60 research outputs found

    PrÀdiktoren der LehrerInnenverantwortung

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    Der vorliegende Beitrag beschĂ€ftigt sich mit der Frage ob Lenks Modell zur Erfassung von grundsĂ€tzlichen Determinanten der LehrerInnenverantwortung, das durch Lauermann und Karabenick ĂŒbernommen wurde, empirisch gestĂŒtzt werden kann. Ziel dieses Beitrags ist es, kausale Beziehungen innerhalb dieses Modells mit Hilfe eines Strukturgleichungsmodells zu bewerten. Basierend auf Daten einer norwegischen LehrerInnenuntersuchung ergaben sich deutliche ZusammenhĂ€nge zwischen den Elementen des Modells. Relationales Vertrauen, informelles Lernen zwischen den LehrerInnen und wahrgenommene UnterstĂŒtzung durch SchulleiterInnen haben sich als wichtige Determinanten fĂŒr die LehrerInnenverantwortung erwiesen, wenngleich die kontextuellen Faktoren in ihrer Eigenart komplexer zu sein scheinen. Es bedarf weiterer Forschung, um diese zu verstehen. Angesichts der Ergebnisse ist zu empfehlen, dass Schulbehörden einen Schwerpunkt auf die Gestaltung einer Politik legen, die die Vertrauensbeziehungen zwischen den LehrerInnen berĂŒcksichtigt. (DIPF/Orig.

    Editorial 1/2023

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    Finnish teacher education and its contributions to pre-service teachers’ instructional self-efficacy

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    This study focuses on how Finnish pre-service teachers’ instructional self-efficacy contributes to their belief in their ability to provide learning opportunities and positive classroom outcomes. Data were gathered from 153 pre-service teachers and analysed using structural equation modelling. We found that experiences with problem behaviour negatively contributed to pre-service teachers’ instructional self-efficacy. We also found two factors that contributed positively to pre-service teachers’ instructional self-efficacy: supervisor’s feedback and perceived practical examples in general pedagogy courses.Peer reviewe

    Antecedents of Student Teachers’ Commitment to the Teaching Profession in Finland and Norway

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    The purpose of this study was to explore antecedents of Finnish and Norwegian student teachers’ prospective commitment to work as teachers or pursue other careers. Are student teachers’ perceptions of coherence between the theoretical and practical elements of the teaching programme related to their commitment to work as teachers or to pursue other careers? For Finnish student teachers, strong associations emerged between the theory-practice interaction in supervision and student teachers’ prospective commitment to work as teachers. Norwegian student teachers exhibited strong associations between personalised feedback and their prospective commitment to teaching. Implications for practice and further research are discussed.Peer reviewe

    Duration of On-Campus Academic Engagements of Student Teachers in Finland and Norway

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    The duration of on-campus academic engagements is an uncertain and highly debated indicator of study input. Researchers adopt this indicator with the expectation that student teachers must invest an amount of time and effort in their courses that more or less equals a normal workweek. In the present empirical study, we examine factors influencing the duration of student teachers’ on-campus academic engagements in Norway and Finland using survey data (n = 567). While the teaching profession is highly respected in Finland, and universities make selections for teacher education programs, the profession has a relatively low status in Norway. To meet the objectives of this study, we conducted an OLS regression analysis and found that students’ self-discipline and perceived study requirements are the most important predictors of the duration of their on-campus academic engagements. In addition, the motivation to achieve a goal is also significant, while no significant effect was found for intrinsic motivation. Finally, the study shows no significant differences between the coefficients for the Norwegian and Finnish variable.Peer reviewe

    The Influence of Parents and Teachers on the Deep Learning Approach of Pupils in Norwegian Upper-Secondary Schools

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    Abstract Introduction. The purpose of this article was to explore the influence of parents and teacher

    Hvilke organisatoriske faktorer pÄvirker lÊreres indre pliktfÞlelse?

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    I de seneste Ärene har skoler blitt underkastet ulike kontrollformer samt mÄlstyring. Men alt kan ikke styres gjennom denne formen for rasjonalitet.Den indre drivkraften hos lÊrere forblir en viktig faktor for kvalitet i skolen. I denne artikkelen drÞfter forfatterne organisatoriske faktorer som pÄvirker lÊreres indre pliktfÞlelse nÄr det gjelder den jobben lÊrerne skal gjÞr

    Factors related to Icelandic student teachers’ prospective commitment to the teaching profession

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    Acknowledgements and funding The authors thank the anonymous reviewers for their invaluable comments. We also thank the ReNEW, TEPEC/University of Oslo, and the University of Iceland for continued support and financial contributions to the research reported in the present study.Peer reviewedPublisher PD
