29 research outputs found

    Socioeconomic Analysis of Artificial Reefs in the Edremit Bay (North Aegean Sea), Turkey

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    This study is the second socioeconomic study conducted to determine whether the ARD has socioeconomic impacts on the local groups in the Edremit Bay, under the Turkish National Artificial Reef Project. The socioeconomic assessment of the ARD include stakeholder analysis, perception and satisfaction measures, employment, social and economic benefits and analysis of fishing characteristics was realized. Face-to-face interviews were conducted on commercial fishermen (CF), recreational fishermen (RF), heads of fishery cooperatives, owners of fishing equipment shops and owners of SCUBA diving centers by using specifically designed separate questionnaire forms. Study was conducted in Altınoluk, Güre ve Küçükkuyu in the northern coastal towns of Edremit Bay. In Altınoluk, increases in catch realized in P. saltatrix, B.belone, L. vulgaris, and O. vulgaris, M. Surmuletus/M. Barbatus, S. Sarda, S. Salpa as well as increases in disappeared or highly decreased species such as D. puntazzo, Z. faber, S. aurata and D. dentex. CPUE of CF in Altınoluk were calculated as 4,12±4,2 kg h-1 that was considerably higher than 1,72±1,54 kg h-1 in Güre and 1,11±0,94 kg h-1 in Küçükkuyu with almost the same daily fishing effort as 6-7 h whereas, statistical significances were determined among CPUE of each town (ANOVA and Tukey HSD; p0,05), the statistical differences were determined between CPUE values of RF in Altınoluk and Küçükkuyu with Güre and Küçükkuyu. RF in Altınoluk were considerably highly satisfied with RF in Güre that two thirds of the RF were absolutely satisfied from ARs whereas, RF in Küçükkuyu had lower levels of AR project satisfaction. As in the case of CF, the majority of RF in three towns was agreed that ARs are not managed well. Fishing experiment has also showed that there were statistically significant differences between mean CPUE values in ARZ and Non-ARZ (ANOVA; p<0,05). Two year after the $2 Million AR deployment, our analysis revealed that some problems exist in relation with ARs and fishery in the region. However; these problems are eradicated by a good, local management scheme. The reconciliation of small scale commercial and recreational fisheries and AR deployment concerns are possible, because the small scale commercial and recreational fisheries sectors have a future potential for greater socioeconomic activity as well as lobbying and engagement. Finally, an AR management plan should be formulated with the active participation of all users and interested parties. Within this, there is a need for renewed AR guidelines that are easily understandable by stakeholders and fisheries managers. In particular, these guidelines should be compatible with those produced by organizations such as the General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean, to facilitate appropriate management of AR fishery. Then, it is recommended that those updated guidelines for AR deployment should be incorporated into national and local level policy

    Fisheries Reference Points under Varying Stock Productivity and Discounting : European Anchovy as a Case Study

