1,824 research outputs found

    Midlife Healthy-Diet Index and Late-Life Dementia and Alzheimer's Disease

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    Aim: To study long-term effects of dietary patterns on dementia and Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Methods: Of 525 subjects randomly selected from population-based cohorts surveyed at midlife, a total of 385 (73%) subjects were re-examined 14 years later in the CAIDE study. A healthy-diet index (range 0–17) was constructed including both healthy and unhealthy dietary components. Results: Persons with a healthy diet (healthy-diet index >8 points) had a decreased risk of dementia (OR 0.12, 95% CI 0.02–0.85) and AD (OR 0.08, 95% CI 0.01–0.89) compared with persons with an unhealthy diet (0–8 points), adjusting for several possible confounders. Conclusions: Healthy diet at midlife is associated with a decreased risk of dementia/AD in late life. These findings highlight the importance of dietary patterns and may make more effective measures for dementia/AD prevention or postponement possible

    Adding free to total prostate-specific antigen levels in trials of prostate cancer screening

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    We used a nested case–control design on data from men in four prospective studies (from the UK, Maryland in the USA, and two from Finland) with available stored serum samples to determine whether there was an advantage in measuring both free prostate-specific antigen (PSA) and total PSA as a potential screening test for prostate cancer. Of these men, 247 were verified through national vital statistics offices as having died of prostate cancer, or having developed the disease, and 953 men who did not develop prostate cancer (controls) were selected, matched to cases for age, study centre and sample storage duration. Fixing the false-positive rate at 1%, the prostate cancer detection rate (sensitivity) over the 3 years following serum collection (based on 14 cancers) increased from an estimated 95% using total PSA to 97% using free and bound PSA (that is, bound to α-antichymotrypsin which together with the free form is total PSA). Over a 6-year period (based on 41 cancers) a similar difference occurred (52% and 56% detection rates respectively). We conclude that there is no material advantage in adding free to total PSA in prostate cancer screening trials. © 2000 Cancer Research Campaig

    Self-reported sleep bruxism among Finnish symphony orchestra musicians: Associations with perceived sleep-related problems and psychological stress

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    Objective: This study aimed to evaluate whether self-reported sleep bruxism among musicians is associated with sleep-related problems and/or psychological stress. Methods: Eight hundred-thirty-one Finnish orchestra musicians completed a questionnaire that covered, among others, indicators of sleep-related problems, possible sleep bruxism, and stress. Results: In total, 488 questionnaires were completed. The single variable ordinal logistic regression models revealed at least moderate associations between frequency of sleep bruxism and female gender, shorter sleep duration, longer sleep latency, problems in sleeping during concert season, feeling more often tired during the daytime, restless legs, a poor self-rated sleep quality, and more stress experience. The variables that remained in the final model were sleep duration, gender, and stress. Conclusion: Musicians who sleep 7 hours or less per night report more sleep bruxism, as compared to those who sleep 8 hours or more. Female gender and high-stress experience were associated with more sleep bruxism. © 2020 The Author(s). Published with license by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC

    Diet, nutrition and the prevention of type 2 diabetes

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    Objectives: The overall objective of this study was to evaluate and provide evidence and recommendations on current published literature about diet and lifestyle in the prevention of type 2 diabetes. Design: Epidemiological and experimental studies, focusing on nutritional intervention in the prevention of type 2 diabetes are used to make disease-specific recommendations. Long-term cohort studies are given the most weight as to strength of evidence available. Setting and subjects: Numerous clinical trials and cohort studies in low, middle and high income countries are evaluated regarding recommendations for dietary prevention of type 2 diabetes. These include, among others, the Finnish Diabetes Prevention Study, US Diabetes Prevention Program, Da Qing Study; Pima Indian Study; Iowa Women’s Health Study; and the study of the US Male Physicians. Results: There is convincing evidence for a decreased risk of diabetes in adults who are physically active and maintain a normal body mass index (BMI) throughout adulthood, and in overweight adults with impaired glucose tolerance who lose weight voluntarily. An increased risk for developing type 2 diabetes is associated with overweight and obesity; abdominal obesity; physical inactivity; and maternal diabetes. It is probable that a high intake of saturated fats and intrauterine growth retardation also contribute to an increased risk, while non-starch polysaccharides are likely to be associated with a decreased risk. From existing evidence it is also possible that omega-3 fatty acids, low glycaemic index foods and exclusive breastfeeding may play a protective role, and that total fat intake and trans fatty acids may contribute to the risk. However, insufficient evidence is currently available to provide convincing proof. Conclusions: Based on the strength of available evidence regarding diet and lifestyle in the prevention of type 2 diabetes, it is recommended that a normal weight status in the lower BMI range (BMI 21–23) and regular physical activity be maintained throughout adulthood; abdominal obesity be prevented; and saturated fat intake be less than 7% of the total energy intake

