8 research outputs found

    Modern Literature in Czech Journals Around 1900: Contexts, Functions, Strategies

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    Die deutschsprachige Literatur und das tschechische literarische Experiment um 1900

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    Der Aufsatz beschäftigt sich mit der tschechischen Aufnahme der deutschsprachigen Literatur um 1900 und ihrem Anteil an der Profilierung des literarischen Experiments. Tschechische Übersetzungen und Buchausgaben dieser Zeit zeichneten sich der deutschen Literatur gegenüber durch einen traditionellen Zugang aus, durch den die eigentliche deutschsprachige Moderne eher ausgeschlossen wurde und die ausgewählten Werke im Geiste des Parnassismus interpretiert und modifiziert wurden.The study deals with the Czech reception of German language literature around 1900 and its contribution to the formation of modern literary experiment. At the time, Czech translations and editions of German language literature were characterized by a rather traditional approach which led to the exclusion of then current modernist German language literature. The selected works were thus interpreted and modified in accordance to parnassistical thinking


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    Studium poświęcone jest obrazowi Słowacji w czeskiej poezji lat 1860–1939, tj. stereotypom ideowym, które ukształtowały się jeszcze przed powstaniem w 1918 roku wspólnego państwa czesko-słowackiego. Słowacja odbierana byla wtedy w duchu romantycznym jako piękna kraina z dziewiczą przyrodą i ludem niedotkniętym zepsuciem cywilizacyjnym. Negatywnie oceniano dążenie Słowaków do językowego i narodowego samostanowienia – nie uwzględniając aspektu historycznego, etnicznego i politycznego mniemano, iż Słowacja stanowi naturalną część czeskiego projektu narodowego. Odnoszenie się Czechów do Słowaków z poczuciem wyższości, ich postawa „starszego brata“ może zostać określona, nieco hiperbolicznie, jako kolonialna.The study is focused on the images of Slovakia in the Czech poetry of 1860–1939, that is the idea stereotypes that had been shaped even before the rise of a common Czech-Slovak country in 1918. At that time Slovakia was perceived in a romantic way as a land with primeval nature and people untouched by the depravity of civilization. The Slovakian pursuit of linguistic and national independence was frowned upon; the historical, ethnic and political context was overlooked and Slovakia was viewed as an integral part of the Czech national project. The Czech superior “older brother” attitude towards the Slovaks may be hyperbolically assessed as colonial

    Moderna v časopisech kolem 1900: kontexty, funkce, strategie // Modern literature in Czech journals around 1900: contexts, functions, startegies

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    The study deals with the way of the selection and apropriation of modern European literature in Czech journalism. The Czech point of view was formed by the aesthetics of Parnassism, and the modern literary movements were interpreted in this context. The Czech debate on Modernity was marked by personal animosities and, after 1900, it was sceptical towards the productive possibilities of this type of literature

    A Few Preliminary Comments On The Transformations Of Czech Ballad In The Years 1860 - 1918

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    The goal of the article is to draw the basic outline of the transformations of the ballad as a genre in Czech literature in the second half of the 19th century. The material is the book editions of poetry from the year 1850 to the beginning of the World War I. The method is the synoptic-pulsating approach to a literary work of art as a dynamic process within which various discourse tendencies are configured and modified. The result is a preliminary model of Czech ballad transformation in that particular period of time: the genre happened to be in the magnetic field of Romanticism represented mainly by Erben´s Kytice (Bouquet). A number of modifications occurred in the course of time, Romanticism´s genre rules became gradually more and more relaxed, especially those related to the role of plot and dynamic motifs; one of the tendencies even inclined to parody of the traditional Romantic principles of the ballad (Mašek, Hašek). At the same time the ballad was penetrated by essential features of other literary discourses such as Parnasism (Hálek, Vrchlický), Naturalism (Sládek, Šimáček) or Decadence (Jan z Wojkowicz, Lešehrad). The transformations did not take place in a linear way, within an imaginary causal „evolution“, where individual stages would „overcome“ the previous ones, but they overlapped in synoptic dynamics. The main contribution lies in the actual proof of the thesis about the nonlinear, synoptic character of transformations of a key literary genre in the 19th century, which helped establish Romanticism and has always been so attractive for readers it has stayed vital in spite of the discourse transformations