826 research outputs found

    The Chalangeof Voluntourismfor Bali Tourism

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    The growth of the tourism product development, alternative and special interest developed nowdays for example religious, sport tourism, and is rapidly growing these days is voluntourism.It is a form of tourism product interest the tourist especially from the wealth countries which have the awareness to support quality development in countries that are developing that made sustainable tourism development benefit and a real advantage for the local community.Bali as a growing tourism destination is not paying attention to tourism product opportunities for voluntourism as enriching the tourim product diversification. The object of this article isto answer whether voluntourism-if develop in BALI-can provide the benefits and advantages that are fair for the local community and contribute to the improvement of the quality of sustainable tourism development in the region. To answer the question, raised three problems namely first, how toplan the development of voluntourism as one of the leading alternative tourism in Bali; second, how shall make the voluntourism as a type of tourism product that supports the development of sustainable tourism in Bali;third, how shall the comfort and safety of voluntourists while doing their activity in Bali? The development of voluntourism in Bali should refer to the concept of sustainable tourism development management which must be touched in order that can meet the needs of the future and therefore the concept of development of voluntourism in accordance to the principles of sustainable tourism must be able to make stakeholders of the tourism industry in Bali to see volun-tourism has a promising future and has good prospects moreover role voluntourism organizations are growing rapidly and professionally in organizing programs for voluntourist both short term and longterm. In its approach the development of sustainable tourism, voluntourism, which is based on characterizing the existence of development cooperation from the stakeholders to conduct in-depth studies (from an economic, social, cultural, environmental, etc.) that situational to the emergence of activities that support the development of sustainable tourism The managers of tourist destinations provide education and training to stake holders related based on needs that can accelerate the course of the implementation of the programme of work especially when the very security approach for determining the direction of the area especially when the region rely on tourism as a major industry that support the entire public life not only at the local level but also on a national level. Keywords: voluntourist, voluntourism, alternative tourism, tourism destination, sustainable tourism development

    Exploring the neurobiology of reading through non-invasive brain stimulation: A review

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    Non-invasive brain stimulation (NIBS) has gained increasing popularity as a modulatory tool for drawing causal inferences and exploring task-specific network interactions. Yet, a comprehensive synthesis of reading-related NIBS studies is still missing. We fill this gap by synthesizing the results of 78 NIBS studies investigating the causal involvement of brain regions for reading processing, and then link these results to a neurobiological model of reading. The included studies provide evidence for a functional-anatomical double dissociation for phonology versus semantics during reading-related processes within left inferior frontal and parietal areas. Additionally, the posterior parietal cortex and the anterior temporal lobe are identified as critical regions for reading-related processes. Overall, the findings provide some evidence for a dual-stream neurobiological model of reading, in which a dorsal stream (left temporo-parietal and inferior frontal areas) processes unfamiliar words and pseudowords, and a ventral stream (left occipito-temporal and inferior frontal areas, with assistance from the angular gyrus and the anterior temporal lobe) processes known words. However, individual differences in reading abilities and strategies, as well as differences in stimulation parameters, may impact the neuromodulatory effects induced by NIBS. We emphasize the need to investigate task-specific network interactions in future studies by combining NIBS with neuroimaging

    The use of noninvasive brain stimulation techniques to improve reading difficulties in dyslexia: A systematic review

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    Noninvasive brain stimulation (NIBS) allows to actively and noninvasively modulate brain function. Aside from inhibiting specific processes, NIBS may also enhance cognitive functions, which might be used for the prevention and intervention of learning disabilities such as dyslexia. However, despite the growing interest in modulating learning abilities, a comprehensive, up-to-date review synthesizing NIBS studies with dyslexics is missing. Here, we fill this gap and elucidate the potential of NIBS as treatment option in dyslexia. The findings of the 15 included studies suggest that repeated sessions of reading training combined with different NIBS protocols may induce long-lasting improvements of reading performance in child and adult dyslexics, opening promising avenues for future research. In particular, the “classical” reading areas seem to be most successfully modulated through NIBS, and facilitatory protocols can improve various reading-related subprocesses. Moreover, we emphasize the need to further explore the potential to modulate auditory cortex function as a preintervention and intervention approach for affected children, for example, to avoid the development of auditory and phonological difficulties at the core of dyslexia. Finally, we outline how future studies may increase our understanding of the neurobiological basis of NIBS-induced improvements in dyslexia