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    Funding Information: This work was supported by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 675997. The authors are very thankful to Prof. Dr. Mehmet Aydın from the Ordu University Fatsa Faculty of Marine Sciences for his support and contribution and to anchovy fishermen who answered our questions sincerely and patiently. We would also like to thank constructive comments received by anonymous reviewers during the peer review. Funding Information: This work was supported by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 675997. The authors are very thankful to Prof. Dr. Mehmet Aydın from the Ordu University Fatsa Faculty of Marine Sciences for his support and contribution and to anchovy fishermen who answered our questions sincerely and patiently. We would also like to thank constructive comments received by anonymous reviewers during the peer review. Data Availability Statement: The data that is used and support the findings are publicly available. Catch and price statistics of the anchovy are openly available by the Turkish Central Statistical Database via the link: https:// biruni.tuik.gov.tr/medas/?kn=97&locale=tr. Biological parameters of the anchovy stock assessment are available in the report STECF-14-14, EUR 26896 via . Economic survey data of the anchovy fishing fleet can be made available upon request. Publisher Copyright: © 2022, Mediterranean Marine Science. All Rights Reserved.European anchovy (Engraulis encrasicolus) is the main commercially exploited fish stock in the Black Sea region, providing a vital source of livelihood and revenue for local communities and national economies. In recent decades, the Black Sea anchovy stock has faced many human-induced threats, including overfishing, eutrophication, invasive species, and climate change while these threats have raised concerns about the status and long-term productivity of the stock. To ensure sustainable levels of exploitation under potential future changes in stock productivity, we here estimate and compare a suite of biological and economic reference points under different levels of stock productivity and discount rates using an age-structured bioeconomic model setup. Our model simulations showed that optimal fishing mortalities achieving maximum sustainable yield (FMSY) and maximum economic yield (FMEY) increase at higher stock productivity but are always lower than the historically high mean levels of exploitation. Furthermore, we illustrate that the stock biomass at maximum economic yield (BMEY) is larger than the stock biomass at maximum sustainable yield (BMSY) at all stock productivities and discount rates, except at low stock productivity under high levels of discounting (i.e., 10%, 20%). By illustrating the ecological and economic benefits of reducing exploitation rates, we expect that our estimated reference points can add value to the decision-making process for the management of the European anchovy fishery and ensure long-term sustainable management even under future climate-driven changes in stock productivity.Peer reviewe

    Recreational Fishing on the Coastal Hot Spots of Izmir Inner Bay (Aegean Sea, Turkey) : Socio-economics and Management Implications

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    In this study, we analyzed social and economic dimensions of shore-based recreational fishing (RF) along Izmir Inner Bay in the Metropolitan Province Izmir of Turkey. 634 shore-based recreational fishers were interviewed via on-site face-to-face interviews during the fishing activity from January to December in 2016. Market value approach was utilized to calculate net economic values and expenses of recreational fishers along in eight coastal districts, Goztepe, Karatas, Konak, Pasaport, Alsancak, Bayrakli, Karsiyaka and Bostanli along the coast of the inner bay. The annual fishing efforts demonstrated significant differences among districts. For example; Bostanli fishers that have higher education levels with higher income spent higher time for RF but, finally, this attitude of Bostanli fishers resulted in low CPUE levels. Considering the RF experience of Bostanli fishers, they are either not likely or able to target or catch bigger or more fish. In contrast, Goztepe fishers seems much professional compared to fishers by having the highest amount of catch in shortest time compared to rest of the districts. The highest mean CPUE was observed for Goztepe, Karatas and Konak fishers even so, these CPUE amounts were much under the ones determined in previous studies in Turkey. Considering the catch composition of fishers, S. auratus was the most common catch for all fishers. Secondly, D. labrax and Mugilid species constituted the majority. High fishing related expenditures were observed in all districts, then harvesting values reached quite high levels considering the previous studies. To conclude, RF in Izmir Inner Bay of Turkey is great social and economic activity by generating increase in RF related expenditures, jobs and indirect economic activity in services sector. The results of this study provide an update information of the recreational fishers' profile to help regulate recreational fishery.Peer reviewe

    Rekreativni ribolov na turskim obalama srednjeg i istočnog Crnog mora: biološki, socijalni i ekonomski aspekti

