13 research outputs found

    Influence of Product, Price, Promotion and Place on Banana Market Trend in Kilimanjaro-Tanzania

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    The study focuses on the Product, Price, Promotion and Place On Banana Market Trend In Kilimanjaro, it provides the market strategy to enhance the competitiveness of banana companies in the current market dynamics. Through quantitative research, this paper revealed the effectiveness of (4P) in the Banana marketing strategy and the significant links between place, price, products, promotion and the impact in increasing the market opportunity in the banana sector. Specifically, the study evaluates the performance of marketing strategy practices across various dimensions. Marketing mix strategy were explored in terms of Product, Price, Promotion and Place. In addition, the data was collected from 575 banana growers throughout 52 wards. This study employed a cross-sectional survey approach to examine the commercial viability of the banana value chain, and the corresponding questionnaires were successfully collected. The results show (99.3%) of banana growers have a great challenge with access to the market and poor price information. Moreover, the producers (62.8%) rely on the middlemen rather than delivering bananas to the Private Banana Company. Based on these findings; for the farmers and private sector to generate growth and excellence, Private Banana Company need to decentralize their business model and develop a marketing strategy by implementing its marketing mix in a way that will acquire and then sustain its competitive edge in the market. These will enhance the competitiveness of banana companies and lay a solid foundation for their sustainable success in the banana business

    The Influence of Observability on The Adoption of Tissue Culture Banana Seedlings in Tanzania

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    In the seedling’s technology, Banana farming is undergoing a profound transformation with the integration of advanced technologies, referred to as tissue culture banana seedlings. The study delves into the empires of seedling technology and innovations adoption within the banana farming sector. We explore the dynamic interactions between Tissue culture innovation, and the farmer's adoption. The study adopted positivism philosophy, a cross-sectional survey design, and purposive sampling techniques. A sample size of 350 banana farmers in Kilimanjaro was drawn from the population of the study using Yamen formula for sample size determination. Since the outcome variable was dichotomous the binary logistic regression model was employed. The results indicate that, the highest mean was for the statement “Banana tissue culture seedlings grow faster compared to local suckers” (M=3.75), indicating the speed of growth is seen as a clear observable benefit. Standard deviations were relatively low, ranging from 0.826 to 0.872, indicating less variation in responses. These results suggest smallholder farmers perceive tissue culture banana seedlings as having moderately high observability, especially related to the visible benefits of faster planting growth and income generation compared to using local banana seedlings. We shed light on the adoption of tissue culture seedlings. Adoption is reshaping traditional suckers’ practices, enhancing productivity and business opportunity. Farmers adoption will  leads to the economic development and job creation. Farmers markets provide opportunities for small farmers and businesses to sell their products, and support to meet the growing demand for locally produced food

    The Impact of Transportation on The Avocado Market in Tanzania

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    Avocado (Persea americana) is grown in many nations throughout Africa, Asia, Europe, and South America. The climate of Tanzania offers a perfect habitat for growing avocados. This paper investigates how transportation affects the Tanzanian avocado industry. Data were gathered from 505 farmers and 37 categories/groups using a cross-sectional design. Data analysis was done using SPSS where descriptive statistics and the chi-square test.  A one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) with Tukey's Honest Significant Difference (HSD) test at p < 0.05 was also done. According to the results, local avocado output is dominated by men (79% male vs. 21% female). The result of the binary logit model revealed that the participation of avocado producers in a high-value market was influenced by age, educational status, the number of avocados sold, the price of avocado, and market information. With sorting (12%), grading (7%), and packaging (9%), quality during production was judged most important (25%), followed by harvesting (16%), storage (16%), and transportation (15%) with less relevance were factors impacting quality. Improving the avocado market for growers depends on addressing these problems at the national, regional, and district levels. Hence, transportation has a big influence on the avocado industry since smallholder growers have great difficulties influencing market access and produce quality. Improvement of transport infrastructure and support systems at the national, regional, and district levels will help to boost the avocado market

    The Influence of Observability on The Adoption of Tissue Culture Banana Seedlings in Tanzania

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    In the seedling’s technology, Banana farming is undergoing a profound transformation with the integration of advanced technologies, referred to as tissue culture banana seedlings. The study delves into the empires of seedling technology and innovations adoption within the banana farming sector. We explore the dynamic interactions between Tissue culture innovation, and the farmer's adoption. The study adopted positivism philosophy, a cross-sectional survey design, and purposive sampling techniques. A sample size of 350 banana farmers in Kilimanjaro was drawn from the population of the study using Yamen formula for sample size determination. Since the outcome variable was dichotomous the binary logistic regression model was employed. The results indicate that, the highest mean was for the statement “Banana tissue culture seedlings grow faster compared to local suckers” (M=3.75), indicating the speed of growth is seen as a clear observable benefit. Standard deviations were relatively low, ranging from 0.826 to 0.872, indicating less variation in responses. These results suggest smallholder farmers perceive tissue culture banana seedlings as having moderately high observability, especially related to the visible benefits of faster planting growth and income generation compared to using local banana seedlings. We shed light on the adoption of tissue culture seedlings. Adoption is reshaping traditional suckers’ practices, enhancing productivity and business opportunity. Farmers adoption will  leads to the economic development and job creation. Farmers markets provide opportunities for small farmers and businesses to sell their products, and support to meet the growing demand for locally produced food