    The circadian syndrome predicts cardiovascular disease better than metabolic syndrome in Chinese adults

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    Background To compare the predictive value of the circadian syndrome (CircS) and Metabolic syndrome (MetS) for cardiovascular disease. Method We used the data of 9360 Chinese adults aged >= 40 years from the 2011 China Health and Retirement Longitudinal Study (CHARLS). Of the participants, 8253 people were followed in the 2015 survey. MetS was defined using the harmonized criteria. CircS was based on the components of the International Diabetes Federation (IDF) MetS plus short sleep and depression. The cut-off for CircS was set as >= 4. Multivariable logistic regression analysis was used to examine the associations. Results The prevalence of CircS and MetS was 39.0% and 44.7%. Both MetS and CircS were directly associated with prevalent CVD. The odds ratios for prevalent CVD comparing CircS with MetS, respectively, were 2.83 (95%CI 2.33-3.43) and 2.34 (1.93-2.83) in men, and 2.33 (1.98-2.73) and 1.79 (1.53-2.10) in women. Similar associations were found for incident CVD. The five-year incidence of CVD was 15.1% in CircS and 14.0% in MetS. The number of CircS components has a better predictive power for both prevalent and incident CVD than those of Mets components as indicated by the area under the ROC (AUC). AUC values for CVD in 2011 were higher for CircS than MetS in both men (0.659 (95%CI 0.634-0.684) vs 0.635 (95%CI 0.610-0.661)) and women (0.652 (95%CI 0.632-0.672) vs 0.619 (95%CI 0.599-0.640)). Conclusion The circadian syndrome is a strong and better predictor for CVD than the metabolic syndrome in Chinese adults.Peer reviewe

    Sustained diabetes risk reduction after real life and primary health care setting implementation of the diabetes in Europe prevention using lifestyle, physical activity and nutritional intervention (DE-PLAN) project

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    Background: Real life implementation studies performed in different settings and populations proved that lifestyle interventions in prevention of type 2 diabetes can be effective. However, little is known about long term results of these translational studies. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to examine the maintenance of diabetes type 2 risk factor reduction achieved 1 year after intervention and during 3 year follow-up in primary health care setting in Poland. Methods: Study participants (n = 262), middle aged, slightly obese, with increased type 2 diabetes risk ((age 55.5 (SD = 11.3), BMI 32 (SD = 4.8), Finnish Diabetes Risk Score FINDRISC 18.4 (SD = 2.9)) but no diabetes at baseline, were invited for 1 individual and 10 group lifestyle counselling sessions as well as received 6 motivational phone calls and 2 letters followed by organized physical activity sessions combined with counselling to increase physical activity. Measurements were performed at baseline and then repeated 1 and 3 years after the initiation of the intervention. Results: One hundred five participants completed all 3 examinations (baseline age 56.6 (SD = 10.7)), BMI 31.1 (SD = 4.9)), FINDRISC 18.57 (SD = 3.09)). Males comprised 13% of the group, 10% of the patients presented impaired fasting glucose (IFG) and 14% impaired glucose tolerance (IGT). Mean weight of participants decreased by 2.27 kg (SD = 5.25) after 1 year (p = 5% was achieved after 1 and 3 years by 27 and 19% of the participants, respectively. Repeated measures analysis revealed significant changes observed from baseline to year 1 and year 3 in: weight (p = 0.048), BMI (p = 0.001), total cholesterol (p = 0.013), TG (p = 0.061), fasting glucose level (p = 0.037) and FINDRISC (p = 0.001) parameters. The conversion rate to diabetes was 2% after 1 year and 7% after 3 years. Conclusions: Type 2 diabetes prevention in real life primary health care setting through lifestyle intervention delivered by trained nurses leads to modest weight reduction, favorable cardiovascular risk factors changes and decrease of diabetes risk. These beneficial outcomes can be maintained at a 3-year follow-up.Peer reviewe

    Predictors of completing a primary health care diabetes prevention intervention programme in people at high risk of type 2 diabetes Experiences of the DE-PLAN project