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    This study investigated biological, social and mainly economic dimensions of recreational fishing (RF) in 8 coastal Middle and Eastern Black Sea provinces of Turkey. In all provinces, a total number of 874 shore-based recreational fishers were interviewed via on-site face-to-face interviews during the fishing activity or at access points being monthly from January to December in 2015. Market value with RF index of added value approaches were used to calculate economic gains and losses from RF. The consistency was observed with the high education levels, high expense and high market value for fishers in the Middle Black Sea provinces; Kastamonu, Samsun, Sinop and Ordu. In all provinces, the harvesting costs stayed far below the average market prices of target species. Also, positive values of RF index were observed in all provinces. The species catch composition in Western and Eastern provinces did not show great differences. Furthermore, even if the habitat type along the Black Sea coast of Turkey did not show great variations, in the Western provinces some certain species including T. trachurus, S. sarda, B. belone, P. saltatrix, M. cephalus were caught in higher amounts. To summarize, RF along the Black Sea coasts of Turkey is an industry creating high economic returns by expenditures, jobs, catch value and further increased indirect economic impact in services sector.U ovoj studiji se iznose istraživanja biološke, društvene i ekonomske dimenzije rekreacijskog ribolova (RF) u 8 srednje obalnih i istočnih pokrajina Crnog mora u Turskoj. U svim pokrajinama ukupno je 874 obalnih rekreativnih ribara anketirano izravnim intervjuima (razgovorom licem u lice), te tijekom ribolova ili pri pristupnim točkama mjesečno od siječnja do prosinca 2015. godine. Tržišna vrijednost prema indeksu rekreativnog ribolova i dodane vrijednosti korištena je za izračun ekonomskih dobitaka i gubitaka kod rekreativnog ribolova. Konzistencija je promatrana s obzirom na visoki stupanj obrazovanja, visoke troškove i visokom tržišnom vrijednošću za ribare u slijedećim pokrajinama srednjeg Crnog mora: Kastamonu, Samsun, Sinop i Ordu. U svim pokrajinama troškovi ribolova bili su daleko ispod prosječnih tržišnih cijena ciljanih vrsta. Također, u svim pokrajinama zabilježene su pozitivne vrijednosti indeksa rekreativnog ribolova. Sastav ulova u zapadnim i istočnim pokrajinama nije pokazao velike razlike. Nadalje, iako stanišne vrste duž crnomorske obale Turske nisu pokazivale velike varijacije, u zapadnim provincijama neke određene vrste, uključujući Trachurus trachurus, Sarda sarda, Belone belone, Pomatomus saltatrix, Mugil cephalus bile su uhvaćene u većim količinama. Ukratko, rekreativni ribolov na crnomorskim obalama Turske je industrija koja stvara visoki ekonomski povrat izdataka u vidu radnih mjesta, ulovne vrijednosti i daljnjeg povećanja neizravnog ekonomskog utjecaja u sektoru usluga

    European consumers' intention to buy sustainable aquaculture products: An exploratory study

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    Given the increasing global importance of low trophic level aquaculture (LTA) products (e.g. seaweed and mussels) for sustainable and healthy seafood supply, this study examined consumer intentions towards LTA products among European consumers. This study performed an extended theory of planned behaviour to focus on the influence of health consciousness, subjective knowledge, food neophobia, and sociodemographic and lifestyle factors on consumers' intentions to buy LTA products. We conducted an online questionnaire survey in Denmark, the United Kingdom and France (~500 respondents per country). Consumer segmentation analysis, based on food-related lifestyles, employing K-means clustering techniques, revealed five distinct segments, namely ‘Adventurous’, ‘Uninvolved’, ‘Foodies’, ‘Rational’, and ‘Conservative’, each reflecting unique consumer behavioural patterns. Furthermore, partial least squares structural equation modelling analysis revealed that subjective norms are the main predictor of LTA product buying intention, followed by attitude, food neophobia, subjective knowledge, and health consciousness. Furthermore, food neophobia seems to moderate the influence of subjective norms and subjective knowledge on LTA product buying intention. This dual approach explains the predictive power of the model while identifying targeted segments for sustainable aquaculture product marketing, ensuring that the distinction between the model's test and the subsequent segmentation analysis is clearly articulated. To enhance the adoption of LTA products, marketers should primarily target the ‘Foodies’ segment, characterised by high involvement and innovation, by emphasizing attitudes, health consciousness, subjective knowledge, and food quality attributes, while mitigating food neophobia and leveraging subjective norms

    Cooperative Fisheries Outperform Non-cooperative Ones in the Baltic Sea Under Different Climate Scenarios

