138 research outputs found

    Power Loss Minimization for Distribution Networks with Load Tap Changing Using Genetic Algorithm and Environmental Impact Analysis

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    This paper presents an investigation of the IEEE 34 bus test system benefits with deployment of distribution static compensator (DSTATCOM) and distributed generation (DG) in the aspect of power loss minimization, bus voltage stability and greenhouse gas emission mitigation. Power loss minimization is carried out by adjusting tap changer positions of the load tap changing transformer with one of the well-known metaheuristic algorithms, Genetic Algorithm (GA). To check the voltage stability of the system after minimization, bus voltage profile index is developed. Similarly, environmental profile is evaluated by three different indices. The behaviour of the system is analysed for four different cases as follows. In Case 1, voltage and reactive power control is provided by capacitor banks. In Case 2, capacitor banks are replaced with DSTATCOM. In Case 3 and Case 4, Case 1 and Case 2 are reinvestigated in the presence of additional DG. All cases are evaluated with both traditional Newton- Raphson optimization algorithm and evolutionary-based GA optimization algorithm. The results indicate that GA optimization provides more energy savings than traditional optimization in all cases with bus voltage index within the allowed range. Besides voltage profile of the system in all cases with two algorithms supports the fact that evolutionary-based metaheuristics offer the best choices for a non-linear optimization problem in comparison with the traditional optimization methods. The overall results reveal that Case 4, test system with DSTATCOM and DG, is the best case which provides minimum power losses and a significant amount of emission savings with greenhouse payback time (GPBT) of 0.458 years

    İlköğretim Birinci Sınıf Öğrencilerinin Kalem Tutma Biçimleri ve Kavrama-Sıkıştırma Kuvvetlerinin Yazma Hızı ve Hatalarına Etkisi

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    This is a survey model descriptive study which aims at testing the impact of the way the first grade students in primary school hold the pencil, grip the pencil and the compressive strength on the writing speeds and mistakes. The survey has been made with the first grade students (n=412) in the primary schools located in the city center of Kütahya. According to the data obtained, it can be said that the pencil gripping style of the students is a kind which is supported with thumb, index and middle finger; there is low negative level meaning correlation between writing mistake point and compressive strength and there is low positive level meaning correlation between writing speed and gripping strength.İlköğretim birinci sınıf öğrencilerinin kalem tutma biçimleri, kavrama ve sıkıştırma kuvvetlerinin yazma hızı ve hatalarına etkisini test etmeyi amaçlayan bu çalışma tarama modelinde betimsel bir çalışmadır. Araştırma Kütahya il merkezinde bulunan ilköğretim okullarının birinci sınıf öğrencileriyle (n=412) yapılmıştır. Elde edilen bulgulara göre öğrencilerin tercih ettikleri kalem tutma şeklinin baş, işaret ve orta parmakla desteklenen tutuş şekli olduğu, yazma hata puanı ile kavrama ve sıkıştırma kuvveti arasında düşük negatif düzeyde anlamlı bir ilişkinin olduğu bulunmuştur. Bunun yanı sıra yazma hızı ile kavrama kuvveti arasında düşük pozitif düzeyde anlamlı bir ilişkinin olduğu söylenebilir

    Orhan Boran'ın Albümü

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    Psychotherapeutic Methods of Coping with Stress in Everyday Life

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    Stress is an inevitable part of life. Knowing the ways of coping with stress are necessary to preserve our mental and physical health and to maintain good social and/or occupational functioning in daily life activities. Different ways of coping with stress have been developed throughout history. Various type of therapies offer quite effective remedies for coping with stress in everyday life. Among psychotherapeutic treatments cognitive behavioral therapy which involves teaching stressful individuals to develop coping strategies have yielded very promising results. It is helpful to determine first whether stress source can be changed, several therapeutic approaches may then be used. Lazarus and Folkman have identified two major approaches for coping with stress so-called "problem-focused" and "emotion-focused". In "problem-focused" approaches targets are acquiring time management, self-monitoring, problem-solving skills, while in "emotion-focused" approaches, through ways of accepting or rejecting of stress associated negative emotions, or reconciling with these emotions, the target is learning how to keep emotions under control. "Problem-focused" and "emotion-focused" approaches may independently be used effectively in appropriate cases, their simultaneous practice may increase chances of successful treatment. Apart from this methods, psychodynamic therapy may be indicated in some cases. [JCBPR 2015; 4(3.000): 133-140