    The Impact of Transportation on The Avocado Market in Tanzania

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    Avocado (Persea americana) is grown in many nations throughout Africa, Asia, Europe, and South America. The climate of Tanzania offers a perfect habitat for growing avocados. This paper investigates how transportation affects the Tanzanian avocado industry. Data were gathered from 505 farmers and 37 different categories/groups using a cross-sectional design. Data analysis was done using SPSS where descriptive statistics and the chi-square test.  A one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) with Tukey's Honest Significant Difference (HSD) test at p < 0.05 was also done. According to the results, local avocado output is dominated by men (79% male vs. 21% female). Usually, agents who segregate avocados depending on necessary and unwanted criteria handle them. Smallholder farmers have major market difficulties, mostly about transportation. With sorting (12%), grading (7%), and packaging (9%), quality during production was judged most important (25%), followed by harvesting (16%), storage (16%), and transportation (15%). With less relevance were factors impacting quality. Improving the avocado market for growers depends on national, regional, and district-level addressing of these problems. Hence, transportation has a big influence on the avocado industry since smallholder growers have great difficulties influencing market access and product quality. Improvement of transport infrastructure and support systems at the national, regional, and district levels will help to boost the avocado market

    Influence of Entrepreneurial Activities on Adoption of Tissue Culture Banana Seedlings in Tanzania.

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    Banana is the world’s most popular fruit, with an estimated global export value of 7 billion dollars per year; they are also one of the most domestic foods and are traded by Tanzania farmers. However, approximately 15% of the global banana production is involved in trade. The inadequate adoption of Tissue Banana Seedlings has led to the assessment of the Influence of Entrepreneurial Activities on the Adoption of Tissue Culture Banana Seedlings in Tanzania-Kilimanjaro particularly. The study adopted a positivism philosophy, a cross-sectional survey design, and purposive sampling techniques targeting 350 farmers. Questionnaires were used for data collection, Binary Logistic Regression was applied for data analysis, the results show Entrepreneurial significantly influenced the adoption of Tissue culture seedlings, and Tissue culture seedlings offer more business opportunities than local suckers. Therefore, the study recommends promoting Entrepreneurial activities toward the adoption of tissue culture banana seedlings in Tanzania and developing countrie

    The Influence of Complexity on the Adoption of Tissue Culture Banana Seedlings in Tanzania

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    Tissue culture seedlings have been used to improve production in agriculture. However, tissue culture suffers from low adoption. In this context, adoption studies in Tanzania of these types of seedlings are scarce and in general, do not jointly account for the judgment factors affecting the adoption decision among banana farmers. This study investigates the Influence of Complexity on Adoption. Farm-level data were collected through a questionnaire administered to 350 banana farmers in Kilimanjaro. Binary logistic was used to analyse the data and the results show the easier-to-grow significantly increased adoption. The findings of this study propose that; future information on seedlings technology must demonstrate an advantage over traditional seedlings and the investigation evidence supporting seedlings innovation must be clearly visible. We, therefore, concluded that the innovation adoption process has a social and complex element; it requires adequate extension of Information systems and negotiations with key stakeholders in the whole value chain

    Effect of Spacing Regimes on Growth, Yield, and Wood Properties of Tectona grandis at Longuza Forest Plantation, Tanzania

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    This study examined the effects of planting spacing on growth, yield, and wood properties of teak planted at square spacing regimes of 2 m, 3 m, and 4 m at Longuza Forest Plantation, Tanzania. To achieve this, tree, stand, and wood properties were studied at age of 14 years. Results showed that diameter at breast height and total height increased with increasing spacing. Mean annual increment increased significantly with increasing spacing while spacing did not have significant effect on total volume production and basal area. Basic density is also not affected by spacing while heartwood proportion increases as planting spacing increases. All studied wood properties (modulus of rupture, modulus of elasticity, compression strength tangential to grain, and shear tangential to the grain) except cleavage tangential to grain were not significantly affected by increasing spacing. It is recommended to use the spacing of 3 × 3 m, but if thinning can be done before onset of competition at 5 years, the currently used spacing of 2.5 × 2.5 m can still be used. However, the use of a spacing of 4 × 4 m can give at least 50% heartwood at shorter rotation age of 30 years