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    It has been shown that real-life implementation studies for the prevention of type 2 diabetes (DM2) performed in different settings and populations can be effective. However, not enough information is available on factors influencing the reach of DM2 prevention programmes. This study examines the predictors of completing an intervention programme targeted at people at high risk of DM2 in Krakow, Poland as part of the DE-PLAN project. A total of 262 middle-aged people, everyday patients of 9 general practitioners' (GP) practices, at high risk of DM2 (Finnish Diabetes Risk Score (FINDRISK)>14) agreed to participate in the lifestyle intervention to prevent DM2. Intervention consisted of 11 lifestyle counseling sessions, organized physical activity sessions followed by motivational phone calls and letters. Measurements were performed at baseline and 1 year after the initiation of the intervention. Seventy percent of the study participants enrolled completed the core curriculum (n=184), 22% were men. When compared to noncompleters, completers had a healthier baseline diabetes risk profile (P In multiple logistic regression model, employment reduced the likelihood of completing the intervention 2 times (odds ratio [OR] 0.45, 95% confidence interval [CI] 0.25-0.81). Higher glucose 2 hours after glucose load and hypertension were the independent factors decreasing the chance to participate in the intervention (OR 0.79, 95% 0.69-0.92 and OR 0.52, 95% CI 0.27-0.99, respectively). Daily consumption of vegetables and fruits increased the likelihood of completing the intervention (OR 1.86, 95% 1.01-3.41). In conclusion, people with healthier behavior and risk profile are more predisposed to complete diabetes prevention interventions. Male, those who work and those with a worse health profile, are less likely to participate and complete interventions. Targeted strategies are needed in real-life diabetes prevention interventions to improve male participation and to reach those who are working as well as people with a higher risk profile.Peer reviewe

    Update and Next Steps for Real-World Translation of Interventions for Type 2 Diabetes Prevention: Reflections From a Diabetes Care Editors’ Expert Forum

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    The International Diabetes Federation estimates that 415 million adults worldwide now have diabetes and 318 million have impaired glucose tolerance. These numbers are expected to increase to 642 million and 482 million, respectively, by 2040. This burgeoning pandemic places an enormous burden on countries worldwide, particularly resource-poor regions. Numerous landmark trials evaluating both intensive lifestyle modification and pharmacological interventions have persuasively demonstrated that type 2 diabetes can be prevented or its onset can be delayed in high-risk individuals with impaired glucose tolerance. However, key challenges remain, including how to scale up such approaches for widespread translation and implementation, how to select appropriately from various interventions and tailor them for different populations and settings, and how to ensure that preventive interventions yield clinically meaningful, cost-effective outcomes. In June 2015, a Diabetes Care Editors’ Expert Forum convened to discuss these issues. This article, an outgrowth of the forum, begins with a summary of seminal prevention trials, followed by a discussion of considerations for selecting appropriate populations for intervention and the clinical implications of the various diagnostic criteria for prediabetes. The authors outline knowledge gaps in need of elucidation and explore a possible new avenue for securing regulatory approval of a prevention-related indication for metformin, as well as specific considerations for future pharmacological interventions to delay the onset of type 2 diabetes. They conclude with descriptions of some innovative, pragmatic translational initiatives already under way around the world

    Evaluating Active U: an Internet-mediated physical activity program.

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    Background: Engaging in regular physical activity can be challenging, particularly during the winter months. To promote physical activity at the University of Michigan during the winter months, an eight-week Internet-mediated program (Active U) was developed providing participants with an online physical activity log, goal setting, motivational emails, and optional team participation and competition. Methods: This study is a program evaluation of Active U. Approximately 47,000 faculty, staff, and graduate students were invited to participate in the online Active U intervention in the winter of 2007. Participants were assigned a physical activity goal and were asked to record each physical activity episode into the activity log for eight weeks. Statistics for program reach, effectiveness, adoption, and implementation were calculated using the Re-Aim framework. Multilevel regression analyses were used to assess the decline in rates of data entry and goal attainment during the program, to assess the likelihood of joining a team by demographic characteristics, to test the association between various predictors and the number of weeks an individual met his or her goal, and to analyze server load. Results: Overall, 7,483 individuals registered with the Active U website (≈16% of eligible), and 79% participated in the program by logging valid data at least once. Staff members, older participants, and those with a BMI < 25 were more likely to meet their weekly physical activity goals, and average rate of meeting goals was higher among participants who joined a competitive team compared to those who participated individually (IRR = 1.28, P < .001). Conclusion: Internet-mediated physical activity interventions that focus on physical activity logging and goal setting while incorporating team competition may help a significant percentage of the target population maintain their physical activity during the winter months
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