    Examination the sufficiency of Istanbul Fatih district’s green area using values before and after Marmara earthquake

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    Hızlı ve düzensiz kentleşme, çarpık yapılaşma sonrasında kentsel alanlarda önemli işlevleri bulunan yeşil alanların büyüklük olarak yetersiz kaldığı görülmüştür. 1999 yılı Marmara depreminden sonra, yeşil alanların yetersiz olduğu İstanbul ilinde, deprem sonrasında toplanma-geçici iskan alanı olarak kullanılan yeşil alanların önemi daha çok artmıştır. Bu araştırmada deprem riski altında olan Fatih ilçesinde deprem öncesi ve sonrasında açık alan ve yeşil alanların yüklenecekleri işlevleri, nüfusun deprem sonrası kullanacağı alanları belirlemek amacıyla ilçenin 1976 ila 2007 yılları arasındaki durumu irdelenmiş, kişi başına düşen yeşil alan miktarlarının değişimi tespit edilmiştir. Mevcut alan kullanım kararları ve yeşil alanlar mahalle düzeyinde irdelenmiştir. Fatih ilçesi mevcut yeşil alan durumunun idari dağılımı incelenmiştir. Fatih ilçesi aktif ve pasif yeşil alan durumu yıllar bazında ele alınmış ve kişi başına düşen yeşil alan miktarının diğer ilçeler ile kıyaslaması yapılmıştır. Yeşil alanlar ve deprem kavramları birlikte ele alınmış ilçe düzeyindeki yeşil alanların deprem öncesi ve sonrasında kullanımları irdelenmiştir. Fatih ilçesinde deprem durumunda toplanma alanları olarak kullanılacak alanlar belirlenmiş ve bu alanların yeterliliği analiz edilmiştir. Araştırma sonucunda elde edilen veriler değerlendirilmiş mevcut yeşil alanların deprem öncesi ve sonrası kullanımı üzerine önerilerde bulunulmuştur.After rapid and irregular urbanization, illegal housing, it has been seen that green areas, which have important functions in urban areas, remain incapable as size. After 1999 Marmara Earthquake in Istanbul, which has inadequate green areas, the importance of green areas which is used as evacuation and temporary housing areas after earthquake has increased. In this research, in Fatih District under earthquake risk, the green area condition of the district is examined between 1976 and 2007, the change of green area quantity per person is determined with the purpose of determining the functions of open and green areas before and after earthquake, determining areas which will be used by population post-earthquake. Existing land use decisions and green areas are examined at a level of neighborhood. Administrative distribution of existing green areas is analyzed. The condition of Fatih Districts’ active and passive green areas are discussed on year’s basis and green area per person is compared with other districts. The notions of green area and earthquake are paired with and usage of green areas is examined at the level of the district before and after earthquake. In Fatih District, areas which will be used as evacuation and temporary housing areas in case of earthquake and sufficiency of these areas are analyzed. In consequence of the research, obtained data is evaluated and it is suggested about usage of existing green areas before and after earthquake

    The Impact of Holding and Gripping a Pencil and Compressive Strength on Writing Speed and Mistakes of First Grade Students

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    This is a survey model descriptive study which aims at testing the impact of the way the first grade students in primary school hold the pencil, grip the pencil and the compressive strength on the writing speeds and mistakes. The survey has been made with the first grade students (n=412) in the primary schools located in the city center of Kutahya. According to the data obtained, it can be said that the pencil gripping style of the students is a kind which is supported with thumb, index and middle finger; there is low negative level meaning correlation between writing mistake point and compressive strength and there is low positive level meaning correlation between writing speed and gripping strength