malu jika anaknya tidak mempunyai pacar, karena menurut pandangan mereka orang yang tidak pacaran, adalah orang yang tidak bisa bergaul dan masa depannya suram,serta susah mencari jodoh. Tidak sedikit dari mereka yang akhirnya melakukan hubungan seks di luar pernikahan dan hamil, kemudian berakhir dengan pengguran kandungan dengan paksa. Data statistis BKBN (Badan Koordinasi Keluarga Berencana Nasional) menunjukkan bahwa sekitar 2.000.000 kasus aborsi terjadi setiap tahun di Indonesia. Untuk kasus aborsi di luar negeri ā€“ khususnya di Amerika ā€“&nbsp; data-datanya telah dikumpulkan oleh dua badan utama, yaitu Federal Centers for Disease Control (CDC) dan Alan Guttmacher Institute (AGI) yang menunjukkan hampir 2 juta jiwa terbunuh akibat aborsi. Jumlah ini jauh lebih banyak dari jumlah nyawa manusia yang dibunuh dalam perang manapun dalam sejarah negara itu. Begitu juga lebih banyak dari kematian akibat kecelakaan, maupun akibat penyakit. Dengan demikian, aborsi secara umum merupakan perbuatan keji, tidak berperikemanusiaan dan bertentangan hukum dan ajaran agama. Walaupun demikian, hukum Aborsi secara khusus perlu dikaji secara lebih mendalam, karena Aborsi bukanlah dalam satu bentuk, tetapi mempunyai berbagai macam. Sementara itu Islam bukanlah agama yang kaku, tetapi agama yang memandang kehidupan manusia ini dari berbagai sudut, sehingga ditemukan di dalamnya solusi atas segala problematika yang dihadapi oleh manusia


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    Muslikha Tuty Amaliyah : Pandangan Masyarakat Cirebon Terhadap Tradisi Mandi Sumur Pitu Di Desa Astana Gunung Jati Tradisi mandi Sumur Pitu di Desa Astana Gunung Jati sudah melekat di masyarakat, sehingga menarik untuk dikaji. Kebiasaan mandi Sumur Pitu ini menjadi kebiasaan masyarakat, baik masyarakat pribumi maupun dari luar daerah. Kajian mengenai tradisi mandi Sumur Pitu ini akan dikaitkan dengan respon masyarakat. Mengenai pandangan masyarakat bahwa Sumur Pitu dapat mendatangkan kebaikan dan mempunyai banyak manfaat setelah melakukan mandi tersebut. Secara tidak langsung kepercayaan tersebut menjadi berpengaruh terhadap masyarakat setelah mandi Sumur Pitu. Banyak masyarakat yang menyalahgunakan Sumur Pitu sebagai tempat memintaminta. Sumur Pitu merupakan peninggalan Wali yang digunakan sebagai tempat bersuci. Wali dan Sumur Pitu hanya sebagai perantara, yang mengabulkan segala sesuatu adalah Allah. Dalam penelitian ini dirumuskan masalah yang terkait dengan latar belakang di atas yakni: pertama, Apa makna Sumur Pitu di Desa Astana Gunung Jati?; kedua, Bagaimana Sejarah Tradisi Mandi Sumur Pitu di Desa Astana Gunung Jati?; ketiga, Bagaimana pandangan masyarakat terhadap sumur pitu? Adapun penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: pertama, memahami makna Sumur Pitu di desa Astana Gunung Jati, kedua, memahami Tradisi Sumur Pitu di Desa Astana Gunung Jati, dan terakhir, ketiga, Mengetahui pandangan masyarakat terhadap sumut pitu. Untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut digunakan metode penelitian kualitatif yaitu: observasi dan wawancara (In-dept interview). Dari penelitian ini dihasilkan beberapa kesimpulan sebagai berikut: Pertama, Sumur Pitu mengandung makna bahwa manusia harus melakukan kebaikan dan menjaga sifat dasar. Sifat dasar itu terkandung dalam ketujuh sumur yang ada di Desa Astana Gunung Jati tersebut. Pertama; Sumur Kanoman (tawaddu), kedua; Sumur Kasepuhan (dewasa), ketiga; Sumur Jati (ingat akan sejatinya manusia sebagai hamba Allah yang melaksanakan perintah-Nya dan menjauhi larangan-Nya), keempat; Sumur Kemuliaan (taqwa), kelima; Sumur Tegangpati (pasrah kepada Allah), keenam; Sumur Kejayaan (berpegang teguh dalam syariat Islam), dan ketujuh; Sumur Jalatunda (melaksanakan syariat Islam bukan lagi menjadi beban, tetapi sebagai panggilan). Kedua, tradisi mandi Sumur Pitu dilaksanakan setiap malam Jumat Kliwon. Para pengunjung yang mandi Sumur Pitu datang dari berbagai daerah, dengan tujuan yang berbeda-beda. Dahulu sumur tersebut digunakan oleh para wali untuk bersuci dan berwudlu. Sedangkan sekarang sumur tersebut dipergunakan oleh masyarakat untuk tujuan mendapatkan kebaikan, dan sebagian masyarakat meyakini bahwa sumur tersebut mengandung berkah dan karomah. Ketiga, pandangan masyarakat Desa Astana Gunung Jati terhadap Sumur Pitu yaitu Sumur Pitu merupakan peninggalan para wali yang harus dijaga dan dipelihara. Sumur tersebut hanya sebagai perantara, manusia hanya bisa berusaha dan berdoa, karena semua ketentuan bergantung kepada kehendak Allah SWT

    Perencanaan Karir sebagai Antecedent, dan Sikap Kerja Serta Kinerja sebagai Dampak Career Plateau pada Guru SMP dan SMA Swasta di Surabaya

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    Most people want to achieve career success in their job. When an individual perceivesthat his likelihood to move up on hierarchy position is low and the job has becomeboring for him; he has experienced in career plateau. Career plateau is contributed bycareer planning. In the previous researchs, career plateau was often found to bringnegative effect on job attitudes (job satisfaction and organizational commitment). Thisstudy examines the antecedent and effects of career plateau. Data of 158 private SMPand SMA teachers in Surabaya shows that career planning has significant effect on jobcontent plateau, but not hierarchical plateau. Job content plateau has effect on affectivecommitment, job satisfaction, career satisfaction, and performance. Hierarchical plateauhas no effect on job attitudes and performance.Key words: Career Plateau, organizational commitment, job satisfaction, performanc
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