363 research outputs found

    Neural correlates of grasping

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    Prehension, the capacity to reach and grasp objects, comprises two main components: reaching, i.e., moving the hand towards an object, and grasping, i.e., shaping the hand with respect to its properties. Knowledge of this topic has gained a huge advance in recent years, dramatically changing our view on how prehension is represented within the dorsal stream. While our understanding of the various nodes coding the grasp component is rapidly progressing, little is known of the integration between grasping and reaching. With this Mini Review we aim to provide an up-to-date overview of the recent developments on the coding of prehension. We will start with a description of the regions coding various aspects of grasping in humans and monkeys, delineating where it might be integrated with reaching. To gain insights into the causal role of these nodes in the coding of prehension, we will link this functional description to lesion studies. Finally, we will discuss future directions that might be promising to unveil new insights on the coding of prehension movements

    Guru pembelajar modul pelatihan SD kelas tinggi: kelompok kompetensi E profesional materi dan energi di sekolah dasar

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    Peningkatan kualitas pendidikan saat ini menjadi prioritas, baik oleh pemerintah maupun pemerintah daerah. Salah satu komponen yang menjadi fokus perhatian adalah peningkatan kompetensi guru. Peran guru dalam pembelajaran di kelas merupakan kunci keberhasilan untuk mendukung prestasi belajar siswa. Guru yang profesional dituntut mampu membangun proses pembelajaran yang baik sehingga dapat menghasilkan pendidikan yang berkualitas

    O papel dos movimentos sociais na educação do campo

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    Orientador :Monografia (especialização) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de ..., Curso de Especialização em ...Inclui referência


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    dapat dikembangkan dalam pembelajaran IPA di SLTP meialui pendekatan ST- M khususnya pada konsep air dan pencemaran. Untuk itu dirancang model pembelajaran untuk memahami pengetahuan-pengetahuan kimia yang berkaitan dengan air dan pencemaran dengan pendekatan S-T-M.. Melaui model ini diharapkan terjadi peningkatan pemahaman konsep, keterampilan proses sains dan perubahan sikap siswa, meialui metode penelitian kelas dengan one group - pre-tes - pos-tes design., model dnmplementasikan terhadap 39 orang siswa SLTP kelas 1. Dari analisis data hasil belajar siswa, ternyata model pembelajaran yang disusun dapat (1) meningkatkan pemahaman konsep pada sub konsep rumus kimia air, air sebagai pelarut, kesadahan air, pencemaran air, dan proses penjernihan air; (2) meningkatkan keterampilan proses sains siswa pada aspek mengamati, mengklasifikasi, menginfer, menginterpretasi data, menerapkan konsep dan meramal; (3) menghasilkan perubahan sikap siswa terhadap air dan pencemarannya. Hasil angket dan wawancara menunjukkan guru dan siswa memberikan tanggapan yang positif terhadap model yang disusun walaupun tidak terlepas dari kesulitan-kesulitan yang dialami selama implementasi, tetapi mereka tetap menyarankan agar model ini diterapkan pada konsep-konsep lain. Dari observasi diketahui bahwa implementasi berjalan optimal karena guru mampu melaksanakan pembelajaran menurut tahap-tahap yang disarankan dalam model. Dengan demikian disarankan. (1) model pembelajaran seperti ini dapat diteliti disekolah lain, untuk melihat kemungkinanya diterapkan disekolah lain; (2) untuk tingkat SLTP disampaikan topik-topik yang berhubungan dengan fenomena sehari-hari;.(3) untuk mengatasi keterbatasan waktu diperlukan kemampuan guru dalam mengarahkan dan memberikan tugas-tugas di luar jam pelajaran; (4) adanya kerjasama dengan laboratorium SMU atau mencari alternatif alat/bahan yang ada dalam kehidupan sehari-hari untuk mengatasi keterbatasan alat/bahan kimia; (5) banyak membaca literatur, bertanya kepada guru kimia, serta aktif mengikuti perkembangan informasi dari media masa, untuk mengatasi masalah penguasaan maten kimia dan mencari isu atau masalah yang berkaitan dengan kehidupan sehan-han; (6) dalam merumuskan pernyataan sikap hal-hal yang berkaitan dengan air yang mereka peroleh sebelumnya dapat diungkap atau dimintai pandangannya

    MEG Multivariate Analysis Reveals Early Abstract Action Representations in the Lateral Occipitotemporal Cortex

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    Understanding other people's actions is a fundamental prerequisite for social interactions. Whether action understanding relies on simulating the actions of others in the observers' motor system or on the access to conceptual knowledge stored in nonmotor areas is strongly debated. It has been argued previously that areas that play a crucial role in action understanding should (1) distinguish between different actions, (2) generalize across the ways in which actions are performed (Dinstein et al., 2008; Oosterhof et al., 2013; Caramazza et al., 2014), and (3) have access to action information around the time of action recognition (Hauk et al., 2008). Whereas previous studies focused on the first two criteria, little is known about the dynamics underlying action understanding. We examined which human brain regions are able to distinguish between pointing and grasping, regardless of reach direction (left or right) and effector (left or right hand), using multivariate pattern analysis of magnetoencephalography data. We show that the lateral occipitotemporal cortex (LOTC) has the earliest access to abstract action representations, which coincides with the time point from which there was enough information to allow discriminating between the two actions. By contrast, precentral regions, though recruited early, have access to such abstract representations substantially later. Our results demonstrate that in contrast to the LOTC, the early recruitment of precentral regions does not contain the detailed information that is required to recognize an action. We discuss previous theoretical claims of motor theories and how they are incompatible with our data.SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENTIt is debated whether our ability to understand other people's actions relies on the simulation of actions in the observers' motor system, or is based on access to conceptual knowledge stored in nonmotor areas. Here, using magnetoencephalography in combination with machine learning, we examined where in the brain and at which point in time it is possible to distinguish between pointing and grasping actions regardless of the way in which they are performed (effector, reach direction). We show that, in contrast to the predictions of motor theories of action understanding, the lateral occipitotemporal cortex has access to abstract action representations substantially earlier than precentral regions.</jats:p

