637 research outputs found

    Big Tech and Online Privacy: How does big tech address privacy regulation and online privacy concern?

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    Objectives The main objectives of this study were to explore the methods used by big tech – Amazon, Apple, Facebook, Google and Microsoft to manage challenges posed by privacy regulation and consumer online privacy concern. The study also aimed to increase the general understanding of how companies manage online privacy concern. Summary This study approached the problem by analyzing public documents pertaining to the management of online privacy concern by the big tech companies. Various kinds of documents were assessed, with qualitative document analysis as methodology, to gain an understanding of the topic. The documents used included, for example, annual reports by the companies, to understand how the companies approach the issue of regulation and the companies’ websites, to explicate how the companies communicate to their users about issues pertaining to online privacy and concern thereof. Conclusions The results of this study indicate that big tech companies view privacy regulation both as a risk to be managed and an opportunity to be taken advantage of. While the companies expect negative effect from prevalent and upcoming regulation, the companies are proactively taking steps to affect future regulation. Most of the companies also utilize easily understandable communication towards their customers on issues pertaining to online privacy, which would be expected to reduce online privacy concern, however, more research on the subject is required in the future

    Access to Justice and Alternative Dispute Resolution

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    This article reviews access to justice both theoretically and in practice. Second, it highlights some of the challenges and successes of implementing access to justice projects. Finally, it discusses alternative dispute resolution (ADR) reforms in the developing world as one important element of access to justice

    Protecting Cultural Heritage as a Means for International Peace, Security and Stability

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    Cultural aggression has become a strategy to obtain an advantage during war. In a deliberate and methodical pattern extremists have not only damaged and destroyed historical sites in Iraq and Syria, but they have also looted antiquities to raise money for their terrorist activities. In addition to degrading the victims\u27 identities, such acts decrease the wealth of knowledge of the world as a whole. By examining various treaties and case law on cultural property, this Article highlights the importance of holding these perpetrators accountable. Furthermore, the protection of cultural property in war zones should be an element in the whole strategy for bringing peace, stability, and security to the region. To this end, this Article suggests the creation of a public-private initiative to fight the trafficking of stolen antiquities from conflict zones

    Harjoittelun merkitys taidon oppimisessa

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    Työn otsikkona oli harjoittelun merkitys käytännön oppimisessa. Työryhmään kuuluivat opettajat Risto Kukkonen, Irina Turku ja Ari Turunen. Työryhmän jä-senet käsittelivät aihetta omaan ammattiaihealueeseensa sovellettuna. Irina keskittyi laboratorioharjoittelun kehittämiseen, Risto levyseppä-hitsaajan perus-tutkintoon valmistavan työsaliharjoittelun kehittämisen toisen asteen koulutuk-sessa ja Ari trukkikoulutuksen kehittämisen toisen asteen koulutuksessa. Jokai-nen työryhmän jäsen tuotti oman aineistonsa tähän työhön ja se koottiin samoi-hin kansiin. Työssä pyrittiin huomioimaan työelämän näkökulma ja vaatimukset mahdollisimman hyvin, jotta työstä olisi käytännön hyötyä. Arin osio trukkikoulutuksen kehittämisestä on tulosta useamman vuoden koke-muksesta ja kehittämisestä. Työssä on käsitelty sekä koulutusta että opetusvä-lineitä. Työn tuloksena syntyi suositus hyvistä käytännöistä ja harjoituksista trukkikoulutuksen järjestämiseen. levyseppä-hitsaajan perustutkintoon valmistavan työsaliharjoittelun kehittämisen tarkoituksena oli rakentaa hitsauksen opetuksen tueksi johdonmukaisesti ete-nevä koulutuspaketti, jonka mukaisesti opetus johtaa vaikeasti opittavan taidon kohtuulliseen omaksumiseen

    Differences between official inspections and third party audits of food establishments

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    Official food control inspections (official inspections) of food establishments and third party audits of food safety management systems (FSMSs) based on international standards both focus on food safety, which has raised discussions on whether FSMSs and their audits could reduce official inspections in food establishments. The aim of this study was to investigate whether the findings of official inspections and third party audits in food establishments are in alignment and to survey the inspectors' and food business operators' (FBOs) perceptions of official inspections and audits. The results can be used in planning the use of audit results as part of official food control. The results show that both inspectors and auditors recognized non-compliances/non-conformities, but significant discrepancies between the findings of official inspections and audits existed, making the utilization of audit results challenging. However, most of the FBOs and inspectors agreed that official inspections and audits overlap, and the majority also agreed that audits of a certified FSMS could under certain circumstances reduce official inspections. (C) 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.Peer reviewe