79 research outputs found

    Generation of induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSC) from an atrial fibrillation patient carrying a KCNA5 p.D322H mutation

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    Atrial fibrillation (AF) is the most common sustained arrhythmia associated with several cardiac risk factors, but increasing evidences indicated a genetic component. Indeed, genetic variations of the atrial specific KCNA5 gene have been identified in patients with early-onset lone AF. To investigate the molecular mechanisms underlying AF, we reprogrammed to pluripotency polymorphonucleated leukocytes isolated from the blood of a patient carrying a KCNA5 p.D322H mutation, using a commercially available non-integrating system. The generated iPSCs expressed pluripotency markers and differentiated toward cells belonging to the three embryonic germ layers. Moreover, the cells showed a normal karyotype and retained the p.D322H mutation

    Determinants of worse liver-related outcome according to HDV infection among HBsAg positive persons living with HIV: Data from the ICONA cohort

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    Objectives: We aimed to study hepatitis D virus (HDV) prevalence and risk of progression to severe liver-related events (SLRE) in HBsAg positive people living with HIV (PLWH) in Italy; role of HDV-RNA copy levels, HCV coinfection and nadir CD4 counts were also investigated.Methods: People living with HIV (PLWH) from Italian Foundation cohort Naive antiretrovirals (ICONA) with available HBsAg and HDV Ab were enrolled. HBsAg, HDV Ab, HDV-RNA and HDV genotypes were tested. Primary end-point: time from first HDV screening to Severe Liver Related Events (SLRE: decompensated cirrhosis, liver transplantation, HCC). Fine-grey regression models were used to evaluate the association of HDV Ab, HDV-RNA, HDV/HCV coinfection, CD4 nadir and outcome. Secondary end-points: time to SLRE or death; HDV Ab and HDV-RNA prevalence.Results: A total of 152/809 (18.8%) HBsAg positive PLWH showed HDV Ab reactivity; 63/93 (67.7%) were HDV-RNA positive. Being male, persons who inject drugs (PWID), HCV Ab positive, with FIB-4 > 3.25 were independent factors of HDV Ab positivity. In a median follow-up of 5 years, 37 PLWH (4.1% at 5-year) developed SLRE and 97 (12.0%) reached the SLRE or death end-point. HDV-RNA positive (independently from HDV-RNA copy level) PLWH had a 4.6-fold (95%CI 2.0-10.5) higher risk of SLRE than HDV negatives. PLWH positive for both HCV Ab and HDV Ab showed the highest independent risk of SLRE (ASHR: 11.9, 95%CI: 4.6-30.9 vs. HCV neg/HDV neg). Nadir CD4 < 200/mL was associated with SLRE (ASHR: 3.9, 95% 1.0-14.5).Conclusions: One-fifth of the HBsAg positive PLWH harbour HDV infection, and are at high risk of progression to advanced liver disease. HCV contributes to worse outcomes. This population needs urgently effective treatments

    Determinants of worse liver-related outcome according to HDV infection among HBsAg positive persons living with HIV: Data from the ICONA cohort

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    Objectives: We aimed to study hepatitis D virus (HDV) prevalence and risk of progression to severe liver-related events (SLRE) in HBsAg positive people living with HIV (PLWH) in Italy; role of HDV-RNA copy levels, HCV coinfection and nadir CD4 counts were also investigated. Methods: People living with HIV (PLWH) from Italian Foundation cohort Naïve antiretrovirals (ICONA) with available HBsAg and HDV Ab were enrolled. HBsAg, HDV Ab, HDV-RNA and HDV genotypes were tested. Primary end-point: time from first HDV screening to Severe Liver Related Events (SLRE: decompensated cirrhosis, liver transplantation, HCC). Fine-grey regression models were used to evaluate the association of HDV Ab, HDV-RNA, HDV/HCV coinfection, CD4 nadir and outcome. Secondary end-points: time to SLRE or death; HDV Ab and HDV-RNA prevalence. Results: A total of 152/809 (18.8%) HBsAg positive PLWH showed HDV Ab reactivity; 63/93 (67.7%) were HDV-RNA positive. Being male, persons who inject drugs (PWID), HCV Ab positive, with FIB-4 > 3.25 were independent factors of HDV Ab positivity. In a median follow-up of 5 years, 37 PLWH (4.1% at 5-year) developed SLRE and 97 (12.0%) reached the SLRE or death end-point. HDV-RNA positive (independently from HDV-RNA copy level) PLWH had a 4.6-fold (95%CI 2.0-10.5) higher risk of SLRE than HDV negatives. PLWH positive for both HCV Ab and HDV Ab showed the highest independent risk of SLRE (ASHR: 11.9, 95%CI: 4.6-30.9 vs. HCV neg/HDV neg). Nadir CD4 < 200/mL was associated with SLRE (ASHR: 3.9, 95% 1.0-14.5). Conclusions: One-fifth of the HBsAg positive PLWH harbour HDV infection, and are at high risk of progression to advanced liver disease. HCV contributes to worse outcomes. This population needs urgently effective treatments

    Calcineurin Inhibitor-Based Immunosuppression and COVID-19: Results from a Multidisciplinary Cohort of Patients in Northern Italy

