869 research outputs found

    Biotic analogies for self-organising cities

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    Nature has inspired generations of urban designers and planners in pursuit of harmonious and functional built environments. Research regarding self-organisation has encouraged urbanists to consider the role of bottom-up approaches in generating urban order. However, the extent to which self-organisation-inspired approaches draw directly from nature is not always clear. Here, we examined the biological basis of urban research, focusing on self-organisation. We conducted a systematic literature search of self-organisation in urban design and biology, mapped the relationship between key biological terms across the two fields and assessed the quality and validity of biological comparisons in the urban design literature. Finding deep inconsistencies in the mapping of central terms between the two fields, a preponderance for cross-level analogies and comparisons that spanned molecules to ecosystems, we developed a biotic framework to visualise the analogical space and elucidate areas where new inspiration may be sought

    A cohort study of post-weaning multisystemic wasting syndrome and PCV2 in 178 pigs from birth to 14 weeks on a single farm in England

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    Our hypothesis was that pigs that develop post-weaning multisystemic wasting syndrome (PMWS) are detectable from an early age with signs of weight loss and other clinical and serological abnormalities. Therefore, the objective of this study was to investigate the temporally varying and fixed events linked with the clinical incidence of PMWS by comparing affected and unaffected pigs in a cohort of 178 male piglets. Piglets were enrolled at birth and examined each week. Samples of blood were collected at regular intervals. The exposures measured were porcine circovirus type 2 (PCV2) antibody titres in all 178 and PCV2 antigen in a subset of 75 piglets. We also observed piglet health and measured their weight, and a post-mortem examination was performed by an external laboratory on all pigs between 6 and 14 weeks of age that died. From the cohort, 14 (8%) pigs died from PMWS and 4% from other causes. A further 37 pigs between 6 and 14 weeks of age died from PMWS (30) and ileitis and other causes (7). PMWS was only apparent in pigs from 1 to 2 weeks before death when they wasted rapidly. There were no other characteristic clinical signs and no obvious gross clinical lesions post-mortem. There was no strong link with PCV2 antibody throughout life but PCV2 antigen level was higher from 4 to 6 weeks of age in pigs that died from PMWS compared with pigs that died from other causes

    Exponential-Potential Scalar Field Universes I: The Bianchi I Models

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    We obtain a general exact solution of the Einstein field equations for the anisotropic Bianchi type I universes filled with an exponential-potential scalar field and study their dynamics. It is shown, in agreement with previous studies, that for a wide range of initial conditions the late-time behaviour of the models is that of a power-law inflating FRW universe. This property, does not hold, in contrast, when some degree of inhomogeneity is introduced, as discussed in our following paper II.Comment: 16 pages, Plain LaTeX, 1 Figure to be sent on request, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Black holes from high-energy beam--beam collisions

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    Using a recent technique, proposed by Eardley and Giddings, we extend their results to the high-energy collision of two beams of massless particles, i.e. of two finite-front shock waves. Closed (marginally) trapped surfaces can be determined analytically in several cases even for collisions at non-vanishing impact parameter in D\ge 4 space-time dimensions. We are able to confirm and extend earlier conjectures by Yurtsever, and to deal with arbitrary axisymmetric profiles, including an amusing case of ``fractal'' beams. We finally discuss some implications of our results in high-energy experiments and in cosmology.Comment: 17 pages Revtex, 1 figure, references adde

    Kin selection and parasite evolution: Higher and lower virulence with hard and soft selection

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    Conventional models predict that low genetic relatedness among parasites that coinfect the same host leads to the evolution of high parasite virulence. Such models assume adaptive responses to hard selection only. We show that if soft selection is allowed to operate, low relatedness leads instead to the evolution of low virulence. With both hard and soft selection, low relatedness increases the conflict among coinfecting parasites. Although parasites can only respond to hard selection by evolving higher virulence and overexploiting their host, they can respond to soft selection by evolving other adaptations, such as interference, that prevent overexploitation. Because interference can entail a cost, the host may actually be underexploited, and virulence will decrease as a result of soft selection. Our analysis also shows that responses to soft selection can have a much stronger effect than responses to hard selection. After hard selection has raised virulence to a level that is an evolutionarily stable strategy, the population, as expected, cannot be invaded by more virulent phenotypes that respond only to hard selection. The population remains susceptible to invasion by a less virulent phenotype that responds to soft selection, however. Thus, hard and soft selection are not just alternatives. Rather, soft selection is expected to prevail and often thwart the evolution of virulence in parasites. We review evidence from several parasite systems and find support for soft selection. Most of the examples involve interference mechanisms that indirectly prevent the evolution of higher virulence. We recognize that hard selection for virulence is more difficult to document, but we take our results to suggest that a kin selection model with soft selection may have general applicability