    Caracterização e propriedades de complexos formados entre poli(óxido) etileno(peo) e misturas de dodecilsulfato de sódio (sds) e dodecanoato sw sódio (sdod)

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    TCC (graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Centro de Ciências Físicas e Matemáticas. Curso de Química.Investigou-se pôr condutivimetria a interação entre o PEO e o sistema micelar misto formado pôr SDS e SDoD. Os gráficos de condutividade vérsus concentração de misturas dos surfactantes exibem um comportamento que é análogo ao clássico perfil de misturas de PEO e SDS. Assim, dois pontos de descontinuidades são observados: 0 primeiro corresponde à concentração de agregação critica (cac), onde marca o inicio da formação do complexo PEO com SDoD, e o segundo à. saturação do polimero pêlos surfactantes. Os valores de cac estimados para diferentes frações molares de SDoD em presença de 0,06 M de PEO, demonstraram um comportamento de mistura ideal, tanto na presença quanto na ausência de polimero. A formação do complexo misto pode ser modelada através da equação 1 que descreve o comportamento de uma mistura de ideal de surfactantes

    Discurso de ódio e liberdade de expressão : permissão, proibição e criminalização no atual cenário sociopolítico ocidental

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    Esse trabalho de investigação tem por objeto o discurso de ódio na contemporaneidade e o tratamento legal que tem recebido nas sociedades ocidentais. A investigação teve como paradigma inicial o questionamento acerca da natureza do fenómeno, bem como seu impacto social e suas projeções no Direito. Após desenvolve-se uma breve análise das doutrinas de referência sobre o tema, seguida de uma crítica que tem por objetivo contemporizar a eficácia sociológica das soluções jurídicas propostas pelas doutrinas maioritárias. Para desvendar a natureza complexa do discurso de ódio é necessário decompô-lo ao máximo. A tentativa de conceptualizá-lo e de criar as ligações necessárias com a Dignidade Humana é para que se possa perceber a relação de causa e consequência que tem na desumanização de grupos mais vulneráveis e na posterior deterioração das sociedades democráticas, sendo verificado que essas duas serão as suas mais importantes consequências. A partir-se de uma lógica de Direitos Fundamentais que identifica os bens jurídicos afetados pelo discurso de ódio é necessária então uma ponderação que defina em que casos e sob quais circunstâncias será a liberdade de expressão injustificavelmente danosa para outros direitos. Definido então os campos de permissão, proibição e criminalização da liberdade de expressão sob uma perspetiva de ponderação de direitos fundamentais, é necessário definir o que significa a proibição O desafio nesse particular será essencialmente o de estabelecer consequências jurídicas à proibição do discurso de ódio que se apresentem eficazes do ponto de vista do combate ao fenómeno e ao mesmo tempo menos restritivas de direitos fundamentais. Isso, deverá permitir um deslocamento da discussão do campo da possibilidade de proibição para o da legitimidade, eficácia e proporcionalidade das soluções jurídicas apresentadas. É sem dúvida um discurso próximo da Filosofia do Direito e da Filosofia Política, mas que visa reforçar a argumentação no sentido de manter a regulação e de apresentar novas soluções jurídicas no atual cenário sociopolítico ocidental.This investigative work focuses on hate speech in contemporaneity and the legal treatment it has received in Western societies. The research questions the nature of the phenomenon, as well as its social impact and how it is reflected in law. After a brief analysis of the doctrines of reference on the subject is developed, a critique is proposed that aims to conciliate the sociological effectiveness of the legal solutions pointed out by the majority of the doctrines. To unravel the complex nature of hate speech, it is necessary to examine it in-depth. The attempt to conceptualize it and create the necessary links with human dignity is in order to perceive the relation of cause and effect that it has in the dehumanization of more vulnerable groups. This, in addition to the subsequent deterioration of democratic societies will be its two most important consequences. Starting from a logic of fundamental rights that identifies the legal goods affected by hate speech, then a consideration is needed that defines in which cases and under what circumstances freedom of expression will be unjustifiably harmful to other rights. Once defined, the fields of permission, prohibition and criminalization of freedom of expression under a perspective of considering fundamental rights, it is necessary to define what prohibition means. The challenge in this regard will be essentially to establish legal consequences that prohibit hate speech effectively in terms of combating the phenomenon and at the same time are less restrictive of fundamental rights. This should allow a shift of the discussion from the possibility of prohibition to the legitimacy, effectiveness and proportionality of the legal solutions presented. It is undoubtedly a discourse close to philosophy of law and political philosophy, but aims to reinforce the argument to maintain regulation and to present new legal solutions in the current Western socio-political scenario


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    Modul ini membahas dua kompetensi bagi guru SD Kelas Tinggi yakni kompetensi PROFESIONAL tentang MATERI DAN ENERGI DI SEKOLAH DASAR; dan kompetensi PEDAGOGIK tentang PENILAIAN DAN HASIL BELAJAR DI SEKOLAH DASAR


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