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    The role of immunosuppression in SARS-CoV-2-related disease (COVID-19) is a matter of debate. We here describe the course and the outcome of COVID-19 in a cohort of patients undergoing treatment with calcineurin inhibitors. In this monocentric cohort study, data were collected from the COVID-19 outbreak in Italy up to April 28th 2020. Patients were followed at our hospital for solid organ transplantation or systemic rheumatic disorders (RMDs) and were on calcineurin inhibitor (CNI)-based therapy. Selected patients were referred from the North of Italy. The aim of our study was to evaluate the clinical course of COVID-19 in this setting. We evaluated 385 consecutive patients (220 males, 57%; median age 61 years, IQR 48-69); 331 (86%) received solid organ transplantation and 54 (14%) had a RMD. CNIs were the only immunosuppressant administered in 47 patients (12%). We identified 14 (4%) COVID-19 patients, all transplanted, mainly presenting with fever (86%) and diarrhea (71%). Twelve patients were hospitalized and two of them died, both with severe comorbidities. No patients developed acute respiratory distress syndrome or infectious complications. The surviving 10 patients are now fully recovered. The clinical course of COVID-19 patients on CNIs is generally mild, and the risk of superinfection seems low

    p140Cap Controls Female Fertility in Mice Acting via Glutamatergic Afference on Hypothalamic Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone Neurons.

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    p140Cap, encoded by the gene SRCIN1 (SRC kinase signaling inhibitor 1), is an adaptor/scaffold protein highly expressed in the mouse brain, participating in several pre- and post-synaptic mechanisms. p140Cap knock-out (KO) female mice show severe hypofertility, delayed puberty onset, altered estrus cycle, reduced ovulation, and defective production of luteinizing hormone and estradiol during proestrus. We investigated the role of p140Cap in the development and maturation of the hypothalamic gonadotropic system. During embryonic development, migration of Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone (GnRH) neurons from the nasal placode to the forebrain in p140Cap KO mice appeared normal, and young p140Cap KO animals showed a normal number of GnRH-immunoreactive (-ir) neurons. In contrast, adult p140Cap KO mice showed a significant loss of GnRH-ir neurons and a decreased density of GnRH-ir projections in the median eminence, accompanied by reduced levels of GnRH and LH mRNAs in the hypothalamus and pituitary gland, respectively. We examined the number of kisspeptin (KP) neurons in the rostral periventricular region of the third ventricle, the number of KP-ir fibers in the arcuate nucleus, and the number of KP-ir punctae on GnRH neurons but we found no significant changes. Consistently, the responsiveness to exogenous KP in vivo was unchanged, excluding a cell-autonomous defect on the GnRH neurons at the level of KP receptor or its signal transduction. Since glutamatergic signaling in the hypothalamus is critical for both puberty onset and modulation of GnRH secretion, we examined the density of glutamatergic synapses in p140Cap KO mice and observed a significant reduction in the density of VGLUT-ir punctae both in the preoptic area and on GnRH neurons. Our data suggest that the glutamatergic circuitry in the hypothalamus is altered in the absence of p140Cap and is required for female fertility

    Clinical Features, Cardiovascular Risk Profile, and Therapeutic Trajectories of Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Candidate for Oral Semaglutide Therapy in the Italian Specialist Care

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    Introduction: This study aimed to address therapeutic inertia in the management of type 2 diabetes (T2D) by investigating the potential of early treatment with oral semaglutide. Methods: A cross-sectional survey was conducted between October 2021 and April 2022 among specialists treating individuals with T2D. A scientific committee designed a data collection form covering demographics, cardiovascular risk, glucose control metrics, ongoing therapies, and physician judgments on treatment appropriateness. Participants completed anonymous patient questionnaires reflecting routine clinical encounters. The preferred therapeutic regimen for each patient was also identified. Results: The analysis was conducted on 4449 patients initiating oral semaglutide. The population had a relatively short disease duration (42%  60% of patients, and more often than sitagliptin or empagliflozin. Conclusion: The study supports the potential of early implementation of oral semaglutide as a strategy to overcome therapeutic inertia and enhance T2D management

    Adhesion to carbon nanotube conductive scaffolds forces action-potential appearance in immature rat spinal neurons

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    In the last decade, carbon nanotube growth substrates have been used to investigate neurons and neuronal networks formation in vitro when guided by artificial nano-scaled cues. Besides, nanotube-based interfaces are being developed, such as prosthesis for monitoring brain activity. We recently described how carbon nanotube substrates alter the electrophysiological and synaptic responses of hippocampal neurons in culture. This observation highlighted the exceptional ability of this material in interfering with nerve tissue growth. Here we test the hypothesis that carbon nanotube scaffolds promote the development of immature neurons isolated from the neonatal rat spinal cord, and maintained in vitro. To address this issue we performed electrophysiological studies associated to gene expression analysis. Our results indicate that spinal neurons plated on electro-conductive carbon nanotubes show a facilitated development. Spinal neurons anticipate the expression of functional markers of maturation, such as the generation of voltage dependent currents or action potentials. These changes are accompanied by a selective modulation of gene expression, involving neuronal and non-neuronal components. Our microarray experiments suggest that carbon nanotube platforms trigger reparative activities involving microglia, in the absence of reactive gliosis. Hence, future tissue scaffolds blended with conductive nanotubes may be exploited to promote cell differentiation and reparative pathways in neural regeneration strategies

    Implementation of the ERAS (Enhanced Recovery After Surgery) protocol for colorectal cancer surgery in the Piemonte Region with an Audit and Feedback approach: study protocol for a stepped wedge cluster randomised trial: a study of the EASY-NET project

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    Understanding Factors Associated With Psychomotor Subtypes of Delirium in Older Inpatients With Dementia

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