    Resummation of the hadronic tau decay width with the modified Borel transform method

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    A modified Borel transform of the Adler function is used to resum the hadronic tau decay width ratio. In contrast to the ordinary Borel transform, the integrand of the Borel integral is renormalization--scale invariant. We use an ansatz which explicitly accounts for the structure of the leading infrared renormalon. Further, we use judiciously chosen conformal transformations for the Borel variable, in order to map sufficiently away from the origin the other ultraviolet and infrared renormalon singularities. In addition, we apply Pade approximants for the corresponding truncated perturbation series of the modified Borel transform, in order to further accelerate the convergence. Comparing the results with the presently available experimental data on the tau hadronic decay width ratio, we obtain αs(Mz)=0.1192+−0.0007exp.+−0.0010EW+CKM+−0.0009th.+−0.0003evol.\alpha_s(M^z) = 0.1192 +- 0.0007_{exp.} +- 0.0010_{EW+CKM} +- 0.0009_{th.} +- 0.0003_{evol.}. These predictions virtually agree with those of our previous resummations where we used ordinary Borel transforms instead.Comment: 32 pages, 2 eps-figures, revtex; minor changes in the formulations; a typo in Eq.(47) corrected; version as appearing in Phys. Rev.

    Personal identity (de)formation among lifestyle travellers: A double-edged sword?

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    This article explores the personal identity work of lifestyle travellers – individuals for whom extended leisure travel is a preferred lifestyle that they return to repeatedly. Qualitative findings from in-depth semi-structured interviews with lifestyle travellers in northern India and southern Thailand are interpreted in light of theories on identity formation in late modernity that position identity as problematic. It is suggested that extended leisure travel can provide exposure to varied cultural praxes that may contribute to a sense of social saturation. Whilst a minority of the respondents embraced a saturation of personal identity in the subjective formation of a cosmopolitan cultural identity, several of the respondents were paradoxically left with more identity questions than answers as the result of their travels

    A multiwavelength study of the supernova remnant G296.8-0.3

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    We report XMM-Newton observations of the Galactic supernova remnant G296.8-0.3, together with complementary radio and infrared data. The spatial and spectral properties of the X-ray emission, detected towards G296.8-0.3, was investigated in order to explore the possible evolutionary scenarios and the physical connexion with its unusual morphology detected at radio frequencies. G296.8-0.3 displays diffuse X-ray emission correlated with the peculiar radio morphology detected in the interior of the remnant and with the shell-like radio structure observed to the northwest side of the object. The X-ray emission peaks in the soft/medium energy range (0.5-3.0 keV). The X-ray spectral analysis confirms that the column density is high (NH \sim 0.64 x 10^{22} cm^{-2}) which supports a distant location (d>9 kpc) for the SNR. Its X-ray spectrum can be well represented by a thermal (PSHOCK) model, with kT \sim 0.86 keV, an ionization timescale of 6.1 x 10^{10} cm^{-3} s, and low abundance (0.12 Z_sun). The 24 microns observations show shell-like emission correlated with part of the northwest and southeast boundaries of the SNR. In addition a point-like X-ray source is also detected close to the geometrical center of the radio SNR. The object presents some characteristics of the so-called compact central objects (CCO). Its X-ray spectrum is consistent with those found at other CCOs and the value of NH is consistent with that of G296.8-0.3, which suggests a physical connexion with the SNR.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astrophysics & Space Scienc

    On a Light Spinless Particle Coupled to Photons

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    A pseudoscalar or scalar particle ϕ\phi that couples to two photons but not to leptons, quarks and nucleons would have effects in most of the experiments searching for axions, since these are based on the aγγa \gamma \gamma coupling. We examine the laboratory, astrophysical and cosmological constraints on ϕ\phi and study whether it may constitute a substantial part of the dark matter. We also generalize the ϕ\phi interactions to possess SU(2)×U(1)SU(2) \times U(1) gauge invariance, and analyze the phenomenological implications.Comment: LaTex, 20p., 6 figures. Changes in sections 4, 5 and figure 2, our bounds are now more stringent. To be published in Physical Review
