346 research outputs found

    Hybrid modeling of a biorefinery separation process to monitor short-term and long-term membrane fouling

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    Membrane filtration is commonly used in biorefineries to separate cells from fermentation broths containing the desired products. However, membrane fouling can cause short-term process disruption and long-term membrane degradation. The evolution of membrane resistance over time can be monitored to track fouling, but this calls for adequate sensors in the plant. This requirement might not be fulfilled even in modern biorefineries, especially when multiple, tightly interconnected membrane modules are used. Therefore, characterization of fouling in industrial facilities remains a challenge. In this study, we propose a hybrid modeling strategy to characterize both reversible and irreversible fouling in multi-module biorefinery membrane separation systems. We couple a linear data-driven model, to provide high-frequency estimates of trans-membrane pressures from the available measurements, with a simple nonlinear knowledge-driven model, to compute the resistances of the individual membrane modules. We test the proposed strategy using real data from the world's first industrial biorefinery manufacturing 1,4-bio-butanediol via fermentation of renewable raw materials. We show how monitoring of individual resistances, even when done by simple visual inspection, offers valuable insight on the reversible and irreversible fouling state of the membranes. We also discuss the advantage of the proposed approach, over monitoring trans-membrane pressures and permeate fluxes, from the standpoints of data variability, effect of process changes, interaction between module in multi-module systems, and fouling dynamics

    Laryngeal mask airway in neonatal stabilization and transport: a retrospective study.

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    Laryngeal mask airway (LMA) may be considered by health caregivers of level I–II hospitals for neonatal resuscitation and stabilization before and during interhospital care, but literature provides little information on this aspect. This study reviewed the use of LMA during stabilization and transport in a large series of neonates. This is a retrospective study evaluating the use of LMA in infants who underwent emergency transport by the Eastern Veneto Neonatal Emergency Transport Service between January 2003 and December 2021. All data were obtained from transport registry, transport forms, and hospital charts. In total, 64/3252 transferred neonates (2%) received positive pressure ventilation with an LMA, with increasing trend over time (p = 0.001). Most of these neonates were transferred after birth (97%), due to a respiratory or neurologic disease (95%). LMA was used before the transport (n = 60), during the transport (n = 1), or both (n = 3). No device-related adverse effects were recorded. Sixty-one neonates (95%) survived and were discharged/transferred from the receiving center

    Nov/CCN3 Enhances Cord Blood Engraftment by Rapidly Recruiting Latent Human Stem Cell Activity

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    Umbilical cord blood (UCB) has had considerable impact in pediatric stem cell transplantation, but its wider use is limited in part by unit size. Long-term ex vivo culture offers one approach to increase engraftment capacity by seeking to expand stem and progenitor cells. Here, we show brief incubation (8 h) of UCB CD34+ cells with the matricellular regulator Nov (CCN3) increases the frequency of serially transplantable hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) 6-fold. This rapid response suggests recruitment rather than expansion of stem cells; accordingly, in single-cell assays, Nov increases the clonogenicity of phenotypic HSCs without increasing their number through cell division. Recruitment is associated with both metabolic and transcriptional changes, and tracing of cell divisions demonstrates that the increased clonogenic activity resides within the undivided fraction of cells. Harnessing latent stem cell potential through recruitment-based approaches will inform understanding of stem cell state transitions with implications for translation to the clinic

    Motor learning in unilateral cerebral palsy and the influence of corticospinal tract reorganization

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    Cerebral Palsy (CP) is a complex neurological disorder, characterized by congenital motor disability associated with behaviour, perception and cognition disorders. The sensorimotor impairments represent the main hallmark of the disease, significantly impacting the quality of life. So far, few studies have investigated motor learning abilities in CP and their association with the plastic reorganization of the motor system remains largely unknown. The present proof-of-principle study explored explicit motor sequence learning in children with unilateral CP and different patterns of motor system reorganization (bilateral, ipsilateral, contralateral). Children with unilateral CP, and a group of age-matched typically developing (TD) children, underwent a sequential finger tapping task, performed with the affected hand by children with CP and with the non-dominant hand by TD children. The pattern of corticospinal tract projections in hemiparetic patients was assessed by single-pulse Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS). Results showed the presence of finger dexterity impairments in children with unilateral CP presenting with a bilateral or an ipsilateral control of the affected (trained) hand, as compared to TD children. Conversely, motor sequence learning was impaired in unilateral CP with ipsilateral or contralateral corticospinal reorganization, but not in the case of a bilateral control of the paretic hand. These preliminary findings, although referred to small clinical samples, suggest that unilateral control of the paretic upper-limb, from the ipsilateral or the contralateral motor cortex, may not be sufficient to develop typical motor learning with the affected hand, which seems to require a bilateral representation in the motor cortex. This evidence has potential implications for fine motor skills rehabilitation in CP

    PTX3 shapes profibrotic immune cells and epithelial/fibroblast repair and regeneration in a murine model of pulmonary fibrosis

