254 research outputs found

    Suurnopeuslaserpinnoitus (EHLA)

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    A home, an institution and a community – frames of social relationships and interaction in assisted living

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    Funding Information: This work was supported by the Päivikki and Sakari Sohlberg Founda-tion and the Björkqvist Fund. The work was done in the framework of the Gerontology Research Center (GEREC) and the Centre of Excellence in Research on Ageing and Care (CoE AgeCare). We would like to thank all the people living and working in and visiting the ALF for giving us a window into their everyday life in the facility. We especially wish to thank staff members for helping us arrange the group discussion and interviews and all the residents who took part in them. Funding Information: This work was supported by the Päivikki and Sakari Sohlberg Foundation and the Björkqvist Fund. The work was done in the framework of the Gerontology Research Center (GEREC) and the Centre of Excellence in Research on Ageing and Care (CoE AgeCare). We would like to thank all the people living and working in and visiting the ALF for giving us a window into their everyday life in the facility. We especially wish to thank staff members for helping us arrange the group discussion and interviews and all the residents who took part in them. Publisher Copyright: © The Authors.Assisted living facilities are presented as the older person’s home but, at the same time, defined by institutional and communal characteristics. Using Goffman’s (1974/1986) concept of frame, we aim to find out how home, institution and community frames define social roles and shape social relationships and interaction in assisted living facilities. Directed content analysis was used to analyse the data consisting of observations, one group discussion and ten individual interviews with residents in an assisted living facility. We found that the home frame was characterised by meaningfulness, spontaneousness and informality of social relationships and interaction, whereas the institution frame by indifference and formality of them. Acknowledging and tolerating other people was not only central in the community frame but also dissociating oneself from some people. Frames can shed light on how different interpretations of the multifaceted social environment of assisted living affect homeliness of the facility and well-being of the residents.Peer reviewe

    A strategic role for HR: is it a competence issue?

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    The main stream of research on HR competencies has focused on identifying generic and universal skills.This trend has attracted many followers, and numerous HR competence models have been created during the past twenty years. New ideals and roles for HR, such as being a ‘business partner’ and ‘strategic partner’, have been developed. However, instead of focusing on these, we concentrated on contextual factors and their significance in realising new HR roles. In our case study of one large corporation operating in the service and retail sector, we found that cultural and contextual factors greatly affected the realization of the strategic potential of HR practitioners. These practitioners performed well in their traditional ‘administrative role’, but this could be seen as a barrier to forming or taking up a new strategic position.</p

    Ilmastohäpeästä on päästävä ilmastoylpeyteen

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    Hyvinvointi vanhuudessa : valmistautumista, sopeutumista, luopumista ja hyväksymistä

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    Tässä tutkimuksessa tarkoituksemme oli kartoittaa, miten eläkeikäiset ihmiset kuvaavat vanhenemista ja miten he tuovat puheessaan esille vanhenemisen erilaisia vaiheita ja siirtymiä. Tutkimuksen keskeisenä tavoitteena oli selvittää miten vanhat ihmiset itse näkevät vanhenemisen ja hyvinvoinnin suhteen. Tutkimusmenetelmänä olivat ryhmäkeskustelut ja aineistona keskustelunauhoituksista tehdyt litteraatit. Aineisto analysoitiin sisällönanalyysin keinoin. Osallistujat toivat esille erilaisia hyvinvoinnin ulottuvuuksia sekä keinoja, joilla hyvinvointia pidettiin yllä silloinkin, kun toimintakyky oli heikentynyt iän karttuessa. Nimesimme nämä keinot: varsinaiseen vanhuuteen valmistautuminen, ikääntymismuutoksiin sopeutuminen, totutuista tekemisistä luopuminen ja luopumisen hyväksyminen. Tärkeä havainto on se, että luopumisen hyväksyminen toi tilaa uusille asioille ja mielenkiinnon kohteille. Luopumisen hyväksyminen myös mahdollisti hyvinvoinnin ylläpitämistä muistojen kautta. Tutkimuksen tulokset vahvistavat näkemystä hyvinvoinnin moniulotteisuudesta ja vanhoista ihmisistä heterogeenisena joukkona. Näitä tutkimustuloksia voidaan käyttää esimerkiksi ikääntyneiden palveluja kehitettäessä

    Interpreting change on the SCAT3 in professional ice hockey players

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    Objectives: To examine test-retest reliability of the. SCAT3 for two consecutive seasons using a large sample of professional male ice hockey players, and to make recommendations for interpreting change on the test. Design: A cross-sectional descriptive study. Methods: Preseason baseline testing was administered in the beginning of the seasons 2013-2014 and 2014-2015 to 179 professional male hockey players in rink side settings. Results: The test-retest reliabilities of the SCAT3 components were uniformly low. However, the majority of athletes remained grossly within their own individual performance range when two pre-season SCAT3 baseline scores were compared to published normative reference values. Being tested by the same person or a different person did not influence the results. It was uncommon for the Symptom score to worsen by >= 3 points, the Symptom Severity score to worsen by >= 5 points, SAC total score to worsen by >= 3 points, M-BESS total error points to increase by >= 3, or the time to complete Tandem Gait to increase by >= 4s; each occurred in less than 10% of the sample. Conclusions: The SCAT3 has low test-retest reliability. Change scores should be interpreted with caution, and more research is needed to determine the clinical usefulness of the SCAT3 for diagnosing concussion and monitoring recovery. Careful examination of the natural distributions of difference scores provides clinicians with useful information on how to interpret change on the test. (C) 2016 Sports Medicine Australia. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.Peer reviewe

    The effect of tungsten carbide particles content in a weld deposit on its abrasion resistance

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    U radu se daje analiza naslage zavara koja sadrži čestice karbida volframa. U ispitivanju je primijenjen postupak elektrolučnog zavarivanja u zaštićenoj atmosferi miješanog plina s dva tipa žice s jezgrom. Izabrana elektroda s jezgrom tipa "F-Durit G" već sadrži čestice karbida volframa. Druga primijenjena opcija bila je elektroda s jezgrom tipa "Megafil A 864M" s povećanim sadržajem borona. U drugoj su varijanti čestice karbida volframa veličine 1-2 mm dodane u zavar i tako je stvoren sloj od kompozitnog materijala. Za spomenuti pokus izabrana su dva različita nivoa parametara zavarivanja, a mi smo ispitivali svojstva završne naslage zavara, a naročito otpor na abraziju.This paper describes the study of a weld deposit which contains tungsten carbide particles. For testing the process of gas metal arc welding in a protective atmosphere of a mixed gas with two types of cored wires were used. The selected cored electrode of a "F-Durit G" type already contains the tungsten carbide particles. The second used option was a cored electrode of a "Megafil A 864M" type with an increased boron content. For the second variant tungsten carbide particles with a 1-2 mm size were added to the weld pool, and a composite material layer was thus created. For the mentioned test two different levels of welding parameters were selected and the final weld deposit properties, particularly their abrasion resistance, were examined