    Examining individual differences in language learning: A neurocognitive model of language aptitude

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    A common practice in the cognitive neurosciences is to investigate population-typical phenomena, treating individuals as equal except for a few outliers that are usually discarded from analyses or that disappear on group-level patterns. Only a few studies to date have captured the heterogeneity of language processing across individuals as so-called “individual differences”; fewer have explicitly researched language aptitude, which designates an individual’s ability for acquiring foreign languages. Existing studies show that, relative to average learners, very gifted language learners display different task-related patterns of functional activation and connectivity during linguistic tasks, and structural differences in white and grey matter morphology, and in white matter connectivity. Despite growing interest in language aptitude, there is no recent comprehensive review, nor a theoretical model to date that includes the neural level. To fill this gap, we review neuroscientific research on individual differences in language learning and language aptitude and present a first, preliminary neurocognitive model of language aptitude. We suggest that language aptitude could arise from an advantageous neurocognitive profile, which leads to high intrinsic motivation and proactive engagement in language learning activities. On the neural level, interindividual differences in the morphology of the bilateral auditory cortex constrain individual neural plasticity, as is evident in the speed and efficiency of language learning. We suggest that language learning success is further dependent upon highly efficient auditory-motor connections (speech-motor networks) and the structural characteristics of dorsal and ventral fibre tracts during language learning

    Accuracy and reliability of chatbot responses to physician questions

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    IMPORTANCE: Natural language processing tools, such as ChatGPT (generative pretrained transformer, hereafter referred to as chatbot), have the potential to radically enhance the accessibility of medical information for health professionals and patients. Assessing the safety and efficacy of these tools in answering physician-generated questions is critical to determining their suitability in clinical settings, facilitating complex decision-making, and optimizing health care efficiency. OBJECTIVE: To assess the accuracy and comprehensiveness of chatbot-generated responses to physician-developed medical queries, highlighting the reliability and limitations of artificial intelligence-generated medical information. DESIGN, SETTING, AND PARTICIPANTS: Thirty-three physicians across 17 specialties generated 284 medical questions that they subjectively classified as easy, medium, or hard with either binary (yes or no) or descriptive answers. The physicians then graded the chatbot-generated answers to these questions for accuracy (6-point Likert scale with 1 being completely incorrect and 6 being completely correct) and completeness (3-point Likert scale, with 1 being incomplete and 3 being complete plus additional context). Scores were summarized with descriptive statistics and compared using the Mann-Whitney U test or the Kruskal-Wallis test. The study (including data analysis) was conducted from January to May 2023. MAIN OUTCOMES AND MEASURES: Accuracy, completeness, and consistency over time and between 2 different versions (GPT-3.5 and GPT-4) of chatbot-generated medical responses. RESULTS: Across all questions (n = 284) generated by 33 physicians (31 faculty members and 2 recent graduates from residency or fellowship programs) across 17 specialties, the median accuracy score was 5.5 (IQR, 4.0-6.0) (between almost completely and complete correct) with a mean (SD) score of 4.8 (1.6) (between mostly and almost completely correct). The median completeness score was 3.0 (IQR, 2.0-3.0) (complete and comprehensive) with a mean (SD) score of 2.5 (0.7). For questions rated easy, medium, and hard, the median accuracy scores were 6.0 (IQR, 5.0-6.0), 5.5 (IQR, 5.0-6.0), and 5.0 (IQR, 4.0-6.0), respectively (mean [SD] scores were 5.0 [1.5], 4.7 [1.7], and 4.6 [1.6], respectively; P = .05). Accuracy scores for binary and descriptive questions were similar (median score, 6.0 [IQR, 4.0-6.0] vs 5.0 [IQR, 3.4-6.0]; mean [SD] score, 4.9 [1.6] vs 4.7 [1.6]; P = .07). Of 36 questions with scores of 1.0 to 2.0, 34 were requeried or regraded 8 to 17 days later with substantial improvement (median score 2.0 [IQR, 1.0-3.0] vs 4.0 [IQR, 2.0-5.3]; P \u3c .01). A subset of questions, regardless of initial scores (version 3.5), were regenerated and rescored using version 4 with improvement (mean accuracy [SD] score, 5.2 [1.5] vs 5.7 [0.8]; median score, 6.0 [IQR, 5.0-6.0] for original and 6.0 [IQR, 6.0-6.0] for rescored; P = .002). CONCLUSIONS AND RELEVANCE: In this cross-sectional study, chatbot generated largely accurate information to diverse medical queries as judged by academic physician specialists with improvement over time, although it had important limitations. Further research and model development are needed to correct inaccuracies and for validation

