3,735 research outputs found

    A Photoionization Reflectron Time-of-Flight Investigation of Phosphorus Chemistry in Extraterrestrial Ices.

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    Ph.D. Thesis. University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa 2018

    Orbital magnetoelectric coupling in band insulators

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    Magnetoelectric responses are a fundamental characteristic of materials that break time-reversal and inversion symmetries (notably multiferroics) and, remarkably, of "topological insulators" in which those symmetries are unbroken. Previous work has shown how to compute spin and lattice contributions to the magnetoelectric tensor. Here we solve the problem of orbital contributions by computing the frozen-lattice electronic polarization induced by a magnetic field. One part of this response (the "Chern-Simons term") can appear even in time-reversal-symmetric materials and has been previously shown to be quantized in topological insulators. In general materials there are additional orbital contributions to all parts of the magnetoelectric tensor; these vanish in topological insulators by symmetry and also vanish in several simplified models without time-reversal and inversion those magnetoelectric couplings were studied before. We give two derivations of the response formula, one based on a uniform magnetic field and one based on extrapolation of a long-wavelength magnetic field, and discuss some of the consequences of this formula.Comment: 13 page

    Linear and nonlinear decay of cat's eyes in two-dimensional vortices, and the link to Landau poles

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    Copyright © 2007 Cambridge University Press. Published version reproduced with the permission of the publisher.This paper considers the evolution of smooth, two-dimensional vortices subject to a rotating external strain field, which generates regions of recirculating, cat's eye stream line topology within a vortex. When the external strain field is smoothly switched off, the cat's eyes may persist, or they may disappear as the vortex relaxes back to axisymmetry. A numerical study obtains criteria for the persistence of cat's eyes as a function of the strength and time scale of the imposed strain field, for a Gaussian vortex profile. In the limit of a weak external strain field and high Reynolds number, the disturbance decays exponentially, with a rate that is linked to a Landau pole of the linear inviscid problem. For stronger strain fields, but not strong enough to give persistent cat's eyes, the exponential decay of the disturbance varies: as time increases the decay slows down, because of the nonlinear feedback on the mean profile of the vortex. This is confirmed by determining the decay rate given by the Landau pole for these modified profiles. For strain fields strong enough to generate persistent cat's eyes, their location and rotation rate are determined for a range of angular velocities of the external strain field, and are again linked to Landau poles of the mean profiles, modified through nonlinear effects

    Does the professional and working context of United Kingdom clinicians predict if they use practices to support patients with long term conditions to self manage?

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    INTRODUCTION: Our study examines how the professional and employment context may influence clinicians' practice self management support for patients with long term conditions (LTC). MATERIAL AND METHODS: We surveyed clinicians working with patients with depression, chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder (COPD), chronic musculo skeletal pain and diabetes. RESULTS: Clinicians most frequently endorsed items on a scale concerned with patient centeredness, and less frequently endorsed items concerned with clinical and organizational self management support. The most important factors predicting these latter activities were the intensity of working experience with patients with LTC and attending professional training addressing the principles and practice of self management support. Practicing patient centeredness was endorsed by nearly all respondents, and so was not sensitive to variation on work variables. CONCLUSIONS: The interaction of training and intensity of work with patients with LTC seems to have the most powerful effect on undertaking clinical and organizational self management support practices. To facilitate clinicians' practice of self management support for patients with LTC it is very important to provide relevant professional training and to build specialized patient care teams with professionals having complimentary skills

    Neutral modes of a two-dimensional vortex and their link to persistent cat's eyes

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    Copyright © 2008 American Institute of Physics. This article may be downloaded for personal use only. Any other use requires prior permission of the author and the American Institute of Physics. The following article appeared in Physics of Fluids 20 (2008) and may be found at http://link.aip.org/link/?PHFLE6/20/027101/1This paper considers the relaxation of a smooth two-dimensional vortex to axisymmetry after the application of an instantaneous, weak external strain field. In this limit the disturbance decays exponentially in time at a rate that is linked to a pole of the associated linear inviscid problem (known as a Landau pole). As a model of a typical vortex distribution that can give rise to cat's eyes, here distributions are examined that have a basic Gaussian shape but whose profiles have been artificially flattened about some radius rc. A numerical study of the Landau poles for this family of vortices shows that as rc is varied so the decay rate of the disturbance moves smoothly between poles as the decay rates of two Landau poles cross. Cat's eyes that occur in the nonlinear evolution of a vortex lead to an axisymmetric azimuthally averaged profile with an annulus of approximately uniform vorticity, rather like the artificially flattened profiles investigated. Based on the stability of such profiles it is found that finite thickness cat's eyes can persist (i.e., the mean profile has a neutral mode) at two distinct radii, and in the limit of a thin flattened region the result that vanishingly thin cat's eyes only persist at a single radius is recovered. The decay of nonaxisymmetric perturbations to these flattened profiles for larger times is investigated and a comparison made with the result for a Gaussian profile