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    Game theory has been an effective tool to generate solutions for decision making in fisheries involving multiple countries and fleets. Here, we use a coupled bio-economic model based on a Baltic Sea dynamic multispecies food web model called BALMAR and, we compare non-cooperative (NC) and cooperative game (grand coalition: GC) solutions. Applications of game theory based on a food web model under climate change have not been studied before and the present study aims to fill this gap in the literature. The study focuses on the effects of climate variability on the biological, harvest and economic output of the game models by examining two different climate scenarios, a first scenario characterized by low temperature and high salinity and a second scenario by high temperature and low salinity. Our results showed that in the first scenario sprat spawning stock biomass (SSB) and harvest dropped dramatically both in the NC and the GC cases whereas, herring and cod SSBs and harvests were higher compared to a base scenario (BS) keeping temperature and salinity at mean historical levels. In the second scenario, the sprat SSB and the harvest was higher for both GC and NC cases while the cod and the herring SSBs and harvests were lower. The total GC payoffs clearly outperformed the NC payoffs across all scenarios. Likewise, the first and second scenario GC payoffs for countries were higher except for Poland. The findings suggested the climate vulnerability of Baltic Sea multi-species fisheries and these results would support future decision-making processes of Baltic Sea fisheries.Peer reviewe

    Economic Approaches for Optimal Fisheries Management : Bioeconomic, Game-Theoretic, and Nonparametric Modelling

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    This thesis presents the results of the performance of marine fisheries in various European Union (EU) countries and environmentally driven optimal fishery management scenarios in the Baltic and Black Seas. The main aim of this thesis is to explore various aspects of multi-method modelling approaches for optimal fisheries management, focusing on reference points and resource allocation strategies using bioeconomic approaches under environmental shifts as well as economic and technological analyses to evaluate the efficiency and productivity, with internal and external drivers, of various fishing vessels and fisheries in a variety of scenarios and contexts. The findings have significant implications for fisheries management, particularly considering the current global challenges in marine fisheries. The findings emphasise the importance of considering both biological and economic factors when establishing reference points for fisheries management (Study I). The fact that fishing mortality at maximum economic yield (FMEY) is consistently lower than fishing mortality at maximum sustainable yield (FMSY) in a range of stock productivities suggests that maximising economic benefits alone may be sustainable in the long run, as it may reduce overfishing and stock depletion. Therefore, policies that consider both biological and economic factors are required to ensure the long-term sustainability of fisheries. This thesis shows the potential impact of climate change on fish stocks, which is especially pertinent given current global environmental challenges (Study II). Changes in ocean temperature and salinity caused by climate change can significantly impact the distribution and abundance of fish populations. Understanding how these changes affect different species and fisheries is critical to developing effective management strategies. The findings of Study III suggest that improvements in the technical and economic efficiency of fishing vessels can lead to more sustainable fishing practices. Policies that encourage the use of more efficient fishing technologies and practices can produce more sustainable fisheries. This thesis also presents the productivity and economic efficiency of fishing states, emphasises the importance of eliminating excess economic production factors and incorporates the role of macroeconomic drivers in achieving sustainable fisheries management. This discovery has extensive implications for global fisheries management, as various fisheries worldwide may face similar difficulties. The thesis imply that sustainable fisheries management requires a multidisciplinary approach that considers both biological and economic factors, as well as the potential effects of climate change and the need for technological and economic efficiencies. Policymakers and fisheries managers can use these insights to develop effective and sustainable management strategies that ensure the long-term viability of global fisheries. Keywords: Performance Assessment, Data Envelopment Analysis, Economic Efficiency, Harvest Productivity, Single Species, Multi-Species, Food Web Model, Non-Parametric Linear, Bioeconomic Modelling, Game Theory, Reference Points, Environmental Shift, European Union, Baltic Sea, Black SeaThe world's fisheries are at a crossroads. As ocean conditions change and fish populations decrease, we need smarter ways to manage these vital resources. This ground-breaking doctoral thesis offers a comprehensive map for sustainable fisheries management, focusing on European Union countries, particularly the Baltic and Black Seas. Combining cutting-edge mathematical models, economic assessments, and environmental studies, it answers pressing questions about how to fish wisely and sustainably. Firstly, the research underscores that profitability alone cannot guide fisheries. Ignoring the biological health of fish stocks for immediate economic gains could lead to empty nets in the long run. The study introduces new 'reference points', which factor in both economic and biological considerations for sustainable fishing limits. Second, the study raises the alarm about the impact of climate change on fish populations. Ocean temperature and salinity shifts are more than a headline; they are reshaping where fish can grow. Knowing this can help us adapt our fishing strategies before it is too late. Lastly, the study reveals that investing in efficient technology for fishing vessels is not just good for business; it is crucial for the planet. Better equipment can make fishing more sustainable by catching more with less impact on fish populations. These findings are timely and essential. As climate change, technological advances, and economic pressures cross, this research provides policymakers and fisheries managers with actionable insights to keep our oceans overflowing with life for generations to come