    Demonstration of chewing-related areas in the brain via functional magnetic resonance imaging

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    Purpose: To localize and identify chewing-related areas and their connections with other centres in the human brain using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). Material and methods: The paradigm of the present study was block designed. Spontaneous and controlled chewing with sugar-free gum was used as the main task in a 3-Tesla fMRI unit with a 32-channel birdcage coil. Our study population comprised 32 healthy volunteers. To determine possible intersections, we also put the rosary pulling (silent tell one's beads) movement in the fMRI protocol. The data analyses were performed with the Statistical Parametric Mapping (SPM) toolbox integrated into the Matlab platform. Results: The superomedial part of the right cerebellum was activated during either pulling rosary beads or spontaneous chewing. This region, however, was not activated during controlled chewing. We did not find statistically significant activation or connection related to the brain stem. Conclusion: We have confirmed that the cerebellum plays an important role in chewing. However, we could not find a definite central pattern generator (CPG) in the brain stem, which has been hypothesized to underlie spontaneous chewing

    Association between mean platelet volume levels and inflammation in SLE patients presented with arthritis

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    Background: Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) may be characterized by periods of remissions and chronic or acute relapses. The complexity of clinical presentation of the SLE patients leads to incorrect evaluation of disease activity. Mean platelet volume (MPV) has been studied as a simple inflammatory marker in several diseases. There is no study in the literature about MPV levels in adult SLE patients with arthritis.Objectives: We aimed to investigate the MPV levels in the SLE population with arthritis during and between activations.Methods: The study consisted of 44 SLE patients with arthritis in activation period (Group 1), the same 44 SLE patients with arthritis in remission period (Group 2) and 44 healthy controls (Group 3). Erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR), creactive protein (CRP), white blood cell count, platelet count, and mean platelet volume (MPV) levels were retrospectively recorded from patient files.Results: The mean ages of the SLE subjects were 42 ± 16 years, while the mean ages of controls was 41 ± 17 years. MPV was significantly lower in Group 1(7.66±0.89fL) than in Group 2 (8.61±1.06 fL) and Group 3(8.62±1.11fL) (p<0.0001). The differences between groups reached statistical significance.Conclusions: We suggest that MPV levels decrease in patients with arthritis of SLE activation when compared to the same patients in remission and healthy controls.Key words: Systemic lupus erythematosus, Arthritis, Mean platelet volum

    Bi-directional and shared epigenomic signatures following proton and 56Fe irradiation.

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    The brain's response to radiation exposure is an important concern for patients undergoing cancer therapy and astronauts on long missions in deep space. We assessed whether this response is specific and prolonged and is linked to epigenetic mechanisms. We focused on the response of the hippocampus at early (2-weeks) and late (20-week) time points following whole body proton irradiation. We examined two forms of DNA methylation, cytosine methylation (5mC) and hydroxymethylation (5hmC). Impairments in object recognition, spatial memory retention, and network stability following proton irradiation were observed at the two-week time point and correlated with altered gene expression and 5hmC profiles that mapped to specific gene ontology pathways. Significant overlap was observed between DNA methylation changes at the 2 and 20-week time points demonstrating specificity and retention of changes in response to radiation. Moreover, a novel class of DNA methylation change was observed following an environmental challenge (i.e. space irradiation), characterized by both increased and decreased 5hmC levels along the entire gene body. These changes were mapped to genes encoding neuronal functions including postsynaptic gene ontology categories. Thus, the brain's response to proton irradiation is both specific and prolonged and involves novel remodeling of non-random regions of the epigenome
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