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    The long pentraxin 3 (PTX3) is protective in different pathologies but was not analyzed in-depth in Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (IPF). Here, we have explored the influence of PTX3 in the bleomycin (BLM)-induced murine model of IPF by looking at immune cells (macrophages, mast cells, T cells) and stemness/regenerative markers of lung epithelium (SOX2) and fibro-blasts/myofibroblasts (CD44) at different time points that retrace the progression of the disease from onset at day 14, to full-blown disease at day 21, to incomplete regression at day 28. We took advantage of transgenic PTX3 overexpressing mice (Tie2-PTX3) and Ptx3 null ones (PTX3-KO) in which pulmonary fibrosis was induced. Our data have shown that PTX3 overexpression in Tie2-PTX3 compared to WT or PTX3-KO: reduced CD68+ and CD163+ macrophages and the Tryptase+ mast cells during the whole experimental time; on the contrary, CD4+ T cells are consistently present on day 14 and dramatically decreased on day 21; CD8+ T cells do not show significant differences on day 14, but are significantly reduced on day 21; SOX2 is reduced on days 14 and 21; CD44 is reduced on day 21. Therefore, PTX3 could act on the proimmune and fibrogenic microenvironment to prevent fibrosis in BLM-treated mice

    Diabetes risk reduction diet and endometrial cancer risk

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    Diabetes increases endometrial cancer risk. We investigated the role of a diabetes risk reduction diet (DRRD) on the risk of endometrial cancer using data from a multicentric, Italian hospital-based case–control study (1992–2006) enrolling 454 histologically confirmed cases of endometrial cancer and 908 controls matched by age and center. We derived a DRRD score assigning higher scores for higher intakes of cereal fiber, fruit, coffee, polyunsaturated:saturated fatty acid ratio, and nuts and for lower glycemic load and lower intakes of red/processed meat and sugar-sweetened beverages/fruit juices. The odds ratios (OR) of endometrial cancer according to the DRRD score were derived by multiple conditional logistic regression models. The OR for high (DRRD score >24, i.e., third tertile) versus medium–low adherence to the DRRD was 0.73 (95% confidence interval, CI, 0.55–0.97). Similar results were observed after the exclusion of diabetic women (OR 0.75; 95% CI, 0.56–1.00) and allowance for total vegetable consumption (OR 0.80; 95% CI, 0.60–1.07). Inverse associations were observed in most of the analyzed subgroups. The OR for high DRRD combined with high vegetable consumption was 0.45 (95% CI, 0.28–0.73). Our results suggest that diets able to reduce diabetes risk may also reduce endometrial cancer risk. High vegetable consumption combined with high adherence to the DRRD may provide additional benefit in endometrial cancer prevention

    Non-Union Scoring System (NUSS): Is It Enough in Clinical Practice?

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    Introduction: Bone consolidation defects represent a real orthopedic challenge because of the absence of validated treatment guidelines that can assist the surgeon in his choices. The aim of this study is to evaluate the appropriateness of the Non-Union Scoring System NUSS treatment protocol in the management of long bone non-unions by comparing it to the experience-based therapeutic approach carried out in our facility. Materials and Methods: We conducted a comparative outcome study of a retrospective series of 89 patients surgically treated for long bone non-union in our facility vs. clinical results reported by Calori et al. obtained following the NUSS treatment protocol. Results: Radiographic healing was reached in 13/13 non-unions (100%) in group NUSS 1, in 58/62 (93.5%) in group NUSS 2, and in 13/14 (92.9%) in group NUSS 3. The mean time to radiographic healing was 5.69 ± 2.09 months in group 1, 7.38 ± 3.81 months in group 2 and 9.23 ± 2.31 months in group 3. 91% of patients in group I, 69% in group II and 48% in group III received what would be considered by the NUSS treatment protocol an “overtreatment”, especially from a biological stand point. The comparative outcome analysis shows that our case series achieved significantly higher global healing rates (p value = 0.017) and shorter radiological healing times in groups NUSS 1 and 2 (p value < 0.001). Conclusion: From the results obtained, we can assume that the NUSS treatment protocol might underestimate the necessary therapies, particularly from a biological point of view

    Adherence to the Mediterranean diet and nasopharyngeal cancer risk in Italy

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    Purpose: Few studies investigated the role of diet on nasopharyngeal cancer (NPC) risk in non-endemic areas. The aim of this study was to assess the association between adherence to the traditional Mediterranean diet and NPC risk in a southern European low-risk population. Methods: We conducted a hospital-based case-control study in Italy, including 198 histologically confirmed NPC cases and 594 matched controls. Dietary habits were collected by means of a validated food-frequency questionnaire, including 83 foods, food groups, or beverages. Adherence to the traditional Mediterranean diet was assessed through a Mediterranean Diet Score (MDS), based on nine dietary components characterizing this dietary profile, i.e., high intake of vegetables, fruits and nuts, cereals, legumes, and fish; low intake of dairy products and meat; high monounsaturated to saturated fatty acid ratio; and moderate alcohol intake. We estimated odds ratios (ORs) of NPC, and the corresponding 95% confidence intervals (CIs), for increasing MDS (i.e., increasing adherence) using multiple logistic regression models, adjusted for major confounding factors. Results: As compared to MDS 64 4, the ORs of NPC were 0.83 (95% CI: 0.54\u20131.25) for MDS of 5 and 0.66 (95% CI: 0.44\u20130.99) for MDS 65 6, with a significant trend of decreasing risk (p 0.043). The corresponding population attributable fraction was 22%, indicating that 22% of NPC cases in this population would be avoided by shifting all subjects to a score 656. Conclusions: Our study supports a favorable role of the Mediterranean diet on NPC risk
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