    Kuzey Ege'de yapay resif uygulamalarının sosyo-ekonomik etkilerinin belirlenmesi:

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    Yapay resif uygulamalarının Türkiye'deki tarihi çok uzun olmamakla birlikte, son yıllarda uygulamalarda önemli ölçüde artış görülmüştür. Bilimsel çalışmalarla başlayan projelendirilmiş yapay resif uygulamalarının, gerek doğal ortama biyolojik etkileri, gerekse bu ortamla doğrudan veya dolaylı ilişkili olan kullanıcı ve kullanıcı olmayan gruplara sosyal ve ekonomik etkileri şu ana kadar etkin bir şekilde incelenememiştir. Çalışmanın başlıca amacı, Ulusal Yapay Resif Projesi'nin pilot bölgesi Altınoluk Beldesi'nde uygulanacak olan yapay resiflerle ilişkili ticari balıkçılar, yöre sakinleri ve amatör balıkçılar arasından seçilen temsili bireylerin sosyo-ekonomik özelliklerinin belirlenmesi olmuştur. Daha sonra bu bireylerin yapay resif atılacak alanla ilişkilerinin belirlenmesi, bu alanlarda sürdürülen aktivitelere verdiği önceliklerin saptanması ve oluşturulacak yapay resif alanlarının ekonomik değerinin hesaplanması çalışmanın diğer amaçlarını oluşturmuştur. Çalışmanın ana materyalini, Altınoluk'ta faaliyet gösteren tesadüfi olarak belirlenmiş S.S. Altınoluk Su Ürünleri Kooperatifine üye 20 ticari balıkçı, Altınoluk sularında kıyıda ve teknede faaliyet gösteren 58 amatör balıkçı, Altınoluk'ta yerleşik hanehalkı ve Altınoluk'ta mevsimsel olarak faaliyet gösteren dalış kulübü yetkilisi ile yapılan karşılıklı görüşmeler yoluyla elde edilen özgün veriler oluşturmuştur. Grupların yapay resif alanıyla olan bağlantısını ortaya koyabilmek için, gruplara dahil bireyler tarafından resif uygulanacak olan alana yapılan ziyaret sayıları ortaya koyulmuştur. Ticari balıkçılar, amatör balıkçılar ve yöre sakinlerinin bu alanlarda ticari balıkçılık, amatör balıkçılık, dalış veya gezi aktivitelerini gerçekleştirdikleri belirlenmiştir. Çalışma kapsamında Analitik Hiyerarşi Süreci (AHS) ile elde edilen sonuçlara göre, bireylerin yapay resif uygulamalarına ve alanın korunmasına önemli ölçüde öncelik verdiği tespit edilmiştir. Ayrıca, AHS kapsamında ele alınan seçenek ve kriterleri etkileyen değişkenler tobit regresyon analizi ile incelenmiştir. Yeni Çevresel Paradigma Ölçeğine (YÇP) göre, çalışma kapsamındaki bireylerin tamamının büyük ölçüde çevreci oldukları tespit edilmiştir. Ayrıca, Koşullu Değerleme yöntemi ile, olası bir yapay resif uygulamasına yöre sakinlerinin verdiği pazardışı ekonomik değer birinci probit modele göre 3,613,592 TL, ikinci probit modele göre 3,594,606 TL olarak hesaplanmıştır